I need some prayer, a spiritual battle is on in my life

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I need some prayer, a spiritual battle is on in my life

Postby TheGasMaster438 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:42 am

Hello fellow believers :)

I really need some prayers right now. I feel my faith isn't as strong as it could be. I feel like my head is being crammed with messages from school books and atheists saying that God is evil and only loves certain people. I know that God is good, more pure than any human could ever be. Please pray for me to gain the faith to trust in God and sort out the lies.

Also I want to ask this question if I may. As a Christian, is it mandatory for me to go out and preach God's word openly to absolutely everyone? I have this feeling that if I don't, then I will have failed God, but at the same time I don't have confidence in myself to defend God's word (again I feel like My faith is not as good as it should be) and that if I don't successfully defend God's word, then I will fail God anyways. I am scared senseless of failing God. May I also ask for a prayer to find an answer to this question?

I really appreciate any prayers because I really need them now. Let me thank you for your prayers and for reading this. It means a lot :)
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:56 am

TheGasMaster438 (post: 1598806) wrote:I really need some prayers right now. I feel my faith isn't as strong as it could be. I feel like my head is being crammed with messages from school books and atheists saying that God is evil and only loves certain people. I know that God is good, more pure than any human could ever be. Please pray for me to gain the faith to trust in God and sort out the lies.
This is sonething I've never seen in school books, ever. Unless they're novels (which are fiction).

Also I want to ask this question if I may. As a Christian, is it mandatory for me to go out and preach God's word openly to absolutely everyone? I have this feeling that if I don't, then I will have failed God, but at the same time I don't have confidence in myself to defend God's word (again I feel like My faith is not as good as it should be) and that if I don't successfully defend God's word, then I will fail God anyways. I am scared senseless of failing God. May I also ask for a prayer to find an answer to this question?

No. The Bible is very clear that people have different God-given gifts, and that not everyone shares the same gifts - some have the gift of teaching, some of evangelizing, some of healing, some of writing, and on and on and on.

[quote]"And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for (unto) the work of ministry, for (unto) building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ]

No Christian *has* to go out and evangelize, because not everyone has a gift for it or a calling for it.... and those who proceed to do so anyway can do more harm than good.

Defending the Bible is NOT what defines a Christian - it's believing Jesus died for your sins, and trying to follow Jesus' teachings. So volunteer at a homeless shelter. Love God. Love your neighbor.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:00 am

Having doubts and disbeliefs about things is not the opposite of faith. It is an element of faith.

The more you dig into things like religious philosophy, the deeper your faith will mold. Think for yourself. Don't always assume what people tell you is true. This goes for people in school and people in church.
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Postby Xeno » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:01 am

TheGasMaster438 (post: 1598806) wrote:I really need some prayers right now. I feel my faith isn't as strong as it could be. I feel like my head is being crammed with messages from school books and atheists saying that God is evil and only loves certain people.

Umm. What school books and atheists are these? I find it incredibly doubtful that any atheist would say that god only loves certain people, seeing as we don't believe in god, and the same goes for saying that god is evil. If any atheist is saying god is evil, then they're they're trying to form a point to which you're you're not listening to completely. Something that doesn't exist can't be evil, so for a real atheist to just run around calling god evil makes no sense.

The school books are a different story, but as Atria said, if they're just fiction then...
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Postby Nate » Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:45 pm

Xeno wrote:for a real atheist to just run around calling god evil makes no sense.

I have a feeling he means that one of the arguments atheists make is that while God doesn't exist, if the God of Judaism/Christianity DID exist then he would be evil and therefore not someone to worship and praise.

Aside from that, unless it's a comparative religions class which is discussing how various religions view other religions, I can't imagine any educational book seriously saying God is evil.

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Postby seaglass27 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:19 pm

Gasmaster, I am going to have to disagree with the other people in this thread and say that, yes, we are all called to evangelism. I base this on the Great Commission, the exhortation to be always ready to give an answer to those who ask, the readiness of NT Christians to disciple others and the fact that I find it hard to believe that God will be pleased when we ignore the people on their way to hell all around us and simply let them die in their sin. Yes, some people are gifted with evangelism and are better at it than others, but that does not let you and I off the hook.

