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Final Fantasy X gamers?

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Final Fantasy X gamers?

Postby oro! » Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:22 am

I have seen a lot of you like the Final Fantasy games. How many of you liked Final Fantasy X? How long did it take you, etc. For me and my friends it took over 100 hours. But that was because they wanted everything. We also changed the roles of a few characters like Tidus. We gave 'im more magic.
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Postby Stephen » Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:46 am

My Yuna was somthing to behold....she did like 8000 in physical damage...took her through Aurons sphere area. But yeah, I had most of them maxing on damage. Fun Fun. I loved FFX
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Postby oro! » Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:34 pm

Dude.... I could never get Yuna to get more than 1000 damage. But, that is because I didn't use her as much and by the end only started to take her on someone else's path.
But Auron, Wakka and Tidus all had near 9999 damage, and Auron had that much health. That game is addictive. I spent like four months on it, 'cause of school and my mom. I might do it over.
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
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Postby kaji » Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:52 pm

I really enjoyed FFX. Wakka was my most powerful character by the end. I have exceeded the 100 hour mark, but I still haven’t gotten every thing. Kimmari’s final crest/signal is all I have left to get. I just got really sick of the butterfly catching thing…

Like Shatterheart, I saw the value of powering up Yuna, especially since her Aeons stats are directly related to her own. Up her strength a little and watch those aeons Str go through the roof!!! Woot!

My two most over looked characters were Lulu and Kimmari. In fact, I never used Kimmari unless I absolutely had to, or I wanted to lancet something.

Fun Game! ;)


Since we are on the topic, did anyone actualy get the ability "Break HP Limit" ?
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Postby oro! » Mon Oct 04, 2004 1:00 pm

I didn't. :waah!: But by the end of the game, it was so easy( for me) I don't think I really needed it. But seriosly, what of those hard things to get did we really need to beat the game?
Did anyone else spend all those hours playig Blitzball to get those new overdrives? I did and if I had patience woulda gotten the Wakka ultimate weapon.
Also, did anyone else go back to listen to all the music and watch the videos in Luca?
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
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Postby Stephen » Mon Oct 04, 2004 1:15 pm guys find the stuff that let you do more then 9999 damage? I could do 99999 damage with Auron, Wakka, and Yunas summon the Magus sisters did insane damage. I beat one of the final boss's with the Magis sisters in I think 3 turns...maybe less.
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Postby oro! » Mon Oct 04, 2004 1:20 pm

I COULD do 99999 damage with the Magus Sisters, but that was it.
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Postby Lehn » Mon Oct 04, 2004 1:47 pm

The first time, I think it took me about 80 hours, give or take a few. The hours just piled on like flapjacks after you reach the Calm Lands for the first time, it's crazy, but that last strech to Sin took me about 25 hours, with all the leveling up and the mad weapon scramble after [spoiler] Jecht toasted my butt the first time. >_< Then a friend told me about those beautiful, beautiful creatures known as the Magus Sisters....... la sigh...... Those three totally can open up a can[/spoiler]
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Postby Savior_Sora » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:10 pm

I'm tha master!!! lol. Tidus, Rikku, Wakka, Yuna, and Auron all have sphere grid complete...thats cuz i had a lot of triple AP stuff on. Also the legendary weapons...i was doin 99,999 everyhit even with yuna lol

I even had one character have break HP limit...they had close to...32,000hp. It owned. That was Tidus btw lol.

Omega weapon was a joke...I owned him w/o using all my legendary weapons :P
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Postby Nate » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:16 pm

Yes! I loved X!

You see, all of the characters were unique in the beginning. Which is great, because they all fulfilled different roles. But at the end, you could cross them over and make your favorites know LOTS of stuff!


Anyway, I don't remember if the ultimate weapons gave you Break HP Limit or not, I just know they gave you Break Damage Limit.

BUT IT WAS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE TO GET 0.00.00 ON THE CHOCOBO RACES!! :mutter: :mutter: :mutter: I did it without cheating, but still...

Anyway, yeah, Omega was BEYOND easy. I took him out with Wakka, Tidus, and I think Auron. Gone in like five rounds or something. Wakka did the most damage of everyone, at LEAST 35,000 damage every turn.

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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:32 pm

I *hated* that level up system. But I went back through and beat everything in the arena enough times to get the real prizes. The "Magic+4" spheres, etc. Then I emptied the sphere grid out and replaced everything with +4s, etc. Got some SERIOUSLY powerful characters that way...
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:42 pm

I'm still working on it. Actually I haven't picked it up in a while. I'm at the part right after the area with all the lightning. So far I fail to see the point in keeping Rikku around. Still though, it's really a great game with lots of innovations. I love how you can switch any character in or out during battle.
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Postby oro! » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:53 pm

Steal. That is what Rikku is good for. and Mix. You can get some pretty cool things with Rikku.
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Oct 04, 2004 7:55 pm

... and rikku has some funny lines. Take her, tidus and lulu into the caves on the way to zanarkand. Turn up the volume when she first sees the "Dark Flan" enemy. :lol:
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Postby oro! » Mon Oct 04, 2004 8:10 pm

On a different subject... Weren't the videos almost real?
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"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
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Postby Omega Amen » Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:10 pm

Final Fantasy X is my favorite Final Fantasy game in the whole series so far. I really take my time in completing the game in trying to collect as much as my patience could stand... like around 200 hours. However, a good deal of the lengthy play was due to some poor recognition on my part. I did not try beating the Omega weapon or get all the Blitzball skills. What is frustrating to me is that I somehow missed two of the Al Bhed translation booklets.

