Memento Mori: Finis

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Memento Mori: Finis

Postby goldenspines » Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:26 am

GM is the brilliant Arya Raiin.

Have fun and play safe! ^__^
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Day 1

Postby Arya Raiin » Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:48 am

[SIZE="2"][font="Fixedsys"]OCC: Thank you Miss Goldy!

New Entry

Day: 1
Weather: 62 F Cloudy, N wind 15 mph
Status: Normal

Well, I can hear the rumblings in the distance, the crack of stone and squeal of metal. It's like the whole city is groaning in pain. Sometimes, the screeches become so loud that I have to cover my ears. As I sit here, looking out the window over the empty city, I think about what could've been. What I could've done. I've poured over my notes time and time again, but nothing comes. All is lost. Brownstone will never be the same. Everyone who could leave have, the others just wait, becoming more feral with each day. At night I'll hear gun shots outside of the fence. I wonder which poor soul was killed. But, it's hard for a dead man to think of another person dying. The situation is inevitable. We all die. The phrase that comes to to mind is memento mori, or remember your mortality. Now is the time to do so. I pray that some redemption will come out of this darkness. Lord, protect us, and let me be a light to this fallen town.

Powering off


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Postby Arya Raiin » Tue Oct 09, 2012 4:40 pm


~Huff huff!" Noxa gasped as she raced down the dark ally. Her feet pounded the ground loudly. Her eyes were lit up with the feral instinct to escape. Behind her fleeing form came a chorus of barks. Five dogs, snarling and baring their teeth rushed after her. As soon as they came, they were gone.

"Umph! Where are we going, miss?" whimpered a blonded headed child in Noxa's arms. Grindind her teeth in anger, she wheezed a reply "Away!" She scanned her eyes down the ally. There! With her last burst of energy, Noxa bounded up a tall stack of boxes and onto the roof of a worn building, her coat making an audible wooshing. There wasn't time to consider a weakened roof. She jumped to the next building and collapsed from the bone jarring impact. The dark clad form layed there, dazed. The child issued a shocked cry before worming himself out from under his rescuer. Nox huffed and wheezed until she had the breath to say "Kid, never play with hungry street dogs, okay? They could've ripped you to pieces!" The little boy, no older than six, nodded his head. "Thank you for saving me." He whispered. With some effort, Noxa pulled herself to her feet. "Do you have any family around here"
"Yes, four blocks down the road. The house with the blue door."
"And they're still here?"
"Yes m'am!"
"We'd better go before they get worried!"
Carrying the child, Noxa continued to jump from roof to roof, carrying the thrilled child in her arms. "Down we go!" She mummbled before she jumped off the roof to the ground, six feet below. The impact was hard, but she stayed upright. The child, who's name was Samuel, enjoyed the eventful morning, telling his two shocked and terrified parents about his adventures with the dark clothed stranger.

Noxa returned to slinking down the dark allys, heading to the best view in the city, a giant clock tower with an observatory.

OOC: Come on guys, post! :< Else I'll give up on the rp!
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Postby Ally-Ann » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:50 pm

OOC: Sorry! School's kept from posting. Still trying to keep my study habits/routines.


The wind was blowing gently, the sickenly sweet smell of flowers tingled in her nose. She folded her thin arms across her chest, while she leaned against the city center's main business building, observing the beautiful day, her sharp gaze seeing everything. She watched from the corner of her eye as a bird landed five feet away from her, preened for about two minutes, then flew away. She stared at the leaves in a holly bush rustle in the breeze, and watched as a few of the green, unripened berries tumbled down the leaves' points and onto the ground.

She sighed. Another typical day of waiting, watching, observing... Worrying? No. Not worrying. There is no worry without there being a possibility of hope, and there was no hope. She didn't worry. In fact, she was becoming impatient for the world's days to end. Eden stood up straight and began wandering down the sidewalk of the half-empty city, her eyes cold and calculating as she watched for any signs of an insane person attacking her, or for any progress in the world ending. A string of monotonous, sarcastically-toned words left her mouth through a sigh. "Oh, how fun."
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I like mochi. ^^

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Postby Arya Raiin » Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:41 pm


She got off of the stairs she had been sitting on with a sore groan, rubbing her shoulder tenderly. The fall had hurt more than she expected, leaving a purple mark and a knot. Noxa's thoughts floated back to her encounter with the boy. He had been backed against a corner, cowering with fear. It was so familiar. Yet, she just couldn't place her finger on who the situation had reminded her of. It was someone so dear, it made her heart beat faster. With a flurry of cloth and ice, she had rushed in, scooped up the child, and ran without thinking her plans through. It nearly cost her a bite. Fortunatly, the dog only bit into the hem of her coat. Noxas shook off these thoughts. "I'd better get moving..."

Noxas climbed up onto the roof of the clock tower in downtown Brownstone. Out of all the steel, bricks, and high tech transportation, this relic stood like a call to better times. It was old. Hundreds of years older than Noxas. A smile crept onto her face. Many memories had been made at this forgotten tower. Some good, some bad. She clasped a gloved hand around the rusted ladder and ascended to the top.