Like you said, though, we need to be good representations of Christ. That means one thing: study, study, study! That means more than reading the Bible. Delve into the writings of modern and ancient Christian philosophers and apologists. If you want some direction PM me and I'll happily give it to you.
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Postby TheGasMaster438 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:44 pm

Atria35 (post: 1598835) wrote:This is sonething I've never seen in school books, ever. Unless they're novels (which are fiction).

It is a book of literature that I have to read, and it is very depressing even though it is fiction. It is all about death, and fake love, and lots of the stories seem to shout "where is your God in all this?"

Atria35 wrote:No. The Bible is very clear that people have different God-given gifts, and that not everyone shares the same gifts - some have the gift of teaching, some of evangelizing, some of healing, some of writing, and on and on and on.
No Christian *has* to go out and evangelize, because not everyone has a gift for it or a calling for it.... and those who proceed to do so anyway can do more harm than good.

That is what I'm afraid will happen, that I will cause more harm than good because I don't have confidence in myself during debate

Atria35 wrote:Defending the Bible is NOT what defines a Christian - it's believing Jesus died for your sins, and trying to follow Jesus' teachings. So volunteer at a homeless shelter. Love God. Love your neighbor.

I hear this all the time, and I agree that Jesus did die for all, but I just feel unworthy of him because I am too afraid to share his word with others.

Also thank you for sharing that passage from the Bible, it was very encouraging and informative. I can't believe I didn't remember it.

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1598846) wrote:Having doubts and disbeliefs about things is not the opposite of faith. It is an element of faith.

The more you dig into things like religious philosophy, the deeper your faith will mold. Think for yourself. Don't always assume what people tell you is true. This goes for people in school and people in church.

This is a good way to look at it, and I agree with you. thank you for the advice as well.

Nate (post: 1598911) wrote:I have a feeling he means that one of the arguments atheists make is that while God doesn't exist, if the God of Judaism/Christianity DID exist then he would be evil and therefore not someone to worship and praise.

Aside from that, unless it's a comparative religions class which is discussing how various religions view other religions, I can't imagine any educational book seriously saying God is evil.

Thank you for the clarification Nate, and yes that is exactly what I meant to say to Mr. Xeno. I guess I could also attribute my views to things seen on the internet. I don't know, perhaps I am just being paranoid and seeing all the negativity rather than the good.

Thank you for the offer Otaku Jordan, I just PMed you.

also thanks for the replies guys, it means a lot. :)
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:43 am

TheGasMaster438 (post: 1599037) wrote:It is a book of literature that I have to read, and it is very depressing even though it is fiction. It is all about death, and fake love, and lots of the stories seem to shout "where is your God in all this?"
Well, it's a valid question. A lot of terrible things happen to people with seemingly no intervention from God - one merely needs to look at the Holocaust or what Stalin did during the Cold War. You can't ignore the bad and only focus on the good. So, instead of taking these questions and stories as an attack on God, you should seriously consider these questions and try to find answers within the Bible and come to peace with that. It's not easy - many people lose their faith because of what happens to them in life - but those who make it through usually end up with even stronger faith.
That is what I'm afraid will happen, that I will cause more harm than good because I don't have confidence in myself during debate
If you don't know what you're debating or defending, then you'll lose quite easily. You should feel confident in the basics of your faith, by studying the Bible, going to study groups, and shoring up what you know.
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Postby AdriTan » Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:29 pm

Think about this:
God doesn't send the qualified, He qualifies the sent.

I agree with OJ, we are all called to evangelism, but that doesn't mean we are all called to be epic preachers like Billy Graham. Evangelism can be simple as showing someone Jesus's love. And we are all called to preach the gospel, but for some people you have to wait for the right time. If you try walking up to some random person and preaching the gospel without God giving you directions to do so, chances are they'll reject it. The parable about the seeds teaches us that for a plant to grow the soil needs to be taken care of. And sometimes you may plant a seed and someone else will take care of the soil.

