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Postby The Silence » Mon Aug 04, 2003 2:03 pm

At least you have an excuse to not finish what you start...
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Aug 04, 2003 2:23 pm

Half the time I just leav
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Postby shooraijin » Mon Aug 04, 2003 6:36 pm

> At least you have an excuse to not finish what you start...

Oh NO! She showed up! *runs screaming for the hills* ;)
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Postby EireWolf » Mon Aug 04, 2003 9:44 pm

Hey, Silence... That avatar actually looks a little bit like you!

Of course, you're not usually blue... :)
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Postby majanthehun » Mon Aug 04, 2003 9:52 pm

what would be interesting would be to do a study on those kids with ADHD who had medication and those who did not... i wonder if they would handle things differently. i was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid but never ended up taking meds (my mom didn't beleive the doctor), so i would be pretty interested in the results.

btw, i love your avatar, silence....
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Postby Spiritsword » Tue Aug 05, 2003 7:35 pm

Originally posted my majanthehun:
what would be interesting would be to do a study on those kids with ADHD who had medication and those who did not... i wonder if they would handle things differently. i was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid but never ended up taking meds (my mom didn't beleive the doctor), so i would be pretty interested in the results.

Yeah, I agree, majan. But one thesis is enough for me. Someone else will have to do it...

Oh yeah, I'm glad you brought that up. All the kids in my study were taking medication for their ADHD. So they experienced the difficulties even while on medication.

There are so many different medications for ADHD nowadays. And they all seem to work differently with different individuals.

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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Aug 06, 2003 6:47 am

Have any studdies shown that large amounts of caffeen and sugar are helpful?

(Don't worry, I obsess with hyper-bole.)
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Postby Spiritsword » Wed Aug 06, 2003 7:57 am

Originally posted by oldphilosopher:
Have any studdies shown that large amounts of caffeen and sugar are helpful?

Off the top of my head I can't think of any. I've heard some people talk about that--because Ritalin and many of the other ADHD drugs are psychostimulants, thet hear that "stimulants" part and equate it with caffiene. I don't know that there's any research to back this up. There may be something out there, but as it's my summer break I'm not too keen on doing any research right now. I'm sure you understand...

Have any of you had any experiences with caffiene and ADHD?
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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Aug 06, 2003 8:03 am

Have any of you had any experiences with caffiene and ADHD?

ROFLMBO! Hey Wolf, wanna contribute?

Sorry, I'm completely addicted to caffiene. I DID notice that it made studying in collage much easier than it was in HS. I was acutally joking, but come to think of it, when I get coffee in my system, I AM less hyper and scatter brained. In fact, on Sundays that I haven't had coffee, I really upset the worship leader because I'm cutting up all the time. I'm thinking I don't cut up as much when I've had caffiene first. You may be onto something here. Interesting line of thinking...

Can I refer to you as "Spiritsword the enabler" now?
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Postby Spiritsword » Wed Aug 06, 2003 8:16 am

Actually, I was kind of alluding to the opposite, that there's not any real evidence for caffiene helping ADHD. It was more of a "home remedy" kind of thing that I can't recommend. But that's interesting that you actually see a difference, oldphilosopher. I'd be interested to know what others have experienced. (We could do our own little unofficial CAA research project...) :sweat:
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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Aug 06, 2003 5:28 pm

I wonder how many ADD/ADHD people we have here...?
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Postby EireWolf » Thu Aug 07, 2003 12:04 am

oldphilosopher wrote: Hey Wolf, wanna contribute?

Perhaps I'd better not... :bang:

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Postby Omega Amen » Fri May 21, 2004 4:46 pm

*reads the discussion on ADHD.*

.... Interesting.

*clears throat.*

Why am I posting in this thread? I would like to ask certain questions to each staff member in his/her Who's Who thread (with the exception being Shatterheart since he answered them in a different thread).

First, oldphilosopher, a few laid back questions.

1. When you greet new members, I notice you tend to use this introductory expression.
oldphilosopher wrote:Welcome to the Nuthouse! :lol:
My question is this: which types of nuts do you like (e.g. walnuts, almonds... not crazy people or the type used in hardware)?

2. If I remember correctly, you were a computer science major in college. What areas/specializations of study in computer science were you interested in? Do these areas of study still interest you now?

3. What do you think about black hair?

4. Your avatar depicts Gandalf the Grey played by Sir Ian MacKellan. I was wondering... do you have a preference between Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White? If you do have a preference, what is it and why?

Now, for the serious questions. I would really like to have your answers to these questions, but if you choose not to answer them, I understand, and I will not press you.

5. As a moderator of this site, I am sure you have a lot of responsibilities, and you try to be a good example for the rest of the members here.

So, why do this?

(I have read the FAQ before I joined, and I can assume that you "like doing this" in a general sense.)

6. From the start of your involvement, what were your personal motivations, intentions, and goals in participating in this project? Have they changed since then? How are you holding up to them?

7. Finally, you might have had some expectations for this site initially. Are things going as expected?

Thank you for your time in answering my questions.
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Postby Tidus20 » Fri May 21, 2004 7:43 pm

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Nevermind, now I'm intrested in...

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Postby Mithrandir » Sat May 22, 2004 8:28 am

Omega Amen wrote:which types of nuts do you like (e.g. walnuts, almonds... not crazy people or the type used in hardware)?

I really like peanuts. They are good for the body, and good for the soul. Speaking of good for the soul, I cried when I heard Charles died.

If I remember correctly, you were a computer science major in college. What areas/specializations of study in computer science were you interested in? Do these areas of study still interest you now?