A note of greif tinged Noxa's heart as she stared over the bleak landscape. Her former joy vanished as cold wind shook the tower. The city was empty. Completely empty except for the few poor souls who had been trapped or unable to evacuate. A gunshot rang out from the other side of town, making her wince. Poor souls indeed.

Squinting to make her biotic implant zoom in, Noxa scanned the downtown area. Walking down the middle of the road was a girl. A girl, alone, in a town of thugs. Noxa zoomed in closer, having nothing better to do. She studied Eve from her perch five blocks away, a small dark splotch on the clock tower. "Not a good idea girly, not a good idea..." She whispered under her breath.
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Postby metolosophy » Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:42 pm

OOC: Sorry, mate~!


"Come on, now, come on!"
The quaint greenhouse was filled with brilliant rays of morning sunshine and, instead of the sound of content crickets chirping away and the smell of a hundred different breeds of colorful flowers, the little building resonated with the whirring of mechanical parts and the furious pounding of a keyboard, accompanied with the smell of metal and plastic.
Pimiento Aura remained hunched over his tiny laptop swarming with copper wires connecting it to larger motherboards and processing mechanisms, only his fingers moved as they flew about as he incessantly studied his compilations of equations and functions on the fly.
Suddenly, Pim halted, his fingers curling as he tore his eyes away from the screen, glancing at the results printing the results out of one of the processing mechanisms. Pushing his red glasses further up on his nose with a finger, the seventeen-year-old sat back, satisfied with himself. His spine began to pop from his long period of immobility, but the brace encompassing his torso hidden under his shirt and jacket held his mid and lower vertebrae from popping.
"I suppose that is enough for this morning," he said happily to himself, rising out of his spinning seat to draw close to one of the transparent walls of the greenhouse, gazing out to catch a glimpse of the epicenter of Brownstone. He walked awkwardly with his brace, his back and shoulders stiff and his hips unable to swivel completely.
"Silly people," Pim said, acknowledging the roof of the nuclear center, which poked from behind the tree-line. "Dad and the rest of them. A month is a long time, why did they have to leave so quickly? And without all of their stuff!"
The scraping of fourteen tiny claws sounded behind Pim on the concrete foundation. He turned around to see the fluffy ball of black and white fur that was his guinea pig Sol scampering towards him.
"Hey, mate!" Pim called, scooping him up in one hand and nuzzling him with his nose. Sol was the only living thing Pim could talk to anymore. The people who still remained in Brownstone were very scary. "Its about time for lunch, do you want to go find something to eat?"
The short-haired cavy wheeked hungrily as he popcorned into his master's large jacket pocket, making himself comfortable, and settled with just his nose sticking up into the air.
"All right, let's go!" Pim whisked out of the greenhouse/laboratory and hopped over his home's privacy fence, making his way to the center of town. He whistled and hummed happily as he skirted down the walkways past buildings, knowing of a convenience store whose nonperishable provisions had yet to be raided by the 'scaries'.
"Don't worry, Sol," he cooed cheerfully, patting his fur-filled pocket. "I know how to protect you if the scaries want to turn you into a barbecue."
Sol grunted a bored churr in response.
Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.
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Postby Oddood198 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:03 pm

OOC: Well ok, heres my crappy intro.

The echoing tapping of steel on the paved road sounded out regularly every second or so, slicing through the otherwise eerie silence, the sun shined down and reflected off of the metal contraption that walked down the street. It swept it's baleful red eye across it's path, searching for food, it was hungry. With a cry that sounded like fingernails scraping across a blackboard, the mechanical beast beat it's wings and rose up into the air, it began flying lazily, keeping it's keen eyes down, still searching.
The thing flew higher and higher, soon it's height and the view it had momentarily distracted it from it's search for food, and continued rising higher.

After some time of flying, the steel bird set it's sights on the old clocktower, there would be something to eat there, plenty of rats if nothing else. It rose to the top, it often came here, the tower was so high and there was something distinctly different about it from all the rest of the city. It sat upon one of the ticking hands, the short one, it moved slowly so the bird could safely perch on it. It looked down upon the city, it had once been bustling with life, and so much activity, but it wasn't now. The machine couldn't understand why exactly that was.

It heard a call from above it; birds circling atop the tower, real birds, with feathers and bones, weaklings. Weak they were, but their instincts of hunting were greater than that of the metal bird's, so it flew up with them. With a piercing shriek the metal bird drove away the smaller ones, which were significantly smaller than it, as well, and it took their place circling the peak of the structure.
It soon saw what had drawn the attention of the predators, some rats seemed to have made a nest in an opening near the top, foolish creatures. The bird swooped down and attacked, grabbing one rat in it's talons and another in it's beak, it flew away with it's prizes just as swift as it had come. It flew higher, seeking a place to perch where it could eat in peace, for all the strengths it had over an organic bird, the metal creation could not eat while it flew, flying made it's neck close up.