As for defending the faith, you have to be careful. Debating things with Atheists or believers of other faiths only shows that you like to get in debates. You have to be polite. I'm praying for ya! ^.^
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Postby MrKrillz0r » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:13 pm

I'd recommend listening to Dr.Ravi Zacharias, R.C Sproul and Tim Keller if you want to know a bit more about how to defend your faith, they are great preachers and they are known for debating, defending and reaching out to atheists. I think you'll come to find that in the end atheism is not as logical and intelligent as they make it sound, but rather the opposite. (I did at least!) And I think you'll be able to learn a lot of other things by them as well. ^^

And you should keep in mind that you are saved by what Jesus did for you, and not anything you have done. So don't be afraid that God will turn away from you because you fail, since all your failures has been paid for already by what Jesus did on the cross.

But it's great that you want to grow stronger in your faith is great! Pray, read, listen and be part of Christian community and I have no doubt that God will help you grow in your faith. Don't be afraid to ask Him for wisdom and help regarding your weaknesses and problems, keep in mind that He loves you and wants you to grow closer to Him! :)

Lastly, about evangalizing. I think the most important thing you can do is to live out the way God told us to live, and be an example of how you have been transformed by Him. Of course there are moments where talking is needed, but in many cases I think just letting people know what you believe and to be there to answer them when they ask you is the best way to go about it. I'm at the same place where you are though, regarding this. And what I just wrote is just what I've come to think about it so far, I might be wrong. :)
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Postby Xeno » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:30 pm

AdriTan (post: 1599147) wrote:As for defending the faith, you have to be careful. Debating things with Atheists or believers of other faiths only shows that you like to get in debates. You have to be polite. I'm praying for ya! ^.^

MrKrillz0r (post: 1599158) wrote:I'd recommend listening to Dr.Ravi Zacharias, R.C Sproul and Tim Keller if you want to know a bit more about how to defend your faith, they are great preachers and they are known for debating, defending and reaching out to atheists. I think you'll come to find that in the end atheism is not as logical and intelligent as they make it sound, but rather the opposite. (I did at least!)

Yes, we atheists just run around screaming at everyone vocal range that their religion is wrong, and we just absolutely love to get into debates. There couldn't possibly be the chance that we'd like the opportunity to just not have religious faith and not have to deal with people telling us we're all going to hell for not believing in their sky-god.

This attitude around here that atheists need to be argued and debated with and that we're the enemy is kind of frustrating guys.
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Postby AdriTan » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:36 pm

Wait did I say something offending? I'm a little confused but I hope not. I just meant getting in debates with people makes them shut off to you and then if it gets really bad you may not get to be friends anymore. I know if I lost my atheist friends it would not have been worth arguing at all cuz they are good friends.
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Postby seaglass27 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:57 pm

AdriTan was saying that it makes it look like Christians like to get into debates, not atheists...
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Postby AdriTan » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:01 pm

Yup that's what I was saying. ^.^ Thanks OJ
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Postby Xeno » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:06 pm

Otaku Jordan (post: 1599168) wrote:AdriTan was saying that it makes it look like Christians like to get into debates, not atheists...

gg on not reading the last sentence in my post, or the overall message of the post in general OJ. I was using the two posts I quoted as a more general example, not making a direct reply to both. But hey, your moral superiority complex will probably ignore everything I have to say anyway, so whatever.
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Postby AdriTan » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:28 pm

Also like I was saying while talking to Xeno when talking about faith you don't go around saying the other person is wrong, you say why you believe what you believe, then they can say why they believe what they believe and then you can move on. If either of you have questions you can start a good friendly conversation. ^.^
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Postby seaglass27 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:11 pm

Xeno (post: 1599173) wrote:gg on not reading the last sentence in my post, or the overall message of the post in general OJ. I was using the two posts I quoted as a more general example, not making a direct reply to both. But hey, your moral superiority complex will probably ignore everything I have to say anyway, so whatever.

I am sorry you felt that I was slighting you. I wasn't trying to. If I misunderstood you it was not because I look down on you but because such is the nature of the Internet.

