People, what are we going to do with Lucas?

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People, what are we going to do with Lucas?

Postby Link Antilles » Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:54 pm

Alright... I thought I was safe... I was just going to buy the classic Star Wars DVDs.... and let Lucas run a mock on the rest of Star Wars with Episode III and the Live Action TV show that will follow. (Yeah, you read that right, a Star Wars TV show) Yet, no... of course, I can't get my DVDs unscared...

Ok, they aren't a complete failure.... in fact there's some really good stuff! Such as, the removing of Greedo fake shoting first at Han in the Cantina during A New Hope. Also, I saw some sneak peek pictures and the special effects are nicely polished.

First, they've changed Fett's voice in ESB to the guy who did Jango's....

Here take a listen...

His new voice is hopelessly stupid. Lucas would've been hard-pressed to come up with something worse... or maybe not. :shady: Boba sounds distinctly....english. But then so do most Imperial officers in the OT, don't they?

Hopefully they won't change the dialogue...

Original Boba Fett:
"He's no good to me dead."

New Boba Fett:
"I say, old chap! That fellow looks rather bad and I would respectively like to mention that I will be unable to utilize him for my purposes if he should happen to expire." :P

Ok... I'm too tired right now... I'll post and comment on move later.. feel free to post your findings.... or just comments..
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:56 pm

they changed Fett's voice? well, that sucks.

we need to lock Lucas up before he messes up the original movies beyond repair.
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Postby Ashley » Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:16 pm

Fett was a bounty hunter, not a crocodile hunter! *sobs*
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Postby Aka-chan » Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:20 pm

*sigh* The first movies were successful in the original verions; what do we need new versions for?
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Postby Yojimbo » Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:44 pm

Lol Fett has like a whole two lines anyway in the original trilogy. But yeah I liked his gruff voice better.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:01 am

*paints a big target sign on his butt* I like the special edition (tapes from '98)

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:41 am

no no, Special Edition good. changing Fett's voice... not so good. what's next? Super Special Edition in which Chewie is replaced by a Teletubby?
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Postby Link Antilles » Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:56 am

Ashley wrote:Fett was a bounty hunter, not a crocodile hunter! *sobs*

Heh... that reminds me of a spoof I saw....

ShiroiHikari wrote:changing Fett's voice... not so good. what's next? Super Special Edition in which Chewie is replaced by a Teletubby?

Do you honestly want to know what's next?

Disclaimer to all fans of the classic Star Wars: Brace yourself if you haven't seen this....

*crowd screams... person passes out in the crowd*

And here's the complete list 'o changes that I've found:

Complete changes:

Episode IV: A New Hope DVD:

* LightSabers altered for Vader verus Ben Kenobi Death Star duel.
* TractorBeam control now in Aurebesh.
* Han and Greedo scene slightly changed (mentioned earlier).
* Jabba the Hutt redone from Special Edition Jabba.
* Boba Fett still mugs camera.
* Han still steps on tail, "You're a wonderful human being," still there.
(The scene is an improvement over the SE, but still not great.)

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

* Emperor replaced with Ian McDiarmid.
Dialogue in this scene has been slightly modified, indicating either that the Emperor knows it was Luke who nuked the Death Star, or that he is Vader's son. Maybe both (source was unclear). Otherwise, dialogue remains in tact. Emperor's theme from Jedi also added into the scene.
*Fett's voice changed to matched Jango

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi:

* Hayden Christenson has replaced Sebastian Shaw only in the Force Ghost shot.

* Line about Leia remembering her mother while talking to Luke on the Ewok Village veranda has either been omitted, or modified.

* Naboo has been added to the final planetary celebration montage at the end of the movie. It is a shot very similar to the helicopter shot of Theed in TPM when AATs are moving up the street towards the palace
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:46 am


:eh: :hits_self :mutter: :bang: :bootout:
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Postby JediSonic » Sun Aug 08, 2004 1:38 pm

lucas is insane 0_0

A year ago I said nothing could make me walk out on episode 3. If anakin looks like that ghost does... well thats gonna come really close! :mutter:
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:45 pm

Well, that is a shame, but this thread is a pretty enjoyable place.
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Postby Link Antilles » Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:53 pm

Here’s some more changes I found…after exploring more… this isn't all confirmed stuff...yet..


John Williams mentioning in several published interviews that he's "re-recorded sections of the score for Episode IV to include THE IMPERIAL MARCH".
News appearing in Corona Upcoming Attractions in 1997 listing that an ILM animator was contracted to do "work on Obi-Wan's death involving state of the art CGI" which was obviously not included in the 1997 Special Editions...