Hmm... I started out thinking I would do video game design, but decided against it eventually. I took up AI for a while, but eventually got bored of that. When I got out of college, I noticed a real lack of tools to really let people share information. Google is fine, but how can you find that one little piece of info that you are looking for, in amongst trillions of bits of data? So now I work on databse design, and I'm writing a tool that will let someone create a powerful web based database engine, while being easy to use.

What do you think about black hair?

I think if God had wanted people to have black hair, He would have created more licorice. *chants: Never apologize, never explain...*

Your avatar depicts Gandalf the Grey played by Sir Ian MacKellan. I was wondering... do you have a preference between Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White? If you do have a preference, what is it and why?

It depends on the situation. If I'm in my hobit hole and just having fun, I prefer the Grey because he is more fun. If I'm fighting all the evils of Middle Earth, I prefer the all-powerful White.

As a moderator of this site, I am sure you have a lot of responsibilities, and you try to be a good example for the rest of the members here. So, why do this?

I suppose there are lots of reasons. As you mention, I enjoy what I do. Also, I like watching anime, so this gives me a very powerful set of tools to enhance my enjoyment]From the start of your involvement, what were your personal motivations, intentions, and goals in participating in this project? Have they changed since then? How are you holding up to them?[/quote]
In the beginning, I really was just looking for a place to hang out online. I was trying to find a place that I would fit it. I it was Noz and the Gypper that kept me coming back. Having another geek that I could talk shop with was really refreshing. And having conversations with someone who has watched nearly every anime every released was kinda cool too. In time, I found myself spending more and more time guiding newbies and generally trying to help the mods out. After a while, I was asked to help do it on a more 'formal' arangement. I guess I've always felt like there was something I was supposed to do here. My personallity likes to find holes and fill them, so the reviews database was kind of a natural project for me. There are more tools/features that I would like to add to CAA, but I'm a little short on freetime (and in all honesty, motivation). Currently, I'm helping my Japanese instructor prepair for her summer course by concentrating on my hiragana/katakana parsing engine, along with developing open source tools that can be used to help teach Japanese.

Finally, you might have had some expectations for this site initially. Are things going as expected?

Let's see. I'm user about 109. Since I joined, this board has grown to over 1,500 users. I really didn't expect it would get that large, to be honest. It's pretty gratiying to see it, though. It never ceases to amaze me how God can use every day activities to advance his kingdom.

Thank you for your time in answering my questions.

You are welcome. I hope I was not too evasive or pleonastic in my responses.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon May 24, 2004 1:38 pm

I'm so glad another old thread was brought back by Omega. It was great reading all the info on caffeine. I wonder if that's why I love caffeine so much? I'm glad you're feeling better Old Phil. ^_^

Here's a question: Do you think ADHD people are attracted to anime moreso than non-ADHD people?

So, whatever happened with that ADHD group meeting?

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

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Postby Mithrandir » Mon May 24, 2004 5:01 pm

So, whatever happened with that ADHD group meeting?


(On a side note, that was one of the most difficult things for me to type...)
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Postby EireWolf » Tue May 25, 2004 12:55 pm


This conversation sounds familiar... :grin:
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Postby c-girl » Tue May 25, 2004 4:15 pm

hee hee. He fits in perfectly with us!
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Postby Ingemar » Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:36 pm

Earlier, I made an anagram for oldphilosopher.

Now that you had the bitter hellborne gall to shed the honor that was your name (read: you changed your name), I came up with a new one:

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Postby Mithrandir » Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:47 am

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Postby Rachel » Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:26 pm

Is there any significance to your new name? Because I keep thinking there is but I don't know what it could be. Is it some old wizard dude from a book I haven't read, or some weird Latin word? Not that Latin is a weird language, but really, why is it called dead? Sure people don't speak it anymore, but what does that have to do with being dead? I don't understand it at all.
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Postby EireWolf » Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:57 pm

Since Mith is currently offline, I'll answer the first part. "Mithrandir" is an Elvish name for Gandalf, meaning "Grey Pilgrim." :)
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
[indent]~~Gandalf, in Fellowship of the Ring[/indent]
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:20 pm

Since Eirewolf answered the first part, I'll answer the second. Keep in mind that I haven't studied language extensively. I think that the definition of a "dead" language basically is that people don't speak it anymore. Languages naturally evolve over time; words take on new meanings (for example, "gay") and new words are created. The language is like a growing creature. But once people stop speaking it, it doesn't need to change. It is, in effect, dead.
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Postby Rachel » Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:05 pm

Ahh...thanks for the explanations y'all.
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Postby FadedOne » Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:10 pm

o.O Bakersfield, CA is apparently very popular. i'm pretty sure I know someone else from there. fun.
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is a freeing disposition to affirm, receive and nuture strength and leadership from worthy men in ways appropriate to a woman's differing relationships.

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Postby Swordguy » Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:39 pm

so now the real q is can i still call you old phil...or do i have to change it to old mith?
I used to "Follow" Him because i had i would give everything to follow Him.

Me check it out!

Quest for the True Grail

rei wrote:"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."

[quote="The forgoten"] .â€
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:52 pm

How about "Old Post?"

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Postby Swordguy » Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:55 pm

oooooo, forever more in my book you shall now be called old post
I used to "Follow" Him because i had i would give everything to follow Him.

Me check it out!

Quest for the True Grail

rei wrote:"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."

[quote="The forgoten"] .â€
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Postby Midori » Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:08 pm

I don't think he's quite skinny enough to be a post...
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