Xeno, you have to keep in mind that you are on a Christian forum and so people of other mindsets will often be spoken of in generalized, third-person terms. It's best not to be sensitive about it. The people on CAA (and this includes me) are your friends and it isn't our goal to make you feel bad or badmouth you. :)
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Postby AdriTan » Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:31 pm

Well, I'm thinking we should prolly get this back on track ^.^
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Postby MrKrillz0r » Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:57 pm

Xeno (post: 1599161) wrote:Yes, we atheists just run around screaming at everyone vocal range that their religion is wrong, and we just absolutely love to get into debates. There couldn't possibly be the chance that we'd like the opportunity to just not have religious faith and not have to deal with people telling us we're all going to hell for not believing in their sky-god.

This attitude around here that atheists need to be argued and debated with and that we're the enemy is kind of frustrating guys.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I was talking about what is called "new atheists". I mentioned it before but as I edited my text I forgot to put it in. But since new atheists admits and lives by the fact that they think religion is something which cannot and should not be accepted and find religion to be a form of disease, I do not feel like I've written anything other than what reality will bring you. And I do have experience with this in real life, where I've had people openly attack my faith without me even mentioning anything, telling me how stupid it is.

So your statement: "Yes, we atheists just run around screaming at everyone vocal range that their religion is wrong, and we just absolutely love to get into debates." is pretty much what new atheism is about. Sorry for not pointing out with branch of atheism I was talking about.

Edit: Sorry, this is completely off topic. I'll stop posting here and if Xeno or anyone else wants to talk let's go use PM.
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Postby Hiryu » Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:39 pm

While Jesus called us to evangelize to the four corners of the Earth, you shouldn't feel like you need to evangelize to be a Christian. Evangelism is a careful practice and never should feel forced.

Defending the Word of God is never absolutely necessary. The world will not end if someone else wins the debate. If that person is still around, you can always talk to them later once you feel like you have an answer.

If you're so scared of failing to meet God's expectations, consider this: You have already done so before. Infact, we've all fail God at one point or another. But God will never stop loving all of us. Just because you fail does not mean that all will be doom and gloom. Failure is inevitable; It's really how you handle your failure and learn from it.
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Postby goldenspines » Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:07 pm

Xeno (post: 1599161) wrote:Yes, we atheists just run around screaming at everyone vocal range that their religion is wrong, and we just absolutely love to get into debates. There couldn't possibly be the chance that we'd like the opportunity to just not have religious faith and not have to deal with people telling us we're all going to hell for not believing in their sky-god.

This attitude around here that atheists need to be argued and debated with and that we're the enemy is kind of frustrating guys.
Clarifying a few things here.
One, no one has generalized atheists as "loving to get into debates/arguments" as you seemed to think, though the idea was presented that if a Christian got into a debate with an atheist (though, I think limiting it to atheist is a little weird, since it's not just atheists and Christians in the world), then they can do x, y, and z to help defend their faith.
Secondly, no on in this thread has classified atheists as "the enemy". Really, there isn't an enemy to our faith besides the devil, but he's defeated already, so no one should really care about it.
But the thing is, it's not really a "good idea" to hear spiritual advice about Christianity from an atheist. Just like I'm sure atheists wouldn't really like to hear spiritual advice from a Christian. We are separate in very main ideas to both our faiths. It's like trying to ask someone who only knows English to give advice to someone in fluent Japanese. It doesn't work out too well and ideas will get confused. I think this what the OP's main concern in his opening post was, as well as those who responded to him.

But if you somehow felt personally attacked, please avoid taking it out by throwing personal attacks at other members/nit-picking posts as you have been doing and instead direct your concerns to a moderator. We do not tolerate personal attacks for any reason on CAA.
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Postby TheGasMaster438 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 11:08 pm

Xeno (post: 1599161) wrote:Yes, we atheists just run around screaming at everyone vocal range that their religion is wrong, and we just absolutely love to get into debates. There couldn't possibly be the chance that we'd like the opportunity to just not have religious faith and not have to deal with people telling us we're all going to hell for not believing in their sky-god.

This attitude around here that atheists need to be argued and debated with and that we're the enemy is kind of frustrating guys.

you make a good point.

I do not think of Atheists as the enemy, in fact I have several atheist friends in real life. I simply wanted to ask fellow Christians on this site for advice so that I may be able to intelligently defend my faith when anyone questions it. Atheists make good points giving Christians very valid questions, and I simply want to learn more so I can give them valid answers.