More Imperial March is always a good thing. It rocks, and you all know it.
I'm not really sure how Obi-Wan's death can be improved through CGI, and it makes me a little nervous.

During the Tatooine celebration sequence, Watto has been added with the celebrating crowd
Oh thank goodness. *rolls eyes*

Rancor matte lines cleaned up
About freaking time. Those lines just look terrible.

Overall Picture Quality Outstandingly Cleaned Up
Excellent! I just saw more pictures and it’s looking awesome!

Shaw's eyes have been recolored (to match Hayden's) and eyebrows removed
Okay, now it is a good movie. :shady:

Paply's Lightning Effects Fixed
Palpy representin' with new and improved lightning. golf claps

The Jedi Temple appears the background of Coruscant during the end celebration sequence.
No one will really notice, but we will have to wait until after Ep 3 to see if it makes sense or not.
Background plates adjusted to appear less “background screen likeâ€
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Postby Stephen » Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:54 pm

I guess I really should stop reading Star Wars threads...because fans annoy me more then Lucas ever could. He made the first ones, and has every right to do whatever he wants to with them. I see nothing changed as a big deal...Fetts like someone already said...he has a massive like 3 lines in the original trilogy. The whole "hardcore" fan attitude...that the new movies all stink and the original ones were the best thing since sliced bread...somtimes makes me ashamed to be a Star Wars fan. So be it, I have loved all the films and will more then likely love the third from what I have seen and heard.
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Postby Gypsy » Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:28 pm

I would have preferred a straight-to-DVD release, myself. I didn't even like the special edition changes, let alone these. Oh well ... guess I won't toss out my VHS tapes of the original trilogy.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:34 pm

couldn't they at least have an option on the disc as to which version you can watch? like, all in the same DVD? I mean honestly, how hard would that be to do? personally, I'd rather have the option to watch the ORIGINAL originals than like, Special Edition 2.0. feh.

you guys grab Lucas, I'll get the carbon freezing chamber ready.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:22 am

Shatterheart wrote:I guess I really should stop reading Star Wars threads...because fans annoy me more then Lucas ever could. He made the first ones, and has every right to do whatever he wants to with them. I see nothing changed as a big deal...Fetts like someone already said...he has a massive like 3 lines in the original trilogy. The whole "hardcore" fan attitude...that the new movies all stink and the original ones were the best thing since sliced bread...somtimes makes me ashamed to be a Star Wars fan. So be it, I have loved all the films and will more then likely love the third from what I have seen and heard.

Tell us how you really feel, shatterheart. Hehehehehe.

Oh, and I had some problems with episode 2, and I'm not a hardcore fan... I'm just someone who really reads a lot into what I see in movies, and I felt I was being preached at for lack of better terminology (I know many of you will be confused, I'm too tired to explain what I mean right now)... Of course, we got the whole "yoda sutra" in the original trilogy, so I guess I shouldn't have expected any different... It's just a different kind of preaching, and Lucas never played the force off as something real, other than his belief that "all religions are correct." @_@

Um, yeah... I liked the remakes (the ones released in theaters), he has the right to change his own movies, and fans also have the right to be upset... It's just that, well, I'm not... Goodnight. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Hitokiri » Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:37 am

The star war movies are ok but not the best. They get boring at times and I guess I don't appreciate sci-fi action or space oepras that much.

Now if say Peter Jackson re-did something if they remaster the LOTR trilogy sometime down the road and somehow botch it up. I'll get my bow and arrow ready lol :lol:

I'm not just big on Star Wars....i usually fall alspeep while watching them so I guess I get some good nap time.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:43 am

I wasn't too big on the prequal trilogy... but unlike most people who didn't like them, I really didn't think that the original three were that great in the first place. Good movies, certainly, but in my mind their age has inflated them to the point of legend.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:49 pm

*See's thread name*


*everyone looks at Ronin*

What we did it all the time in the 30's
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Postby twilight_tenshi » Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:15 pm

i agree with *most* of what shatterheart said; but i mean, he really should just leave the originals alone! they were awesome as they were and now fett is gonna sound like a weenie! i cant believe hes gonna keep messing with them like that........except for the lines on the rancor, yeah PLEASE get rid of those....and *cries* subbing hayden in like that, now thats just plain dumb. that was one of my favorite scenes and now, well, im not so sure...
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Aug 09, 2004 3:12 pm

I don't know ... I sort of like all the stuff that dates the original trilogy - including the rancor lines. Very vintage! ^^ And I think ShiroiHikari is one to something there with optional versions on DVD ...
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:03 pm

Lucas should be locked away in a dark hole and sit there for the rest of his miserable existence. No one messes with Boba Fetts voice. He is the man. Lucas, Why?
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Postby blkmage » Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:28 pm

What? You mean Palpatine bothered to kill all but a handful of Jedi in the entire galaxy but doesn't bother to take the Jedi Temple down?

