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Doom 3

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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:52 am

madphilb wrote:I can think of a couple of reasons to want to play it.....

1) Some people are into the whole horror and blood-and-guts sort of thing... for them this is the granddaddy of those games for the PC. Not my thing, and from the sounds of things, not yours either.

2) As a horror game ID says they have done this a little different, giving you more of the horror movie kind of feel to it... and from what I've seen and some of the events I've heard about in the game, it's just the thing to scare the pants off you.... and some people just like that (frankly I'm not one of them).

3) Awesome FPS game.... and some people will play it in spite of the gore, not because of it (this is part of why I'll be playing it eventually). I played the originals when they came out.... though I've always preferred the original Dark Forces game over the Dooms and whatnot.

4) Technology. ID has a habbit of being an idustry leader. Deathmatch is what it is in large part to what they've contributed to the whole mess. The whole FPS thing was practically started with the original Wolfenstein 3D and later with Doom.

In the end this is one of those, "if you don't feel right about it, don't do it" kind of things... Doom3 isn't everybody's cup of tea.... given a choice between that and other games, most likely I'll pick the other games over it.

When it comes down to it I figure that most Christians should and will avoid the game.... others will play it because the game and it's subject matter doesn't bother them.

1) People who LIKE blood and gore...need serious help

2) People who like being scared...need help

3) Two words: Halo 2.

4) Good for them, play Halo 2 and skip the gore.

I personally feel that Christians shouldn't play gorefests like Doom. Nor should anyone else for that matter.

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Postby madphilb » Fri Aug 13, 2004 1:00 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:Ok... So this is survival horror... Now, while I was scared out of my pants by the SH4 preview, I was not scared in the slightest by the doom 3 preview... I guess that could change when I play both of them...

Most of the "scary" part is of the "BOO!" jump out and surprise you type of thing.... SH sets out to mess with your mind, Doom doesn't offer much of that, a few instances maybe, but not much.

So, is there a plot? Does it compare to the Silent Hill games? CAN it compare to the silent hill games? I guess I'd rather have an answer to the former than the latter, but the latter shows you my feelings.

Plot? Yes, I believe so (players can answer this more).... in the past Doom and Quake games had plot too, just not much of one ]Is there any sort of psychological horror in this game, or is it all "Dog through the window, there's my spleen" kind of stuff? What kind of scary is this game?[/QUOTE]
While I think I ansered that well enough up above, couldn't help but chuckle at your way of phrasing that.

Oh, and in the graphical balance....... ........The human characters look horrible... Compared to a PS2 GAME...

I don't think they look all that bad, considering that more detail would generate higher poly counts as well as larger textures.... most of the people I've seen do seem to have a bit of a sickly look to them... In the end Valve with what they did with HL2 is going to make just about everyone elses characters look bad.

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Postby Chazz » Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:06 pm

Raiden no Kishi wrote:1) People who LIKE blood and gore...need serious help

2) People who like being scared...need help

3) Two words: Halo 2.

4) Good for them, play Halo 2 and skip the gore.

I personally feel that Christians shouldn't play gorefests like Doom. Nor should anyone else for that matter.



i need serious help.

if you thought doom 3 was bad, check out the gore effects in Far Cry.
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Postby Slater » Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:39 pm

"When it comes down to it I figure that most Christians should and will avoid the game.... others will play it because the game and it's subject matter doesn't bother them."

hmm... interesting. I guess it's true that most Christians will never play this game... actually I'm sure they won't. Still I wouldn't bash the dooming community

I have been playing Doom since I was like 7 or 8. Yes, I am a biiiig doomer. I guess that you instanly draw some conclusions about me, right? someone who's been playing Doom 10 years under the age recomendation who is now an adult? I must be some druggy, screwed up person who's gonna take part in some shooting spree in my school the night I graduate from my senior year, right?
what the fark. If you seriously think that, you steriotype way to easy. I am not any of those things. I don't do any form of drug and would never ever ever dream of shooting anybody (unless I get drafted to Iraq or something -.-; ). Yes, I own many fps games... Goldeneye, Doom, Perfect Dark, etc. You wanna know what the strongest gun I have is? It's an air rifle that shoots about 600 feet per second with copper bbs... and it's backed up by an arsenal of Airsoft guns. (If you don't know what airsoft is, I pitty you). I have never pointed the big one at anything but aluminum cans... not even at any birds. For the Airsoft, I pretty much shoot at my sister when she tries breaking into my room or something, and even that is a rarity.
As for Doom... It's not exactly bad. Yes it has guns and such, but to me it has always been a game. It's not like I bow down to the "demons" in it or anything... as for the gore, I don't care. I played Halo for the longest time without realizing that the blood was turned off, and I was still a very very happy camper. (no I don't camp) Honestly, the human nature when it comes to FPS games is to enjoy shooting whatever there is to shoot, but in real life the same human is shocked when they see someone really get hurt.
In short, playing FPS games do not make someone a worse person.

