What Manga are you reading?

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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:18 pm

I tried out Hiromu Arakawa's latest manga (another monthly release on top of her weekly Silver Spoon? :cool: ), The Heroic Legend of Arslan. It's based on a Persian legend, so it's really interesting to see a Middle Eastern setting interpreted by the Japanese. I have a feeling I'll probably enjoy this more than Shoukoku no Altair, if only because I know how in-depth Arakawa-san's research always is, and it'll probably fit together better. It's also really fun to see her distinctive style in such a different setting; there are definite similarities between the character designs here and in FMA.

It's a bit early to tell what the main plot is about, but it seems to be about the prince of the kingdom of Pals (parallel to the ancient Persian empire), who is naive and innocent to the ways of the world. He gets captured by a slave, who opens his eyes to the way the world really works. Not sure where it'll go from here, but it definitely looks interesting!
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby DecooPunk » Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:03 pm

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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby KazeShiki » Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:11 pm

the_wolfs_howl wrote:I tried out Hiromu Arakawa's latest manga (another monthly release on top of her weekly Silver Spoon? :cool: ), The Heroic Legend of Arslan. It's based on a Persian legend, so it's really interesting to see a Middle Eastern setting interpreted by the Japanese. I have a feeling I'll probably enjoy this more than Shoukoku no Altair, if only because I know how in-depth Arakawa-san's research always is, and it'll probably fit together better. It's also really fun to see her distinctive style in such a different setting; there are definite similarities between the character designs here and in FMA.

It's a bit early to tell what the main plot is about, but it seems to be about the prince of the kingdom of Pals (parallel to the ancient Persian empire), who is naive and innocent to the ways of the world. He gets captured by a slave, who opens his eyes to the way the world really works. Not sure where it'll go from here, but it definitely looks interesting!

Arakawa has nothing to do with the story. The Heroic Legend of Arslan is an old series of novels by the same author as the highly acclaimed Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It already has a manga and (failed) anime adaptation. For some reason, it ended up getting another manga, this time with Arakawa as the author. She might be in charge of storyboarding, but the plot and stuff is all already done. I still expect it to be a great manga, but keep that in mind when directing your praise (or complaints or general opinions).
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:43 pm

Hibi Chouchou chapters 29-33: Yay, *five* new chapters of heartwarming cuteness, all at once! :hug: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: LOL, Suiren's parents are adorable. :hug: And YES, Kawasumi asked her out right in front of everyone! :)

Kamisama Hajimemashita, a.k.a. Kamisama Kiss, chapter 100: Oh my gosh, now the entire story has just come full-circle! :) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I believe I've mentioned before that I've really enjoyed almost everything I've seen and read with time-travel in it, and this is no exception (especially since it has been woven together so well). :thumb: For example, with the revelation here that Mikage actually learned about this whole thing from Nanami in the first place, every one of his actions throughout the series right from the very beginning now make perfect sense. And gah, Nanami's reunion with Tomoe was so beautiful. :hug:

Pandora Hearts chapter 86: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: LOL, oh man, that opening page... :lol: Anyway, whoa, this chapter had me on the edge of my seat! I knew there had to be a secret message in the letters-- nice work by Oz and Reim there (the former on noticing it, and the latter at decoding it {oh, and also at explaining Barma's actions, too}). :thumb: Holy crap, though, I had almost forgotten about the execution thing :pikka: ... and GAH, that really scared me (and provided most of the edge-of-the-seat suspense of the chapter). :pikka: Thankfully, however, what I was fearing didn't occur (whew!). I knew Barma had to be up to something; I just didn't know what on earth it was... but in this chapter it was finally revealed-- and it was awesome! :jump: Can't wait for the next chapter (as always)! :jump:

Taiyou no Ie chapter 28: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: That "protection spell," LOL! :lol: (And Daiki: "It looks nice." Bwahaha!! :lol: ) Speaking of Daiki, though-- well, he got his wish. ;) And that was a really sweet moment he was able to have there, even if us readers know that it's hopeless. :sweat: And ah, is that a lightbulb I see coming on for Hiro about Sugimoto's feelings, too? Looks like this is going to head for a double rejection quite quickly now, LOL. :P (That'll be a good thing, though.)

And Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun chapter 44: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Shizuku's first answer, bwahaha-- poor Yamaken. :sweat: :grin: His persistence (and eventual true honesty) was sweet, though :) , and I'm glad she actually did think things through and give him a proper answer afterward. Also, she *does* look nice with her hair down (LOL, her little brother's comment on that... :grin: ), and it was also nice to see her finally be able to explain to Haru why she said what she did that day, and then them making up. :hug:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby SierraLea » Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:29 pm

I just finished the last chapter of Bakuman. I screamed, laughed, squealed, and almost suffocated because I was so happy. That is officially one of the best endings I have ever read.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby KazeShiki » Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:21 pm

SierraLea wrote:I just finished the last chapter of Bakuman. I screamed, laughed, squealed, and almost suffocated because I was so happy. That is officially one of the best endings I have ever read.

Heh, the ending is one of the things that really disappointed me, mainly because it was too sudden. I really think it could've used 1 more chapter to have a much more satisfying ending with potential timeskip. Bakuman is still one of my favorite mangas (and one of the few which I read followed weekly from chapter 1 all the way to the end) but the ending was relatively sudden as no one was expecting it to end that particular week, although we all knew it was very close. In fact, there were even some baseless rumors that the author comment at the end meant there was 1 chapter left as opposed to it being the end that week. Anyway, ending was still adorable and great but it unfortunately left a somewhat bitter taste for me.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:44 pm

The Heroic Legend Of Arslan (Arakawa version) chapters 1-2: I'm liking this so far. In fact, I'm thinking this could end up being very good indeed, considering how well-regarded the original story's author is, plus it being adapted by Arakawa-sensei on top of that. :thumb: As for the characters, I really like the Prince and Daryoon; and overall these first two chapters pulled me along quite nicely (with a good cliffhanger at the end of the second one, too). So, yeah, looking forward to more of this.

Gin no Saji, a.k.a. Silver Spoon, chapter 84: Nice discussion on the selling. And ha, looks like some more pizza will be made, too! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Also, LOL at Okawa tripping the fuse-- looks like he might be getting some payback in the future... :grin:

Karneval chapter 61: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: LOL that Hirato knew they'd be trying to eavesdrop. :grin: GAH, though, what a cliffhanger-- they literally *just* get started in on Yogi's backstory, and then the chapter ends! :P I don't really mind, though-- I love this manga, and I'm sure it'll be worth it. :thumb:

Kimi to Boku. chapter 25: Glasses and thumb-wrestling, LOL! :grin: :hug:

Taiyou no Ie chapter 29: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Bwahaha, Daiki's look-of-death when Hiro called and interrupted the hug. :grin: Anyway, yeah, Hiro's meeting with Hina did not go well at all, poor guy. :( That scene with Mao when he went home was sweet, though. :) And I'm glad that Sugimoto finally confessed in this chapter, so we can get her inevitable rejection over with quickly (sorry, Sugimoto :sweat: ).

And Zetsuen no Tempest chapter 27: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Well, as expected, Hanemura's sharp observations-- supported by the others' as well, once they thought about it-- cut right through every objection poor Mahiro inevitably tried to put up. :sweat: (Also, nice point about both boys' feelings having basically been frozen by Aika's death; that certainly does explain their near non-reactions {at least visibly} to the loss of the rest of their families/friends/town/etc. earlier, as well as why Yoshino's emotional breakdown a few chapters ago was quite as spectacular as it was.) I *was* a bit surprised that Mahiro's reaction to this news was basically depression (as opposed to rage :sweat: ), though... I mean, all things considered, I suppose it makes sense; but it was still surprising. (Heh, a "swift kick," indeed... :sweat: :grin: ) Also, that little connection to alchemy was pretty interesting. And ha, looks like Yoshino and Hakaze make a brilliant team-- I'm looking forward to the rest of this confrontation!
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby GeneD » Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:53 am

I finally caught up with TWGOK! The current arc is pretty strange and contrived but still fun enough. Needs more SPOILER: Highlight text to read: emotional trauma Keima, hopefully they build on the little that's seen in the most recent chapters.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Okami » Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:03 pm

SierraLea wrote:Hack: legend of the twilight. 3. Holy smokes, this was so shallow. The thing I liked most about it was actually Sr. Comlin the Third. While he looked like he had a huge nose most of the time, he did have his strikingly beautiful moments. I also liked how his character changed a little towards the end, although the rest of the characters were sooooo shallow and sweet it was more than a little boring.

.hack//Legend of the Twilight...It's not "Hack" but "Dot Hack"...