It found it's place on top of the clock tower, on the very top, it lande there and stood for a moment silently, watching another creature that seemed to have decided to make it's perch here, it was one of the big wingless creatures that seemed to have almost disappeared lately. It didn't seem like it would bother the bird, and it had it's back turned, so the machine began eating.
It was finished quickly, the furnace in it's chest lit brightly as the fuel came into it, it beat it's wings a time or two, then screeched and flew off the clocktower, coming inches from the wingless creature's face. It dived down into the city, spreading it's wings and leveling out just above the ground, it flew back to where it was expected.

It only took a few moments of flying before it reached it's destination, it found it's usual perch and landed there, it's razor sharp talons clinking against the metal plate it sat on.
"Oh, you're back, Din?"
Another wingless creature said, but this one was different from all the rest, it was the one Din felt a tug of loyalty toward, as much as it could feel anything in it's cold, hard existence. The creature under it began to move, walking, out of the derelict building it had been in and out into the warmth of the sunlight.

Valca Andean took a deep breath as he walked outside, it was actually kind of nice around here these days; no smell of exhaust fumes, no shouting people, nobody to judge him, it all had a serene feeling to it, actually. It was said that there was a month before the big nuclear meltdown that had whipped everyone up into a panic, that meant there was likely only a week more for Valca to live, but he saw it as a bit of a challenge, a little game to play with himself; try to last the full thirty days, instead of being stopped prematurely by the gun of someone who stayed behind.

He began walking down the street, partially keeping an eye out for anyone skulking in the shadows, but largely unworried. He had been in some danger once before, as someone had cornered and threatened him, but Din manage to scare the man off easily, having a steel bird perched on his shoulder was very convenient at times for Valca. His boots dully thumping as they connected with the concrete of the sidewalk, it was a little odd, most people walked down the middle of the street anymore for whatever reason, but after years of avoiding the middle of the street at all costs, Valca found it an odd feeling when he tried, and instead he kept to the sidewalks.

He was starting to get hungry, he wondered where he should go to look for food, Din couldn't help him, it ate trash and vermin, not food. Perhaps I'll check out this convenience store down the road. He thought, it seemed that it wasn't really as dangerous around as most people made it out to be; it wasn't really too difficult to avoid the gun-toting maniacs out there -or 'Toters' as Valce more often called them- and it wasnt like foo was really a necessity, many people could survive a month without food, so it wasn't like they were going to starve before things went 'boom'. But Valca didn't like being hungry all the time, so he tried to find food anyway.

He was in the conveniece store within a few minutes, looking through the rows of shelves. Nail clippers, hairbrushes, and the occasional map were all he could find, any food had long since been taken by people who would hoard and hoard food, and then maybe eat half of what they had taken before the end. Valca sighed, that was just disappointing. He picked up a map and left, going back on the sidewalk while he looked over the map to see if it listed anywhere nearby he could possibly find something to eat.
Din gave a chirp from it's perch on Valca's shoulder, "Of course it never takes you so long." Valca said to the bird, "You eat trash. I'll bet you had a dead ray today, didn't you?" The mechanical bird ruffled it's wings in the equivalent of a shrug and didn't make another noise. Valca couldn't tell what Din was saying when it made those sounds, and he was fairly certain he wasn't understood either when he spoke, but he found talking to an inanimate object as if it could actually understand him better than losing his sanity altogether.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:15 pm

Noxa layed back against the clock tower, grinding her shoulder into the cool stone. The throbbing slowed to a dull ache, allowing her to shift into a comfortable position. She turned her careful gaze from the girl. Her stomach had been growling since noon. Reaching down, she pulled a granola bar from a pocket. Good fare for the times. She began to peel the foil back, her mouth watering at the prospect of food. As she pulled the sticky bar to her mouth,a red eye and a metalic cry nearly made her drop the precious food. She gasped with surprise, eyeing the strange bird as it flew away. Noxa shrugged. "Shome sense of humor!" She muttered while taking a large, savage bit of granola, savoring the sticky sweetness.
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Postby Ally-Ann » Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:56 pm

Eden suddenly stopped her moderately-paced walking, sensing for a few seconds that she was being watched. Not moving a muscle, her eyes shifted to the side slightly. No one to her right. She shifted her eyes to her left. No one. Someone must be behind me... She pondered. She quickly turned her entire body around in the direction of the clock tower, her body taking on a slightly defensive stance. No one... She could barely make out a figure on the top of said clock tower, but she suspected it must be a bird. She couldn't really tell. It was too far away. Eden sighed as she turned back around once more, hands in her shorts' pocket, as she continued to eyeball every last object she passed.

She had only walked about a block when she stopped dead in her tracks once more. Her brow furrowed slightly as she brought her hand to her churning stomach. Her stomach felt... strange. Am I ill...? She thought with slight concern. She had no problem with the world ending. She had no problem with dying. It was being sick that she dreaded the most. She hated suffering from anything undesirable, and being sick was definitely undesirable. She would rather die than go through a bad stomach flu, and that isn't exaggerating.