As for Doom 3, I think it's going to be an awesome game. I say that in future tense because I have not played it yet. But I have heard much since it was announced, about the graphics engine and all the new stuff being implemented... and hey, a true 3d Doom game! That must be awesome. I will probably get it some time around Christmas when all the hype goes down some and people start making big D3 Multiplayer servers. I've played a lot of WolfET lately (which was made by idSoftware), and I have confidence that the multiplayer will not be lacking.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:29 pm

Raiden no Kishi wrote:1) People who LIKE blood and gore...need serious help

2) People who like being scared...need help

3) Two words: Halo 2.

4) Good for them, play Halo 2 and skip the gore.

I personally feel that Christians shouldn't play gorefests like Doom. Nor should anyone else for that matter.


I'm just gonna answer number 2. I love being scared. It's just an adreneline rush. It's the reason Amusement parks are so popular. It's not that people like being stuck in fear, but rather that they like the excitement, and they like the feeling they have conquered something. I know that's why I do it. It feels good to be scared initially because you have goten over it. It's something you've defeated in your life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I prefer the more disturbing stuff (to a point, and only in certain contexts), as well. That is because the more disturbing stuff (aside from being disturbed by blood and gore) is usually more intelectual. I like things that make you think, and not just in the "solving this puzzle to get to the next stage" kind of think, so I don't think this applies to doom, but people play doom just for the thrill that comes from being surprised. Nothing wrong with that. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby {Daj} » Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:39 am

Halo 2....will be good, but from what I've seen, Doom 3 looks better, plus, Halo 2 will only be out on X Box for a year attleast. Back to PC FPS, Half Life 2 will own most of the games talked about in this thread. As far as compairing D3 to the SH series, both are survival horror, and SH may have better story lines, but come on. A FPS survival horror that is actually frightening. SImply awesome.

and to quote Rei, "I personally feel that Christians shouldn't play gorefests like Doom. Nor should anyone else for that matter."

Most of the gamers in my youth group, are avid fans of FPS games, and the survival horror series as a whole. Honestly, we have never been more on fire for God. (man, I that term, but it fits. ^^;)

It depends on what you, as an individual, can handle.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Sun Aug 22, 2004 6:04 pm

Rai. It's Rai. I am not a blue-haired bishoujo. ^_~

Bobtheduck: Point taken, but I think there are better ways to get your adrenaline fix than being scared.

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Postby Slater » Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:52 pm

... pwa? I thought that your body only releases adren when something suddenly startles you...
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Aug 23, 2004 3:37 pm

Yeah, being scared and being angry are the only ways I know of having adrenaline released... being angry just isn't as fun... I know, I've got Blitzball and the end of Metal Gear Solid 2 to do that to me (because of events... I'm not mad at the creators, but at a couple characters...) People ride rollercoasters and bungee jump and skydive for the feeling of fear, no matter how much they deny it scares them The difference is in whether they like that feeling or don't. I love it when its controlled either by reliable 3rd party (I.E. in a video game or a roller coaster) or by me (like climbing) but I avoid the higher risk stuff...

In a video game, everything is controlled... Except by heart attack if I was REALLY out of shape, a video game isn't going to kill me.

BTW, I think Rei is a very common name in Japanese, and I believe it's unisex like Jamie or Pat, (sorry, can't think of any that aren't nicknames that are common in English speaking countries... Wanna help me?) but yeah, it can be a bit annoying when people switch your name for something more common... They do that with my last name all the time (It's MAC Donald, not MC Donald... Like the farm, not like the low quality fast food restaurant that hasn't had an original idea since Ray Crock first bought it...) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Oblisk » Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:48 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:Ok... So this is survival horror... Now, while I was scared out of my pants by the SH4 preview, I was not scared in the slightest by the doom 3 preview... I guess that could change when I play both of them...

So, is there a plot? Does it compare to the Silent Hill games? CAN it compare to the silent hill games? I guess I'd rather have an answer to the former than the latter, but the latter shows you my feelings.

Is there any sort of psychological horror in this game, or is it all "Dog through the window, there's my spleen" kind of stuff? What kind of scary is this game?