This is just a small piece of a larger universe; preceding it is the anime .hack//SIGN and the original 4 PS2 games (.hack//Infection, .hack//Mutation, .hack//Outbreak, and .hack//Quarantine). Without those, yeah, I can see why you'd think it was shallow/boring. Admittedly, //LotT is one of the weaker points of the canon, so I hope you don't decide to explore other areas of the .hack// series based upon it.

Sorry, had to drop my two cents in as a .hack fan! :XD:

I'm (sadly) not reading anything currently. :( Might get back into MONSTER, though, since I keep taking giant hiatuses from it. I'm more than half-way through the series, I love it, it's just so tough to devote proper time to finishing it. *sigh*
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby ClaecElric4God » Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:21 pm

Pandora Hearts

Agh, I love this manga soooo much. As much as I loved the anime, I'd have to say the manga is 11 times better. The characters are so much deeper, the plot more captivating, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: need I mention the absence of that pointless and creepy infatuation Gil has with Oz?

Funny, because in the anime Gil was my favorite, but I'm pretty sure Break has passed him up as my favorite Pandora Hearts character. Though overall, I love all the characters so much more than in the anime. The only thing I dislike about this manga is the mangaka's tendency to not show who's talking. It has caused lots of confusion for me on more than one occasion.
I don't know what I'm going to do when I catch up with the latest chapter...
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:25 am

ClaecElric4God wrote: Break has passed him up as my favorite Pandora Hearts character.

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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:45 am

Silver Spoon chapter 84 (finally) - More fun and interesting tidbits about this business. My heart broke a little about Ichiro, though....

D.Gray-man chapters 183-187 - Finally getting back into this, after not reading any all summer for some reason. Looks like I picked back up after a hiatus anyway, and all of a sudden the chapters are nice and long! :n_n: Some things were a little confusing, probably just because of the translation, but for the most part it's been great to get back to these characters and find out some inklings of more secrets. And the similarities to FMA are stacking up more and more....
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:23 pm

Kamisama Hajimemashita, a.k.a. Kamisama Kiss, chapter 101: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Oh gosh, poor Tomoe at the flat "Nothing." :sweat: :grin: The stuff near the end of the chapter was really sweet, though. :hug:

Karneval chapter 62: Yay! The cliffhanger didn't matter regardless, since I only had to wait a few days for this. :thumb: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: And gah, it started out all adorable and stuff (though of course I knew full well that wasn't going to last :sweat: ), but holy crap-- while this series has certainly had its share of rather dark humor at times (mostly in the beginning), it hadn't done so in a while, so I wasn't really expecting it to kickoff the (inevitable) twisted bit of Yogi's past. :pikka: (This chapter's friendly lesson: Don't make jokes about losing your head... :sweat: ) Anyway, there were some more explanations about the origins of the special cells, Varuga, Kafka, Circus, the bracelets, and etc. here, too, along with the first part of Yogi's pretty heartbreaking backstory; so, yeah, great chapter as always, and (also as always) I'm looking forward to more. :thumb:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:08 pm

Panda4christ:3 wrote:BREEEAAAAKKKK <3

Sooo...I caught up, and now I'm going into withdrawal. However, I learned something valuable: Pandora Hearts is best read alone, then with someone who hasn't read it yet. Their reactions at the plot twists are hilarious. I'm pretty sure this mangaka just enjoys messing with people's heads. Needless to say, I enjoy it immensely.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby skreyola » Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:12 pm

So, I've been reading something else I got from the library (in case you're wondering, Tokyo Mew Mew did not hook me, so I'm not upset they only had one volume) called Emma. I'm almost done with vol. 2, and it's very good.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:38 pm

Gin no Saji, a.k.a. Silver Spoon, chapters 85-86: That was fantastic. :thumb: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "DO NOT PRESS!!", LOL. :lol: And ah, it wasn't pizza, it was bread to make hotdogs with. :) ROTFL though at them downright strong-arming poor Hachiken into coming up with a price on the spot like that (and everyone's reactions before and after!). :lol: And Nishikawa's "skills" and payback, oh my gosh. :grin: Also, wow, Komaba is stubborn. :pikka: And then the selling, and the different stickers, and Alexandra... oh my goodness. :grin:

Kamisama Hajimemashita, a.k.a. Kamisama Kiss, chapter 102: Hahaha, oh man, this was adorable. :grin: :hug: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Between Nanami running around in a perpetual (and indestructible, at least until near the end of the chapter :) ) haze of sparkly, giddy bliss and Tomoe being both somewhat flabbergasted by her attitude and also amusingly protective/serious/etc., I was grinning the whole way through. :grin: Also, the part near the end where she discovered what Tomoe was actually doing, and resolved to get serious about her own studies as well, was really sweet. :hug: And bwahaha at that (perfect!) last page! :grin: :grin:

