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Need to find a live action Japanese film

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Need to find a live action Japanese film

Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:23 pm

I need suggestions for a live action Japanese movie... The requirements are:

1. No Samurai Movies
2. No Yakuza movies
3. Horror movies as a last resort... I'm allready getting "Pulse" and I don't want any slashers... So, no slashers, only intelligent movies.
4. While we're at it, not mass murderer's or serial killers.

I'd like Drama and romance and comedy... Also, I'd go for something enigmatic like Lain... So, any ideas? Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Riceball » Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:45 pm

lol~~ hey hey have u seen sailormoon live action!?
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Postby CDLviking » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:03 am

You might want to check out netflix. I think you can browse their selection without joining. They have a pretty good selection of Japanese films. I mostly watch samurai films, so I can't give you any personal recommendations.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:08 am could try Moon Child. it's got a vampire in it but it's not a horror movie.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Dec 04, 2004 7:51 pm

I do have netflix, it's a pain in the butt lookiing through the movies...

serial murderer

It's so tedious...

That's why I want help Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Nightshade X » Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:53 pm

Try a movie called Returner. It's a modern action movie starring Takeshi Kaneshiro. Though it does have some references to gangsters (the Triads), you'll still probably enjoy it.

Also try Shall We Dance? It's the movie that the currently running version starring Richard Gere is based on.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:02 pm

yeah, Returner was pretty good. you can probably get it at Wal-mart or something, that's where we got our copy.
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Postby CDLviking » Sat Dec 04, 2004 11:15 pm

I had no problem finding movies that fit your criteria on Netflix. I wouldn't be able to recommend any of them since I mostly stick to Samurai movies, but they aren't hard to find.
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Postby Technomancer » Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:27 am

You should try "Rhapsody in August", "Stray Dog" or "No Regrets for Our Youth", which were directed by Akira Kurosawa. Tampopo is another movie that you may (or may not) like. It is pretty funny though.

Samurai films aren't all action of course- Kurosawa's are certainly strong on the dramatics and the depth of story. Another superb film is "When the Last Sword is Drawn". While it involves samurai, its more about the confusion and tumult of their lives during the end of the Shogunate.
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Postby Omega Amen » Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:59 am

Bobtheduck, I think I have an excellent movie candidate for you, considering your conditions.

I strongly suggest seeing the Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune film, "Red Beard." In this film, Mifune plays a doctor who solely focuses his practice on healing and caring the poor in a village in feudal Japan. This doctor apparently has a red beard, and thus his nickname is "Red Beard." While the film is a little long and has a slow start, it is a great drama film, and Mifune does a fantastic job as a firm, stern, yet caring and patient doctor who shows a lot of virtues that ends up being passed on to his staff.

I remember seeing CDLviking commenting on Mifune being a Christian, and if some people here saw this film, I think most of them will not be as surprised about Mifune's faith since he seems so... natural in playing Red Beard.

It is an old black and white film with no music as far as I can remember, but I think it is one of the best Japanese films I ever saw. Plus, it sounded like you wanted a change of pace, and a Kurosawa-Mifune non-samurai film seemed to fit the bill.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:45 am

SuperCop, ?
I'm leaving CAA perminantly. i've wanted to do this for a long time but I've never gathered the courage to let go.
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