Altitude: Islands in the Sky

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Postby samurai10 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:06 pm

OOC: Sorry! Life has been CrAzY and mean.

IC: Jackie searched in her pockets with her right hand. "Ah geez, where are those dumb bandages?" she muttered to herself. She usually always had some, as she almost always got injured in some way or another within the span of four days. "Ah, here they are," she mumbled, as she took them out of the lowest front pocket on her left leg. She put them back. "Now, where can I find somewhere secluded?" She knew it was going to hurt when she pulled out the knife. She still hadn't gotten it out.

She was glad she had a black jacket. It made her blood less visible. But if she didn't hurry, somebody would start asking questions. And she HATED being asked questions. Plus, there was no real way to conceal the knife that was still sticking out of her arm. She knew every part of Ikura. She'd learned, as she had gone over it many times in her two years of staying there. She sighed. To get to less populated areas, she had to go through a very busy area: The Marketplace. She turned her steps toward there, hurrying so that nobody would realize that there was a knife sticking out of her arm.

She'd forgotten that the marketplace was BIG. And her arm was hurting big time. Ugh.

She had looked to the side for a moment, while still rushing. Big mistake. She banged into a man, and on the left side too! She yelped as the knife was dislodged from her arm and clattered onto the streets, and she was pushed onto her bum. Worse still, the man dropped a bunch of papers. They went flying. Thankfully, there was no wind, making it so that the papers only went within about a foot radius of the man She facepalmed with her good hand, as she struggled to get up. "I'm so so sorry, are you okay?" she asked the man, as she attempted to help him pick up all the papers.
"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia." ~The Silver Chair

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel." ~Johnny Depp

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This pokemon is stout in stature, but extremely loyal. it's head and ears make the shape of a samurai helmet. the scales from said helmet can be pulled out and used as kunai.
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Postby acgifford » Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:41 pm

Davidizer13 (post: 1491530) wrote:OOC: Sorry, people, I dropped the whole continuity ball there... After this post, though, we will most definitely be on the ground.


"...All right, if you insist," said Truce, shrugging his shoulders before bracing for another bump. He lingered, staring for a moment at her head as she went about trying to keep everything in place. Something was clearly wrong, but right now, he had bigger things to deal with.

Somehow, though, the plane had landed safely, and was taxiing through the runways to their hangar assignment. With a hiss and a jerk, the Tiamat was parked, and the back door opened with a mechanical hammering sound. They had arrived. "Stay safe out there, all right?" Truce said to Adele, with a wave of his hand.

Right, he thought, stepping into the bright tropical sun, let's see if I can remember where this place was... A light breeze blew spice-scented air from the markets all around the airstrip]

Mister (post: 1491612) wrote:

Vaughn immediately drove down to the Hangar that held the Tiamat and parked by the large hangar doors. While strolling casually into the Hangar he told the boy to unload his tools and parts. Once Vaughn reached the tail of the Tiamat he stopped at the edge of the off ramp, looking about the interior. He couldn't help but smiled slightly when he caught a glemps of Adele casting about. With a confidence born of Knowing one's self and a natural courage, Vaughn took long steps up the ramp and into the hold. Stepping up behind Adele he threw his arms around her and spun around, completely lifting her from the ground.

Setting Adele down gently he chuckled and said, "ho! Adele! Welcome to Ikura! Where is Truce?" then he saw her face, and the tired, puffy eyes, suddenly his heart sank. "Adele?" he asked gently, "what's wrong? what's been happening?"



"...All right, if you insist," shrugged Truce and brace himself as the plane shuddered yet again.

Adele braced herself against the door frame. She could feel his eyes on her. She knew he suspected something more was going on, but would not push her any further at this point. At this fact Adele let out a sigh of slight relief. She was not in any way ready to descuss what had happened last night. What she really wanted at this point was for everyone just to leave her alone. As Adele was thinking these thoughts they finally landed. After the plane had taxied to the hangar and stopped. After the back of the cargo plane had been opened, Truce started down the ramp. As he did this he turned to Adele.

"Stay safe out there, all right?" said Truce with a wave and headed out of the hangar and into the market place.

Adele let out a sigh and began to pace around the cargo area. She was restless and wanted desperately to be alone. For once in her life going out for a drink did not sound like a bad idea. Adele of course knew how dangerous that would be in a place like this. She also knew that she would regret it later. Mulling over these thoughts she let out another sigh and came to a standstill a little ways away from the ramp. Adele hardly noticed Izzy and Gabe as they ran by. Her slender arms were crossed in front of her as if in some way she could hold herself together. "Juan.." she whispered as she remembered what happened the night before. It seemed like a very distant memory. The ache was returning to haunt her. It started to squeeze her heart ever so slightly. Tighter and tighter.