The churning passed for about a minute, then came back full force. Oh, great... Eden's inner voice droned out. She bent over slightly, hands braced on her knees, as she prepared to wretch. And 3... 2... 1...


". . . ?"


Eden's eyes widened slightly at the strange feeling once more as realization hit her like a brick wall. She stood up straight and layed her hand on her stomach once more. "Oh. I think I'm--"


"--hungry." Eden marveled strangely at what it felt like to be hungry. Being the daughter of a wealthy family, she had never been hungry. Not once. She was always fed, everyday, and her mealtimes were very punctual; six very small meals a day; breakfast at 7:00 am, late-morning meal at 10:30 am, lunch at 1:30 pm, 4:00 meal at-- you guessed it-- 4:00 pm, a small dinner at 6:30 pm, and a night time/after-dark dinner at 9:00 pm (If she was still awake at that hour. She liked to be in bed by no later than 10:30 pm). Because she had not been able to get any decent food (Only half-a-bag of chips, if she was lucky) in the last day and a half, she was, of course, hungry. And she had never been hungry before. It was a strange feeling. It was an unpleasant feeling. It was almost as bad as being sick, and she didn't like it.

Isn't there a convenience store near here...? She thought, a rare, perplexed look plastering her face as she turned her head every which way and that, trying to spot that convenience store that her parents had once told her about.
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I like mochi. ^^

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Postby metolosophy » Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:08 pm


Anxiously rubbing his hands together, Pim sought the much needed comfort of knowing that he had remembered to don his gloves before running out into public space. Drawing closer and closer to the center of town brought a sense of nervousness to Pim that came with going out into public, this occurring even before the recent evacuation of the masses within the area's population.
Despite the evacuations, there were still plenty of citizens that remained, whether they decided that they had wanted to or they had no means of escaping the danger zone. Not all of those who remained were scaries. In fact, a majority of them were most likely not, since the scaries favored a nocturnal life so they could go about their personal greedy expeditions under the cloak of night. Despite knowing this, Pim did not wish to make any eye contact with another soul who was bold enough to be casually walking around town, but still kept a warm content though somewhat superficial smile as a topping to his cheerful facial expressions as he advanced from one concrete slab of sidewalk to the next.
Approaching downtown, the boy and his cavy slinked, unseen, across the quiet street. Back pressed firmly against the wall, Pim crab-walked to the edge of the building, glancing around the corner to see if anyone was near the convenience store. Acknowledging that he was alone, he strolled silently and casually into the building.
Scanning the ransacked shop, Pim quickly climbed over fallen shelves and remaining goods to the back end of the place. Behind the cashier's counter was an unorganized pile of empty boxes left as such after the initial raiding. Sliding them away from the back wall exposed something like a trap door. Looking about to make sure there was no one watching, Pim slid open the hatch and hopped in.
Landing with a thud in the dark cellar, Pim waited for his eyes to adjust. Several boxes filled with canned goods were stocked in neat stacks everywhere. Opening one of the boxes, he carefully withdrew two cans, one filled with carrots for Sol and the other filled with pork and beans for himself.
Stuffing the two cans into his free pocket, Pim scrambled quickly out of the cellar and immediately covered the evidence of his presence.
"That should do," he commented cheerfully to Sol. "We'll go home and eat this." Brushing himself off, he made way for the door and casually exited the place.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:50 pm

OOC: By the way, nice rping everyone! Also, it's two-five o'clock now.


_White Room_

Tick tock tick tock tick tock, DING!

In front of a white desk sat a man. He was young, appearing around the age of twenty-nine. He was hunched over a large piece of paper with a complicated design sketched across it. He ran a smooth hand through his dark brown hair. "Why is this so difficult?" He mused. His green eyes were grayed with exhaustion. It was evident he hadn't slept in a while. He was silent for several minutes, the lines of his face creased with thought. "Aha!" He threw his hands up in the air. "That's it! That's it!" Wrinkles around his mouth appeared as he grinned, traces of the day when smiles came much easier. He gave a hearty, joyful laugh, but was cut short. His face was ashen once more. "No... no. It won't. It can't beacuse of the-" The man stood up abruptly, kicking the white office chair back violently, causing it to crash against the wall. His eyes burned with madness. He fell to the floor in a sobbing mess. " it won't. Oh so inevitible!"



Licking her fingers from the delicious treat, Noxa climbed back down the tower and into the city. The sun was past its zenith and casting long shadows. The darkness covered her entrance into a forgotten side street. Her feet hardly made a sound as she trekked down the moldy ally. "I miss people.. even the bustle of the city." She whispered. Noxa was lonely. Not for a companion, just for other people in general. Back when she was little... A footstep! Coiling back as fast as a snake, Noxa prepared to fight. Sensing that the person wasn't in a hurry, she slunk behind the dark and smelly shelter of two trash cans. Her heart pounded violently inside of her chest as a man came around the corner (Pim!). She sunk farther into shadows, wanting to run. He didn't seem violent, but she couldn't risk a fight...

