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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:22 pm

@Miss Ally: Hahaha! Oh goodness no! Lee is super shy and Rae is sorta rude. It's just lonely at the big building. :(

Later in the afternoon....

The black shades blocked the intense afternoon sun and the tired, bloodshot eyes Rae was trying to cover up. Lee had promised Mia that they would go on a family outing; and usually she would rejoice at the opportunity, she was still exhausted and her side still bandaged and sore.
Mia had a soft grip on Rae's cotton dress and Lee's t-shirt, busily chattering away like a little bird. Lee was smiling and listening to the girl chatter with a serious, intense face with an occasional mocking face. Their talking and giggling made Rae grin; it was something foreign to her, but something she always wanted to insure others around her would have.

"So where are we going Mommy?"

"Hmm....let's meeting?"

"No! Mommy that's not funny!"

"I'm sorry sweetie. Well....what about....we go downtown and hit the park on the way home?"

"That sounds splendid!"

"Well I'm glad you agree."

The girl smiled and continued her chattering; Lee looked up from his daughter and gave Rae a smile. Rae smiled back, not noticing the person her shoulder bumped into.

"Oh, I'm sor--YOU!"

Rae turned around to see a tall, blonde man with a large snake tattoo going up his arm. The man blinked for recognition, and instantly smiled and hugged Rae.

"Red! I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I know! What's it been....eight years?"

"Umm...pardon me...", Lee began.

"Mommy! Who's this?"

The man flashed his white smile even wider and got on a knee to survey Mia.

"My name's Dean. What's yours?"


"Nice to meet you, Mia."

"Mr. Dean is an old friend of Mommy's", Rae continued to appease her curious daughter and growingly suspicious husband. "We grew up across the street from one another; he was like my big brother growing up."

"And the one that taught you how to fight."

"Really?", Mia asked in wonder.

"Yep. Mr. Dean is really good in karate and judo, and a fairly good controller of water."

"Water and ironic.", Lee scoffed.

"Oh. Geez...introductions. Lee, this is my old friend Dean. Dean, this is my husband James."

"It's a pleasure", then said in almost unison.

"What brings you here Dean?"

"I've got some business here; looking to get a gig teaching some fighting styles. This city has a huge population of those who can use magic. Plus I wanted to check in with the Magictech corp in this city."

"Well, you better set up an appointment."

"Y'all know 'em?"

"We are them.", Lee responded coldly.

"Okay cool. I'll catch you guys later."

Dean stood back up, waved goodbye and continued in the opposite direction. Lee shot a glance at Rae who had the 'I'll explain later' look. Mia was intrigued and excited by this new face. This was turning out to be an exciting week!
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Ally-Ann » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:51 pm

Melany had gone home and woken up the next morning. Early. About 6:30 to be exact. She would do this every morning, grab her soccer ball, and run around outside in her yard and down the sidewalk as fast as she could with it for hours. She loved sports just as much as creating techno music, claiming that both were her life. Her mother was fairly sure that Melany was actually a boy trapped in a girl's body because of how active and tomboyish she was.

Melany stopped for a while to catch her breath around 10:30 and picked her soccer ball up. "That was a good workout." Melany said, taking a deep breath to calm her fast breathing. Melany lifted a knee and dropped the soccer ball onto it, bouncing the ball onto the other after that, then back to the first one, then the other, back and forth. Melany was very active for many reasons. 1. She was just like that. She had energy to burn. 2. Melany had an active imagination and kept in mind that if anyone would attack her, she needed to stay more nimble than them. 3. It kept her healthy.

Letting the ball drop to the ground, Melany stretched her arms out as she thought about what she should do over the weekend other than bounce a ball on her knees. "I could probably go down to the park and see what's kickin'... Heh heh. Kickin'. Sport pun." Melany said to herself with a slight smile.


Nina, still sitting on the swing, looked up into the sky, not really thinking about anything. Her bored expression ever present, she looked back down to the ground, trying to think of what to do to entertain herself, and failing horribly. She brushed her hand along her miniskirt's pocket, relieved to find that she hadn't forgotten her magitech at home. 'I could try practicing with it. Get to know how to use it better.' Nina thought. She was already pretty good at using her air blade, but she could probably brush up on using it. 'Probably not the best idea to use at a park, though.' Nina added, noting all the different people there.

OOC: I'm still thinking of what to do with Melany. - -
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:26 pm

OOC: Finally got enough free time to post something instead of just lurking in between projects or class. *Sigh* You'd think an art school would just be drawing and movement research but no, you have spend hours on history of art or listening to teachers rant on about their life in the field or need to do the work on a certain computer program that the school uses that you could get yourself but costs hundreds of dollars to buy (I'm college poor) so instead you go to the school to do it but all the rooms are taken up by classes and there are no open computers and when there are it's on the weekend when I have work and the school is only open for five hours on the weekend and work can sometimes overlap those. :comp: Okay. Rant over. I hope I can get this done tonight.