Just then Adele heard someone coming up the ramp of the plane. The steps were steady and confident as they got closer and closer to her. Her back was to the entrance and as she turned to see who was approaching her, she felt two strong arms wrap around her. Adele, quite startled by the unexpectedness of the whole thing, let out a startled scream as the man spun around with her in his arms. He then set her down gently and started to laugh and she whipped around to see who it was.

"Ho! Adele! Welcome to Ikura! Where is Truce?" he asked with a broad smile.

Adele merely stared at him with her mouth open like a koi. She then shut her mouth and glared at him sternly. No...It couldn't be....Vaghn? Nono...I'm dreaming.

"Adele?" he asked gently,"what's wrong? what's been happening?"

Adele continued to stare at him. "V-vaghn?" She stuttered. "Vaghn....Where have you been?!" she shouted now furious. "You think that after all this time you can just barge in on my life?!" she paused shaking her head. " You think that you can just...ask me whats been happening?" she asked now whispering. "You disappeared 8 years ago. You didn't write. You didn't tell me where you went at all! Why should I even let you back into my life?" Adele shook her head as she looked at him in disgust.

First Juan. Now him. This was too much to take. Adele trying to contain herself, began pacing vigorously about the plane. Her face was now flushed with anger and tears were welling up in her eyes.
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
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Postby Mister » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:02 pm

Vaughn cocked an eyebrow at her outburst and waited for her to calm down. when she finally stopped yelling at him and began pacing again he wrapped hsi arms around her again and whispered. "Cousin," he spoke low and gently, "There are things i had to do these past 8 years. I'm sorry for walkign away and not telling you what was up. But please understand, i still love you, and your still my family." Thrusting her to arm's length he grinned micheviously and said, "Now! Cheer up! where'd the spunky little girl i used to know go? You know, the one who told me she was going to marry me when she got older?" Vaughn began to laugh sincerely and with great myrth.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby Nami » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:50 am

Destroyer2000 (post: 1491656) wrote:As chaos erupted behind him, Van dashed out of the tavern, brushing himself off and straightening his vest. Jeez, one stray comment involving a man's mother and a jonda-pig... He shook his head. No point worrying about it now.

Van smiled, patting the set of pistols on his belt - a set of pistols that he had lifted from an unsuspecting drunk at the bar. Six shot revolvers with matching grips of stained wood, the barrels a copper color. Equipped with a hammer-catch, the revolvers were essentially semi-automatic until they ran out of ammunition. The smile burst into a wickedly fierce grin as Van hefted the belt holding the ammunition. Well, maybe he'll keep his pants on.

Van wrapped the belt around his chest, and stepped lightly into the mania that was Ikura's market. The smell of spices, sweat, and stale beer saturated the air, the fresh scent of saltwater being only a distant memory. As he walked along, a young girl slammed into him. Van snatched at his pistol, cursing when he found it unloaded. Stupid drunk, what good is an empty gun?

He warily eyed the girl, who, he had to give credit to, eyed him back. She was a pretty thing, with the strangest pair of twin colored eyes.
"Why not watch where you walk?" She all but growled it at him.
Van chuckled under his breath, and smirked. "Feisty, aren't you? Well, it's alright. I'm used to women running headlong into me. Happens all the time."

Isabella glared up at Van, 'Is he flirting with me?' she thought viciously, her eyes shifted downward, and his hand on his pistol was not lost on her. He was clearly running from someone. She glanced around and met the stranger's eyes again.

"To busy running from danger to notice when you are in someone's path eh?" She said, narrowing her eyes. She tried to take a step back away from Van, but was nearly run over by the thick passing crowd of people who murmured in excitement. She scowled annoyed that she had to be near this person. He was too tall, she didn't like being towered over.

Isabella slammed her hands onto her hips and glared up, the sun glared back and she winced. "I'd not have run into you, if you hadn't been standing right in my way." She said, very aware of the wrench only a finger-brush away from her grip. If this guy tried anything, he would get it.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:15 am

Nami (post: 1491979) wrote:Isabella glared up at Van, 'Is he flirting with me?' she thought viciously, her eyes shifted downward, and his hand on his pistol was not lost on her. He was clearly running from someone. She glanced around and met the stranger's eyes again.

