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Postby Peanut » Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:11 pm

So for various reasons I've been re-reading Of Nations and States and, in getting ahead of myself like my scatterbrained self usually does, I realized something upon Zarn Ishtare's departure...something that has become true in recent years. Something I never would have expected. I am now the sole controller of all things Of Nations and States. Including Zarn's characters. I'd use the evil smiley face right now but that evil grin is not nearly large enough to depict how evil my grin is. You know the Grinch? Think that but with more teeth showing and twice as big. Yeah that's the grin.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I have things planned for Of Nations. Big things planned. Sort of as a tribute to the old RP that defined a good bit of my time here on CAA. Also this means I'll actually be finishing that last Of Nations and States Tourney that I began and never completed since I couldn't really think of a satisfying ending. As it turns out I had to wait a few years. Stay tuned, I think you'll all like it (except maybe Zarn but he's a Marine and can probably do something ridiculous like kill me in 20 different ways with a plastic spoon so if you get offended by it Zarn, just remember that as well as that this is all in good fun...though I doubt you will read it...anyway fun times ahead!)
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goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
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Postby Peanut » Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:38 pm

*The world was ending. Or, at least every fiber in Ryuken's being seemed to be screaming that as if the loudest person in the entire universe was screaming into his ear over a megaphone. However, like the metaphor used, the sound of the universe ending had literally made Ryuken deaf to its status and as he stood back up after being launched miles away from the conflict to end all conflicts, he maintained that clam demeanor that had got him this far. Lonut was powerful. Or maybe his name was Peatan? Whatever it was it was powerful. No doubt about it. But it was not Ryuken, the man who had single done...something. Huh, weird I can't remember anything important Ryuken has ever done. Oh well, its probably not a big deal. I mean its not like reality is being torn apart by a fight in a computer simulation am I right guys?*

Lord Kalvin: So reality is being torn apart by a fight in a computer simulation.


Part 6- End.

Zarn Ishtare- It's no use...whatever your name is. Fenris is a being of pure energy so I can keep this up all day!

*An explosion erupted blowing back the massive twisted snake that Peanut and Lotan had formed. However as the smoke cleared, it lunged again at Zarn who effortlessly jumped out of its way.*

Zarn- Even without that I'd still be able to avoid your slow, clumsy mo--

*Zarn suddenly felt something massive smack into him quicker then he could react. His head began to spin as he smacked into the ground and suddenly realized that the freaky Snake thing's mouth was around him and the Arcane Singularity was trying to devour him.*

NMA 1: Ouch, he's going to be feeling that in the morning!

Lord Kalvin: If there will be a morning. It might be called night then.

NMA 2: Silly Lord Kalvin, everyone knows that night is at 12pm...wait that's not right.

Lord Kalvin: It will be if this battle keeps up...

*Zarn releases a massive blast of energy that rips Lotan's head off.*

NMA 1: I don't get it. How could a fight in a computer simulation tear apart reality?

Lord Kalvin: Its just what happens when two beings of immense power fight each other. As long as the battle rages on, their immense power will reach out and begin to draw the multiverses into each other, causing them to unite. The result is reality falling into shambles and me spending the next 6 trazillion years wearing a janitors hat and cleaning it up.

NMA 2: You say this like this has happened before.

Lord Kalvin: Twice...or maybe it was three times? Usually one being wins so its not a big problem.

*Lotan's head reforms and he promptly starts chasing Zarn again, mouth agape.*

NMA 1: So you've been over reacting is what you're saying. I mean Zarn is going to win this fight.

*Lord Kalvin stares off into space with a look on his face that said many things. None of which was that Zarn was going to win this fight.*

NMA 2: Ok then Peanut will win it.

*His face didn't say that either.*

NMA 1: Then--

Lord Kalvin:--They'll fight for eternity. Peanut can't kill Zarn because he's immortal. So he's trying to consume him but Fenris is a being of infinite energy so that's not going to happen. Zarn can't kill Peanut because he's transcended beyond Chaos godhood and become something...more.