Karneval chapters 63-64: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: LOL at young Hirato's reaction to the bullying. :grin: And man, it was quite interesting to find out that a form of those special cells actually resided naturally in the citizens of Yogi's country (especially in the royalty), and how the Varuga cells that the baddies put in him interact with the natural ones already inside (including the final reveal of what the "other" Yogi really is-- a personality that the combined cells actually created for themselves!). And aw, the end was sweet (LOL at everything piled on top of and around Yogi when he woke up :grin: ). :)

Taiyou no Ie chapter 30: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Oh, Daiki :) -- for all his (lovable) tsundere-ness, he really does think about others a lot. :hug: Also, wow, I felt really bad for Chi there when her offer was refused. :( And ha, Hiro finally realized that he had already made his choice... :) Finally, LOL at Daiki intentionally (and bluntly) spelling out to Hiro the fact that Mao was jealous/worried right in front of her (+ her reaction), too. :grin:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby GeneD » Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:07 am

I've picked up Pet Shop of Horrors again after a long while.

The "twist" at the end of Diamonde (ch 9) was hilarious and kind of obvious in hindsight. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: OMG Orcot, don't eat the egg! o.O So weirded out right now And the end of Dessert (ch 11) really drove home the fact that the count is definitely running on a different morality spectrum than normal people.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:41 pm

Silver Spoon chapters 85-86 - Hilarious as ever. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Shingo's appearance was sure a surprise, but I loved the way Arakawa-san did it! XD

D.Gray-man chapter 188
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:49 pm

Hibi Chouchou chapter 34: That was excellent. :) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It was completely obvious what her answer was going to be, of course :) , but the tension was built up so well that it just felt great seeing it (and everyone else's reactions, too, both at that point and then all the way through the rest of the chapter, LOL :grin: ). And then those smiles, and him basically asking her out on a date... This series is so cute I almost can't handle it. :hug:

Karneval chapters 65-68: These chapters were so good. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: LOL, I was not expecting that reaction first. :grin: And oh my gosh, the bit with the diary (and actually everything afterwards in that chapter, too) was adorable~ :hug: It's nice to see Karoku again, as well, along with him finally apologizing to Gareki (and thanking him, too). Really curious as to what Karoku meant when he called himself a "regulator," though... :pikka: And then LOL, that bit with Gareki and Hirato was pretty cute. :) Also, whoa, I was a little surprised to see Azana again, and what he's doing... well, it's definitely not good. :pikka: And then we finally got a little bit of insight into Karoku's notebook-- and it's not what *anyone* expected, LOL! (I look forward to a more-detailed explanation of that later.) Also, it was nice to see everyone so happy about Yanari's upcoming party, but obviously I fully expect that it won't go smooth... :sweat:

And Kobato. chapters 1-40 (complete) + the "Happiness" epilogue special: Well, I didn't like this at first-- I mean, the series starts off just kinda randomly meandering around showcasing Kobato's initial stupidity/naivety for a rather excessive number of chapters (IMO) :sweat: , and doesn't even get remotely interesting until near the end of the first volume-- however, thankfully, from that point on it *does* get better. In fact, by the end I was rather surprised at how much I did like it (mostly due to the pretty cute romance and all the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: supernatural stuff and how, in the end, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: everyone was happy :)). And the stupidity stuff in the beginning (while still gratuitous) even made a slight bit of sense by the end, as well, with what's explained about her past (and she did get a little better in that regard as time went on, anyway). So, yeah, while Kobato. certainly wasn't something amazing (IMO), and it definitely could've been better (for example, by cutting much of the random stuff in the beginning and instead adding more detail about SPOILER: Highlight text to read: all the supernatural elements-- the different realms, the war, the past relationships, etc.), it was still worth a read for me in the end. :)
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:03 pm