"To busy running from danger to notice when you are in someone's path eh?" She said, narrowing her eyes. She tried to take a step back away from Van, but was nearly run over by the thick passing crowd of people who murmured in excitement. She scowled annoyed that she had to be near this person. He was too tall, she didn't like being towered over.

Isabella slammed her hands onto her hips and glared up, the sun glared back and she winced. "I'd not have run into you, if you hadn't been standing right in my way." She said, very aware of the wrench only a finger-brush away from her grip. If this guy tried anything, he would get it.

Van grinned. She really was feisty. The girl glared at him, even challenging him. She's got spunk! But...doesn't she realize this is Ikura? No one would bat an eye if I hauled her up and carried her off. A quick motion behind the girl caught Van's attention, and his eyes narrowed. Fast as lightning, his hand shot out behind the girl and snatched the little street urchin up by the nape of his raggedy shirt.
"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

Van pried the kid's fingers off of the wallet, and handed it to the girl. "This belong to you?" he asked, holding the kid a few feet off the ground. He set the kid down, and leaned down to eye level. "You're good, kid. Fast. But I'm better. Be more careful next time - you were watching her as you walked up, and it was obvious she was a mark. Glance at them, and don't linger or slow as you approach. Now get out of here before I decide not to be so friendly." The boy stared, eyes wide, before scampering off up the street.

Van shook his head, and turned back to the girl. "Kids these days, huh? Just don't know how to pick a pocket like they should. You have to be subtle, you know? Can't make it too obvious. Here," Van handed the girl a group of nuts and bolts he'd lifted from her other pocket. "I believe these belong to you." He grinned again. "That's how you do it."
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[color="Red"]Distance is to Love as Wind is to extinguishes the small, and ignites the great. - Unknown[/color]

[color="RoyalBlue"]“Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.â€
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Postby Nami » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:42 am

Isabella was startled when Van reached out and snagged the kid, just like plucking a berry from a crowded vine. She stared as he retrieved her wallet and gave the boy instructions and obviously a life-lesson through his menacing eyes. She watched the kid scamper off and faced Van again. She took the wallet and the nuts and bolts.

She felt anger flare, she had been pick-pocketed, and she hadn't even noticed. Her guard was high and yet that kid had taken her wallet. She had felt something but with this many people, it had been impossible to know. Her temper quickened and she clenched her hands.

Slowly, she sighed and looked away from Van. It was only right to thank him. Isabella lifted her eyes and gave a sour look. "I would say 'thank you', but you picked my pocket as well. And you seem like a thief to me. You'd pass over your own mother for a valuable item! And skin the hair off a cat even if it meant it's warmth, as long as if brought you money." She said harshly.

"But seeing as how you kept me from loosing my valuable money." She tucked the wallet insider her jumper this time, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see if there was something I could do for you in return, after all, it's the right thing to do." She stared up at him, the stubbornness hadn't left her eyes, and there was a wall of sorts. But her father had raised her to return favors. Even if she didn't like it.

'Papa, if only you knew that I now owe a favor to a criminal. What would you say?'

OOC: Samu, who did she bump into?
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:54 am

Nami (post: 1491983) wrote:Isabella was startled when Van reached out and snagged the kid, just like plucking a berry from a crowded vine. She stared as he retrieved her wallet and gave the boy instructions and obviously a life-lesson through his menacing eyes. She watched the kid scamper off and faced Van again. She took the wallet and the nuts and bolts.

She felt anger flare, she had been pick-pocketed, and she hadn't even noticed. Her guard was high and yet that kid had taken her wallet. She had felt something but with this many people, it had been impossible to know. Her temper quickened and she clenched her hands.

Slowly, she sighed and looked away from Van. It was only right to thank him. Isabella lifted her eyes and gave a sour look. "I would say 'thank you', but you picked my pocket as well. And you seem like a thief to me. You'd pass over your own mother for a valuable item! And skin the hair off a cat even if it meant it's warmth, as long as if brought you money." She said harshly.

"But seeing as how you kept me from loosing my valuable money." She tucked the wallet insider her jumper this time, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see if there was something I could do for you in return, after all, it's the right thing to do." She stared up at him, the stubbornness hadn't left her eyes, and there was a wall of sorts. But her father had raised her to return favors. Even if she didn't like it.

'Papa, if only you knew that I now owe a favor to a criminal. What would you say?'

Van laughed at the girl's description of him. "Come now, I'm not that bad! And you are much prettier when you smile." He put a finger to her chin, and gave her what he thought was a winning smile. It usually worked, after all. "And I would never steal from my mother. What kind of guy do you take me for?" He grinned. "I prefer the term 'adorable rogue' over 'thief'. It sounds much nicer."