The bike cooled in it's trek, turning to a small visitors parking lot a well sized factory, all in white of coarse. A huge, tacky sign read "Magonia Industries".

"Of coarse." The bike's driver, Chase, replied to his co-rider, Mary.

"Why can't I just stay out here?" She questioned.

"In summer? On a near cloudless day? Where the sun glares down on you as set on a hot seat and the heat of the pavement doubles that heat and no shade around?" He answered questionably.

She snicked in rebellion.

"Not only that but this your family that you only see every now and again." He gilt tripped. "Do you know what I'd give for tha-"

"Okay, alright." She broke. "*Sigh* You sure know how to force people to your flow."

"What are friends for if not to find ways to make you do something you don't want to." He jested.


Inside was much cooler. Temperature wise, the decor still had much to ask for, if only it wasn't the style of the owners.

The waiting room was empty. A common sight seeing how most orders were done electronically instead of, the now rare, face to face.

*Ding* the desk bell rang, curtsey of one A class Stardust mage.

"One moment please." A older males came from the back. "Yes, how may I....Well, there's a sight for sore eyes. How have you two been."

The man was Brad(ley) Magonia. A B class Stardust mage like Chase, Mary's eldest sibling by seven years, and the closest thing Chase himself had to a older brother. He stood one head taller than chase with curly but short, dirt blond hair and wore the common lab coat over the uncommon jeans and red T-shirt.

"Oh you know. Same old same old. How's life been on your end?" Chase replied.

"Ah not bad here either. Been making a lot of single makes for Zenith Labs recently, so not that bad at all. So, wha'ch ya need?"

"I need a plasma energy converter or a magic clearance diffuser. For now either one can be normal sized but I'd also like to see if I can get either one the size of a fingernail."

"Ah, nice little pieces of tech there. What are you building this time? Finally found out what been holding those wings of yours down?"

"I wish. I so wish. No, this time it's a two for one special. As soon as get a personal project done I'm making a smaller version for Mary," the girl slightly blushed, "and that technique should make way for a patent for magic powered roller blades."

"Not bad. Sound like you've already got the prototype made. And seeing how it's this early, I'm guessing," the man paused, "you drove it here."

"Uh, why do you always get it right?"

"Can I see it?"

"Sure, it's out front."

"Sweet." the man jumped over the counter and rushed to the door, "But first", he paused, turning to his little sister and opening his arms, "No hug for your favorite brother?"

Mary's checks light up. "Are Mom and Dad-"

"Gone on business."

"And...w-what about Helena?"

"Sis is in the back. Come on, nothing to be embarrassed about."

A moments hesitation, Mary then grabbed her brother around the wast and pulled tight. No words did she speak.

"There, there." the much taller man hug back rubbing the shorter's hair. "It's alright."

As much as she acted against it Mary missed her family very much, but she had to be strong, she had to be or she wouldn't be able to see them again. Not with her talent. A talent that every scientist wanted and would have if her family wasn't there for her. But she needed to be strong by herself or she would never to strong for them.

"It's okay." Brad whispered as Mary hugged tighter. "Everything's fine because The butterfly may signal change and hardship, but does not signal death."

Shock shown on Mary's covered face. Not him too. Not her brother with these messages too. What was it all these stardust magicians and butterflies?

"Now that that's been taken care of," Brad releasing Mary, never noticing her expression, "Let's see that work of yours."

Her walked out the door following Chase.

Mary just stood there. Her brother never lied to her. Why? Why him too? What was this Black Butterfly doing to the people she knew?

OOC: *cough* yeah, not my best. Anyways I got to post and give out more plot thickener. That makes me happy.
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:42 pm

OCC: Hmm....Sounds like we need to get things moving! Let's hope this helps...

"Jaster! Jaster!"

The groundskeeper, startled, turned in the direction of the voice. An old man had wandered into the graveyard. He sighed. Stupid old man....He must have gone senile or something...

"Oh, there you are!" The old man addressed a space between two gargoyles.

The groundskeeper's mouth dropped. I was RIGHT!...He IS senile!

"Jaster, you don't have to hide anymore. It's just me," the old man said.

Out of nowhere, a third gargoyle appeared in the space that was once empty. "Did you sell that woman my ring?"

The groundskeeper's eyes widened. ...Is senility CONTAGIOUS!?!?!?

