Transformation Activation!

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Transformation Activation!

Postby TsubasaKamen » Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:44 am

Hi everyone, the subjects I am about to disclose in this OP deals with Spiritual Growth based on how I understand it from Character Development and Character Transformation.

I have always been trying to get into a state of harmony with my Real Self, the side of me that shines the most. But unfortunately, that side of me never seems to shine out when I need it the most. When I am recording myself talking on Web Camera or on the Camera on my Galaxy Smart Phone, I seem to be able to activate my real self no problem. I demonstrate a character change that is in every wise/way functional, happy, and achieving in spiritual insight and revelation. Unfortunately, that True Self does not shine at all in groups situations and settings when I am with my friends. In those types of situations I am more quiet and reserved, and the littlest thing embarrasses me and makes my face turn bright red.

The Camera has enabled me to shine my Real Self. I feel like I have Transformed into an entirely new person when I am talking on Camera. It's like the Camera forces me to shine out my Character. But off Camera, sometimes i feel like I am not quite shining my True Self the way I would like, and I could go into a plethora of reasons as to why I believe this, but I'm not going to burden you with the psychology of it.

My faith in Jesus Christ is rich, but I want it to be even more rich. In order for it to be more rich, I need to undergo the process of Transformation from Glory to Glory, as my Signature says from a passage verse in 1 Corinthians. I want to shine, and be bright. But my True Self is not shining in group environments. It's like I am struggling to just let who I truly am out of me. An Expression of my True Self that is.

I believe that I have underwent a great deal of Spiritual Growth and Character Development. But I see more ways to improve and become even more stronger and powerful under the Grace and Might of Christ. I just want to shine... My Real Self shines. My Real Self does not hide in the shadows. It lives life Openly.
"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." - 1 Corinthians 3:18.
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Re: Transformation Activation!

Postby goldenspines » Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:32 pm

Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. - 1 Corinthians 3:18
reference: ... ersion=NIV

It seems to me that your camera is a very important element in your life. Not that I blame you. Many people follow the camera religion and live somewhat happy lives on their journey to find their true selves.
Though the verse in your signature (which is from 2 Corinthians, by the way. The above verse I provided is from the reference you quoted; it's also an excellent verse.), doesn't mention true selves or cameras.
Least you are confused though, I'll try to make it fairly clear, or at least point you in the right direction. The point of Christianity is not to find our true selves, nor is it to become some greater version of yourself through spiritual growth or character development.
The simple point of Christianity is to have a relationship with God. Nothing more, nothing less. You can start doing this by accepting God's love and taking the focus off yourself and putting in on Him.
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Re: Transformation Activation!

Postby TsubasaKamen » Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:36 pm

Although you are right when you say that the focus must not be on self, but on God. I am struggling to center my thoughts and feelings on God while being overthrown by the Devil all the time. What I mean by this is that I, although I am gradually on the process of changing, have not yet fully transformed from one state of glory to another. In order to live a victorious life in the Spirit of the Living God it is necessary for this transformation to occur. If one can not change his or her own life, then one can not fully experience God. The Transforming Truth of God's Word changes you and makes you what you ought to be by the Grace of His Spirit and Word to live for Him in fullness of Truth. I do not mean to center my thoughts on myself... but God is in the business of building Character Growth. He does not want a Church that is still weak in their sins. He wants a Church that is TRANSFORMED and CONFORMED into the Image of His Son Jesus Christ.
"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." - 1 Corinthians 3:18.
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Re: Transformation Activation!

Postby K. Ayato » Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:55 pm

Last I checked, the church is made up of human beings, all with a sinful nature that is more inclined to follow after the flesh. NOT superhumans that are incapable of committing any form of sin whatsoever.
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Re: Transformation Activation!

Postby goldenspines » Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:30 am

TsubasaKamen wrote:Although you are right when you say that the focus must not be on self, but on God. I am struggling to center my thoughts and feelings on God while being overthrown by the Devil all the time.
I'm gonna let you finish, but let me stop you right here because we're already off to a skewed start. I mean, let's put blame where blame is due. The devil isn't someone than can just attack you and you have no defense. By believing in God, the devil has no power over you unless you give it to him.
So what you are experiencing is your sinful self(flesh) not being able to be perfect, which is fine. We are not expected to be perfect, nor should be try to be. We just need to trust and believe in God and be willing to develop a relationship with God.
Everyone struggles trusting in God though, that's a normal thing caused by us living in sinful bodies in a sinful world. That's one of the hardest things for someone to admit though, that they suck and that they can't change that no matter what we do. But God loves us anyways. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

What I mean by this is that I, although I am gradually on the process of changing, have not yet fully transformed from one state of glory to another.
Oh, you haven't accepted Christ into your heart yet? That's the one and only transformation that matters. Everything else personality wise, emotionally, physically, etc, is all fluff and doesn't really matter in the long run as much as your spiritual transformation (which is, the Spirit of God living inside of you) and knowing you are forgiven.
In order to live a victorious life in the Spirit of the Living God it is necessary for this transformation to occur.
Exactly. In order to live in Christ, you have you accept His Spirit into your heart.
If one can not change his or her own life, then one can not fully experience God.
WHOA WHOA WHOA, step on the brakes there, bud. Where the heck did you get this? This is not Biblical. No where in the Bible is says we have to change our lives to experience God. In fact, the Bible says that our salvation doesn't depend on our own actions at all. God makes Himself available to all who choose to believe in Him. No works required.
The Transforming Truth of God's Word changes you and makes you what you ought to be by the Grace of His Spirit and Word to live for Him in fullness of Truth.
Sure, and this is done by letting God work through you, not by trying to make this happen on your own. If you simply trust and give everything to God, you'd be surprised how much stuff gets done. :P Us trying to "become better" gets in the way of God's work in us because we're already failures without God.
I do not mean to center my thoughts on myself... but God is in the business of building Character Growth. He does not want a Church that is still weak in their sins. He wants a Church that is TRANSFORMED and CONFORMED into the Image of His Son Jesus Christ.
CITATION NEEDED PLEASE. Where are you getting this? It's like you read one or two verses in the Bible and made up the rest. :\ Or, heaven forbid (literally), that you simply are saying and capitalizing important sounding words and don't actually know what they mean. And I don't mean just the definitions. I mean, do you know what they mean personally to you and your life?
If you read the Bible, you'll find that God's focus more on having a personal relationship with people and loving them unconditionally. Nowhere in the Bible does it tell Christians to build character. Nor does God demand the Church or anyone to become sinless (which is impossible). Now, if you believe that with enough work/transformation sin will eventually go away in our lives here on earth, you are in for a rude awakening and there's not much I can do to soften than for you.

You use "transformed" a lot, though, and I think I know where you're getting that from (from the verse in your signature that still has the wrong reference, I'm guessing). Though, it's a curious thing. "Transform" is only mentioned a small amount of times in the Bible. Most if not all in the New Testament. Some refer to the transforming of our lowly bodies to "conformed to His(Jesus') glorious body" when Jesus comes back (the second coming, basically.) Reference: Philippians 3:20-21.
The other times, it's about God transforming us; which is especially true in the verse from your signature. Our own effort is not involved.

I guess it would be worthless to say that you are "trying too hard' and getting nowhere from the looks of it. But, I'll be praying that you can find peace in being the person God created you to be and hoping that you can rest and trust in Him.

Feel free to PM me if you want to further this discussion with me.
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