When the girl didn't budge, he sighed. "You aren't from Ikura, are you? Your accent. And besides, you have the look of a foreigner. That's probably why that kid chose you as a mark, and why those four," he gestured to a group half hidden among the stalls, "are thinking the same thing."

Van paused, as if to think. "I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything, but I do have a favor. I kind of started a little bit of a brawl back in a tavern, and eventually, that guy will figure out his shiny new pistols are missing, as well as his money pouch." Van jingled his belt, smirking. "And...well, picking pockets is a bit of a hobby. I needed something to get me off the island, and as soon as possible. Do you know of anyone?"
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[color="Red"]Distance is to Love as Wind is to extinguishes the small, and ignites the great. - Unknown[/color]

[color="RoyalBlue"]“Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.â€
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Postby Nami » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:59 am

Isabella ignored his finger under her chin and grunted at his comments. She wasn't easily moved, in fact, Gabriel would say; "no guy has ever really impressed her." She crossed her arms and leaned back on her heels, glancing at the thieve.

She scowled, he as right. "You need a way off?" She puzzled. A thought crossed her mind and she shook it away, but it came back. Truce may have need for a gun-man. She glanced over him, he certainly looked able.

"Fine, I think I have just the thing." She collected her things quickly and shrugged them over her shoulder in a sack. "Follow me." She grunted and pushed through the crowds, shouting in a foreign tongue, people moved eventually and she bustled through the market. "I am not a foreigner really, I come here quite often." She managed to huff.

"But, I didn't grow up here, so I suppose in a way, I am." She looked back to make sure Van was with her.
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:37 am

[quote="Nami (post: 1491985)"]Isabella ignored his finger under her chin and grunted at his comments. She wasn't easily moved, in fact, Gabriel would say]

Van laughed when the girl just kept scowling, then hustled off. He was amazed he was actually getting a way off the island, and away from the marriage. A woman slipped in front of him, and he deftly removed her change pouch from her purse without missing a beat.

"So, what's your name? If you're getting me off the island, I'd atleast like to know your name!" Van had to shout to be heard over the din, although he moved through the crowds with as much ease as she had difficulty. "And where are you from? Because that language, whatever it is, is not from around here!" He chuckled. "And you can't come here that often. I wouldn't forget that face!"
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[color="Red"]Distance is to Love as Wind is to extinguishes the small, and ignites the great. - Unknown[/color]

[color="RoyalBlue"]“Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.â€
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Postby Nami » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:45 am

Isabella glanced backward and swore under her breath, was she really doing the best thing? She rolled her eyes. "It's Isabella De Luca." She called over her shoulder. "We come here a few times a year." She replied, dropping back a bit when a group of people pushed through the crowd. She watched them with annoyance and shifted the sack.

Her eyes were quick to notice a shifting figure not far off and realized he was familiar. Her eyes widened. 'Quinton' before she knew it, she had backed up into Van. "Come, this way." She grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him down a less full road, that led around to the other side of the market. the last thing she wanted was to run into Quinton, because where he was, Price couldn't be far.

Isabella felt sweat trickle down her forehead, fear riddled with her past made her want to flee like a jack-rabbit. But she didn't. She slowed her pace, once she was sure they were safe. "I suppose my face is rememberable." She said, as if her dashing off down a different road hadn't just happened. "I'd also like a name." She looked over her shoulder at Van, she didn't have to call out, just talk a little loud. It wasn't nearly as busy on this side of the market.
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
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Postby Mister » Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:52 am

Watari stood pressed against the cool wall of a building in the shadows of an alley. Serigi had sent Watari to Ikura to compose hismelf and prepare some grunts to aid him in taking Price down. Watari had gathered two dozen thugs and street urchins who knew how to fight. Price might have been good, but he wasn't good enough to overcome two dozen men.

Things in Watari's world were looking up, and plans were moving along, he'd managed to obtain a network of theives and smugglers who worked primarily in Ikura. But then He showed up. Watari had been strolling through the buisy market, checking up on his pickpockets and thugs, when suddenly a familiar figure caught in the very edge of his vision.

Even as Watari wheeled to look at the figure more intently, a memory flashed through his mind. A Cloaked man, his dark hood shadowing his face, standing on Price's right side as he always had. Quinton. Watari still remembered the day he met Quinton, his cold eyes staring at him unwavering, they seemed to gleam like polished steel.