Pandora Hearts chapter 87: This chapter was seriously fantastic! :jump: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Oh my gosh, Barma was hilarious and awesome! (LOL, the other characters' reactions when he said all the stuff about love and his goal... :lol: And his points about Glen were really astute, too. And then that totally BA cliff fall... :pikka: Now, I *highly* doubt he's dead at this point {especially considering what he had said just a few pages before}, but man, why did I not realize just how much I loved his character until he might be lost? :pikka: ) Also, that was an interesting little tidbit about the different Glens' memories and personalities... And crap, so he really is about to try to change the past now. :pikka: And not only would it be extremely tragic for the present characters in the first place (because of all their relationships and experiences and character development and etc.), judging by what happened the last time someone tried that, things would probably turn out even *worse* than they did in the current timeline if he 'succeeded,' anyway... :pikka: :?: So yeah, I'm more than a little concerned as to how this is going to turn out. :sweat: On another note: Holy crap, Break taking out all those Baskervilles was incredible!! :pikka: (And those Break x Sharon moments, oh my gosh... and Sheryl being just as awesome {plus finally revealing Owl!}...) And Oz' decision, and the others' immediate reaction... This chapter was just awesome. And then it closing with the words "the beginning of the end" confirms that, as I suspected, this series is indeed entering its final arc. :pikka: (And I know that it'll likely be a pretty long one, but still... I'm not ready! :sweat: I just love these characters too much!! :hug: And GAH, I *really* want things to work out well...! :pikka: :?: ) Very much looking forward to the next chapter!

Also, Kieli novel #9 (finale): ...Wow. It took me quite a while to sort out my emotions after this. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: The way it had been going, I'd been thinking that there could be two possible endings to this series-- basically a Good End or a Bad End, the former with Kieli and Harvey both surviving and fulfilling their dream of getting a house and stuff and just having a nice peaceful life together for a while, and the latter with Harvey dying (or, rather, ceasing to exist, I guess :P ) from all the stuff that had been breaking down (his core being cracked, the creeping decay in those nerves, etc.). Well, at first it seemed like it was going to go the way of my imagined Good End-- especially after that trip Kieli took into Harvey's 'world' that seemed to get his body to repair itself more properly again, and then that really romantic scene in the mountains (including two *very* nice kisses, BTW {...finally!} ;) ). Then, however, it seemed like it was going to take a turn to my imagined Bad End instead, with Harvey's condition suddenly appearing to get a whole lot worse just a few days later. :( But *then,* interestingly enough, it really ended up being sort-of... both? Somewhere in-between? Because they actually *did* get the house, and Harvey actually did *not* 'die' (or the Undying equivalent of it, I mean) yet-- he was still walking around, 'alive'-- but he was... different-- really unresponsive-- and even Kieli herself said that she had no idea whether he would ever recover from that state or not, or when he might 'die.' :pikka: And yet, those last few pages were actually surprisingly beautiful (especially the closing words :sniffle: ).

Now, for the record, I tend to really dislike the ambiguous "you-decide-what-happens!" type of (non-)endings (except in a few *very* rare cases), and I think I might have preferred this series to have fully taken either the Good or the Bad route (yes, even the more tragic one, regardless of how much of a romantic I am :sweat: ) as opposed to a choose-your-own; and yet, somehow, I think I was still kind-of okay with it, too, because-- despite its considerable ambiguity about the future-- it was (as mentioned) actually a quite beautiful (and very, very moving) ending in its own way (hence all the tangled emotions). So, in the end, I'm still not quite sure that I was entirely satisfied by it; however, it most certainly left an impact (in fact, I have to admit, by the time I got through the closing words I was tearing up pretty darn fiercely :sniffle: )-- and, really, that's good enough.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:46 pm

D.Gray-man chapters 189-190 - :o Some really surprising developments! What is this about the 14th...? Also, I'm loving the Kanda flashback, since I've been longing for it ever since that arc with the clown Akuma.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:25 pm

Gin no Saji, a.k.a. Silver Spoon, chapter 87: LOL, Alexandra is pretty awesome. :lol: Also, oh my gosh the bit with the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: borscht was absolutely priceless. :lol: :lol:

Karneval chapters 69-72: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "My fellow soldiers," LOL!! :grin: (Oh, Yogi. :grin: ) Also, yep, I knew that *something* at the party was going to go wrong, LOL-- but this time it's actually the fault of Yanari's own father. :pikka: Loved the double solution on the Circus members' part to fix it, though. ;) And yikes, Ryuu is creepy... :pikka: Have to admit that I wasn't really expecting dark-'Karoku' to save Eleska there. (And LOL at him totally freaking Ryuu out with that 'children' joke, too. :grin: ) Also LOL x2 when good-Karoku was all "As long as it's from Nai, I'll be happy no matter what the souvenir is--" and out pops a giant Nyanperona blanket, bwahaha. :lol: Finally: Tokitatsu, what the heck...? :lol: :lol:

And Sennen no Yuki, a.k.a. Millennium Snow, chapter 14: Heh, well, at least there seems to be a *little* progress finally. :grin: Anyway, this is a pretty mediocre series, IMO; however, at the moment, I don't mind reading it once in a while.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:56 pm

Silver Spoon chapter 87 - Alexandra is like a cross between Olivier and Rebecca.... :eh: Loved the ending of this chapter, though.