NMA 2: What do you mean?

Lord Kalvin: Chaos gods don't regenerate like how Peanut did. Usually when you destroy them in a way similar to that that's just it. This means that Peanut is immortal as well. It also means that you will be wearing dresses in the next sentence.

*The Ninja Monkey Annoucners found themselves a set of lovely evening gowns. The first Ninja Monkey Announcer felt dashing in his elegant yellow gown that flowed like the Nile from his neck to his toes. The second Ninja Monkey Announcer felt like his purple dress made him look fat and swore that after this was all over he was going to hunt down the person who made these dresses and smack him across the face for such a cruel prank. Then he'd ask the lovely Colonel to the ball and be the talk of the town...wait this has nothing to do with Of Nations and States...*

Lord Kalvin: It will if this keeps up.

NMA 2: Stupid dress maker.

*Ninja Monkey Announcer 1 smacks Ninja Monkey Announcer 2 in the back of the head.*

NMA 1: Keep some dignity during the end of the world ok buddy.

*Meanwhile, Peanut continued to write the last part of the third Of Nations and States tourney when, all of a sudden, he felt like someone was always watching him. He reached over to his nearby window and raised the shade to find a giant eye staring through the window. He stared at it for a few seconds, then lowered the shade and returned to writing this last part of this tournament swearing that it was a terrible idea to wait this long to complete it.*

Lord Kalvin: Yep, the Muliverse is starting to fuse.

NMA 1: How long do we have?

Lord Kalvin: Have either of you suddenly ended up with chocolate mil--

*Before he could finish, Ninja Monkey Announcer 2 coughed up some chocolate milk*

Lord Kalvin: 5 minutes.

*Lord Kalvin pulled out a PalmPilate and began to look around for his calendar. Normally, such an antiquated piece of technology would be weird but seeing as how this was the end of the world, it didn't seem so strange at all.*

Lord Kalvin: Looks like I or any of my avatars won't be taking a vacation for the next...oh...6 trillion years? That's assuming I skip my lunch break....every day...for the next 70 centuries...

NMA 1: Being God sucks doesn't it.

Lord Kalvin: Only when your student and some random dude decide to break the multiverse.

*Zarn was flung by Lotan into the last standing building.*

Lotan: Kill Zarn! Devour Zarn!

Zarn: That's it!

*Suddenly, a flurry of claws ripped through Lotan's body as Zarn sped his way around his coiled form. However, not a single cut appeared.*

NMA 1: Um...was that reality--

Not Lord Kalvin: No, that was Lotan actually trying to regenerate. Yeah, he's at the point now where stuff doesn't hurt him at all, that's how fast he regenerates.

*Somewhere, Dante had a sudden urge to legally change his name to Puritan and begin to where elaborate hats everywhere he goes. And when I say elaborate I mean Queen of England elaborate. Suddenly, Kaligraphic woke up on an island and was told by a Genie that he would grant him one wish. He wished he could think of a wish when suddenly the Genie disappeared. In the Middle East, the real Zarn Ishtare felt a sudden urge to kill Peanut with a plastic spoon the next time he met him. He wasn't quite sure why but he was pretty sure it was the second best idea he ever had. He chuckled at the thought of the best idea he ever had which was sure to make him a millionaire if he ever did it. Too bad the world was ending.*

Zarn: Why aren't you dying?

Lotan: Hehehehe

Zarn: Heh, well I'll just have to try harde--

*Zarn was again hit by Lotan before he was able to finish his sentence. This pattern was starting to bug him. No one cuts off Zarn Ishtare except for the clone of his sister...wait Zarn doesn't have a clone of a sister?*

NMA 1: So what will happen to us?

NegaLord Kalvin: You'll probably just disappear or maybe be transformed into something...different.

NMA 2: Like?