Watari shuddered and dispite the heat had a cold chill run down his spine. His newly found bravado and confidence turned to mush in an instant and his belly turned yellow.

Watari finally broke himself of his paralysis and slipped off into the crowd, seeking a refuge in an alley that was sealed off my his thugs. What was he going to do now? He had to escape. He had to get away. He had to survive!

Leaning there against the wall he wondered if he could gather his men, and make it throught he crowd to the docks without running into or being spotted by Quinton.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:57 pm

Nami (post: 1491991) wrote:Isabella glanced backward and swore under her breath, was she really doing the best thing? She rolled her eyes. "It's Isabella De Luca." She called over her shoulder. "We come here a few times a year." She replied, dropping back a bit when a group of people pushed through the crowd. She watched them with annoyance and shifted the sack.

Her eyes were quick to notice a shifting figure not far off and realized he was familiar. Her eyes widened. 'Quinton' before she knew it, she had backed up into Van. "Come, this way." She grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled him down a less full road, that led around to the other side of the market. the last thing she wanted was to run into Quinton, because where he was, Price couldn't be far.

Isabella felt sweat trickle down her forehead, fear riddled with her past made her want to flee like a jack-rabbit. But she didn't. She slowed her pace, once she was sure they were safe. "I suppose my face is rememberable." She said, as if her dashing off down a different road hadn't just happened. "I'd also like a name." She looked over her shoulder at Van, she didn't have to call out, just talk a little loud. It wasn't nearly as busy on this side of the market.

De Luca, huh? Definitely not from around here.
As Van opened his mouth to answer, Isabella backed up into him, knocking him slightly off balance. He smirked, assuming the crowd has pushed her back. "Well, hel-"

Isabella cut him off, turned pale, and grabbed his shirt, hauling him through the stalls to a less crowded area of the market. "-lo to you too."

Van raised his eyebrows, but said nothing about the headlong flight. What had made this girl - Isabella, he thought, - panic in such a way? Glancing over his shoulder, Van saw nothing, but loosened the grip holsters on his pistols just a bit before remembering they were still empty. "Your face certainly is. Give me a minute, will you?"

He turned his back to her, deftly reloading both guns and shoving them back into place. "This side of the market is a lot quieter." He grinned. "Trying to get me alone somewhere?" Before she could retort to that, he laughed. "Kidding, kidding. The name's Van. Van Hartmore. Charmingly handsome rogue, and occasional gunman, at your service." He gave a little bow.

Isabella was still pale, and sweat was beginning to track its way down her face. "You alright?" It was blazing outside, but Van didn't think that was the reason. It could have been sunstroke causing her to go pale, but... "You don't look too good."
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[color="Red"]Distance is to Love as Wind is to extinguishes the small, and ignites the great. - Unknown[/color]

[color="RoyalBlue"]“Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it.â€
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Postby Nami » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:43 pm

Isabella opened her mouth to tell him off when he spoke before she could. She sighed and rubbed her head trying not to get angry. She despised men who tried to play with female's feelings. It was a rude and conceited thing to do.

She waited while he loaded his gun and kept stride next to him as they walked. She shrugged one shoulder, "I'm fine." she murmured. "I just saw an unpleasant fellow back there." She said glancing over her should. Very aware of even the slightest skittering sound. This was no time to be jumpy though, she had to keep her wits about her.

"Van Hartmore, huh?" She looked him up and down, "handsome you say? Hm." she grunted and a smirk twisted her lips. "I've seen better." She chuckled at this, she didn't really have much taste in men. She hadn't ever bothered to take notice whether they were handsome or not. The only real handsome thing to her was her plane's engine. The Tiamat was a thing of beauty, and she loved it.

"And you can drop all the chivalry stuff, it doesn't work on me." She paused and took a turn which would lead her to where the Tiamat was docked.


Quinton's eyes shifted over the crowded market place, he was taller than nearly all the people here, which bothered him. It made him stand out. He caught a glimpse of someone pushing through the crowd. People only moved like that out of fear. With a quick step and jump, he lept up onto a barrel and onto the roof-tops of the merchant places. He raced across the roofs and spotted the figure dashing away. He had no doubt. 'Watari...' he gritted his teeth and clenched his hand on the blade-handle. "You won't get away." He snarled.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:10 pm

Nami (post: 1492025) wrote:Isabella opened her mouth to tell him off when he spoke before she could. She sighed and rubbed her head trying not to get angry. She despised men who tried to play with female's feelings. It was a rude and conceited thing to do.

