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Postby MorwenLaicoriel » Sat Nov 13, 2004 12:03 am

GASP--! I can't believe there's not already a topic about this. :o (I'll feel really stupid if there IS a topic about this--but I used the search feature and everything!)

Who's watching "Lost" on ABC? I'm really started getting into it. ^_^ Originally started watching the show because of Dominic Monaghan (I'm a big LOTR fan, and a 'hobbit huggler' (as we say on Christian Tolkien Fans), so I HAD to watch it), and I'm glad I started watching it, because I probably wouldn't have if he wasn't in it and it's a VERY good show. I love how in depth all the characters are, and the use of flashbacks to tell a character's story. The whole show looks very cool, too, they use a lot of styles that I've noticed on movies but haven't seen much on television shows (although the shaky camera trick they seem to be fond of is starting to get a little annoying... :eyeroll: )

Anyway, what do you guys think of the show? any theories about the plot?
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Postby Locke » Sat Nov 13, 2004 9:54 pm

ah i love that show

havent watched in a while though >< i had a theory about it....

it involves Walt Disney and his secret island ;)
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Postby Sharon Rose » Sun Nov 14, 2004 1:27 pm

OMG! I am!...I'm so getting into it. Which is...hysterical...considering I totally made fun of the show and was saying how stupid it was going to be when it started up. Now...I'm hooked. :red: :lol:

Who have you become a big fan of? I've become a fan of Sayid, Jack, Charlie (of course ;)), Claire, and...the Korean woman ain't so bad. I can't stand Shannon and Sawyer. :bang: Grrr.
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Postby MorwenLaicoriel » Sun Nov 14, 2004 2:27 pm

Well,I like Charlie, of course. xD Hobbitses! I like how he wears nail polish, too. XD I also like the pregnant Aussie...can't remember her name. Is that Claire? (I'm bad with names). And the Korean woman seems like a really neat character, can't wait to see how it develops.

Sawyer has a neat backstory, but I can't say I preticularly like him as a character...
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Postby Ashley » Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:27 pm

I love Lost! I've been watching it since Day One--and I have my TiVo recording it every Wednesday. In fact, if I'm at work that night, I make them change the channel so I don't see any spoilers!

At first I was just watching it because it looked very interesting to me in the previews--sort of a Lord of the Flies feel to it. And plus, it was FINALLY something besides a reality tv show!

From the first minute I've been hooked. I simply adore the way they mingle backstory with what's going on. I'm not sure I could pin down a favorite character--I like a lot of them, but I guess I like Charlie the best.

As for theories...I remember telling my dad if that "thing" in the forest is a dinosaur...I'm gonna stop watching it. I hated the Lost World. :eyeroll:
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Postby Sharon Rose » Sun Nov 14, 2004 5:39 pm

It's not a dinosaur. See, the maker of "Lost" is J.J. Abrams. He is the maker of the show "Alias." Another show I watch, actually, my sister makes me watch it, lol. Anyway, my point is, my sister is crazy about J.J. and has found out that J.J. himself, assured everyone that the "thing" on the island is not going to a dinosaur. I'm so glad. I would stop watching it too if it was a dinosaur. However, I love the Jurassic Park movies. :) The second one was retarded, but I did like the first and third. Anyhow...

Did that dog, Vincent, creep ya'll out in the first episodes?...I think there's something weird about that animal. :eyebrow:
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Postby oro! » Sun Nov 14, 2004 6:09 pm

I love the show, except for some of that excess yuck in a few of the backstories. I am hooked. I like Sayhid, Jack, and Charlie, too. Plus the construction guy.
Starfire, I also started watching because the guy who plays Merry is on there. Cool! Another LOTR fan!
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Postby Ashley » Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:28 pm

The dog didn't creep me out, no, but now that you mention it...*eyes Vincent*

As for the backstories, I was fine until Sawyer's. Icky stuff--but then again, they were SUPPOSED to make him one of those disgusting yet witty bad boys, so they did a good job. I didn't know JJ Abrams was the creator...given the success of Alias, I think we can expect good things. ^_^
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Postby Sharon Rose » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:31 am

Very good things.

My sister read an interview with the dude who plays Sawyer...and now, I totally dislike him. He said that he and his friends worked at this store (totally forget what store), and the way he paid for himself to go to college or whatever, was from stealing items from the store and then returning them to get their money back. :eyebrow: And get this, he got Employee of the Month once. Grr. He said his reason behind all of the stealing was because his family didn't have much money, therefore, he wouldn't be able to pay for college.