Lord Kalvin with a stylish topee: Depends on how the Multiverse fuses.

*Off in the distance, as reality continued to collapse, strolled Ryuken. Calmly walking towards the battle raging on in front of him. He would not be upstaged by such fools as Peanut and Zarn. He was the superior fighter and he would show it right now for the whole world to see. He thought he spot from the corner of his eye he thought he saw an entire school bus of kindergartners going to school. But it was probably just his imagination. Suddenly, a toaster dinged.*

NMA 1: What does that mean?

Lord Kalvin: one minute to the end of the world.

NMA 2: Well folks. Its been fun and real. But it looks like this is it for all of us. So, I guess we'll give one final send off that no one will ever forget.

Lord Kalvin without a beard: No, they'll forget it.
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goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
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Postby Peanut » Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:39 pm

*Zarn Ishtare gathered a tremendous amount of energy in his hands and lit it slip over his fursona form. Lotan's body began to shift and several more mouths appeared on his head, all with an arcane energy singularity in them. Ryuken, not to be out done, ripped off his shirt, cracked his neck and started to run towards the fight. Lotan lunged at Zarn as Zarn shot forward at Lotan. Ryuken jumped like no one had jumped before right towards the action. What happened next occurred so fast that if you blinked, you missed it. Right before Lotan collided with Zarn, Zarn skillfully kicked Lotan in such a way that it lurched back. About this time, Ryuken reached the fight in the air only to realize two things: 1) he had misjudged his jump and 2) he was out of Arcane Energy and would likely not be able to do anything silly like fly. Grabbing at whatever he could, he snagged onto Zarn Ishtare's pants and, as Lotan swung back to smack into Zarn, fell to the ground with Zarn's trousers clutched in his hand. When he landed, Ryuken stared up in the air and his jaw dropped to the floor. Lotan stopped in mid air right, right before he hit into Zarn Ishtare and began to chuckle and then laugh uncontrollably. Ryuken, too, began to snicker before giving into uncontrollable laughter.*

NMA 1: What's so funny?

NMA 2: Quick get a close up of whatever just happened.

Lord Kalvin: Don't mind me, I'm just going to be enjoying this glass of Vanilla Coke and hope it doesn't result in a cheap comedic gag.

*The camera zooms in on Zarn Ishtare to reveal him wearing a set of My Little Pony Boxers. But these weren't just any My Little Pony Undies. These were the kind that said to all the ladies in the world “Hey, I've got an extensive plastic pony collection proudly displayed in an expensive display case right near my front door. I also have My Little Pony bedsheets and towels and a pillow shaped like Fluttershy. And that's just in my summer home. Wait until you see my My Little Pony Mansion that I built! If you bought me a crown and crowned me King Brony. I would not only wear that title proudly but construct the worlds largest Billboard to advertise it. One so large that it can be read a galaxy away! That's how much I love that show!â€
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goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:22 pm

A remembrance of better days.


From left to right

Goldenspines, Dante, JM, Peanut, Kali and Zarn

Background - Temmy
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Dante » Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:22 pm

Just noticed this... awesome XD
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Postby Dante » Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:35 pm

Just noticed this... awesome XD.

On a side note: P.A.S.C.A.L. enters the stadium like a menacing warlock, complete with Rei's skull on a stick.

P.A.S.C.A.L.: I wish to take this moment to declare that I too, am a Brony. Anyone laughing now >:D.
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Postby Peanut » Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:03 pm

*Somewhere, Puritan is laughing.*
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goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:39 am

Well we had some bloody good times together, and argued enough to get lawyer degrees.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:14 pm

Dante (post: 1598709) wrote:Just noticed this... awesome XD.

On a side note: P.A.S.C.A.L. enters the stadium like a menacing warlock, complete with Rei's skull on a stick.

P.A.S.C.A.L.: I wish to take this moment to declare that I too, am a Brony. Anyone laughing now >:D.

Only true evil can become a brony. This is already well known and documented.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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