Any Attack on Titan fans?

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Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby AdaI » Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:45 pm

This is the series I have been into for a while (since last summer, haha) and I wanted to know your thoughts.

I warn that it is pretty gory for those who haven't read it and wouldn't know, but the upside is that it has no fanservice whatsoever. It's a really unique action-packed manga and it is wonderful across the board. I would, however, recommend watching the anime before switching to the manga since the art in the first volume or so is pretty messy, but the author definitely improves over the chapters.

So, thoughts? Favourite characters? Favourite moments? Even any ships?
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"People who can’t throw something important away can never hope to change anything." - Armin Arlert (AoT)

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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby dragonzatch » Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:52 pm

I love Attack on Titan! I've been borrowing it from the library; I'm on volume 10 now.

The art quality varies a lot though; sometimes the art is great, sometimes it's just ugly.
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby Lynna » Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:34 am

Isn't asking if there are any Attack on Titan fans on an anime forum these days a bit like asking if there are any fish in the sea?
I love it. My favourite character is Armin, though Sasha is probably my favourite minor character. I'm kind of partial to the ArminxAnnie shipping, too *Holds up shield to protect herself against the attacks of Annie-haters* Did I mention that I like Annie too? Yes, I know, she's a terrible person, but she has so much potential for character development!
I am excited for the next anime season :)
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby Nate » Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:27 am


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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby TheAlbinoMoose » Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:00 pm

I haven't read the manga, but I have watched the anime! I ship Connie+Sasha, Levi+Hanji, Jean+Mikasa (I never did like the Eren+Mikasa because they're adopted siblings and it kinda ruins the cuteness of it if they fall in love :P) and Eren+KILLING ALL THE TITANS. The Armin+Annie thing... I just can't. Just no.

I LOVE the part where Jean wipes his hand on the back of Connie's shirt and Connie says, "what was that? What did you just wipe on my shirt?" And Jean goes (depending on the translation, "My faith in humanity." Also Potato Girl. "I just... don't understand WHY you would eat that potato here." "... you can have half, if you want it." Haha!
And then the huge moment of AMAZINGNESS when the first plot twist comes!!! ^_^
Attack on Titan has a lot of my favorite characters in it. My absolute favorite is Armin (*looks at Lynna and nods with a deep understanding*) but I also like Hanji Zoe, Sasha, and Marco a lot. Of course everybody loves Eren and Levi and Mikasa *rolls eyes*.

AdaI who're your favorites?
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby ClaecElric4God » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:43 pm

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Levi+Petra was a thing once...*sniff sniff*
Also, why am I even here? I am not a fan of this show, which is sad because there were so many things about it I wanted to like. But the gore and overall creepiness and not being able to have any attachment to any characters because they always up and DIE out of nowhere just wasn't my cup of tea.
But I'm not here to dissect a show in a thread about loving it. Aaaanyways, YES, Tails, I finally found a kindred spirit on the Armin+Annie thing. I mean, I don't even particularly care either way about Annie SPOILER: Highlight text to read: except that she killed a bunch of my favorite characters, but it doesn't even make sense.
But yes, Armin is my favorite character in AoT, and one of my favorite characters of all time. Other than Jean, I felt like he had the most depth and character development of everyone in the story. Also, I think him and I are very similar personality and self-confidence/self-worth-wise, so it's easy to relate. I'm surprised that so many people hate him, but then I'm not, because there are plenty of people who don't like me for the same reasons. :sweat:
Also, I haven't even read the manga, so I should just shut up now.
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:26 pm

I haven't gotten around to reading the manga yet but I loved the anime! My favorite pairing is probably Levi and Petra SPOILER: Highlight text to read: but that was short-lived. Next, surprisingly, Armin and Annie and I honestly don't know why. And then of course, Eren and Mikasa. Favorite character, probably a toss up between Mikasa, Levi, and Hanji. Favorite moments? The hand wipe scene that AlbinoMoose mentioned. XD SPOILER: Highlight text to read: That epic showdown between Eren and Annie and the end. And the part where Levi has everyone clean the castle. I'm sort of a neat freak like him. X)
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby Psycho Molos » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:37 pm

I love it too though the titans give me the jeebies in the same way Reavers from Firefly do. The whole eaten alive thing is just.... Plus who names a boy Connie anyway? Lol

Don't have a shipping yet but I like Sasha and Mikasa. I relate to Eren, if I saw my mom for the last time like that I'd be donkey bonkers too.

