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Moon Child

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Moon Child

Postby Aka-chan » Sun Dec 26, 2004 6:56 pm

Well, seeing what a stir this movie has made on the J-rock pic thread, I thought I'd write up a small review of it in the fashion of our anime reviews. (I finally finished it yesterday!) This will also give me a thread in which others and I can discuss some of the aspects we found intriguing, confusing, etc.

Title: Moon Child
Lowest Age: 16
Violence: 7/10
Language: 6/10
Sexual Content: 1/10
Nudity: 0/10
Objectionable religious content: 1/10
Overall movie: 8/10

Story: Kei (Hyde) is a friendless vampire on the run. Sho (later played by Gackt) is an orphaned street child, stealing with his brother and friend in order to stay alive. (As an interesting side note, the setting, a place called Mallepa, is quite diversely Asian, meaning that the characters switch between Chinese and Japanese depending on who they’re addressing.) When the two meet by chance and Kei ends up saving the lives of the boys, something connects between the vampire and the kid; they end up working together to pull off more elaborate heists through the years (complete with eye-pleasing gun battles), keeping their ties with Sho’s friends and even finding a pseudo-family in the Taiwanese siblings Son and Yi-che. But happiness doesn’t last, especially not when the local mafia-like organization views the group as a threat and take action. Staring into the face of death and grim reality, Sho must make his own choices, wise or not, as his world falls apart.

Violence: Plenty of blood from gunshot wounds, even spraying or smearing on the walls. Also, Hyde’s character, Kei, is a vampire, so we have shots of him drinking from dead victims and some of the aftermath (none of them hugely prolonged). Another vampire dies by sunlight, going up in flames.

Language: A good bit, including at least one f-word in the subtitles.

Sexual Content: A character’s sister is a rape victim. We find this out only through a few lines of dialogue a while after it happened, so it’s not explicit. Kei wears a shirt with a sexual slogan.

Nudity: None.

Bad religion: Neither Christianity nor any other religion gets a mention in this movie, though one character makes a reference to reincarnation and later asks another character to pray for a soon-to-be-dead man's soul.

Soundtrack: Effective. Actually, I was surprised at the frequent use of English songs. I don’t know if I’d buy it (has it even been released on its own?), but I felt it fulfilled its purpose quite well.

Sub v. Dub: There is no dub. The sub is decent, and quite necessary, even if you know Japanese, seeing as how the characters switch between Japanese and Chinese with a little English in a couple parts.

Other Negative Elements: Pretty much everyone smokes. One minor character does drugs. [spoiler]The ending gives a subtle nod to suicide, implying that it can bring a final peace to troubled and chaotic lives.[/spoiler]

Review: I admit it (not like it’s a surprise to anyone): I’m a J-rock fangirl. So maybe I’m a little biased, but it was at least a decent movie. Quite violent, yes, and most of the language seemed rather gratuitous, but there’s something engaging about almost all of the main characters. I even found myself possibly liking Toshi or maybe even Son better than Kei or Sho (gasp!). While the street violence is brutal and bloody, the movie also proves it has a heart with its beautiful scenes focused on peace and happiness and a surprisingly quiet but satisfying ending. Sure, it was probably made mostly for the fangirls, but I think it’s quite possible to enjoy this movie without knowing anything about either Gackt or Hyde.
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Postby Kenchii » Sun Dec 26, 2004 7:31 pm

Moon Child, AHH!!

My friend keeps talking about that movie. I mean, like before it was released to the US. He is a big fan of Gackt, X Japan, and this film. (as well as me) But he just keeps telling me to see it. Your review looks good, I'm thinking of finally watching it.



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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Dec 27, 2004 8:14 am

I thought it was a decent movie too ^_^ to me it didn't seem like there was a lot of blood, but I'm desensitized XD; my only problem was there was soooo much story packed in one movie. it handled it fairly well, but sometimes I got confused as to who was who and all that.

Gackt and Hyde both did pretty well for their first acting jobs. Gackt was a teensy bit overdramatic at the first part of the movie but later on, he got better. Hyde did pretty good for the most part. sometimes he seemed a little cold, but I think it was partly because of the character he had to play.
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Postby KrescentMoon » Mon Dec 27, 2004 6:28 pm

*insert fangirl squeal* I need to see this movie. Haaaaaaave to. *o*/) must see Jrockers act!! Speaking of Jrockers acting, has anyone seen Miyavi's movie Oresama?

I've seen video clips of Moon Child, mostly gun fighting scenes. Loooots of ammunition . Hyde did seem rather cold, however I'm guessing that's his character. And Gackt being overdramatic in the movie...I believe that was just a result of how serious he was about it~ I mean, he did write half of this movie. Well, it was his idea but he developed it's his face? Lee Hon...err...someone, anyone, finish this guy's name for me. XD

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Postby Aka-chan » Mon Dec 27, 2004 6:49 pm

Granted, the blood isn't anywhere near, say, Kill Bill, but I guess I'm used to flat animated stuff and forgot what realistic blood is like. :sweat:

I haven't seen Oresama, though it sounded interesting. (I heard it was far more for the fangirls than made for the sake of a good story and all like Moonchild was.) I heard there's a massive fanservicey scene for the slash fangirls, though, so I'm not desperately wanting to see it...

*shrug* I liked both Gackt and Hyde's character, though I agree that I wasn't expecting Hyde to be that cold sometimes. Wang Leehom was cool. ^__^
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Postby kaze » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:45 pm

lol i finally bought that movie a while ago XD It is pretty good, but also with cheesiness and gackt and hyde being silly. I am a huge hyde fan, (really really really wanna see kagen no tsuki too) so i was really happy when I discovered hyde has my same name in the movie x_X
also i love the song orenji no taiyou and last night...
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Postby Aka-chan » Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:19 pm

I liked it being silly here and there; I needed that what with all the people getting knocked off left and right. I guess I can only take so much death at one time. ^__^

Also, being the Jrock dork that I am, I watched the movie again and made a list of all the themes and motifs I could write essays on to analyze the whole thing. I don't think I will ever write any, but I liked looking for themes. ^__^
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:23 am

You did a great review, Aka. Thanks. ^___^ I would probably give this movie 3 1/2 stars out of 5. I thought Gackt did a pretty good job of acting. It's good he didn't have to dance. XD

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beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

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as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

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You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

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You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

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Postby Jasdero » Mon Jan 10, 2005 2:26 pm

*o*/ Moon Child!!!! hee.. anyone seen Oresama with Miyavi? ...Miyavi.. can't act... >.>;;;;

true_noir_chloe wrote:I thought Gackt did a pretty good job of acting. It's good he didn't have to dance. XD

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