Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:25 pm
Sorry, the "Christian Guide" didn't convince me. That was just another layer of the mockery. "Let's get Christians to watch this, that would be great! Of course the way to do that is to make them think that this isn't merely a mockery, but we can do it in a slick, subversive way in and of itself by telling them why we hate them, but making it sound like it's merely an authentic reformation..."
When the credits praise the book "The case against God" it isn't about just getting things talked about, and there is no real Christian purpose but instead merely a mockery and belittling of our faith in the guise of a satire about aspects of our culture, many of which really are wrong and need to be taken care of. Despite getting Mandy on board, which gives it an air of legitimacy (but, think of all the Christian actors who have been in questionable movies... One that comes to mind is Mr. T in "Not Another Teen Movie"), this movie is one that paints two pictures... That most christians are sappy, airheaded mystics and that the good half are the ones that don't really care about their faith and worship tolerance and avoid evangelism. Of course, it would be counterproductive for a satire to include the middle ground, but do we need the opposites to be shown so strongly when that's exactly what Hollywood does anyhow? I wish there were more Christian families in movies like the Barclays (Adventures in Odyssey) that are a realistic portrayal (can't say the same for the rest of the odyssey cast), but most end up being super spiritual mystics with no grounding in reality, psycho bible thumpers who blow up abortion clinics, or the ones who didn't care and Christ is just something to call on when there are problems.
Of course, the more accurate portrayals of Christians are never popular, but maybe that's because they still left out important things (due to taboos in the Christian world perhaps?)
As for the movie, it honestly doesnt' interest me more than a bit of anger and frustration, and I don't plan on seeing it. I have friends (Christian friends, even) that loved it, but they also read things like the "DaVinci Code" so they are a little more ok with reading things that come directly against our faith.
Anyone, though, who looks at this movie and doesn't think it is a backlash for "The Passion of The Christ" is fooling themself.
Of course, what are Christians to do? I think we should make a movie that shows Christianity from a Bible believeing (and honoring) Christian's point of view. Show the hypocricy and all the bad and show the good from a Biblical perspective, not from the perspective of making the church more appropriate for the world (I.E. Getting rid of the parts of our faith that say such petty things like "Only way to heaven is through Christ" or "Homosexuality is a sin")
Of course, as I have no way to see this become reality, I am doing little more than dreaming. Maybe I should at least pray for more Christians to take their place in the Media to fill in those sorts of holes. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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