Super Vader/Obi-Wan fight? I don't see how...

Stormtrooper voice? Please no. That's like messing around with Boba Fett's voice. Don't make it any worse.
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Postby Sephiroth » Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:33 am

i'm sure that the jedi temple was destroyed in the books, there was reference to it in rebel stand? i think it was, that palpy deystroyed it, but the force fountain below it still remained...
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Postby cbwing0 » Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:56 pm

I agree with Shatterheart: Lucas made the films, and he has the right the change them. The only other people who might have some say are the actors, whose careers could suffer if the alterations are too horrible. I have enjoyed all of the Star Wars films so far (I preordered the dvds back in April :grin: ), including the prequels. Say what you want about them, but I think they capture the feel of the original trilogy. Over time, a lot of mythology has built up around the originals, to the point that the hardcore fans have become impossible to please (except by their own subculture, of course).

People also tend to remember only the good aspects of the originals, rather than the negatives. The originals produced (and continue to produce) an avalance of merchandise, television spin-offs, and creative works that expand upon the Star Wars universe. People call them "collector's items," and pay ridiculous amounts of money for them. In contrast, anything surrounding the new films would undoubtedly be called garbage by the hardcore fans, produced from George Lucas' desire to shamelessly milk the franchise.
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Postby Archan » Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:19 pm

Wow.....I don't know if this really belongs here, but I'll post it anyways. Tee hee.

It mainly has to do with episode three, not anything to do with super edition this and uber edition that and platinum edition over there only to be followed with dimond edition over here........

I had my doubts, I really did, but there is one character that I like that might save the movie for me if executed well, General Grievous.

For those of you who were able to catch the CN Star Wars shorts (Which where surprisingly good) He was the white alien cyborg guy in the last chapter that was doing mad monkey kung fu and wiping the floor with all the Jedi.

I don't know what it is, when I first saw the concept art, i wasn't even thrilled about him, in fact I was thinking (Wow, they haven't even killed off Duku and they already have another Sith cyborg dude?). Then I saw him in action, and I was little more then impressed.

I think George realzed his mistake in killing of Maul in the first film and replacing him with a normal loking guy (Yeah, I know, he also played Sauraman, but this ain't LOTR). there just wasn't any comparison conceptually to make that character visually interesting. Grievous however, looks more then interesting. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but from what i read (Don't ask how I get this info, i don't want to be liable for anything) he;s suppose to give Anakin quite a run for his money.

Anyways, I realized I've gotten off topic while remaining on topic...(How weird), so I'll stop just in case my post is out of place.

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Postby righteous_slave » Thu Aug 19, 2004 5:03 am

I'm in the same boat as Shatterheart and cbwing, it's Lucas' peice of work, he has the right to do whatever he wants to do it. And the fans have the right to gripe about it if they don't like it, and the right to not go see the Episode III, not buy the DVDs or any of the merchandise.

Are the prequels perfect? No, but neither are the originals. Does that mean we don't love them, just because they aren't perfect? Absolutely not. There have been changes listed in this thread that I hope don't happen, but it they aren't going to stop me from getting the DVD's (eventually). If they got rid of the stupid Greedo shoots first part, that right there redeems the DVDs over the Special Editions.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:09 am

cbwing0 wrote:Over time, a lot of mythology has built up around the originals, to the point that the hardcore fans have become impossible to please (except by their own subculture, of course).

Very, very true.

But meanwhile: General Grevious, eh? Other than a poor name, he sounds pretty cool. I'll be seeing Episode III eventally anyway, but now I have something to look forward to.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:16 am

Yeah... I saw the planning that lead up to General Grevious... I got it of Kazaa, as well as a behind the scenes of the big fight between blank and blank (I don't think it's a spoiler, but it may be... People may still be deluding themselves.)

I'm looking forward to episode 3, and it would be nice to have the original trilogy on DVD... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Sat Aug 21, 2004 1:52 am

I think this is all part of Lucas's plan.

A spoiler to Lucas's Plan

[spoiler=]To be hated by 2010. :mutter: [/spoiler]
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