Worst anime ever!

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Postby goldenspines » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:50 am

Midori (post: 1494284) wrote: I don't know if it's the absolute worst, but my friend Cattysnap showed me (the first episode of) a really bad anime a while back just so we could laugh at it. It was called "Earl and Fairy" and the female lead was totally in love with the male guy's "Ash mauve eyes". It was totally like a laughably bad fan fiction.
I watched the whole thing and I agree 100% with you. I kept hoping it would become better, but it didn't. And the story made no sense. XD]I still don't like Chobits. I personally found Soul Eater a little cheesy but not horrible. I think it's funny but Black Star is such a cheesy character and he has a super annoying voice. The original Pokemon was kinda stupid.[/quote] The anime Soul Eater has a gift for adding the cheesy humor to break up the mix of the serious and sometimes rather disturbing without killing the story entirely. (I dunno how much of the series you watched, but it does get fairly serious later on). Black Star is only obnoxious because he grew up that way. Yet, his character development is very interesting and he tones down on the annoying once reality hits him.
Soul Eater reminds me a bit of Tim Burton's, The Nightmare Before Christmas, which was filled with much humor, yet still carried some serious meaning. (hence why this is a good fit for a Soul Eater AMV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw8pcxE6U9k)

I still haven't watch an anime I didn't like in some sense. Mostly because I some do research before I watch series. Granted, I've seen some series that are a bit blah, but nothing that would wear the title of "worst".
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Postby Contrarian » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:52 am

Well, here's a movie...

Princess Mononoke.

Sure, it had beautiful scenery and started out okay (Hayao Miyazaki!), but it devolved into an uber-violent, plotless, and overall-confusing movie with both really good and really bad messages. And it had such potential...
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Postby bakura91 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:54 am

Shao Feng-Li (post: 1494712) wrote:I've only ever seen 0.02 seconds of it but Reign: The Conqueror wins worst ever on looks alone.


I... I think two of these are meant to be female.


And just, LOL.

I have volume one but still have to watch, Yeah thats Peter Chungs art style he also did Aeon Flux in the same style. It takes getting used to.
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Postby ich1990 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:19 pm

My contribution is Shattered Angels. I dare you to watch the first episode and not be dumbfounded. In all fairness it probably isn't the worst anime ever (I mean, there is a ton of awful anime out there) but it is pretty impressively bad.

Solid Ronin (post: 1494288) wrote:Every Anime not on this list:

Fighting Spirits (Hajime no Ippo)
Giant Robo
Legend f The Galactic Heroes
Ghost in The Shell SAC
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
Big O
Fist of The North star

I think we could still be friends.... Heyyyy, where is Kaiji? And no Cromartie High School? For God's sake, where is Odin: Photon Space Sailer Starlight? You seem like a decent person but you clearly don't have all of your ducks in a row.

I... I think two of these are meant to be female.
Ah, now the shoe is on the other foot and its considered weird.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:58 pm

bakura91 (post: 1494761) wrote:I have volume one but still have to watch, Yeah thats Peter Chungs art style he also did Aeon Flux in the same style. It takes getting used to.

I don't think I could get used to those costumes in any style...

Ah, now the shoe is on the other foot and its considered weird.
I think his "style" might just be horrendous.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:56 am

I used to like Chobits a lot more than I do now. The main problem I have with it, as has been discussed on certain TV tropes pages, is that it seems to completely change its meaning halfway through. Initially it seems to be a story about how computers and electronics are taking the place of real human interaction (the computers now look like people, and there was the whole thing with the teacher being dumped by her husband because he was more attracted to their persocom), but by the end it basicly seems to be saying "being in love with innanimate objects is perfectly ok and healthy". (yeah, persecoms aren;t technicly "innanimate" but you know what I mean). I mean, its made pretty clear that Chii *does not* have any special AI program or something that makes her unique. She falls in love with Hideki because thats how she was programmed, she's just an extremely advanced PC. And we're supposed to see Hideki reciproacting that "love" as the happy ending?? I will concur though that the manga is waaay better than the anime, which I found to be kinda boring. If I recall, they don't even start covering events past volume 2 till like after episode 13. Just too much filler. and THREE recap episodes O_O?

