The Christian Slim Shady

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The Christian Slim Shady

Postby Rashiir » Thu Aug 21, 2003 9:04 pm

I just heard KJ-52's "Dear Slim Part 2" on the radio the other day and did some reseach at the University of Google... Apparently, KJ-52 wrote a song/letter to Eminem a couple years ago, not really knowing if he would ever hear it, and eventually someone with a backstage pass at some MTV thing got a copy of the song to Eminem himself...Nobody knows whether he listened to it or not, but I think it's an interesting story. Has anyone ever tried to witness to a major media star like that before? The words are pretty cool, too...I've heard a lot of Christians rip on Eminem and that's not what KJ-52 does at all...I just think it's awesome...Here are the lyrics:

Dear Slim
Dear Slim, I never wrote you or been calling
my name aint Stan son nah we've never met and
my name's KJ let me begin by introducing now
myself to you and these very reasons I'll be writing
why I took my time the who what where and why and
the purpose of my verse and the reasons I'm reciting
what I hope your learning from the truth I pray your finding
and every word I'm writing down upon the dotted lines and
see I heard ya first album it was called infinite
I shook my head cause nowadays you sounding different
what drove ya to take your whole persona and be flipping it
now what makes a man totally change see I aint getting it
see was you sick of getting booed when you was ripping it
and sick of never having dough and you wanted to put an end to it
what good's all kinds of dough plus all kinds of flow?
to gain a world of fans but suffer the loss of soul
La la la la la la
la la la la la la la la (to whom it may concern)
Dear Slim I never wrote you or been calling
this is my 2nd letter cause see son I gots a real problem
it's that to you that I'm always catching these comparisons
and after shows I got these people coming up to me saying
you sound like slim shady son you sound like eminem
and I be like now really man do I gots to go through this again
see I used to get mad and sick of people saying that
till at this one show this one day I met this one cat
he told me how he used to listen to you but now listens to me
had your LP but threw it out and bought my CD
I'm like for real he's like yeah said my music made a difference
it got him away from all your words and images
gotta mention this now what about the effects you have on kids?
you ever stop to think about the millions you influence
or is it just irrelevant is it a true life you telling it
or just a way for some record companies selling it
the only thing we's got in common is our melanin
or a lack of it but anyway now this is what I'm saying
its for you that I'm on my knees now daily praying
praying that God opens your eyes now to what I'm relaying
now I'm praying that it's your heart that will soon be changing
praying one day that you'll be calling upon his name and
but anyway I'm signing off now don't keep me waiting
this is KJ another cat just trying to make it
Dear Slim I heard about the stuff you's going through
see I could relate to you cause son I'm about as old as you
see we both know what it's like just to be growing up to be in a neighborhood
when you's the one and only kid that's white
or to get booed when you on the mic just because your skin is light
it aint right but sometimes you know that's life
but really tell me what you do?
you just push on with hopes on that someday you'll put on your crew
I hope you understand that I aint even dissing you
and even though it's a song you'll probably never listen to
see what I send to you is this
is that a life without Christ is just a life that is never fixed
I hope you remember this now a few sentences
about a living God who loves you and plus forgives
and I'll be praying for your ex-wife and plus your kid
it's hard to live in a world as crazy as this one is
and even though now it really might sound redundant
God's got mad love for you up in a mad abundance
you'll sell a couple mill I'll probably sell a couple hundred
there's more to life than selling records and just getting blunted
but anyway that's really all I gots to say
just another word from an emcee now around the way
maybe some day we meet each other in some way
till then one love one God one way

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Postby _bluerose_ » Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:43 am

That's pretty cool. I actually heard about KJ-52 in an issue of CCM. It was actually kinda sad/funny cuz they played the stuff on MTV like he was trying to either copy off of Slim or come down on Slim. But KJ-52 (in the article/interview) said that a lot of ppl emailed him and encouraged him to keep going... so since the first song didn't show up right he did a part two. I don't remember if he said Enimem ever wrote him but yea that would be cool. I mean Enimem is just a person that has had a lot of problems and he is struggling to be something. Maybe his artistic way of doing it isn't just, but I really don't feel like Enimem is a bad person. That's just what he knows and isn't much interested in knowing another way. Or perhaps, as Rashiir said, who else would witness to him? Maybe no one has taken the time to get to know him and then show him the right path. I really like KJ-52 (five two! ^^) but i haven't heard his stuff yet. :(

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Postby Rashiir » Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:00 pm

i think if you go to his website, the song plays...
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Postby _bluerose_ » Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:06 pm

Coolie, but my stupid computer won't work half the time. i'll check.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isa. 40:30,31
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Postby Kenchii » Fri Sep 19, 2003 2:00 pm