Oh, and in the graphical balance, they made the other stuff look good whilst the humans look like crap... I tend to prefer the otehr way, and on the new cards, they could have achieved a SH level of realism for the humans and still gone all out with everything else, such as interactivity of the environments and, um, the gore factor... But they didn't have that level of realism for the humans... And, yes, I do know that for sure, I saw the previews. The human characters look horrible... Compared to a PS2 GAME...

Silent Hill and Doom 3? Thats like comparing Pong with Tetris.

Doom 3 is a remake of the original Doom, so the storyline is the same from the great granddaddy of FPS.

Did I like Doom 3? No. My 2000+ can't run ir very well, and I were able to get playable framerates, but I needed something more than Adding in lines of the *.cfg files and extracting the *.pak files...

Although I do have a 9700p.... Doom 3 wasn't scary or fun for me. Got boring after the first 20 mins.

Want a scary game for the PC? Try The Suffering. Also out for the Xlax.

Anyone here played Painkilled?

Painkiller > Doom 3 IMHO.
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Postby Oblisk » Mon Aug 23, 2004 4:51 pm

Raiden no Kishi wrote:1) People who LIKE blood and gore...need serious help

2) People who like being scared...need help

3) Two words: Halo 2.

4) Good for them, play Halo 2 and skip the gore.

I personally feel that Christians shouldn't play gorefests like Doom. Nor should anyone else for that matter.


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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:15 pm

Oblisk wrote:Silent Hill and Doom 3? Thats like comparing Pong with Tetris.

No, it's more like comparing a red apple to a green one. They are both made to be scary... Comparing the fear in both games is perfectly legitimate. It's just that, yes, Doom 3 is a different kind of scary. The kind that doesn't scare me. I didn't know if that was the case until I asked.

By the way, I happen to prefer apples to oranges, but orange juice to apple juice... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Fireproof » Sat May 28, 2005 11:44 pm

I played a demo of Doom 3 for Xbox while I was at a friend's house. Needless to say, it was pretty freaky. The zombies put me on edge, so when my friend stirred while sleeping on a beanbag, I nearly jumped out of my skin. Good game, and quite scary.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat May 28, 2005 11:52 pm

You want scary? Play the Shalesbrige Cradle level in the first person stealth title: Thief - Deadly Shadows. Now that's truly scary!
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Postby For_Him » Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:53 pm

I have Deadly Shadows, and that level is scary. I was glad to get through it.
I have the demo of Doom 3 for the Xbox and I've played it, and I'll be saying one thing: You are all crazy to purchase a game like that. I admit, the textures are excellent, and I like the idea of shooting demons in a Mars setting, but I go against owning games that have that kind of stuff. And if you decide to call me a noob, I don't care. Besides, what would God be saying if He was with you watching you play this sort of game?
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Postby Ingemar » Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:59 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:You want scary? Play the Shalesbrige Cradle level in the first person stealth title: Thief - Deadly Shadows. Now that's truly scary!

I've played that level and I find it nowhere near as creepy as Return to the Haunted Cathedral in the first Thief game.
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Postby Slater » Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:00 pm

rawr! teh attack of teh zombie gravedug thread from who knows how old!

ah, I hate D3 now. downloaded the demo, ran horribly.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:07 pm

*shrug* I started playing Doom when I was around 10-12 and it got me into FPS games. As for Doom 3, I've played a few hours through and have yet got the chance to play again (I'm a binge gamer, so I will only play when I got 6 hours to spare) but it's still fun. And dark. I love dark.

As for it being too violent, I guess I'm just desensitized. I personally don't have a problem with gore-y games, and I have a thing for games where you brutally kill demons--melee bludgeoning especially XD XD However, I understand it's not a game for everyone (Christians especially) but dang it, Doom 3 is a must play for FPS gamers.
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Postby Yojimbo » Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:08 pm

For_Him wrote:I have Deadly Shadows, and that level is scary. I was glad to get through it.
I have the demo of Doom 3 for the Xbox and I've played it, and I'll be saying one thing: You are all crazy to purchase a game like that. I admit, the textures are excellent, and I like the idea of shooting demons in a Mars setting, but I go against owning games that have that kind of stuff. And if you decide to call me a noob, I don't care. Besides, what would God be saying if He was with you watching you play this sort of game?

I wonder what He says when someone here watches a violent anime? Guess I'm crazy then...go figure.:eyeroll: Not following you here you say you like the idea of it, but you're against the idea of owning it? I wouldn't call ya a noob just having a bit of a double standard if you watch any violent movies, or anime, or play other violent games.

