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How often do you curse?

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Postby Jericho » Fri Sep 05, 2003 7:33 pm

I don't curse anymore...I believe it's against the Bible. Kind of the whole watch what you say and hear as well as live by example thing.
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Postby Kenchii » Fri Sep 05, 2003 7:50 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:Hmm... I um... What? You'd skip over it? I mean, that's like "Yeah, Song of Solomon is in the bible, but you know... that's the bad part" and, um... uh... :hits_self

Sorry, I just don't seem to get it. :dizzy:

Ok, answer me this, Kenchii. Do you think it's wrong to talk about a butt? I knew some romanian girls that thought it was bad to talk about boogers, and to call someone that was definately out of the question... So, i mean, I've heard stranger things than that. So do you think it's wrong?

If so... :dizzy:

If you don't, however, What makes using the "a" word somehow bad now. Hmm... I just don't get it. Oh well... I probably won't ever understand people...

Do you think god is happy when you curse?

Question 1. Talking about your buttox (I wonder how in the world did I get myself into this situation.) is not a bad thing. But do you ever hear your biology teacher/health teacher say the A WORD instead of butt or buttox.

Question 2. The A WORD was always bad dude In America. We were brought up that way. Maybe your from someother country, and really don't understand how to convert your mis-behaviors when your living in America. DO YOU UN-DER-STAND??

But tell me... how come back then there was such thing as CURSING but no one did in TV shows, Schools, ect.


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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Sep 05, 2003 9:15 pm

Kenchii wrote:Do you think god is happy when you curse?

Question 1. Talking about your buttox (I wonder how in the world did I get myself into this situation.) is not a bad thing. But do you ever hear your biology teacher/health teacher say the A WORD instead of butt or buttox.

Question 2. The A WORD was always bad dude In America. We were brought up that way. Maybe your from someother country, and really don't understand how to convert your mis-behaviors when your living in America. DO YOU UN-DER-STAND??

But tell me... how come back then there was such thing as CURSING but no one did in TV shows, Schools, ect.

Wow... I should have figured that I'd get a response like this. I refer you back to my original post here

I don't believe in "bad" words, only bad things to say to people. I don't think that "obscenity" in that verse means specific words, and I think there is more to it than that... What I didn't understand was how it looked as if you didn't even read my post. I may have been wrong, but now it really looks like that. And I was trying to not be condescending, but if I ended up like that I'm sorry...

BTW, my "biology teacher" (well, biology teachers and doctors in general since I don't take biology) also says a lot of clinical terms for other organs that sound absolutely rediculous in standard communication. And a biology teacher probably wouldn't say butt, and for those who do (since butt is slang as well) there are those who would say a-s-s as well. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Sep 05, 2003 9:29 pm

and since we're on the subject, words like the "a" word, the "s" word, and the "f" words can be used for things other than for a curse. A curse is to call down a bad event on someone. So they are not inherently "Curse" words. And the Bible does not outright ban cursing. We should be blessing every human being, but we can curse situations and inanimate objects.

Then there is "swearing" another popular term. It is gramatically impossible for any one word to be "swearing" as it generally takes at least two: "I Promise" is the smallest swear I know about.

Cussing was a word invented in America based on what i believe is a false interpretation of scripture but I'll get off that one

Profane means with no respect to God... So that covers a lot more than individual words, and no guarantee many of these words can't be used in respect for God.

Obscene in a way means a twisted perspective, much like perverted. I believe being obscene would be things like acting gay or pretending to be doing something that's definately sinful in a way that gets people's minds going.

Taking the Lord's name in Vain? Someone had their interpretation of it, but closer to the standard american view i have my own interpretation of it. The standard american Christian view is that taking the Lord's name in Vain is saying something like "oh my G**" or "G** Da****" well frankly I think there is more to it. Every time someone says "God Bless America" but doesn't have an understanding, love, and respect for the God they ask, they are taking the Lord's Name in vain. Everytime someone says "Thank God I didn't get caught" when they're having an affair with their friend's wife, they are taking the Lord's name in vain. I really hope that God Damns the ugly and unbiblical view before it drags all of Christianity in the US down the tubes. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Saint » Fri Sep 05, 2003 9:45 pm

I have actually had trouble with that lately. A few of the managers i work with are always saying stuff. it is in a joking manner, but being around it so much has affected me. I said something in a class last semester without even thinking about it.
So i guess not being around it helps, bad company will corrupt us. But what to do, I have to go to work??
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Postby Ashley » Fri Sep 05, 2003 9:54 pm

Is this thread really necessary? I mean, we're all (assumably) Christians here, and we've all been exposed to profanity more than once. I seriously doubt any Christian would approve of forgive me, but this thread seems a tad...trite.
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Postby MillyFan » Sat Sep 06, 2003 2:31 am

Agreed, Ashley -^.^-

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Postby Nia-chan » Sat Sep 06, 2003 3:41 am

Something like Saint's story happened to me... when my dad introduced me to anime, the first one I saw was azumanga diaoh. I had never thought about swearing before, but after a while they would sort of pop into my head, even though I didn't really say them. I guess I still need to be careful. ^_^
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Postby Master Kenzo » Sat Sep 06, 2003 4:56 am

<edit: oops, I missed reading a whole page, saying "is this thread really necessary," what happened to 15 posts a page?>

Yes, the word (a-word) does refer to a donkey, and that is where it originally came from. I believe it turned into a swear word when people used to call each other donkeys...I dunno.

In Medieval times, there was also a "(b-word) Sword" that knights would use for combat.

Other words I don't know about, but that's my limited knowledge on the origins of words.

It's all just some person getting mad at their computer, and instead of throwing it out the window, decided to turn these perfectly normal - and widely-used words - into words of profanity. But, it's just how the devil does it - twists perfectly good things into objects of sin.
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Postby Kenchii » Sat Sep 06, 2003 6:46 am

Nia-chan wrote:Something like Saint's story happened to me... when my dad introduced me to anime, the first one I saw was azumanga diaoh. I had never thought about swearing before, but after a while they would sort of pop into my head, even though I didn't really say them. I guess I still need to be careful. ^_^

Wow, you still have to find yourself.


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Postby Kenchii » Sat Sep 06, 2003 6:48 am

Not all science teachers are correct. Maybe yours says the A word. I guess there are non-christians on this website too.


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Postby Ashley » Sat Sep 06, 2003 7:40 am

Ok, I think this thread's reached it's point, so I'm closing it. No need to keep saying the same old stuff again and again.
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