I'm sorry...But, it doesn't matter if you come from a family who's wealthy or a family who's dirt poor, stealing is wrong.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Wed Nov 17, 2004 5:58 pm

I am so addicted to this show, it's scary. The campus group at my church actually goes at the same time that Lost is on and every week I'm sitting there worrying that the VCR went haywire, or burst into flames, or devoured the tape, or that some other event that will stop it from recording my show happened.

I started watching Lost because a) it's got Dom Monaghan (hobbits! woot!) and b) I was hooked on J.J's other show Alias, especially during Season 2. So far, my fave characters are definitely Hurley, Charlie, Locke, Sayid and the Korean woman (what is her name!?).

The show majorly hooked me after 'Walkabout', Locke's episode. The plot twist at the end caught me so off guard, I ended up watching the whole episode over again, in order to find the clues (which were embarassingly obvious in hindsight). I actually got teary eyed at the end of that episode, and I never ever cry over movies or shows.

But as much as I'm a Locke fan, something definitely ain't right with that guy. Am I the only one who thinks he's responsible for Sayid's head injury? After all that he's been through, I definitely think that Locke wouldn't want to leave the island, which could be a problem in the future. Then again, the show is anything but predictable so far. Still, I am loving the plot twists and character development.
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Postby oro! » Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:31 pm

Locke does sorta look like he has an evil grin. I am freaked out by it every time I see it.
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Postby Sharon Rose » Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:32 am

Lizard_Queen - The Korean woman's name is "Sun." I'm becoming a fan of her also. She seems pretty cool, and knows what she's doing. However, I do confess that I sincerely want Shannon to die a brutal, bloody death. Isn't that terrible? I can't help it, though. Her personality drives me insane. :bang:

Wow. The last episode was great I thought. Well, at least I thought Sayid's part in it was great. He's a fantastic actor, I think. But I was sorely disappointed when Sayid didn't return to everyone at the end of the episode. While the comercials came on, I spent those few minutes thinking up a wonderful ways for him to return and the episode to end. I couldn't believe it ended the way it did...what's gonna happen to him?? I'm so worried. Ok, anyway, enough with the babbling...

...I'm going to do something very rash if Kate and Sawyer hook up. :shady:
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Postby Ashley » Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:39 am

Ok, I've been avoiding this thread lest I ruin anything for myself before I could finish this week's episode. >.>

The french woman disturbs me very, very much...O.o And I swear, if Kate hooks up with Sawyer you won't be the only "rash" one here. Grrr.

Oh well...at least Charlie and Claire make a cute couple. ^^ And I hope nothing happens to Sayid either! I like him!
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Postby Gypsy » Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:04 pm

I saw the first two episodes and then I forgot to keep watching ... now I'm sad. Oh well, it'll be on dvd soon enough, I suppose. -_-
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Postby Sharon Rose » Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:05 pm

That was a smart idea.

She disturbed you, too? Glad I'm not the only one. She was rough, man...real rough. I about had a panic attack when she bent over Sayid (while he was still tied up), and finally after what seemed like hours, she just says "I'm sorry for your loss" or whatever. I almost wanted to shield my eyes of what I might see....if you know what I mean. If Sayid ever hooks up with someone, I seriously hope it ain't going to be her. *shudders*

Charlie and Claire totally make a great couple. So cute.

Gypsy - You really should get the DVDs when it comes out. :dance:
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Postby oro! » Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:04 pm

I know why they ended the last episode the way they did: it will bring you back for more,so they will have higher ratings and stuff. The kind of suspense and plot twists on this story are what I think make it good, plus learning everyone's backstory and just the characters themselves.
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Postby Sharon Rose » Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:03 pm

Wow, I must be really dumb. I can't believe I didn't think of that.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:14 pm

That last episode was definitely a stress-fest, I was so worried about Sayid! Who wasn't though, he seems to be pretty popular. It's worrisome that he isn't back with the others yet. I seem to remember that some of the early articles on the show were speculating that none of the characters are really safe, because the writers could easily replace any of the main cast with one of the thirty other survivors lurking around in the background. But I was also sure that Locke was a goner after his encounter with the big thing in the bushes, and I was wrong there. I think Sayid's probably safe for now.

I have to agree with you all on the idea of a Kate and Sawyer hook up. Ew. Claire and Charlie are very cute together though, the peanut butter bit was funny (though I was briefly kind of worried that Charlie had been out in the sun too long).

