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The best of...anime villians

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The best of...anime villians, and who do think is the most evil?

Postby Razgriz » Sun Sep 07, 2003 11:39 am

Most evil:

I'd have to go with Legato from Trigun, he is without a doubt, insane. Kinda reminds of Albedo from XS, just w/out the laugh.


Saitou from Kenshin, because he is "bad"

edit note: I'm so stupid :bang: I didn't even know what I was asking.
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Postby shooraijin » Sun Sep 07, 2003 12:15 pm

Takahashi Rumiko doesn't have too many villains in her works per se, but I've thought as *rivals* go, Tatewaki Kuno is my personal favourite ("Blue Thunder" himself).
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Postby Michael » Sun Sep 07, 2003 12:29 pm

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Postby Spencer » Sun Sep 07, 2003 1:36 pm

I'm gonna go with Legato for most evil, too, since he's just kinda weird that way...

For favorite? hmm...If Zechs, from Gundam Wing, is a villian, he's easily my favorite.
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Postby Spiritsword » Sun Sep 07, 2003 1:56 pm

I've always felt that Nakago from Fushigi Yugi was evil.
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Postby Technomancer » Sun Sep 07, 2003 2:54 pm

Falken Fanel and Emperor Dornkirk from the Vision of Escaflowne series would be my favourites. Not really sure about "most evil".
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Postby blue elf » Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:14 pm

I'm gonna have to throw my 2 cents in and say that I think Naraku from Inuyasha should definitely be on the list of most evil villains. Shishio from Kenshin was pretty evil too.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Sep 07, 2003 10:10 pm

Inu Yasha is Takahashi, so that would be villains. Anyhow, my favorite villain... Hmm... This is a game villain, but Seifer perhaps... He's persistant, I'd have to give him that.


This is way off, but my favorite movie villain of all time is the head replicant from Blade Runner (Gee, I remember Priss, and I remember many of his lines and motions, but I can't remember his name...)

"Like... tears... in... rain..." That movie was inspiration for many anime (Bubbble Gum Crisis in particular, which contained names, feelings, parts of the story, and even architecture from Blade Runner), so that's sorta close maybe um... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby BrianC » Sun Sep 07, 2003 10:50 pm

IMO, one of the most evil villans I have seen was Rock from the anime movie Metropolis. He is ruthless and creepy. I agree about Legato from Trigun being very evil too.

As for favorites, I will go with "Heckmaster" (can I say his real name, which is very similar, here?) from Slayers Next and Yubaba from Spirited Away. The former is not what he seems and the latter is very entertaining.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Sep 07, 2003 11:48 pm

Hmm... now that I think about it, Sailor Ironmouse... She was too cute of a villainess... A bit snobby, though. But, I mean, she squeeked every time she attacked... I mean, it's Pikachu in human form and, like, trying to kill people (yes, she was trying to kill them, because she thought they had real star seeds... the phages were only people who didn't have star seeds)

Um, yeah, most of you probably don't even know what I'm talking about it. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Sep 08, 2003 12:07 am

Favorite villain...good question.

Uh, back in the day, Vegeta was my favorite ^^; Rofl. But now, I'm not sure who it would be. Zechs and Treize from Gundam Wing were cool, but could they really even be considered villains?

One of my characters is my favorite antagonist kinda character, but that doesn't count because 1. not anime (yet.. :P), 2. I'm partial to all my characters ^^;
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Postby MillyFan » Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:17 am

I think one of the best anime villians is Legato from Trigun (insane, evil, complicated, :red: :jump: and one of IMHO the best-looking bishounen in anime :red: :jump: )

Vicious is a distant second, and Kuja from FF9 (if games are allowed) a distant third.

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Postby shooraijin » Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:51 am

> Blade Runner

Ah, that would be Roy Batty.
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Postby Razgriz » Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:09 am

Legato seems to be winning so far, but I completely forgot about Naraku, yeah he is very evil.
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Postby inkhana » Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:10 am

Yeah, Legato and Naraku were pretty evil (and one kinda reminds me of the other, actually...don't ask why...:P) Knives was creepy, but I liked Legato better as a villain. Also, Shishio seemed pretty evil, what I saw of him. So I guess I'll go with those...^^

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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:17 am

Spiritsword wrote:I've always felt that Nakago from Fushigi Yugi was evil.