OOC: Interact or ignore, it's up to you. Either way I have a plan. :)
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Postby metolosophy » Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:32 pm

OOC: Okay! :XD:


Heading back down the vacant concrete pathway, Pim stroked the flat and furry bridge of Sol's nose, who was napping comfortably in the cotton pocket and rumble-snoring gently. Relieved he had retrieved the cans whilst remaining undetected, Pim began to hum cheerfully again to the beat of his stiff gait. Thankfully, with a few wild onions and cattails growing in his neighborhood, the two cans could last him and Sol for about four meals.
Slowing to a stop a long the sidewalk, he reached around himself to adjust his back brace, which had misaligned itself during his climb in and out of the storage cellar. Hiking up on the metal contraption, a flash of pale color materialized in Pim's peripheral.
Squealing like a scared little girl, Pim flew backwards and onto the road, lifting his arms and a leg up in a weak defensive position as far as his brace would allow.
He recognized the flash of color as the pale skin of a younger girl dressed darkly, initially hiding from his acknowledgement by taking cover in the shadows between two trash cans.
Remaining in his kung-fu position, he let out a squeaky "ehh?" at the stranger.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:23 pm

OCC: XD Excellent! lol



Noxa stared at the peculiar fellow. He was handsome and had a kind disposition. However, his senses were strong, and he noticed the hiding form. He jumped, ready to fight. Noxa almost whipped out her knife... but the Kung Fu position was off. This man wasn't a killer. He was probably a really nice person. But, then again in hard times no one could be trusted. Regarding him with her blue eyes, Noxa made her decision. With one fluid motion, she straightened herself. Attempting to act friendly, she let her position relax. She shuffled out of the shadows, wincing at the light that assaulted her eyes. She stood before Pim in the bricked ally, watching him like a hawk. She felt herself blush, her hostillity breaking. Living on the streets alone was rough. The lack of food, the dangerous people, and the stress of day to day life... She must look like a feral animal.

"Ah... hello." She replied awkwardly. Realizing her face was nowpale with fear, she forced herself to relax. Noxa didn't have people skills. "You shouldn't be out here. It's dangerous..." Her courage faltered at that moment. This wasn't natural to her. She was a silent killer, not a cheerful people person! Why was she doing this! Her thin fingers grasped the knife. Her heart screamed at her. Attacking him would be wrong. She should go. Feeling a tear well up in the corner of her eye, Noxa turned to flee. She was hopeless. "I'm sorry!" She choked out as she began to turn.
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Postby metolosophy » Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:44 pm


The girl emerged from the shadows quickly, studying Pim with an analytical stare. Pim fliched slightly at her gaze, faltering on his defensive position. When she finally relaxed, eyes shining, he lowered his leg and arms and sighed, relieved. Then, it was his turn to study her. Sharp features, long black hair, a curious mechanical device embedded in her eye socket that piqued his interest.
"Ah," she began quietly. "Hello-" Pim flashed a warm, happy smile, but his mind was very blank on words, which was definitely not uncommon, especially with girls.
"You shouldn't be out here. It's dangerous." Inner turmoil flooded her expression. With the stiffening of her face, she began to depart.
"I'm sorry-" she added.
"H-h-hey!" Pim studdered, naturally stretching out a hand towards the stanger, not wanting her to leave. It was his first contact with someone, especially someone around his age, since the mass evacuations.
Noticing the stranger's gaunt frame and tired face, Pim took a hobbling step towards her. "A-are...are you hungry?" He asked, wide-eyed and concerned.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:34 pm


"H-hey!" The stranger was concerned, strange. But, he had managed to stop her, mid step. She turned to face Pim, still wary. His eyes were wide with both surprise and concern. Noxa felt an odd feeling rush through her, calming her nerves. "Um..." She eyed him, considering what would be polite to say. "A little bit. But, I've managed to find a few things." Her gaze drifted over to the little black and white Sol. "I guess you've found a-" Freezing mid sentence, Noxa noted that the possible meal was huddled in Pim's pocket. She figured that a friend was a friend in these times, human or animal. Tasty or not, friends don't eat friends. "-a friend." She finished quickly. She felt scared again... exposed. Her feet scrapped restlessly at the pavement.
"By the way, I'm Noxa." She forced her awkwardness aside and reached out for a handshake. 'Eugh... this is so strange! Do people really do this all the time?' She wondered silently, hoping he would return the greeting.
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Postby metolosophy » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:44 am


"A little bit," the stranger replied hesitantly. "But, I've managed to find a few things."
Her gaze fell on Sol, who was once again poking his nose out from the safety of the pocket, curious at what was happening in the outside world, sniffing the air and hoping for his lunch.
"I see you've found a...friend." she remarked casually.
Pim didn't know what to exactly to say to or to think about the girl. His mind was rather blank in response. For the past while, it had only been one-sided conversations between Sol and himself. But, he was happy talk to someone for once, and for that he smiled.
The stranger reached her hand out nervously. "By the way, I'm Noxa."
Pim took the initiative and grabbed her hand in both of his and closed the distance between them with a little leap.
"'Ello! I'm Pim!" he cheered, giggling a little with uncontainable excitement. "Sol and I are very happy to meet you! We've been alone for a while now. It's been hard and very scary. But, now you're here! I hope you've been all right! You're not alone, are you? This place is too scary to be alone!" He spoke very fast, almost rambling.
Releasing her hand, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the can of pork and beans. Holding it out to her with both hands, he offered it as a gift, watching her, wide-eyed and smiling.
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Postby Wolfsong » Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:30 pm

OOc- I am so sorry its taken so long to post. I'm coming in now.