"Of course not!" the old man said. "Why would I sell something that doesn't belong to me? You told her it wasn't for sale. She wouldn't listen. So, I told her to leave."

The gargoyle stepped down from the stone pillar and stood upright. A light shone from its hand, so bright the groundskeeper shielded his eyes. When he looked again, he saw a scrawny, pale-faced teenage boy. "Ack! Demon!" The groundskeeper ran towards the nearest restroom and promptly threw up.

"I....I'm sorry. I should have--"

"Don't say it," the old man said. "I understand. I know you don't do well under pressure. Plus, that woman was extremely arrogant! If it was me, I would have done more or less the same exact thing."

"Still...I'm old enough to know better. You should just fire me. I can get another job...maybe..." Jaster fought the urge to cry.

"...Now why would I fire you for something as small as that?"

Jaster looked up at his grandfather. "S-small? I just made you lose a customer!"

The old man just shrugged his shoulders. "Can't win 'em all. Now let's go home. It's starting to get a little dark..."

Jaster smiled. "Alright."

OCC:....Perhaps I should stop using a third person to tell the story...
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Postby Ally-Ann » Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:24 pm

Melany picked her soccer ball up and tucked it under her arm before deciding to take a stroll. Making sure she had her magitech with her, she started walking down the sidewalk and towards the park. Once she reached said park, she noticed a girl sitting on a swing, looking like she was in a daze. After a few seconds of staring, Melany recognized her.
It's that weird chick from school. Nina, was it? Yeah, that's it. What's she doing here? Melany thought as she started to have second thoughts about entering the park. She had talked to Nina but one time and decided that she didn't really like her. She was boring and a bit of a downer to Melany.
Wait! She's just one person. Why should I care? Melany thought, mentally slapping herself for almost deciding to leave because of a blue-haired weirdo she barely knew. Not dwelling on the fact any longer, Melany walked into the park and started kicking the ball from side-to-side, wondering if Nina saw her.

Nina looked at Melany uncaringly, rememebring who she was from school. Hm. The little techno artist. What's she doing here? Nina thought boredly before looking away from Melany and turning her attention to a small spider that was crawling one of the poles of the swingset she was on, as if it was more interesting than Melany. Which, of course, it was.

Melany looked at Nina again and saw that Nina wasn't looking at her. Rather, she was looking at one of the swingset's poles. What's she thinking, I wonder? Melany thought, stopping the ball, as she looked at Nina curiously. She hardly ever talks to anyone at school. And when she does, she's either too blunt or sarcastic... Or both. Melany was one of the many kids in her school that had labeled Nina as being weird, not really taking the time to get to know her. "I have better things to do than get to know a blue-haired, introverted freak," Is what Melany had said to her friends just a few weeks before, ignoring the fact that she herself had oddly-colored streaks in her hair. And yet here she was, curious about this "blue-haired, introverted freak". She doesn't seem like the type to hang around in a park like she is now. Huh. Melany thought.

Out of the corner of her eye, Nina could see Melany staring at her. Without turning her head, Nina spoke.

"What're you lookin' at?" Nina asked monotonously before turning her head to Melany. Melany averted her eyes from Nina, slightly embarassed that she had been caught staring at someone.

"Nothing." Melany said nonchalantly, picking up her soccer ball and bouncing it from knee to knee.

"Uh huh." Nina said, not believing Melany, and turned her head back to the spider on the pole. Tell me the truth, ya coward. Nina thought in annoyance.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:57 pm

Mia was still chattering away when her Magictech leaped from her arms and started to hop off. Designed personally by Lee, the unique tool looked oddly like an old stuffed rabbit; the sight of it was odd. Without thinking, the girl chased afterwards with Rae running after.

The bunny leaped over to the swing that Nina was in. It sat motionless at her feet. Mia and Rae soon followed behind.

"My Magictech! You found her!"

The girl's curls bounced along with the lightness in her voice; she took a minute to study the blue-haired girl and smiled.

"You're pretty! What's your name?"
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:08 am

Nina raised an eyebrow at the strange-looking rabbit thing at her feet. What in the world? She thought before noticing a little girl who looked about five walked over to her. Nina felt slightly uncomfortable when the little girl studied her for awhile, but didn't say anything.
"You're pretty! What's your name?" The little girl asked.
I'm pretty? That's a first. Nina thought, her eyes softening slightly at the little girl's words.
"Nina." She replied with the smallest of smiles.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:11 pm

"My name's Mia! I'm sorry about my Magictech. Wow! You have blue hair!? That's my favorite the sky. I want blue hair too!"

Rae caught up to her daughter, pressing her injured side.