I'm gonna have to throw my lot in here as well.
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Postby MyrrhLynn » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:40 am

blue elf wrote:I'm gonna have to throw my 2 cents in and say that I think Naraku from Inuyasha should definitely be on the list of most evil villains. Shishio from Kenshin was pretty evil too.
-BlueElf :dance:

I'd have to agree with both of these. But mostly Naraku. That guy is so evil! I mean think about it, he manages to make enemies with almost every character in the Inuyasha series, wheather that character is good or bad since he doesn't like to leave anyone out. ;)

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Postby Matthew » Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:54 am

< I'd have to agree with both of these. But mostly Naraku. That guy is so evil! I mean think about it, he manages to make enemies with almost every character in the Inuyasha series, wheather that character is good or bad since he doesn't like to leave anyone out.>

Well, at least he's a fare super evil bad guy! :grin: :brow: :sweat:
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Postby firestorm » Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:56 am

knives from trigun and the first major badguy kenshin fought. you know that he could just stare at you and paralize your lungs. he was cool and the fight was awesome
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Postby Fry-cook-boy » Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:30 pm

Legato is definately the best bad-guy hands down. Vincent from the Bebop movie is second, and Chloe from Noir if you count her as a bad guy, or the boomers from bubblegum 2040 if you don't count Chloe are the third best bad guys.
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Postby *Hope* » Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:17 pm

Yup, definitely Legato! I completely agree with you millyfan! :red: :red:
Knives too, he's like a pshycopath! (i can't spell :sweat: ) :drool:
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Postby MillyFan » Sun Sep 14, 2003 9:11 pm

psychopath -^.^- and yeah.

By the way, off topic, does anyone find the crossover between the English dubs of Trigun and Ruruoni Kenshin REALLY funny?

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Postby Razgriz » Sun Sep 14, 2003 9:37 pm

I saw one ep. of Trigun on Adult Swim a while back, it was horrid. Though I have to say that the RK dub isn't too bad.
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Postby BrianC » Mon Sep 15, 2003 1:19 am

Sangoku wrote:I saw one ep. of Trigun on Adult Swim a while back, it was horrid. Though I have to say that the RK dub isn't too bad.

I think MillyFan was talking about how dubbed the voice of Kenshin is the same as the voice of Legato, not the actual quality of the dub. I think it's funny how Richard Hayworth does the dub voices of two characters that are complete opposites. IMO, he does a great job with both.

I liked both the Kenshin and Trigun dubs, but I haven't seen the Trigun sub, so I wouldn't know if it's actually a good dub when compared to the subtitles.

Back on topic, another evil villan is the baron from Crest of the Stars. I love Lafiel's dinner conversation with him, especially when she smiles and her eyes light up. That guy has no respect for humans and he's a complete psycho.
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Postby MillyFan » Mon Sep 15, 2003 2:45 am

BrianC wrote:I think MillyFan was talking about how dubbed the voice of Kenshin is the same as the voice of Legato, not the actual quality of the dub. I think it's funny how Richard Hayworth does the dub voices of two characters that are complete opposites. IMO, he does a great job with both.

Yeah, that's what I was going for, and agreed. It is funny :lol: , and I also think he does a great job with both.

As for the technical quality of the dub, I haven't seen the subtitled yet either (although hopefully I will, whenever I get extra money that I feel that I can spend on something so selfish, I think I've seen the box set at a store in the mall), however at least in the TV dub sometimes the characters' voices don't match the mouth animations, and IMHO Meryl sounds TOO squeaky sometimes, like the English voice actor swallowed a mouse or some helium.

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Postby Razgriz » Mon Sep 15, 2003 12:42 pm

Ah, my bad, gomen nasai

IMO, Kenshin sounds better in the English version than the Japanese version, but thats just me.
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Postby RobertMuldooJP » Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:46 pm

in my opinion, probably Shatora from Samurai Deeper Kyo


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Postby Saint » Mon Sep 15, 2003 9:06 pm

I just can't find a character that is Evil enough for me to list. I need something deep evil to list... my description of evil... someone who was on the side of light or good and turned from it, wants all power, wants everything to bring destruction to all, very deceitful, no loyalty, never happy, never satisfied, lives in torment and wish's it for everyone and at a higher degree. /// so like who is a character that lines up with that or even more?
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Postby Mave » Sun Sep 28, 2003 5:09 pm

Gee, how does one define a 'good' villian (what an oxymoron!)?

I suppose:
1) mean, ruthless, merciless,
2) smart, plan and administer great strategies to make lives' of heroes miserable, sneaky
3) make it look good, (funky clothing, good-looks, cool voice, attitude?)

No villian usually makes it to my favourite anime/manga character list unless they're not really that evil...just got into the wrong company at the wrong time (Ex: Soujirou Seta of RK and Nagi Naoe of Weiss Kruez) Psychologically disturbed villians kinda turn me off. 0.o I cautiously say Fuuma of X/1999 is a 'great' villian...He tempts me to scream, "Wow!!! Kakkoi!!" But it's not right to torture Kamui, it's not good to kill, will not matter how good it looks....ah...must resist must resist...grrr :bang:
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Postby sonichiro » Sat Jan 15, 2005 12:57 pm

seshomaru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best villain of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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