-Eyvette Creed-

She crouched behind the fence, wondering how long the guy had been trailing her. Lucky thing Hunter had scented him. She had managed to get away safely, and was watching him go. She tugged a little at her gloves, considering, then told herself not to. When she couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, she stood from her cramped position.
"Well, that was quite interesting, wasn't it Hunter?" she patted her german sheperd's head, and he licked her hand. She smiled at him, then walked back into the street. The place left her feeling tired. The constant struggle for survival had left her almost emotionless, but she still clung to humanity. A gunshot suddenly sounded in the distance. She shook her head sadly, fiercely petting her dog's thick fur.
"We're still alive though, Hunter," she whispered. "For a little while longer at least. We'll survive up until...the end. I know we will." She kept moving forward, trying to think about something else. Like her dream. She wondered if that dream would ever come to fruition.
"Until then, I must be cautious," she murmured. "I must find a way to fullfill that dream."

OOC- If someone could maybe run into me or something, that'd be great. If not, that's fine too.


He leaned back against the somewhat torn-up chair, thinking. He was still in his house, which was fine since it was still livable. However, he had just run out of the food that was in the pantry. He was debating just how safe it would be to head out and search.
Well, sometimes you had to bite the bullet and take a shot. Sighing, he grabbed his gloves and started out the door.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Postby Ally-Ann » Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:22 pm

Not sure which direction to walk to find a convenience store, Eden sighed, plunking down onto the road-side curb. Her house had no food whatsoever in it; their maid had taken all of it. Eden never liked her. She was snippy and cocky, and if anyone was supposed to be snippy and cocky in the house of the Aeternas, it should be Eden; not their maid.

Eden fumed, clawing her once-perfect nails along the curb's concrete. What could she do? Her house had no food, all the grocery stores that she knew of were empty, and she didn't know of any convenience store nearby. She was hungry, she was fidgety, and she was tired. She was angry. She was stressed. She suddenly had the desire for normalcy, but quickly shoved the thought away as she scowled. She quickly stood up with great speed and strength for such slim legs, brushed the dirt off of her white dress, and began walking at a furious pace down the street. She felt angry. She didn't know why. She suddenly hated this world once more, having to suffer like this. She was an elite! And she was suffering from hunger as if she was the lowest class of them all!

Eden took a deep breath as she slowed her pace down, walking down the street in hopes of finding a convenience store with food. She scowl was gone, replaced by her usual, intense gaze. Her mind began to wander as she kept walking. I wonder what mother and father are doing right now... I wonder where they are... I wonder if they miss me... Eden's thoughts raced and raced inside her head, over and over again.

Before she knew it, she ran right into something-- or someone-- walking down the street with their dog (Eyvette) and the force at which she ran into the person sent her plummeting to the ground, landing on her rear-end with a slight "Oof!" Eden's scowl returned, and she directed her deep, leaf-green gaze upwards, towards the person she had run into, ready to glare daggers at whoever interrupted her thoughts.

OOC: Eden's a bit arrogant.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:48 pm

OOC: ATTENTION: I have extended the time of this day. Instead of Sunday night, it shall be ended on Monday night. Now, it is late afternoon. By Monday, it will be night time.


The man jumped forward, giving her hand an energetic shake. She couldn't help but pale from the brilliant energy. Noxa had never met anyone so happy! The happy fellow soon told her his name, which was Pim. He also told her the name of the furry, prospect snack. He was called Sol. She gave up on the idea of fresh meat.

Pim, in a flury of words, asked Noxa if she was alone. She shuddered at the word. "Alone" was such a terrible statement. Life since the evacuation had been more than lonely. It was silent. Completely quiet except for the creaks and groans of man's creation. The city itself crying out with pain. Yes, the city was scary and lonely.

Opening her mouth to respond, she found a metal object being held before her face. A can of pork and beans. Food, real food that could fill the stomach. Her mouth watered at the idea. She cast a curious glance at Pim. He was offering it to her. Pork and beans, a hopeful gift in dark times. A peculiar fact, but yes. Pork and beans represent hope.

Noxa reached out and layed her fingers upon the metalic rim, gently pressing it away. She couldn't take something so precious. "A great prize." Her eyes sparkled, she had come up with a plan. "I cannot accept such a favor. But, I have an idea." She slipped her hands into her backpack and pulled out three, juicy tomatoes. "I was saving them for a special occasion, after all. How about we share? A sort of apocolyptic 'feast'." She laughed, short and stifiled, but still real. Yes, hope could shine out of this darkness. Beans and tomatoes could do more than fill a stomach.