"I'm so sorry that she came up to bother you..."
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Ally-Ann » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:19 am

Energetic little thing, isn't she? Nina thought as Mia babbled on. Nina looked behind Mia and noticed a woman walking up to them. That must be her mother. She thought.
"I'm so sorry that she came up to bother you," the woman said. Nina shook her head slightly.
"She's not hurting anything," Nina said, looking at Mia again before looking back at her mother. "Are you all right?" Nina asked with very slight curiosity when she noticed the woman pressing her side.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:38 pm

OOC: And back again (Finally). It looks like Diamond Dragon dropped on us, or is still having writers block. That and I'm thinking about moving to the next arc earlier than planned. Do not think that this means you have to rush through what you're doing now. Take it easy and take your time. We're not in a rush. You have plenty of time just don't get into anything big right now.

Anyways, Mary needs some love so this post is all for her.


The two stardust mages rode around the parking lot on the new self built toy. The older one somehow finding a way to write his full name in cursive with the latent energy.

One younger female how ever was not having much fun. Mary sat inside where it was much cooler (again, except for the decor) looking out at her two brothers (one by blood, the other by soul). Normally she'd be glad to see them like this, maybe even join in the fun but a thought lingered in the back of her mind. A thought that something strange was about to happen and had no control on what it did to her family.

"Why so glum Bell?" said a feminine voice from Mary's hat. A hat of femaliar assets. Femaliar assets belonging to the middle child of the Magonia Family.

"Why are you on my head Helena?"

"I came out to see what all the noise was about, only to find our brother and your friend acting natural." Helena said picking herself up, revealing her full figure. The woman looked closer to a more mature Mary than anything. The only differences was her hair was slightly brown and kept in a ponytail and she wore glasses besides more obvious reasons like her clothes which consisted of a lab coat over a button up shirt and red skirt. She looked to be in her late twenties, which is odd because she is only nineteen.

"That didn't answer my question."

"Pu. Don't you like getting hugs from your big sister?"

"Not when they're like that."

"*Humph.*" Helena said grabbing Mary from the back, placing her chin on Mary's head. "Boys and their toys, Huh?" she asked looking out.

"Pretty much the definition in visual form." they both giggled at the image.

"I heard you made it to B class." Helena said now sitting next to her younger sibling.

"Its already out here?"

"News travels fast in this day and age. More so if you have the right connections." Helena held up a small screen filled device. A touch screen phone to clarify.

"Well it was easy. I don't see why you never made it."

"Water's harder to control than your laser things. It's not my fault I'm only a C." The sisters stared each other down...

...before both laughing at each others silly faces.

"Hey, have you heard the most resent rumors?" Helena asked once they had calmed down.

"Not those again."

"You have to stay informed in today's world. Besides, the thing about the stardust users talking about a Black Butterfly was real."

Mary tensed at these words.

"Okay, go ahead." Mary gave in.

"Well, the there have been more sightings of the tall, faceless, suit man but their in crowded areas yet only a few people see him. All of which soon disappear or die."

"Eh. What does he do. Drag them to some underground lab and test on them?"

"That's one theory. Others say he's an alien that steals peoples organs hoping it will make him look more human."

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know. He's probably stuck here and doesn't want to be found so he's trying to fit in or something like that."

Mary shutters "Have any less freaky rumors?"

"Well there was something about a young boy that ate everything in food store and still asked for more. He might have purged the whole city of food if his father hadn't come to get him. Another is a girl who seems to be able to stop others magic with her bare hands. Oh, and theirs that one about if you confess your love on cloudless, full moon night from the highest point you can get to you're love will be returned two fold. *Hint, hint*"

"Hint, hint? What is that don't mean. No way." Mary rejected straight faced. "Why would you even think that?"

"You two are always together."

"We're friends. Siblings almost. Gez, why does everyone think that?"

"You sure?"


"Are really sure?" Helena said tickling Mary as hard as she could.

"AHahHAAHAaha. Yes, yes, EHAHHHAAEeahaEh, Stop, Ehaha, please, aeHeAha just stOAhaeHapPAhaeaha."

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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:07 am

Rae was startled by Nina's politeness and her question. Was it that obvious? She took a glipse at her hand and noticed red. A few swear words crossed her mind before consealing her hand back inside her leather jacket.

"Yeah I'm fine, just not in shape enough to keep up with my daughter."

"We live off from the city where my parents work", interjected Mia, " you should come!"

"Mia...", Rae started, " this young lady probably is very busy, and it's not polite to be so forward."

"But you are."

Rae blushed and looked at Nina then to the heavens for help.

"Well....umm...that's why Mommy doesn't make friends well."

"And you get into fights."

"Where is your father when I need him...?"