Thats the main problem that I think CLAMP animes have had, they have to add a bunch of filler to pad out the running time because with the exception, of Tsubasa (and RG Veda maybe), none of their series can really make a full lenght 26 episode season without padding. I actually like the CCS and MKR animes as a whole better than their manga counterparts ^^

Obviously I think the worst anime ever would have to be some horrible disgusting Hentai show that we can't even discuss here. Something like Cool Devices or La Blue Girl. But among the stuff I've actually seen there are a few I considered pretty bad.

Ah My Goddess TV show: I really couldn't get into the new TV series at all. I loved loved LOVED the original OVAs and the movie, but the TV series just didn't appeal to me. I think I mainly just didn't like having to start over fresh with the characters after I'd gotten so invested with what had happened over the OVA/movie series. Kind of like how it is with all those constant Tenchi reboots. Speaking of which...

Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club: ugh. The art and character designs were extremely ugly, the plot was too cutesy and boring, and worst of all it just didn;t feel like a Tenchi show. The previous Sasami spin-off, Magical Project S, at least managed to keep all the characters *in-character* and had the crazy Tenchi style humor and insanity to it. This felt as if they just took Tenchi characters and stuck them into the show in an attempt to possibly trick Tenchi fans into watching it. Didn;t even get any of the old voice actors back to play these characters. Plus I was bothered by a few episodes where the characters appeared to be praying to some kind of earth goddess. didn;t even bother with season 2

Demashitaa Powerpuff Girls Z: I nearly finished this show, I got to like episode 48, but then I just didn;t feel like downloading anymore. It actually wasn;t *that* bad, and had its fare share of pretty funny episodes. But it was just ultimately a pretty poor adaption of an extremely awesome american show, and hardly ever stepped beyond just being an average magical girl sailor moon rip-off.

Genocyber: This anime was so unbelievably gory and disgusting that I never made it past the first episode. It made me almsot physically sick, and thats coming from a guy who LOVED movies like Evil Dead and Peter Jackson's Brain Dead.

But I think possibly the worst anime I've ever seen may have been Colorful. I am ashamed to say that I bought it. It has no plot at all to speak of, and is basicly just a bunch of loosely connected shorts about various perverted guys trying to sneak looks at girls' panties or breasts. there were a *few* funny segments, but mostly it was just total pervision from beginning to end. Also, horrible music, ugly character designs, and eye catches that must have been created while on drugs.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:25 pm

Rocketshipper (post: 1494982) wrote:it seems to completely change its meaning halfway through. Initially it seems to be a story about how computers and electronics are taking the place of real human interaction (the computers now look like people, and there was the whole thing with the teacher being dumped by her husband because he was more attracted to their persocom), but by the end it basicly seems to be saying "being in love with innanimate objects is perfectly ok and healthy".
Well put. This is exactly why I don't have any interest in Chobits.
Contrarian (post: 1494758) wrote:Princess Mononoke.

Sure, it had beautiful scenery and started out okay (Hayao Miyazaki!), but it devolved into an uber-violent, plotless, and overall-confusing movie with both really good and really bad messages. And it had such potential...

...I love that movie.

Could you please provide some arguments justifying your criticisms? What bad messages did the movie communicate? How and when did it become "plotless?"

*EDIT By way of disclaimer, the image is a goof. I not actually mad, let alone mad enough to do something of that sort.
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:33 pm

bakura91 (post: 1494756) wrote:hmm worst anime? Well I since I usually watch a preview or trailer before I check out any show then deciding by the 1st episode whether I'll continue, I cant say watched all the way through a show I thought was worst ever. But the Type of anime/manga that I think is the worst are the ones that glorify Sexually Perverted themes, Some even mixing sexuality and violence. I think these type are a problem and in Japan have been part of real violent crimes among young people. Because (with the internet especially) many times Kids see these things now more than ever In America as well. I think anime fans in Japan and the U.S should speak out against these types of manga especially when they get in the hands of kids. (I wont name any names, any I can think of are probably on the Do not Discuss list though)

We're gonna have to agree to disagree- I don't feel that anime that depict homosexual relationships are 'Sexually Perverted', so I wouldn't have any issue with my kids (should I ever have any) reading or watching shows with them depicted. Unless they're completely and utterly tasteless, in which case I wouldn't care if it was homosexual or heterosexual- Twilight is forever banned in any dwelling I may ever reside in, for instance, because I feel it glorifies abusive relationships, and that's a hetero one!