Oh and has anyone seen A Slap On Titan on youtube? it's hilarious. The drill seargent is redubbed to sound like he's out of Full Metal Jacket
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby PandaPop » Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:36 pm

I must join this discussion!! Also, have not read the manga, I've thought about it but I feel I really enjoy seeing it in action because of the fighting scenes and want to wait for that. Utterly loved the first season though, not sure I have really seen better in an anime, I loved it all.
I'm going to be really cliché with my first two thoughts, favorite character Eren, and favorite ship Eren and Mikasa.
My favorite scene is probably SPOILER: Highlight text to read: When Eren saves Mikasa as children and they kill the bad guys, I love this scene because Eren telling her to fight became such a strong part of Mikasa, and it shows why she is so attached to him (she really needs to find her own self though, I like it when he yells at her to stop protecting him). And the scene shows Eren's strength has been a part of him since he was young. It was a pretty shocking scene though I was completely stunned after seeing it.
Armin would probably be my second favorite character at this point, and I love a lot of others I won't mention cause I will go on forever!
Another ship I wouldn't mind (pretty sure this will never be a thing but I think it would be cute :P ) is Armin and Krista.
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby Lynna » Fri Apr 11, 2014 12:36 am

TheAlbinoMoose wrote:The Armin+Annie thing... I just can't. Just no.

I never said it made sense, because it doesn't. Not really. But the scene that kind of made me partial to it was the one where the two of them have that conversation about what it means to be a good person, which I found kind of interesting. Also, she SPOILER: Highlight text to read: spared his life. Anyways, it looks to me like her SPOILER: Highlight text to read: eventual redemption is being foreshadowed, no matter how impossible it may seem. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I find it interesting, though, that of course in the anime finale they have to pump up all the stakes, which means that Annie is shown killing more civilians. Of course, she did kill Team Levi, which makes a Heel Face Turn kind of difficult for her, but it isn't completely out of the question.
But I'm not even talking about AnniexArmin anymore, I just want her back for character development darn it!

And yes, Armin is completely my favourite. Because smartness is just so much more interesting than being overpowered. He had so many great moments. I like Jean, too, because he's a bit of an anti-hero, and is just interesting all-round. Eren is pretty good as far as most typical shounen protagonists, though. I like that he has a little humility sometimes.

Speaking of being overpowered...I admit I'm kind of ambivalent about Mikasa. I like her, but I feel like her overpoweredness has replaced what could be actual character development. Now, overpowered characters are a standard of shounen anime, and I certainly do not mind that it's a female character whose being overpowered for once. But...the problem is...there's no reason for her to be overpowered. I mean, think about it: Annie was taught to fight at a very young age, and forced to train constantly. Mikasa was...a farm girl. She just suddenly became an awesome special fighter one day, no training or effort required. And yet she is somehow the best person in their class? I also don't really appreciate her obsession with Eren. It's kind of annoying. However, their relationship isn't annoying all the time, and I do think her backstory is pretty interesting.

As for Conny's name, you have to remember that this is set in a European culture. If you look here you will see that Conny is not necessarily a girl's name. (And according to the wiki, it is spelled Conny.)
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby GeneD » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:02 am

Hahahahahaha nice.

So even though this thread seems to now be mostly non-manga-readers, chapter 56 dropped another huge twist and somehow I felt pretty sad over the death of a very minor character. I don't ship anyone at this point and my favourite character is Armin, whose cleverness I'd love to see more of.
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby MomentOfInertia » Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:20 pm


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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:01 pm

Manga reader here, enjoying it but still on the fence about my overall feeling. There are scenes I could see having a lot of meaning, but we don't know enough to judge them in context.
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby AdaI » Sat Apr 12, 2014 5:24 pm

I'm sorry, my email didn't notify me that I got responses to this post. :sweat:

Anyway, I love hearing all your opinions! My favourite characters are kind of mainstream, Levi and Hanji (and I oh-so coincidentally ship them, as well; just the fact that they are so endearing towards each other and in the manga they know each other so well! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Hanji was able to translate his "language" when he was giving a pep-talk to the others and Levi, despite being a prickly character, is able to put up with her shenanigans But I am a real sucker for minor characters; I love Connie to pieces, and Sasha (ship them too :sweat: ) and Jean is like my son - he's whiny, and he doesn't really want to put effort into doing the right thing, but he ends up doing it anyway. And Jean is such a major dork that you can't help loving him. Armin is also adorable and I'm surprised that some people hate him, because he's so intelligent and has such a warm heart.