"So will you come?!", Mia said energetically at Nina.
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Ally-Ann » Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:30 pm

Phantom_Sorano (post: 1495187) wrote:"Yeah I'm fine, just not in shape enough to keep up with my daughter."

"We live off from the city where my parents work", interjected Mia, " you should come!"

"Mia...", Rae started, " this young lady probably is very busy, and it's not polite to be so forward."

"But you are."

Rae blushed and looked at Nina then to the heavens for help.

"Well....umm...that's why Mommy doesn't make friends well."

"And you get into fights."

"Where is your father when I need him...?"

"So will you come?!", Mia said energetically at Nina.

Doesn't make friends well? Welcome to my world, sister. Nina thought sarcastically as she stood up from the swing, careful not step on the Mia's magitech.

"I'm not busy at all, hardly ever am." Nina said in a careless manner. "Though, if your mom doesn't want me to come, I'm not gonna press the matter." She added honestly. If the girl's mother was anything like Nina, then she probably doesn't want new people intruding in her home. Let alone when she's in pain. "Thanks, though."

Melany watched the conversation from a distance, bouncing her ball from knee to knee. What could that kid possibly see in Nina? Melany thought with wonder.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:29 pm

"That's not the case at all", Rae replied rather sharply. She bit her tongue after it came out; she was never too adept with her words. Lee was always the better one with polite conversation.

"I'm sorry...", she continued, "I'm a bit ackward around people..."

"So can she come?!", Mia asked excitedly.

"Miss, you are welcome to our home whenever you like. Oh! I didn't even getting your name. I'm Ramona, it's nice to meet you.", she said warmly as she extended her hand.
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:25 pm

"Alright, Jaster! Closing time!"

Jaster looked up from a bracelet he had been polishing for the past hour. "Okay." Because Celestial Jewelers hardly gets any customers, it is open from eight in the morning to eight at night. However, Grandpa decided that, considering it had been a LONG day, they should close up shop early.

Suddenly the door bell rang. (Jaster always loved the sound the old bell made, considering it was an actual bell and not a recording.) A young woman softly closed the door behind her. "I-I'm very sorry. Am I too late?"

Grandpa hurriedly glanced at Jaster, who nodded slowly. "Of course not!"

The woman made a short bow. "Thank you. Um, I don't mean to be rude, but do you have a special for bracelets? I've been trying to find a wonderful bracelet for a while."

"Of course, Mademoiselle. Right this way." The old man guided the woman to a rack of bracelets sitting in the glass case. "Do any of these marvelous pieces catch your eye?"

The woman silently looked at a silver bangle, but she shook her head. She adjusted her gaze to the gold chain next to it, yet she shook her head again. " won't do." she murmured.

Jaster quickly looked at the bracelet wrapped in his handkerchief. "W-w-would you be interested i-in something like this?"

The woman looked at the golden bracelet. Her eyes sparkled as she observed the ruby that was encrusted in the middle. "Yes. I would definitely be interested in this."

Jaster smiled. "Great! I mean, er, this was made by, um, (Who was it again?)--Oh, yes!--Zegram Walters! He was an amazing craftsman from the...19th century? [SIZE="1"]No...that doesn't sound right....[/SIZE]"

The woman laughed. "I have always admired Zegram's work. I am simply amazed that this little store would have something as amazing as this! What will it cost?"

Jaster swallowed. " costs...uh..."

Jaster glanced at Grandpa, who was making some rather peculiar faces.

"Oh right! It costs...3...1...8...9...or was that a 1?"

"Excuse me?"

"N-nothing! It's $3000."

The woman stumbled a few steps backwards. "W-wow! That...That's"

Ah, nuts! First, run away in the middle of a sale, then I completely screw up the next one! I'm such an idiot!

"That's amazing!"


The woman quickly stared at the floor. "I've always wanted one of Zegram's collection, but I've never been able to scrounge up enough money to get one for myself. But this. This time, I will finally have one!"

Grandpa laid a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Excellent. Now right this way and we will make it official."

The woman stepped into the office, with Grandpa following right behind. He turned to close the door and said, "Great job, Jaster. I knew you could do it."
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Postby Ally-Ann » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:45 pm

[quote="Phantom_Sorano (post: 1495300)"]"That's not the case at all", Rae replied rather sharply. She bit her tongue after it came out]

Nina looked at the hand for a few seconds in slight confusement, as she had never shaken anybody's hand before. She had never had the need to. But she had seen it done on TV, so she just copied what she had seen and took Ramona's hand and shook it, if a bit awkwardly. "I'm Nina," Nina replied as she let go, keeping a straight face, though a very slight blush of embarassment crossed her cheeks.