Like OJ said, we are your friends and don't want to bad mouth you. I would gladly be good friends with you if you would like :) We could talk about whatever you would like.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:05 am

MrKrillz0r (post: 1599158) wrote:I'd recommend listening to Dr.Ravi Zacharias, R.C Sproul and Tim Keller if you want to know a bit more about how to defend your faith, they are great preachers and they are known for debating, defending and reaching out to atheists. I think you'll come to find that in the end atheism is not as logical and intelligent as they make it sound, but rather the opposite. (I did at least!) And I think you'll be able to learn a lot of other things by them as well. ^^

I'm going to have to recommend the opposite. Listening to those people will only temporarily help. It'll make the problems seem to disappear. But if you further study religious philosophy, the arguments by Dr. Zacharias and company are very elementary. You can spend your time arguing against people who refer to Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens or whatever, but the more you study religious philosophy, the more idiotic and uneducated people like Dawkins and Hitchens will sound. You'll be hard-pressed to find a vocal atheist who refers to individuals such as Marx, Freud, or Feuerbach. If you do, THEN you've come across an intellectual atheist.

I mean compare the questions:

Dawkins: "If God is good then why do bad things happen?"
Feuerbach: "What if 'God' was just a projection of the most positive qualities that humanity has?"

Question 1 is a joke. Question 2 I don't have a legitimate answer for.

So the key isn't to intellectually justify your faith, because if that's your goal you're missing the point of spirituality. The point is to accept it despite if its implausibility. That, to me, is faith.

So if you read all these stories on "where is God?", that's only an expression of the human condition and the suffering people go through. It's a question we all will go through and continue to go through. Some of time's best religious books contain chapters and chapters of argumentations against God. Pick up a book by Dostoevsky and you'll see just what I mean.
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Postby MrKrillz0r » Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:31 am

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1599280) wrote:I'm going to have to recommend the opposite. Listening to those people will only temporarily help. It'll make the problems seem to disappear. But if you further study religious philosophy, the arguments by Dr. Zacharias and company are very elementary. You can spend your time arguing against people who refer to Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens or whatever, but the more you study religious philosophy, the more idiotic and uneducated people like Dawkins and Hitchens will sound. You'll be hard-pressed to find a vocal atheist who refers to individuals such as Marx, Freud, or Feuerbach. If you do, THEN you've come across an intellectual atheist.

I mean compare the questions:

Dawkins: "If God is good then why do bad things happen?"
Feuerbach: "What if 'God' was just a projection of the most positive qualities that humanity has?"

Question 1 is a joke. Question 2 I don't have a legitimate answer for.

So the key isn't to intellectually justify your faith, because if that's your goal you're missing the point of spirituality. The point is to accept it despite if its implausibility. That, to me, is faith.

So if you read all these stories on "where is God?", that's only an expression of the human condition and the suffering people go through. It's a question we all will go through and continue to go through. Some of time's best religious books contain chapters and chapters of argumentations against God. Pick up a book by Dostoevsky and you'll see just what I mean.

I didn't purely recommend these people because of the fact that they give answers regarding atheism, I also recommended them for spiritual growth overall since they do preach a whole lot other stuff. I'll send a PM about the other stuff since I feel like I will go totally off topic!
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Postby Lynna » Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:37 pm

I'm not sure where you said it, but at one point I think you said that you didn't feel worthy. I would like to point out that no one is worthy in and of themselves. It is Jesus who makes you worthy.
Please, don't feel pressured to evangelize if you're not ready. You might come to a time in you life where you are ready, and in the mean time since you're not ready, it's just something you should pray about. When I was younger, I really wasn't ready, and I probably did more damage than good. So don't pressure yourself, okay?
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Postby Vilo159 » Thu Nov 22, 2012 11:27 pm

I'm with OJ and Adri on this, it is my belief that we are all called to share the gospel. That doesnt always mean going and serving big long missions or preaching to our peers, though those can be good things. The degree and extent of evangelism depends on the individual. For you, preaching the word may be simply being a good example to those around you, for others it may be a much larger way. Sharing the gospel is something we are all called to do, you just need to find how you can best fulfill that call.
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