However, I am very happy with the game. Lulu was definitely my favorite and my most powerful character. All the scenes where Tidus has a conversation with one of female team members... every single time he had them with Lulu in my playthrough.

The videos were very impressive, but then I expected that from what Square has done in the past.

Some day I will probably play through it again.
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Postby oro! » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:16 am

I played it through twice, and guess what I found. If you have the same memory card, you can have all the Al Bhed books throughout the game without getting them. Some glitch, but it was cool to see what Rikku and the others said in the start.
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:22 am

I don't think that's a glitch; you can import them. If one of your friends (for example) has the complete list, you can pop his card in and actually know how to read al-behd at the beginning of the game. If nothing else, it let's you see what's happening, and if you answer stuff right, you can get some cool stuff toward the beginning of the game...
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Postby Nate » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:26 am

Well, I'm not a perfectionist, so I didn't feel the need to collect, say, ALL of the blitzball techniques or defeat EVERY enemy. In fact, there's a LOT of enemies in the arena that I couldn't defeat. I didn't power up my characters across the whole sphere, that's why, and I just never saw a need to since I'd beaten both the game and Omega. *Shrugs*

I will say that blitzball was (in my opinion) a very nice addition, especially the option to go around recruiting people. However, they totally RUINED it in X-2, which I may go back to one day...though I doubt it, I hate the job system. Why couldn't it be like Tactics?! :waah!:

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Postby oro! » Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:30 am

Being a girl... I will NEVER play FFX-2
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Postby Yojimbo » Wed Oct 06, 2004 1:59 pm

I loved FFX. I loved a setting that wasn't medievil fantasy but wasn't futuristic, it had that happy medium. The cast of characters in the game were very colorful and memberable, and with voices on top of it it only made it better. I liked how while the characters roles were set you had enough freedom to play around with them. Of course Blitzball was the best FF minigame in the entire series. But the thing I liked most of all was the pasing of the game. While it was linear most of the time there were enough sidequests and things to explore to give you a good sense of freedom while not getting lost.
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Postby Ssjjvash » Wed Oct 06, 2004 2:04 pm

I've played it, but I mostly just sat back and watched my brothers play it and start over and play it again, and start over and over and feel me.

:lol: One of the best parts is when Yuna is tryin' to get Tidus to laugh.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Wed Oct 06, 2004 5:18 pm

I hardly ever play Blitzball. I just don't like it.
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Postby Savior_Sora » Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:53 pm

I got good at blitzball. I got my team level to like...21?...and my chars are 60+. It's sooo fun.

I started a new game 4 days ago....I'm aleady at the Calm Lands :P.

I'm actually trying to level my characters evenly this time...I'm glad I did cuz I'm unstoppable!! XD
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Postby oro! » Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:36 pm

Savior_Sora, how many hours did you spend each day to get that far?
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"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
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Postby Savior_Sora » Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:04 pm

On this current record?...lemme see...I'm now at the top of Mt. Gagazet too now sooo...minus all the time I left it running to get food, and eat, and chatting...and even doing some homework lol I'd say...

24 a full day, and this is my 5th day on it too. So that's a little over 4 hours a when your in college and dont have homework and you dont have enough time between school and work to hang-out...I'll let you guys decide of that's too much.

Also this is just during the weekdays. I hang out on weekends so I average 3 hours a weekend (Sat and Sun)
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Postby oro! » Thu Oct 07, 2004 3:16 pm

I can't do that as often 'cause I feel all woosy and the teachers alomst always assigning homework. Plus, there is only one tv. :bang:
stupid storage.rakafrarrrrkrkrrkkrk.
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
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Postby agasfas » Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:24 pm

I don't play to many games but i really enjoyed FFX. I took me about a month to beat it. I'm curious about your fighting style y'all used. For me my main party members most of the time where Yuna (to heal), Tidus and Auron. And before a huge boss fight i would level up all my Aeons to full power and then bring them out during the battle full strength. So if they got dismissed i would at least got one good hit in. I'm curious if anyone else did the same.
I bought FFX-2 when it first came out and still haven't finished it. I played it and stoped and have yet to pick it up again. It's not that it's bad, it just doesn't have the atmosphere the first game did. Perhaps i may need to get further in the game to start liking it more.

But my first Final Fantasy game was FFIX. I loved that one!
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Postby Yojimbo » Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:21 pm

Oh yeah I deffinetly did that agasfas with my aeons. I also had everyone's overdrive gauges filled up too and used all my characters in a boss battle at least once so they could all get xp.
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Postby c.t.,girl » Sat Oct 09, 2004 9:23 pm

i still haven't finished it. :mutter:
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