OOC: Now I REALLY don't know what to do with Melany. -__- Anyone have any ideas?
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:04 pm

OOC: You can always throw her with my characters, plus I'm trying to intro a new character that teaches fighting. :)

Rae's smile extended a bit; she sensed something that she liked in Nina. She wasn't sure of what it was exactly, but she wanted to defiantly see more of this girl around the building.
It was at about this time that Lee caught up with the rest of his family. He instinctively went to mia to see if she was okay. As the girl crawled onto his back, he looked at Nina and smiled. Though he had great manners, he was terribly shy and ackward around people; that's why he stayed in the lab and let his hot-tempered wife be the "face" of the company. Nervous as he was getting, he joined his wife.

"We live a bit ways across town", Rae continued as she attempted to give Nina directions, "you go straight through the city and closer towards the mountains. When you see what resembles a small skyscraper, you're there. I can give you my card if you need to look up the address...I'm no good with directions either."

She handed Nina a business card:

"We are very passionate about magicology. The whole family has different and ranging powers. I am not sure if you are yourself, but if you are, you can always come by to use my training room or get some Magictech help. That and my husband is a great cook, so feel free to stop by for dinner."

Mia climbed off of Lee and ran to Nina.

"May I hug you bye?"
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
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Postby Ally-Ann » Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:31 pm

Phantom_Sorano (post: 1495900) wrote:OOC: You can always throw her with my characters, plus I'm trying to intro a new character that teaches fighting. :)


"We are very passionate about magicology. The whole family has different and ranging powers. I am not sure if you are yourself, but if you are, you can always come by to use my training room or get some Magictech help. That and my husband is a great cook, so feel free to stop by for dinner."

Mia climbed off of Lee and ran to Nina.

"May I hug you bye?"

OOC: Thanks, Phantom. :) I'll think of something to do with Melany. That, or I'll just wait for the next arc to make her do something.

IC: Nina took the business card and glanced at it before nodding and putting it into her pocket. "Thanks," she said. "I've been needing a place to practice. I don't think it's exactly safe to do it in a park full of little kids." Heh. Plus, a dinner doesn't sound half bad.
Nina watched as Mia ran towards her.

"May I hug you?" Mia asked. Nina's eyes widened slightly. Did someone, a little girl, seriously want to hug her? After a few seconds, Nina nodded and crouched down to Mia's level and hugged her, unaware of the small smile that crossed her own face.

Gah. I'm turning soft.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:57 pm

OOC: Awww! Nina's a softie! :P :)

Mia wrapped her arms tightly around Nina and wiggled close before releasing her and going back to her father. He picked up the girl and smiled at Nina.

"I'd love to make some modifications to your Magictech. Please feel free to come by my lab later for an upgrade.", Lee said with more confidence.

"And that's the first thing you say to someone when you meet them. Generally it's a 'hello'", Rae chimmed.

Lee's face turned crimson.

"Like you're the one to talk!", he said defensively, "I swear, you're gonna get yourself killed or run the business down to the ground with your lack of ediquette!"

"Miss Nina", Rae said turning around as the family headed home, "we hope to see you soon."

She waved goodbye and the three headed back to Leviathan.
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:43 am

Nina waved slightly towards them and smiled a little. What just happened? Nina wondered. Last night I was saved from be being beaten before given a free dinner, next came making friends with magitech developers and a little girl. What the heck is happening? Nina thought with wonder. Remembering that Melany was still there, Nina turned to her and smirked smugly, resulting in Melany scowling and turning away. But I can't complain. I just proved to a prejudice techno artist that I am capable of making friends.

Melany just huffed and picked her ball up. I have no need to hang around her. But I can't help but wonder what magitech developers see in her. I mean, seriously! Melany grumbled inwardly as she walked out of the park and back towards her house.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:47 pm

OOC: Alright. As soon as I get my characters done we're moving to the next arc and the end of this chapter. Expect rules for engagement to be posted on the other thread and your opponents in your PM.


For the next three hours the boys worked on Chase's bike, rigging and remodeling where needed. The girls helped where they could, which was everything but the technical. If it had of been one person by themselves such an operation would have taken days of hard work.

"Alright, that should do it." Chase said to his partners.

"Well? Fire it up." Helena ordered.

Chase climbed upon the chopper and took a palm sized object from his pocket and placed where the hole to the fuel tank used to be as it sit in a hole now made just for it. A spark left his fingers as they left, a soft glow covering his body.

"Fully charged. Engine running smoothly. All servos and wires connected and working. All that's left is an activation key."

"You don't really need that, do you?"Mary asked.

"No." Chase replied, "I've just always wanted to say this. "FLAME ON!""

And with that the engines roared, a white flame ejected from the back wrapping around the back wheel making an almost perfect tire, although a white one.