OOC: By the way, my goal is that by the fourth day (in game) almost everyone will be together.
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Postby metolosophy » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:20 am

((OOC: I tried to write my post as quickly as I could, but I've just run out of time for now. ^^;; I have a boot camp practice from 8-6 today, but I'll finish my post once I get home. ^L^))
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Postby Wolfsong » Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:02 pm

OOC- sounds alright Arya. Fourth, that'll be a while from now, uh?

-Eyvette Creed-

She was surprised when someone suddenly crashed into her, and she almost fell on Hunter. Luckily, her hands landed first and she was sort of bending over him now. She turned quickly to see a girl glaring almost hatefully at her. She looked right back with her calm expression, her eyes taking in this girl's face, the most human face she had seen in ages. No, not hateful exactly. There was pride in this girl, a part of her almost. Arrogance, but she almost didn't care. Just seeing a face that retained its humanity, it filled her with a quiet joy. She also instantly felt shy; years spent with only a dog and running from dangerous inhuman monsters left you uncertain whether or not communication with another person is safe. But...she had a feeling this would be fine.
"I'm sorry," she said contritely. "Are you hurt?" She took the girl's hand and pulled her to her feet before she could protest. She added, "What are you doing here? This is a dangerous street, and you do not look like you belong here."


The loud barking of dogs followed him. Sighing, he broke into a running gait, fast but not so fast that it pounded his feet. He was a fast runner, so moving gently didn't lessen the distance he gained. He soon outdistanced them, and he slowed back into a walk, smiling faintly.
"Poor dogs," he murmured sadly. "I just deprived them of their meal. I really am cruel." He shook his head. It wasn't really funny. But in these times, you needed a sense of humor to survive. After all, if you couldn't sweat the small stuff, the large will kill you when it comes. He had learned to handle the small, and now the large was doing its best to kill him. So far, he had cheated death. How much longer, heaven only knew.
He suddenly heard a strange, unusual sound. It sounded almost like a bird. That could mean meat, perhaps, and he didn't have a problem with cleaning his food first. Not that he had the tools for hunting birds, but maybe it was wounded or something. He glanced around.
There was a boy walking down the street, his face buried in a map. A bird sat on his shoulder, a metal bird, Zero realized. "Did he make that himself?" he wondered as he watched them coming toward him. After a moment's thought, he decided to try to engage the teen in conversation. It had been ages since he had spoken to anyone, and since the boy wasn't running around raving or anything, he figured it was safe enough. Just in case however he pulled on his silver gloves and then walked over.
"Greetings," he said. "I don't suppose you could direct me to the nearest convenience store? My storage seems to have run out. No doubt the rats bit into most of it." He grinned, hoping the boy would reply favorably. He seemed the sort who might.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Postby Oddood198 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:30 pm

Valca's head snapped up at the sound of a voice, a human voice, the first one he had heard since... How long had it been? It didn't really matter, now, what did matter was that this person was now standing in front of him. He didn't seem like a Toter, although he had oddly silver hair and... was that a sword on his back? It was a big sword. Really big. But he didn't seem in a rush to use it, so maybe there wasn't a threat there.
Valca realized that the person continued talking after the greeting that had caught his attention, so he listened silently for a moment. Once he was done talking, the man smiled, smiles seemed like a rarity almost as valuable as food here, so it struck Valca as odd the man would wear such an expression. Perhaps he was simply trying to make a good first impression on Valca, maybe he ought to return the favor.
Valca lowered the map out of his face, "Well," he said, "the nearest convenience store is down this street," he turned partly and pointed down the way he had come, "Keep going about ten minutes or so, and you'll get there." He turned back to the man, the tips of his mouth curling up into the beginnings of a smile, "Now, if what you're asking is if I could tell you where the nearest convenience store that has NOT been ransacked yet is, the answer is that I'm trying to figure it out myself. But you're more than welcome to aid me in the search."
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Postby Wolfsong » Sat Oct 13, 2012 3:45 pm


He laughed. "Thank you for pointing out it was ransacked! Indeed, I only did ask where the store was, didn't I? Sure, lets look for food together." He laughed again, then extended his hand. "My name's Zero. Nothing much of a name I know, but its the only one I've got."
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Postby Oddood198 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:04 pm

Yaru reached his own hand out and shook the man's. He grinned after hearing he introduction, "Zero? That's an awesome name, actually." He said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Valca." Din hopped down from Valca's shoulder and walked across his arm, very carefully, so it didn't shred it with it's razor sharp talons. It stopped at Valca's wrist and looked at the clasped hands, then opened it's beak and went to bite Zero's hand. Valca grabbed it's neck just in time and tossed it into the air, where it extended it's wings and caught itself before falling. "And that is my hungry companion, Din." He added.
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Postby metolosophy » Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:11 pm

OOC: Sorry my post has very little detail. My computer logs me out of the site after a period of time and I lose everything. Unfortunately, it happens often, and I don't have time to rewrite everything.