Everyone is different. If Doom 3 offends you fine but don't expect everyone else to feel the same way. Killing polygonal demons is hardly something that causes me to want to "do any kind of stuff."
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:50 pm

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Postby Fireproof » Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:31 am

Volt wrote:There are certain things that bother certain poeple, no one is to decide or force opinion of sin or salvation upon others. The kind of things that are wrong to you, aren't wrong to others.

:jump: Go Volt! He is teh awesome!
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:03 am

you want scary? Ravenholm on half-life 2... sure it was only part of the game... but WOW was i freaked out
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Postby Zilch » Thu Jun 16, 2005 12:48 pm

Feh, Doom 3 didn't really scare me. It actually nearly bored me, but the graphics are OHMYGOSHYOUCANDOTHISWITHAVIDEOGAMEAHHHTAKEMYSOULANDGIVEME256MBCARD!!! kinda cool. So, hey, keep drolling fanboys. But I gots my own drool to clean....

Kai wrote:I personally feel that Christians shouldn't play gorefests like Doom. Nor should anyone else for that matter.

Well, if opinions were taxes, we'd all be beggars.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:30 pm

I figure I should just tell you even though I think this game is fun that:

I believe as well as many other people that this video game series was one of the many influences of the Columbine Massacre.

Ok, go ahead continue talking about it. Just felt like i should say that.
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Postby Yojimbo » Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:47 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:I figure I should just tell you even though i think this game is fun that:

This video game series was the influence of the Columbine Massacre.

Ok, go ahead continue talking about it. Just felt like i should say that.

Tom that is a load of bull you know what. People have been saying movies, TV, and games are the cause of tragic things like that for decades. People said rock and roll music made children into evil devil worshipping zombies 20 years ago. Heck people even said because of Finding Nemo more kids have been flushing their goldfish down the toilet. Parents who blame kids behavior on the media are the kinds of parents that don't talk to their kids, don't want to understand them, or just plain don't take any involvement in their child's lives period.

What's with the double standards? Where were you guys blasting Halo, Silent Hill, or Resident Evil in the threads about those games? Sheesh if the games has enemies labeled demons in it then it must be the cause of all evil in the world. Replace a Covenant Elite with a Pinky "demon" or a Pyramid Head and it'll still be the same thing.
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Postby Nate » Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:59 pm

I'm not going to get too political or bash other members. I'll just say it's irritating to hear someone blame a video game or a movie for their own sinful behavior. I was raised on violent movies and video games. I've been a fan of the Doom series and Duke Nukem and Mortal Kombat for years, and I've never felt the urge to go out and kill anyone.

I just hate blame-shifters, "Oh, they played violent video games and that made them go out and kill someone." The game didn't make them do ANYTHING. It was their own conscious decision, and they only say otherwise as an attempt to make themselves look blameless.

I hate people that can't take responsibility for their own actions.

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Postby Tommy » Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:00 pm

I wasn`t assumming. It has been proven factual. I probably couldn`t proove it to you, but my History teacher could easily. He`s the one who told me. Not that it matters, but I figured i ad the fact he`s a Christian.
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Postby Yojimbo » Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:28 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:I wasn`t assumming. It has been proven factual. I probably couldn`t proove it to you, but my History teacher could easily. He`s the one who told me. Not that it matters, but I figured i ad the fact he`s a Christian.

Oh I get it because he's a teacher and a Christian that means everything he says must be correct? Don't be so quick to believe everything one man says. Being a Christian teacher doesn't make him the be all end all for answers.

Oh and probably something that had more to do with those kid's killing spree than Doom was that they followed the Neo Nazi and Satanic teachings. But the biggest reasons were because they were ignored by their parents, were bullied, and had depressional issues. Those are proven facts not some made up jibber jabber. Focusing on things like that as the problem for tragedies like this, instead of a game millions of people play and don't kill people afterwards, is a much better idea.
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Postby LorentzForce » Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:37 pm

Doom doesn't teach you how to reload a rifle or a shotgun. Doom doesn't tell you to go shoot your fellow students. Doom doesn't ship with rifles and extra ammunition. Doom doesn't kill people. People who think Doom is reality and has access to actual weapons kill people. And those people are a complete minority against rest of population who also played Doom games.

Those people who did the shooting spree have problems. Doom itself doesn't.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:41 pm

Doom isn't the problem and either are other games. Its more that they are a contributing factor towards this behaviour and therefore unstable people shouldn't be allowed to play them.
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