"Awesome." remarked Brad. "How's it running?"

"Ninety Seven percent. Much more than I was hoping for. It's perfect." Chase replied like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Alright. Let's go sign that paper work and see if we can get you those special orders soon." Brad said.

As Chase powered done a ding came from the front room.

"Um, Helena can you get that?" Brad asked.

"And uh, Mary, you can go ahead and get ready. This shouldn't more than a second or two."

Both did just that. The two men walked to the back.

"You still plan on going?" Brad asked.

"Of coarse. I have to know what it means. Those images and voices."

"So. In two weeks. *Sigh* You'd better not get Mary hurt."

"She's a big girl. She knows how to take care of herself."

"I don't think you understand what I'm saying." Brad said pulling a hand sized object from his right pocket. Suddenly it glowed, a white hand jutted from it grabbing Chase and slamming him to the wall. "YOU BETTER NOT LET ON HAIR BE-"

"I CAN'T!" Chase shouted. "Don't you think I would promise if I could. I don't know what be up there and I know if I go Mary is just as likely to follow." His face covered by his hair, obstructing his tear filled eyes. "But, thankfully..I know she can fight. She could beat both of us if she really got serious. So, believe some in your sister. I do."

Silence passed between them before Brad finally let go.

"I guess your right. She's stronger than we know. Sorry about that."

"No problem. It was just your sister complex talking."

"What? I do NOT have a sister complex."


In the end Chase's parts would take three days to make. In the next two weeks however Chase was able to make what he wanted and more. They were going to need it.

OOC: Now with that out of the way the next arc can begin. Just let me double post and I'll get to that.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:24 pm

OOC: And double posted. Just so we don't get confused here, this is about two weeks from where everybody last posted in time. In other words about June tenth were we were once in the end of may. Got it?

Chapter One: The Realm of Humans and The Realm of the Asura
Arc Two: Hyvn Le Descent

Midway through June a large festival is held to celebrate the arrival of a city. The main city to all the magic/science cities of the world. It is called Hyvn, the city in the sky. It floats across the planet for an entire year collecting and spreading the data to and from each city.

Although it's called a city it's acts more like a lab and looks more like a giant egg in the sky.

Camelot City's celebration was a lot like a flower viewing party. People go to certain areas and watch it fly in at about ten that Saturday morning.

Mary and Chase also celebrated this day, though both for a reason others wouldn't believe because neither would be able to describe why.

Both wore something different than normal. Chase looked something from the 80's. He had a bandana around his head but let his bangs hang out just enough. His shirt long sleeved but was of a loose material to keep him cool. His pants, normal jeans and his shoes, a custom made surprise. On his back lay a black double strapped backpack that more like metal and was probably heavier than a normal one but also not.

Mary wore much the same but of a different color. She did not wear a bandana but kept her hair in a ponytail and a y strapped backpack, this one of the normal material. To her side a gun holster holding an odd looking revolver while around her belt strung small rectangular boxes.

Hyvn would be here within the hour and with it the winds of change.

OOC: As of now we'll only have six fighting characters. Less than what I hoping for, more than what I expected. Look for your opponent's bios in your PM's within the week.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:05 pm

OOC: Um....this is still active right? I didn't mean to wait to post in this arc if that's what your thinking.

Anyways I had to create a new thread because the old one's gone.


If your still continuing with us post there either now or when get your opponent's Bio.

Ex: Wait....this is a triple that bad sign?
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Postby Ally-Ann » Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:45 pm

OOC: I was just gonna wait for someone else to post after you, but I guess I can post. ^^

IC: Nina was stretched out on the grass, her hands folded behind her head to act as a cushion as she stared up at the clouds in the sky. She had chosen a small hill to lay on top of rather than under a shady tree like everyone else. She wasn't wearing her usual T-shirt, mini skirt, and leggings, though. Rather, she was wearing simple skinny jeans, a gray dolman top, and flip-flops. Her hair was also in two buns instead of one. I'm bored of my normal look, Is what she had told herself when she got up that morning.
So now, she was staring at the clouds in a daze, her bored expression ever present. Her mind would wander occasionally about the couple events that had happened to her, but she shook herself out of it every time. Just a couple strokes of good luck, nothing more. Nina thought as she sat up, her hands holding her up behind her.

Meanwhile, Melany was sitting criss-crossed as she tapped her fingers on her knee to the beat of the music that was blaring through her earbuds and into her ears. I wish Hyvn would hurry up and get here. This heat's killin' me.
"Melany, are you hungry?" Melany's mother asked. Melany obviously didn't hear her and kept tapping her fingers. "Melany!" Melany jumped from the scare and yanked her earvuds out of her ears.
"AHG! W-what do you want?!" Melany said in a slightly shaky voice that had slight anger in it.
"I asked if you were hungry. I brought some snacks just in case," Melany's mother replied calmly.
"Nah, I'm not hungry," Melany said quickly before putting her earbuds back into her ears and clicking the play button on her music player.
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:57 am

OCC: Sorry for the wait. Let's get this show on the road!