D.Gray-man chapters 191-194 - Kanda's flashback seems to be over now, and I only have more questions than when I started. Ooooh, I'm loving this! :XD:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:38 pm

Gin no Saji, a.k.a. Silver Spoon, chapter 88: LOL at Nishikawa's even-further revenge. :grin: And haha, awesome set-up there by the sisters :grin: -- SPOILER: Highlight text to read: it was great to have Komaba back around the others again, even if just for the festival. :) The discussions they had with him were great, too. ( + LOL at his reactions after eating the sausage and cheese and just before leaving. Poor Hachiken. :grin: ) And aw, the ending! :hug:

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime chapter 41 + previous vol.'s extra: This was so adorable I can't. :hug: After all the stuff that had happened, they totally deserved a date break :grin: -- and the hilarious ribbing the others gave Zen beforehand just made it even better. :lol: Seriously, though, this couple-- so good!

Kamisama Hajimemashita, a.k.a. Kamisama Kiss, chapter 103: Oh my gosh this chapter was hilarious. :lol: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I love the fact that Mikage's acting like a proper father to Nanami-- he's adorable. (Also, that "I AM SAD." line was priceless, LOL! :lol: +1 for his little lecture to Tomoe afterwards, too. :thumb: )

And Taiyou no Ie chapter 31: Aw, now *that's* better! :) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: So glad things are starting to work out with Chi and Oda. :) Also, bwahaha at Mao's wild imaginings of Hiro at her age. :lol: And yep, with the way this chapter ended it looks like next chapter will feature both of the turn-downs (Mao to Daiki and Hiro to Sugimoto)... :sweat:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:48 am

D.Gray-man chapters 198-201 - ;lkajf;lsdkjfs;lkdjs The plot thickens! :dance:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:16 pm

Double Arts

While this manga was a lot of fun to read, it was too short, ended too abruptly, and didn't actually end. So now I'm sad and unfullfilled. I hate seeing good ideas like that go to waste, while these boring, monotonous manga go on and on and on. Ah, well.
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? -Micah 6:8 KJV
They have shewed thee, O teen, what is good; and what doth the world require of thee, but to fit in, be wealthy, have good looks, and be rebellious? -Peer Pressure 1:1
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:59 pm

ClaecElric4God wrote:Double Arts

While this manga was a lot of fun to read, it was too short, ended too abruptly, and didn't actually end. So now I'm sad and unfullfilled. I hate seeing good ideas like that go to waste, while these boring, monotonous manga go on and on and on. Ah, well.

Oh, I loved that manga! It was a really interesting idea, and one that was remarkably similar to a story I was writing at the time, actually. Such a shame it got canceled; it was just starting to get really good.

Anwyay, I read Silver Spoon chapter 88. I love every instance of people remarking on how Hachiken's presence has changed them for the better :n_n:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby drill » Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:58 pm

Full Metal Alchemist - I was originally turned off by the anime FMA: Brotherhood, where I stopped after the first episode, but the FMA manga seems to have a better pacing and explanation behind the characters than its anime counterpart did.

Koko Ni Iru Yo! - I'm not usually a fan of drama, but I think that all the characters are portrayed quite well in this.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby LastLfan » Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:06 pm

Just got volume one of death note
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby GeneD » Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:58 am

drill wrote:Full Metal Alchemist - I was originally turned off by the anime FMA: Brotherhood, where I stopped after the first episode, but the FMA manga seems to have a better pacing and explanation behind the characters than its anime counterpart did.

Although you're not wrong that the manga is superior, it's a rather bad idea to judge Brotherhood on the first episode, since it was an anime-original episode, which I guess they felt they needed to add to start things off differently to the 2003 series. The rest is a pretty decent adaptation of the manga, although like I mentioned, the manga is the best and most complete version of the story.

Caught up on Assassination Classsroom, Silver Spoon and The World God Only Knows. As much as I like baby-Keima, I'll be happy when this arc is over. The fact that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Dokuro could get through the barrier at any time and just wanted to "stay out of Keima's way"is annoying rubbish and sloppy writing.
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