Sharon Rose - Your not the only one having homicidal thoughts about Shannon, I was especially bugged after the using-Charlie-to-'catch'-a-fish bit. But I have cooled off a wee bit since the asthma episode.
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Postby Sharon Rose » Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:57 am

I also thought Locke was a goner when the "something" in the jungle came out. My sister was about to die when that episode was aired, lol. She's in love with Terry O'Quinn (Locke). Only because he plays in "Alias". Anyhow, I agree that Sayid is safe for now, but that doesn't mean he can't die later on. J.J. Abrams (maker of Lost) has a thing for killing off big characters. I'm a little worried. I hope Sawyer dies...in fact I think he will die. Eventually. Gosh, I'm really getting into this show...I'm not always this eager for characters to be killed off. lol.

The peanut butter part was adorable. I loved it. Claire and Charlie totally click. As for Kate and Sawyer, big no-no. Sawyer should go stick his head in the sand in shame. Kate...well...Kate needs somebody like Jack. ;)

That's very nice to hear. However, I think I enjoyed the asthma attack part...but now I kinda have mellowed about it. It must've been scary.
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Postby Kireihana » Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:17 pm

Gah, I wish I had the diligence for this sort of thing. Sad as it may be, it's a lot of effort on my part to follow a tv series (<-- not much of a tv person). My little sibs are constantly watching the tv anyways so I never get a turn unless they're out of the house and everything is quiet so I can actually pay attention.

I love Dominic Monaghan. Maybe I'll rent this if they ever make DVDs.
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Postby Uriah » Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:51 pm

Yea, It's really awesome the way they bring up peoples pasts through flashbacks induced by current events.

I'v only seen a few episodes, though.
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Postby The Doctor » Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:06 am

Heh...the only thing this show is missing is the one guy they really need:


He could rebuild that plane and get them off that island with rope and spit. :)
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Postby oro! » Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:07 pm

The last one was really good. I thought that Charlie was dead! They love to mess with your emotions.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:59 pm

I'm still trying to process the episode from two weeks back, like what the heck was up with the psychic? My bro and I got in this massive argument, he claims that the psychic thought that the only way to keep the baby safe with Claire was by sticking her on the plane, leading to the island. Whereas I'm of the theory that the psychic thought that if Claire kept the baby, she'd never get on the plane and they would both be safe. But then, the psychic realized that he shouldn't be messing with the future and decided to right things by sending Claire off to her fate. Gah, I'm confusing myself. I'm not entirely sure that I even like the inclusion of a psychic in this show.

As for this weeks episode, Charlie in the tree gave me an absolute heart attack :wow!: I kept thinking the whole time though, there's no way they could kill such a popular, likable character, that'd just be evil. I was worried though, especially when the music stopped and it looked like Jack was going to give up. I don't entirely know why, but I seriously believe that Boone is going to die, and maybe Locke too. Locke just seems to be acting foreboding, and then there was the whole 'red shirt' reference. And they might off Boone to give Shannon some character development. I'm getting all paranoid now..
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Postby Ashley » Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:54 pm

Heh, last week's show really messed with me. I was at work when it came on, and usually I have a chance to change the channel because late at night no one really cares. BUT this past week it turns out someone actually wanted to watch it! So I had to sit there the whole hour and pretend I didn't see/hear anything. :mutter:

Yeah, I seriously thought Charlie had gone on too, and I was about ready to throw in the towel on the whole series. I love Charlie. I want Claire to name her baby Charlie. XD

AND WHAT'S WITH ALL THE REPEAT EPISODES?! I am so tired of waiting for a new show! They cancelled it for thanksgiving, and now next week is a repeat too! GAH!
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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:07 pm

It's because it's CHRISMAS!!! YEAH! But i know they coulden't kill him off, if they did i would of gone and hit them all with my Oathkeeper!
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Postby Sharon Rose » Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:08 am

I've missed the last 2 episodes. :sniffle: However, I know all about them. I'm almost glad I didn't watch the one with Charlie being hanged. The poor dear...I can't wait for the next episode.
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Postby Gypsy » Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:57 pm

It's very interesting to go back and watch the episodes from the beginning. It's rather funny how much you catch the second time around - even little stuff like seeing Kate rub her wrists for a split second before meeting Jack.
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Postby SorasOathkeeper » Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:09 pm

Yeah!^ ^
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Postby Ashley » Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:28 pm

I find it more irksome, actually. Yeah, I can understand going back and picking up things you didn't see, sort of like re-reading a book, but in the middle of the first season!? That's what syndication is for! :lol:
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