Pim's eyes widened at the sight of Noxa's three bright red tomatoes, unwrinkled and plump. He flashed a wide smile and a happy laugh as he danced a circle around her,
"Yes, a feast!" he cheered. "Let's eat! I-..." He paused and glanced around, then looked up at the sun. The day was waning, and it would soon be time for the scaries to start emerging from the shadows, and they couldn't very well eat there on the sidewalk. He wanted to return to the safety of his fenced-in home, but he was unsure of what Noxa wanted to do or where she had to go. "Uhh...where should we go?" he asked through an awkward smile.
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Postby Ally-Ann » Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:17 pm

Eden looked at the girl, pulling her hand away almost imediately after being helped to her feet. She sighed slightly.

"It's fine. And no, I don't belong here," she started laconically, no longer glaring, yet still holding a serious look. "I just left my house so that I could find food. I can handle this street." That last sentence was lie. She had never been attacked before, so she really didn't know her strength. She had taken classes on various styles of martial arts for self-defense, but never really mastered any, and she knew that street-fighting was different than organized sparring. "And I could ask you the same thing."
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:52 pm


"Well," Noxa scratched the back of her head. It was getting dark which meant a higher risk of danger. After all, the gangs were most active at night. To her best knowledge, they were the people currently running around in the streets shooting guns. Childern had always hauled away and forced to work in whatever dastardly scheme the were assigned. It was terrible. Doubtless, the evacuation had only made it easier for the remaining people to get picked off, one by one.

"I wouldn't be too worried about the darkness. I'm pretty confident we could handle whatever came our way. Say, have you ever had a roof top meal, Pim?" Noxa grinned, her teeth spreading into a wolfish smile. She wasn't of the 'normal' sorts. In fact, Noxa was as out of the box as one could be. Reigning in her wild nature, she added "Unless you'd rather we eat where you live."
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Postby metolosophy » Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:20 pm


Staring down the street, Pim clenched his hands, gripping the interior of his gloves with his fingers. Though Noxa was right in saying they could handle any scaries that might confront them. But still, he wasn't partial to fighting.
"A...roof-top meal?" He glanced up and matched Noxa's smile. "No I haven't, but it sounds exciting!" he cheered and began hopping about. Pim was always ready to try new things, and if his new friend enjoyed it, then he would enjoy it. "Let's go!"
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:43 pm

OCC: Due to the limitations of time, I hope you don't mind if I push things along. :)


"Oh yes! A roof-top meal!" Noxa said. However, her voice wasn't exactly... cheery. It had a more sinister quality to it. Like the exclamatory sound of a crashing plate. "Come along then!" Noxa raised her arms, the silver threaded gloves turning white with power. Water began rushing towards them. It swelled into a great blue wave before noxa directed it to slide underneath their feet. The water seemed to come from every where. A few drops from the air, a little from the ground, and most from the surrounding taps, which groaned in protest. Up they went, the water under their feet solidifying into an icy platform and raising them skywards. The ride was slightly faster than an elevator. Noxa laughed. She enjoyed scaring, shocking, and otherwise inspiring people with awe. Once raised up to the proper height, Noxa lead Pim off and onto the closest roof, an older building with gently sloped sides. "Well, as you can imagine, not just any roof will do. Especially for a feast." She pointed to a small spire in the distance. A church building, boasting a small white cross at its zenith. Without a word, Noxa lead Pim towards the building, the setting sun casting a red glow upon the white walls.
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Postby metolosophy » Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:05 pm


Suddenly, the earth began to rumble with low intensity under Pim's feet. Eyes wide with a surprised terror, he instinctively cupped a hand around the pocketed Sol- who churred at the strange phenomenon -and quickly drew close to Noxa.
He glanced up to see her gloves where glowing, and he realized that she had obtained special gloves as well. As he relaxed, water suddenly came rushing at them and poor Pim latched tightly onto Noxa in fear as the wave with a top of ice took them up and away. As she began to laugh rather maniacally, he cried out as he planted his weight densely low so he would not slip.
As soon as the whole thing had began, it had ended, and Noxa led Pim onto a building's roof.
"Well, as you can imagine, not just any roof will do. Especially for a feast." Noxa commented, pointing and leading him to a beautiful, old church.
"So, a roof-top meal is literal." Pim laughed nervously, heart still racing, stumbling along on top of the buildings. He had never done something like this before. "Y-your gloves are certainly perplexive," he added. "Their capacity to perform such complex hydrodynamic processes has me astounded! They're tuned to the Second Law of Motion so well, and the water's compressible flow- I was just studying the substantial derivatives of water not long ago! Though, the propagation was always hard to determine because of the difficulty to maintain equilibrium in my mediums' pressure and density...I wonder if your model could be edited to be compatible with magnetohydrodynamics. As James Maxwell said in 'On Physical Lines of Force'.-'The way...'-" Pim's eyes widened again as he realized he was rambling, and he blushed.
"I-I mean, I like your gloves," he finished, shutting his mouth quickly as they reached the church roof.
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