AND I'M SO SORRY BUT I have a soft spot for Bertholdt and Annie SPOILER: Highlight text to read: even though they're the enemy - BUT I don't feel like we know their entire story yet, and Bertholdt's speech about "Do you think we wanted to kill all of those people? What human would want to have blood on their hands?" And Annie not having the heart to kill Armin, refrfdkhohopjiugu I guess it's not popular, but I ship ErenxAnnie because SPOILER: Highlight text to read: of how PAINED he was when he found out she was the Female Titan. He didn't want to admit that she was the bad guy - er, girl - until it was right in his face, and even then he was hesitant to fight her - he really wanted to hear her out. And Annie seemed to regard him with respect, judging by her strange willingness to teach him how to fight, even though she knew she would have to fight him, and he was her enemy. The fact that she was subtly referring to him in her big speech about people who go against the tide really backed up her respect for him. The anime didn't really give their relationship - just their friendship - justice.

My favourite funny moment was Sasha's potato moment, and also when Jean pretty much represented the AoT fandom in the manga when SPOILER: Highlight text to read: they were collecting food as the new Squad Levi and Jean said, "Haha, look Sasha, potatoes! Aren't they your thing?" And Sasha was like, "I don't know what you're talking about." My favourite serious moment was when Armin made his battle plan and everyone trusted in him and made him feel useful.
"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." - Galatians 2:20

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"People who can’t throw something important away can never hope to change anything." - Armin Arlert (AoT)

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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby TheAlbinoMoose » Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:00 pm

I do understand why people ship ArminxAnnie (they have an... interesting relationship) but I personally just can't... I do like the moments when they're together (they are intriguing) but as a couple? naw.

ErenxAnnie never even crossed my mind. But now I'm thinking I may like it! We shall see! ^_^
Lynna you make a good point about Mikasa. Where did she get such amazing power anyway?? Guess some are just... born with it? Maybe they're magic girl powers.

aw Jean <3

Oh no (GeneD's post) more deaths. Nooooooooo D: Why must this show rip my heart to shreds?
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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby AdaI » Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:37 pm

I somewhat ship ArminxAnnie, but I dunno - ErenxAnnie struck more of a heart string with me (especially when Mikasa said, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "Could it be that you have special feelings for her?" *squeals into the heavens*

I agree that Mikasa is too overpowered. I love her, but I kind of get annoyed when she just shows too much strength. But maybe she worked hard to earn all of that because she was really motivated to to protect Eren? I dunno; I hope so. It's great to have a strong female character, but it's useless if she didn't work to gain her power. Because then, if she SPOILER: Highlight text to read: won the fight between her and Annie I'd be kind of peeved.

ALSO, for those who read chapter 56, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: LEVI FREAKING ACKERMAN! THEY ARE LIKE COUSINS OR SOMETHING! So maybe Mikasa won't worry so much over Eren when she finds out she isn't the only one from her family left? *coughs* Excuse me for the caps. :sweat:
"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." - Galatians 2:20

"God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing." - C.S. Lewis

"People who can’t throw something important away can never hope to change anything." - Armin Arlert (AoT)

"I love clichés, I love predictable scripts, I love it when they paste over problems and I love it when they force a happy ending too. What's wrong with working towards that?" - Mikado Ryugamine (Drrr!!)

"A person can change, at the moment when the person wishes to change." - Haruhi Fujioka (OHSHC)

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Re: Any Attack on Titan fans?

Postby Tronfan » Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:09 pm

Sasha, the potato girl , was hilarious. Did you ever see the Denny's picture with her?
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