But ones with violence.... Yeah. I mean, there's certain types of violence I feel are okay (my grandmother thought that Pokemon was teaching my brother and I to abuse animals - totally didn't!), but I would never let an 8 year old watch Black Lagoon;.
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Postby TopazRaven » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:45 pm

[quote="Atria35 (post: 1495059)"]We're gonna have to agree to disagree- I don't feel that anime that depict homosexual relationships are 'Sexually Perverted', so I wouldn't have any issue with my kids (should I ever have any) reading or watching shows with them depicted. Unless they're completely and utterly tasteless, in which case I wouldn't care if it was homosexual or heterosexual- Twilight is forever banned in any dwelling I may ever reside in, for instance, because I feel it glorifies abusive relationships, and that's a hetero one!

But ones with violence.... Yeah. I mean, there's certain types of violence I feel are okay (my grandmother thought that Pokemon was teaching my brother and I to abuse animals - totally didn't!), but I would never let an 8 year old watch Black Lagoon]
Going to agree with you about pretty much everything you said except the bit about Twilight. I won't be explaining why because not only would that be derailing the thread, but I'm probably also the only Twilight fan on this entire board. The horror! Burn me now! :lol:

Anyway, I wouldn't call these the worst anime, I just didn't like them. Never even got through the first episodes of Chobits or Elfen Lied. I'm not to fond of FLCL either. I mean, I've seen the whole thing, but I don't think I'd ever want to see it again. It had pretty much no point and left me thinking, "what the *beep* was that!? I don't even know!" It left me in dispair!
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:45 pm

Ahaha, thanks for that image, Doc; I am stealing it for future use.

Worst anime ever, eh? I try not to watch things that look like they're going to be "bad", but back in the day I saw some things that were...ugh. Like X the movie, which was absolutely horrid and not worth the film it was printed on. I also really hate Akira, but I don't think I can say it's the worst anime ever. Also, Gundam SEED. F that show.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:51 pm

[quote="ShiroiHikari (post: 1495062)"]Ahaha, thanks for that image, Doc]

You know, the X/1999 franchise seems to be pretty big cheese, but I've never come across anyone who's liked it. Or do I just see everyone disdaining the movie?
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:55 pm

Well, I don't know about anybody else but I hate the X manga, too...
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:56 pm

ShiroiHikari (post: 1495062) wrote:Ahaha, thanks for that image, Doc]Hehe, glad you liked it. I actually forgot I had it until I posted. I don't know how, b/c it's a flippin' classic. Now, if only I could track down, "I came to laugh at you." I'll probably have to capture it myself...
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1495064) wrote:You know, the X/1999 franchise seems to be pretty big cheese, but I've never come across anyone who's liked it. Or do I just see everyone disdaining the movie?
No, it's bad. Really, really bad. The movie tries to cram 18 volumes of manga story into 90 minutes. The end result being, "Hello! Nice to mee-Oops, I died!"

About 12 times.

I didn't like the TV series much either, but I can see why some fans like it. Defo not as bad as that movie (which I sadly own on VHS).
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:00 pm

TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1495068) wrote:Hehe, glad you liked it. I actually forgot I had it until I posted. I don't know how, b/c it's a flippin' classic. Now, if only I could track down, "I came to laugh at you." I'll probably have to capture it myself...

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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:10 pm

ShiroiHikari (post: 1495069) wrote:Image
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Postby Hiryu » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:21 pm

ADXC (post: 1494620) wrote:Tokko. Nuff' said.

This. Good gosh, what a train wreck of an ending. I feel sorry for whoever bought those on DVD. I mean, the series was half-decent at best.

I never really liked Final Fantasy Unlimited.

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Postby bakura91 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:50 pm

Oh I just remembered M.D Geist! (which I own lol) Thats pretty notorious You can watch it on Hulu if you want its like a bad anime version of the Terminator mixed with Road Warrior!

Odin Star light Mutiny: Great music, Great animation, but Uncreative story, with (in the 3 hour Japanese cut) Bad pacing with pointlessly shots of things floating around in space!

and (This is just my personal taste, many people may disagree) .Hack//sign: kinda my same complaints with Odin. Excellent Soundtrack and animation, boring pacing and Characters with bland uninteresting personalities.

