Do you think God would make you do well in an Biology/Evolution test or essay etc. even if it dosn't work for his Glory?
Like would God help for a maths test...
Well, I would answer this by means of analogy. For example, I'm a student at UH; not a perfect one, I have my struggles and problem areas. But I know God allowed me to come here (because I prayed hard on it and had some very clearly divine intervention to get me here), and I also know that God wants me to prosper. Look at Jeremiah 29:11--He promises that He wants the VERY BEST for me. That doesn't mean He's going to turn me into a perfect student with nothing short of 99s on everything. It does mean that by trusting in Him and giving Him the praise for when things go right, that things will work out. I think the heart of your question requires a seperation--God's will doesn't always mean the best grades or the best job. It doesn't always mean passing with an A+. It can mean getting by, or maybe taking a different job where you are a better light. Make sense? I don't expect God to give me As on all of my papers and such, but I do except that He will provide a way for me to achieve what I need to. In my case, that means getting a degree--I have faith that He will provide the right teachers, the right time for me to work on my homework, the right everything, to do so. But it's an active thing too--I have to be aware and listening to Him so I know when my perception of "the plan" is off.
So, short answer: no, I don't think God would "help" you on a math test if it wasn't for His glory. But I do believe that God would provide for you and make it ok in the end.
you should really do this more often... when you show us your weaknesses, your problems and issues, you become more Human to us.
Perfect members give the image of a "robot", and ever since the begining you've given all of us the idea that you never have problems, issues, conflicts. Seeing more of those fills us with joy, becuase we get to see you go through them and we learn with you.
For the most part I do not intentionally "hide" my problems--but I will keep this in mind.
Thank you for saying that! I needed encouragement! Because recently I did a test, I studied hard but still got bad.
Oh good! I'm glad it encouraged you! As for your test--well, again I would point you to some of the Biblical promises God has made to us. Promises like He loves us and wants the very best for us, even if it's not what we think of when we think "this is best". Don't worry, if you trust in God and continue to work hard, things will work out--again, maybe not in the way you want, but they will indeed work out. Keep studying hard!