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Postby nln_rose » Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:07 pm

Huge fan of this series. It's funny because this series was the one that gave me confidence that there could be anime out there that had fun, interesting plot lines without any fan service whatsoever. The story went from good to great when Wolfwood came into the story. A priest who kills and a gunman who won't makes for a very interesting team. Anyone else out there love this anime?
I hope you don't mind me barging in like this. In spite of the profession I've chosen, I've never actually made a confession before. It's these times we live in. I did what it took to protect the children at any cost. That's how I always justified my actions. I took many people's lives, all that time believing there was no other way. My sins are so heavy. Too heavy. Too heavy to ever atone for. And yet, somehow I feel happy, at peace with myself today. It really can be done. Once you stop to think about it, there are plenty of ways to save everyone. Why didn't I ever listen to him? Why didn't I see that before it was too late? -Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Priest)
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Re: Trigun

Postby Nate » Sat Aug 30, 2014 3:42 am

It was pretty good, though the ending is anticlimactic and that makes it a bit more difficult to call it one of my favorites.

Also Knives was right and Rem is an idiot. :B

I hear the manga is significantly different, but I never read it.

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Re: Trigun

Postby Mullet Death » Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:40 pm

Trigun is fantastic for several reasons, but I never really liked the idea of Wolfwood's character. He's nothing at all like a priest. I'm sure the author knows next to nothing about Christianity, so I wasn't offended or anything, and obviously he was ntentionally nothing like a real priest for the sake of that dichotomy with Vash. Still didn't really like it though. Eh. Regardless, Trigun is worth watching for Milly and Meryl alone.

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Re: Trigun

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:46 pm

I loved Trigun! I'm almost finished with the manga and it is sooooooo good! I agree with Nate though about the anime being a bit anti climatic. Btw, Mullet, the mangaka for Trigun studied Roman Catholicism and some say he may be a Christian convert. Also, in the manga SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Wolfwood isn't really a priest but an assassin who turned against the organization he worked for. He majorly regrets all the killing he's done and wonders if he can be forgiven. In the end, Vash teaches him that he is forgiven and that he can change. There was also a really great scene with Vash attending a church service and it was the first time I've heard a preacher in an anime actually describe what Christianity is about. Here it is: Heck, I think a lot of us have felt like Vash. All in all I loved this show. ^-^ And I agree, Meryl and Milly are Awesome!
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Re: Trigun

Postby Mithrandir » Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:13 am

I really liked Trigun, but there's one thing that always bothered the wolf and I. In the English dub, apparently the editors didn't know there's a pretty huge difference between the words Cavalry and Calvary.
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Re: Trigun

Postby Sheenar » Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:53 am

I really enjoyed Trigun. What a fun series. Haven't yet read the manga, but I would like to and plan to get around to it (I have dozens of books on my list to read, so it will take a while).
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Re: Trigun

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:26 am

I love Trigun; it's one of my favorites. It's one of those rare gems that really balances the humor and serious plot well. The humor is hilarious, but then there are scenes that make me cry and that take my breath away. I actually prefer the anime to the manga, though - mostly because the manga was very hard to follow in terms of what the heck people were doing in battles and which speech bubbles belonged to which people :eyeroll:

As far as I understand it, the anime was canceled so they had to hurry up and tie up all their loose ends, which is why the ending seems anticlimactic and rushed. But I think that if they had the time to draw it out and lead up to the final show-off more gradually instead of rushing there breathlessly, it would be the perfect ending to the story.
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Re: Trigun

Postby skreyola » Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:53 pm

I enjoyed this show, too.
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Re: Trigun

Postby nln_rose » Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:11 pm

Wow I'm most of the way through the manga (waiting on volume 9) but i have to say that as much as i loved the anime the manga has been even better.
I hope you don't mind me barging in like this. In spite of the profession I've chosen, I've never actually made a confession before. It's these times we live in. I did what it took to protect the children at any cost. That's how I always justified my actions. I took many people's lives, all that time believing there was no other way. My sins are so heavy. Too heavy. Too heavy to ever atone for. And yet, somehow I feel happy, at peace with myself today. It really can be done. Once you stop to think about it, there are plenty of ways to save everyone. Why didn't I ever listen to him? Why didn't I see that before it was too late? -Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Priest)
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