[quote="Atria35 (post: 1495059)"]We're gonna have to agree to disagree- I don't feel that anime that depict homosexual relationships are 'Sexually Perverted', so I wouldn't have any issue with my kids (should I ever have any) reading or watching shows with them depicted. Unless they're completely and utterly tasteless, in which case I wouldn't care if it was homosexual or heterosexual- Twilight is forever banned in any dwelling I may ever reside in, for instance, because I feel it glorifies abusive relationships, and that's a hetero one!

But ones with violence.... Yeah. I mean, there's certain types of violence I feel are okay (my grandmother thought that Pokemon was teaching my brother and I to abuse animals - totally didn't!), but I would never let an 8 year old watch Black Lagoon]

I wasn't talking about homosexual depictions, I'm talking about the X-rated stuff about incest, and rape etc. That type of hardcore stuff is a real problem and I meant that with the Internet that type of stuff is being seen by younger kids now. I should have been more specific.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:11 pm

I have now posted in this thread.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:31 pm

Nate (post: 1494357) wrote:While I won't say it's the worst anime on its own merits, as far as terrible anime coming from great manga, the Love Hina anime is atrocious. It's a crime against the series name. The manga was fantastic and wonderful, and the anime was just garbage compared to the manga, pure garbage. Everything about the anime is just awful. The character design is eye-gougingly ugly compared to Ken Akamatsu's art, and the desire to have WACKY ADVENTURES in the anime compared to the manga's slice-of-life style was a huge mistake. Also all the anime-specific characters are annoying and dumb.
N-N-Nate I used to respect you, but I've read some of the Love Hina manga and it is so atrocious. It's like, take a cast of abusive women, repeat the same joke (that is overplayed enough in the rest of anime and manga), and throw in some fanservice to become a heeping mess.

Also, I read Chobits and I found it really mediocre but I get why people would like it.

There is a noticeable lack of Hidan no Aria in this thread. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Jyu Oh Sei used to be my answer for such questions when I hadn't seen Hidan no Aria, and Vampire Knight is really atrocious in pretty much every way. I guess C is not worth anyone's time, though I certainly wouldn't call it the worst anime ever.
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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Aug 04, 2011 3:59 pm

I kind of want to agree with you about Vampire Knight, but I only saw the first episode. I stopped watching it when I read the plot description and it mentions the main girl is in love with her brother. Yeah, no thanks...I'm hoping this is the right anime I'm thinking of. xD Now that I think about it when I was younger I stopped watching an anime on TV because the relationship between the brother and sister in the show was a little to creepy. :lol: I can't remember really what it was called though.
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Postby Psycho Molos » Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:07 pm

TopazRaven (post: 1495242) wrote:I kind of want to agree with you about Vampire Knight, but I only saw the first episode. I stopped watching it when I read the plot description and it mentions the main girl is in love with her brother. Yeah, no thanks...I'm hoping this is the right anime I'm thinking of. xD Now that I think about it when I was younger I stopped watching an anime on TV because the relationship between the brother and sister in the show was a little to creepy. :lol: I can't remember really what it was called though.

I'm using my psychic powers and guessing Marmalade Boy?? Lol I love the manga.

Though it doesn't exist I could top everyone's opinions and say the worst anime would be if someone took the Cannibal Holocaust movie and turned it into an anime.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:16 pm

bakura91 (post: 1495119) wrote:I wasn't talking about homosexual depictions, I'm talking about the X-rated stuff about incest, and rape etc. That type of hardcore stuff is a real problem and I meant that with the Internet that type of stuff is being seen by younger kids now. I should have been more specific.

Oh. Well, kids have been getting their hands on those since they were first produced, so I'm not sure that things are *much* different now than it was 50 years ago. But I think that parents need to step up and actually monitor what their kids are watching/reading- and start caring. Seriously, I've seen parents yelling at people because they mention that a movie or game is rated 'R' or 'M', saying that they don't care and that their kids can watch/play whatever....
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Postby Nate » Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:20 pm

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs wrote:N-N-Nate I used to respect you, but I've read some of the Love Hina manga and it is so atrocious.


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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:43 pm

Psycho Molos (post: 1495243) wrote:I'm using my psychic powers and guessing Marmalade Boy?? Lol I love the manga.

Though it doesn't exist I could top everyone's opinions and say the worst anime would be if someone took the Cannibal Holocaust movie and turned it into an anime.