"Um....Grandpa, do I really have to wear this?"

Jaster was trying to finish tying the bow-tie on his tuxedo but was having difficulty with the second loop. Really?!...People actually WEAR this!?

Grandpa, wearing his own tuxedo, entered the room, smiling. "Weeellll, no. You could just create an illusion of the bow tie and then struggle all day long to keep it going! Or, you could just let me show you how it's done."

Jaster sighed. "Option 2, please."

Grandpa moved quickly and expertly, running his fingers over the silk bow with finesse. "There! All done!"

Jaster looked into the mirror. "....I look like James Bond..."

"Then I must be Sean Connery!"



They locked the shop and went out into the street, which was filled to the brim with pedestrians.

"Why are there so many people here?" asked Jaster.

"Hyvn is coming. 'The Floating Island'."

Jaster was silent for a moment. "What happens after Hyvn gets here?"

"You will see."

They continued to walk down the street. But for some reason, Jaster couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. Something....amazing.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:48 pm

OOC: Found myself having to do stuff today when I should have posted earlier.

And nobody posted their enemy characters in other thread. Until everybody knows who everybody else is facing we really can't get going.

I guess follow the leader works best. The link on my last post goes to the thread to I'm talking about. Once people have posted the character I gave them and which of their characters they're facing we can truly start.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:22 pm

OOC: So, it's been a week that shouldn't have chased you three away (I hope...I really hope). Phantom hasn't updated his/her character but that can be done later.


"Hey Chase."

"Y~es Mary?"

"Why are we dressed like this?"

"Because...we need to look cool."

"So being dress up as if from the bygone era of the 1960's is cool?"

"Yes....Yes it is."

"Why did I even become friends with you."

"My indomitable charm and knack for finding adventure."

"..." Mary paused, "I don't know about the charm but you're right about the adventure part."

"*Sigh*" Chase replied, "Well, something tells me you're not going to be disappointed. You do have the shoes right?"


Camelot City was filled with jubilation that day as most of the city was filled with scientists the prospect of new information had them drooling from this year long wait.

The city, Hyvn, roared into sight. A giant, flying lab. To be frank, it looked like an egg.

Closer and closer it flew over the city towards its dock till


A blast, an explosion, a ball of fire emitted for the engines.


another from its side,


and a final from its top.

Warning klaxons could be heard. The city sized ship limped, the screams raising from the city below spelled out the terror and the uncertainty.

Hyvn slowly but surly floated to its dock and you had of looked closely enough or asked people who did you'd know that an object or creature either fell or flew from Hyvn during the explosions to Camelot below, and that it looked like a Black Butterfly.


OOC: dun Dun DUN. *cough*. Yes we finally get to the part I've been secretly (Yeah right) been foreshadowing. I have no clue if you guys are going to like it as much as I think you will but it never hurt to try.

On another note my homework at College has been still increasing and even though I've coming here to check when I have breaks or board while doing an assignment I can't promise I'll be able to update on regular scheduled but I will try my best.

Next update will be revealing who's behind the Black Butterfly form and what happened and/or will happen to Hyvn. See you as soon as possible.
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:00 pm

Jaster watched in awe as the massive city of Hyvn made its appearance. He had never before seen anything of this size! But, strangely, he didn't feel excited. He wasn't anxious to meet the people arriving. To be frank, he felt....afraid. He couldn't understand the feeling himself, but he just knew....something was going to happen. And it wasn't going to be good.

"Come, Jaster," Grandpa said. "Let's go meet the newcomers. After all, I'm sure they will at least want a souvenir or two." He smiled as he and Jaster began to walk towards the ominous floating city. Jaster didn't smile.
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Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Aug 29, 2011 2:43 pm

Nina sat up, looking at Hyvn with slight uncertainty before it docked. She stood up and stretched. Might as well go and get a better look. Nina thought as she walked down the hill, the wind blowing stray strands of hair that framed her face every which way and that. But something didn't seem right. In the recesses of her mind, Nina was unsure about something, but she didn't know what. Stupid paranoia. She thought as she walked into the crowded streets and parks of the city. But honestly, why does everyone have to make such a big deal about this flying egg?

Melany paused the music that was blaring in her ears and stood up, looking in awe at Hyvn.
"Look at that thing..." She said. I wonder what it's like in there....
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