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The more you know about Raptor

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The more you know about Raptor

Postby Raptor » Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:44 am

Hi I'm Raptor. I'm 17 years old, of the male specimen and I hunt in packs. Everytime I have free time, I play video games or I go on the internet. I like Nintendo systems but I also play 1 or 2 games on PS2. As for X-box, well... I think its crap and that microsoft as far more money than talent in video games. I play games on NES, SNES, 64 , GB, Nintendo DS and I,m looking forward to buy a GC.

If you wanna ask me something, so we could know us better, you can feel free to ask.
The Video Game Seller asked me how many video games would be enough. "I laugh just at the though to have enough video games" replied thy hero, with a nintendo DS in his hands.
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Postby Spades » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:27 pm

Hi Raptor! God Bless!
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Postby The Shadow » Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:52 pm

hay do do u play computer game
and whats ur fav games????
and whats ur fav music????/ may laugh at my age but we'll see everytyhing at judgment ................
((((((((((((but the candle burns alone, it guides us saftely home.-ZAO)))))))))))))

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>but i will leave my mark in this world<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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Postby oro! » Wed Dec 29, 2004 10:47 am

Raptor wrote:H As for X-box, well... I think its crap and that microsoft as far more money than talent in video games.

Straight up? I think the same too! It's nice to know I have someone with kindred spirit on this subject.
Do you like apple/macintosh? Rap? Rock? What bands are your favorite, in short?
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Postby Rachel » Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:39 pm

Hey, Raptor! Welcome to CAA and I hope you enjoy your time here!
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