No, I'm pretty sure that wasn't it if you are talking about the anime I don't remember the name of. I'm going to be honest and say I think it was one of the .Hack//Sign animes. Something like the bro and sis didn't grow up with each other and where getting to know each other in the game. It just got weird. Like him winning a kiss from his sister, her getting testy when he got close to other girls, they hugged naked once at a hot spring. It was all like ok this is to much for me. I'm out! xD That's what I can remember in least. It was a long time ago so my memory is hazy. It's probably not even as bad as I'm making it sound. It just creeped me out.
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Postby ADXC » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:25 pm

Hiryu (post: 1495108) wrote:This. Good gosh, what a train wreck of an ending. I feel sorry for whoever bought those on DVD. I mean, the series was half-decent at best.

I KNOW right? I mean I watched that anime when it came out on Ani-Mondays on Sci-Fi and I didn't like that they never really ended it. :(
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Postby Yamamaya » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:56 pm

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1495238) wrote:, and Vampire Knight is really atrocious in pretty much every way.

That's not entirely true. You're forgetting about DAT MUSIC.


From what I've seen, the anime is pretty terrible.
Atria35 (post: 1495248) wrote:Oh. Well, kids have been getting their hands on those since they were first produced, so I'm not sure that things are *much* different now than it was 50 years ago. But I think that parents need to step up and actually monitor what their kids are watching/reading- and start caring. Seriously, I've seen parents yelling at people because they mention that a movie or game is rated 'R' or 'M', saying that they don't care and that their kids can watch/play whatever....

This is how I feel about that issue. Some parents just don't care what their kids read, watch, or play. It's rather sad really.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:02 pm

Princess Mononoke is brilliant and it's not uber-violent or plotless at all. But it's also not for children. I think someone is making the assumption that all Studio Ghibli films are aimed at children (most are though).

I haven't seen much bad anime but two that scared me away from the medium for many years might be classed as 'bad' anime - Devil Man and 3X3 Eyes. I borrowed these two vidoes from my local library when I was about 12 years old. I don't know what I was expecting of anime with those titles. The only anime I'd seen before that was a bit of Sailor Moon, Speedracer, Astro Boy and Kimba. So yeah, they made quite the impact on me.
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Postby Princess Kairi » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:29 pm

Lucky Star comes to my mind. I had a couple of friends that constantly told me to watch it and said it was this great anime and I would love it. Wrong! I had to force myself to finish it. There was no plot whatsoever! Sure it had it's funny moments, but having no plot gave me no reason to watch it other than to be able to say that I finished it.

FLCL was another one I didn't like. I did not understand the plot at all. The only thing it was successful at was confusing me to no end. I will say this though, if the plot wasn't so confusing, it would have had a great ending.

Both of these series made me feel like I wasted my time watching them.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:01 pm

It seems to me that people classify an anime was 'bad' based on different ideas of what makes a good anime. Some of us enjoy plotless, hilarious anime...take Hetalia, for instance. Sorry, but the entire thing is ridiculous, and a giant Italy-bash fest, so far as I can tell.

Not that I care.

And...I've seen Fist of the North Star called many things, but never good. Admittedly, at 3AM, when you're running on nothing other than caffiene and sugar...it is the funniest thing in the world. The only anime I have ever had to force myself not to watch, that I couldn't enjoy in some shape, form, or fashion, was...actually, none come to mind. Well, maybe Naruto. His voice is like a cheese grater on a chalkboard. If I had an icepick, I would likely stab my own ears with it to avoid hearing him talk. Ever.

EDIT: Since we mentioned Twilight earlier, may I say that...for as much as I hate, despise, and wish the series never, ever existed...I hate Avatar more. The James Cameron one. Giant blue people. Whoop-de-freakin-doo. Crappy plot, just take Fern Gully, Pocahontas, and Warhammer 40K and throw them all together. I think the entire film was a compilation of the audience going, "ooo....pretty," and that is all that saved it. Worst movie of all time, ever. Atleast Twilight is mildly entertaining, as screaming insults in a theater at the wolf kid when he takes off his shirt gets hilarious responses from the sheer number of females present.
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Postby TopazRaven » Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:24 pm

I was waiting for Hetalia to show up here. xD I'll try not to be offended (I'm kidding. :lol:)
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

NIV, Romans 8:38-39.
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