...and Golden Griff is still alive!
Ended the fall term with some pretty good grades (excluding exam grades which i have to check on). On top of that I wasn't very stressed for exams at all.
I got some positive feedback from 4 out of 5 of my professors. They basically told me that they enjoyed having me in class. It made me feel good when my graphic design instructor told me that I did some very good work in her class for the semester. Yay! I do have potential!
I'm also thankful that I made it back home safely. Not that long of a drive but there are always dangers on the highway.
Well, I made it through another semester and I'm really glad because I finally have my general education courses out of the way (real pain ). Now it's time to focus on stuff that I'm really interested in! ART! YAY!
~Thank you Lord for all you've done for me.
~Thank you for your love,
~thank you for your power,
~thank you for protection,
~every hour.
~Thank you Lord for all you've done for me.