Wow! Finally someone that HATES slim shady like me. Someone help that pitiful dude(emenem). I am 15, and I realize that he is messing with kids youth too. Did everyone know that the stats are; most downloaded on a P2P program (such as KaZaA,iMESH,ect) online is Slim Shady. Finally someone that got him back and is christian. Finally


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Postby Rashiir » Fri Sep 19, 2003 3:50 pm

I don't think KJ hates eminem at all. He's praying for him, that's all... Here's the second part:

Dear Slim I wrote you but you ain’t calling
Its been a couple years now since I wrote that song and
A lot has changed now for you and I
I have no clue now that I’d write a song for you and it would change some lives
Kids with tears in their eyes they now come up to me
Showing love to me and telling me that they look up to me
The effects to me well it’s really kinda strange see I only want to share with you Jesus’s love for me

There’s a whole nother’ side of things now I’ve come to see
It’s a huge influence you’ve got upon this industry
But enough of me because it’s not what I came to say to you
Not a day goes by while I take time to pray for you
I’m sorry now for what your mom and dad they did to you
But I can relate with you because you see dude I’ve been there too
I know there’s a lot of pain and hurt now that you’ve been through
But never forget there’s a real love God gave to you

Dear Slim I wrote you but you still aint calling
Backstage at the VMA’s someone gave you my song and
I’m kinda wondering what you thought man
When that guy walked up to you and talked to you and put it in your hands
Maybe you never listened to it or maybe you lost it or maybe you heard it and
You just got mad and then you tossed it
Did he get you back that’s the question that I’ll always get
And I’m like for God forbid that you might even have liked it
I don’t know congratulations on your movie yo
And I heard your last record well over ten million sold
But there’s one thing that’s really got me thinking bro
Does a Grammy mean anything and if its just gotta cost your soul
In case you didn’t know there’s a love that will never go away
You said your going to hell but it don’t have to be that way
See the bottom line of what I’m trying to say is
God puts back together the broken pieces that’s been thrown away
And even everyone ya know ya stuff that goes away
He’ll still love ya til the very day that your old and gray
Too bad a lot of Christians all they do is hate on you instead of droppin to their knees
And takin’ time to pray for you
And it’s obvious that you really love your daughter dude and for that I gotta tell you well
I really got respect for you
So here it is, Dear Slim Chapter Part Two
Another cat just trying to make it just like you


Dear Slim did you hear the junk that I’m going through
Kids sending me hate mail and telling me how I’m biting you
Telling me how there gonna beat me up and just kill me too
But a lot of people they just seem to get my song confused
See what I say to you I know I might even sound funny but I never came at
You just to paint you as the enemy
It wasn’t about hatin’ you or startin’ some controversy
It wasn’t about blamin’ you or trying to make some money (no)
I don’t claim to know everything that you’ve experienced
Man I don’t know if you even be hearin’ this
But I said it once and I still hold to this
Is that a life without Christ is still a life that is never fixed
I tell you this even if it is a hard pill to swallow
Like it or not Slim you will always be a role model
Do you know these kids, we’re the one’s they always follow
What we say and how we live gives them a better tomorrow
I had my share of sorrow plus man I’ve been rejected
I’ve been chewed up, spit out and cussed, disrespected
But if I die today and I never sell another record
Jesus gave me more than I ever coulda been expected
I know life is hectic it could leave ya blown away
But check it bro because we all just gon’ die some day
And on that note well there’s only just one thing to say
There’s still one love and one God and only one way!
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Sep 20, 2003 10:22 pm

[quote="Kenchii"]Wow! Finally someone that HATES slim shady like me. Someone help that pitiful dude(emenem). I am 15, and I realize that he is messing with kids youth too. Did everyone know that the stats are]

Get back at him??

For what?

Hm... Getting revenge is fun, but only for a minute or so... Then it becomes very very painfull (when the fan support's high wears off) and can destroy you and make you very bitter... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mr. Rogers » Sun Sep 21, 2003 4:52 am

i just saw kj-52 last night at festival con dios and he was really good.
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Postby Kenchii » Mon Sep 22, 2003 2:13 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:Get back at him??

For what?

Hm... Getting revenge is fun, but only for a minute or so... Then it becomes very very painfull (when the fan support's high wears off) and can destroy you and make you very bitter...

Revenge is fun! And if I could, I would kill anyone, and wont regret anything! cuz I love hate, hate loves me! Hate and I am going out for a stroll and gonna get my AK-47's and shoot up some punks that I... "Hate". This has nothing to do with that, I just wanna make my point.. revange doesent get to me.


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Postby Mineko » Mon Sep 22, 2003 8:01 pm

"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you..." Which is what KJ is doing.
It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass.
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Postby Mave » Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:37 pm

Erm, where does someone like John Rueben fall under? He's pretty good with the lyrics IMO. I always thought of him as some kind of Christian rap artist...(haven't heard much rap as most of the time, those I hear have too much cussing and negativity) :sweat:
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