She waited while he loaded his gun and kept stride next to him as they walked. She shrugged one shoulder, "I'm fine." she murmured. "I just saw an unpleasant fellow back there." She said glancing over her should. Very aware of even the slightest skittering sound. This was no time to be jumpy though, she had to keep her wits about her.

"Van Hartmore, huh?" She looked him up and down, "handsome you say? Hm." she grunted and a smirk twisted her lips. "I've seen better." She chuckled at this, she didn't really have much taste in men. She hadn't ever bothered to take notice whether they were handsome or not. The only real handsome thing to her was her plane's engine. The Tiamat was a thing of beauty, and she loved it.

"And you can drop all the chivalry stuff, it doesn't work on me." She paused and took a turn which would lead her to where the Tiamat was docked.

He reeled a bit from her retort, but shrugged. "Just trying to be friendly. And, I do have manners. The chivalrous man is very much a real thing, here on Ikura." He smiled, trying to placate her. "My apologies."
She is getting me a ride off this island, but...what exactly is going on?

Van looked down at her, noting the way she twitched, continuously looking over her shoulder, as if she expected a monster on her backtrail. "Are you sure you're alright? You look like a kid looking to be caught with her hand in the cookie jar."

Van paused, and glanced over his shoulder. "If it's an unpleasant fellow, and he is following us, I'd rather like to know," he said, all cheerfulness gone from his voice. "I know the underworld of Ikura. Word travels, and fast. For instance, some loon has been gathering a group of thugs to fight off some other guy. Probably gang warfare, or some paranoia. I don't know, and I don't get involved." Van shook his head. "I may be a theif, but I'm one of a few around here who have some set of standards. If things start to go down, we get out. Dying doesn't sound like a fun past time, nor does senselessly killing over a turf of land that will change hands three times in a month."

Throwing another look over his shoulder, Van started forward again. "When you run like that, people notice. You tried not to be too obvious, but someone noticed. We have a tail."
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[color="Red"]Distance is to Love as Wind is to extinguishes the small, and ignites the great. - Unknown[/color]

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Postby samurai10 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:37 pm

OOC: *facepalms* Sorry, I didn't realize that I didn't make it clear that I bumped into Truce. But yeah, I did. XD And boy have you two got going into a cat fight! XD

I likey your character, D200. :3 Can't wait for my character to meet him! :D
"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia." ~The Silver Chair

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel." ~Johnny Depp

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Postby Mister » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:45 pm

The more He thought about it, the more Watari began to panic inside. he had made himself so high strung that when a loyal thug touched his shaking shoulders, and asked if he was ok, Watari nearly jumped out of his skin. Though he remained in his skin he found himself running, or rather tripping, through the crowded street in a full panic.

His mind had become a jumbled mess of fear and teror. The people int he street parted as he ran, fear and confusion crossing their faces. Watari didn't know why they feared him s much, few probably knew who he was.

Suddenly, as if directed by an unknown force, Watari ducked down a long alley and raced down it's expanse. But even as he cleared the far edge of the alley he drew to a fast and sudden halt. Walking just ahead of him was one of the wenches from Truces crew, and with her was a pickpocket he'd seen around.

Watari's heart was pounding in his chest and his breath was coming in long hard gasps. Just then he caught a glimps of a cloack fluttering as it flew by the alley entrance on the other side. His heart stopped for a second, and then he was moving. Watari's Colt Revolver slid roughly from it's holster, the sound of it's hammer cocking back was deafening in his ears.

Time seemed to move in slow motion to him, as he dashed forward towards the Wench and the pickpocket. Was he going to die? Was Quinton going to kill him before he could kill Price? Is this what a man's final moments felt like?

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Postby Destroyer2000 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:00 pm

samurai10 (post: 1492032) wrote:OOC: *facepalms* Sorry, I didn't realize that I didn't make it clear that I bumped into Truce. But yeah, I did. XD And boy have you two got going into a cat fight! XD

I likey your character, D200. :3 Can't wait for my character to meet him! :D

OOC: Thanks! Yeah, he's a lot of fun.
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[color="Red"]Distance is to Love as Wind is to extinguishes the small, and ignites the great. - Unknown[/color]

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Postby Davidizer13 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:48 am

Truce was knocked to his feet, and the sheaf of paper in his hand scattered onto the ground. Some fool had stepped around the corner at just the right moment. "Watch where you're going!" he sputtered as he hopped back to his feet, scraping up the sheets from the road and taking the rest from the woman's hand as she handed them back. She was apologetic, at least. Didn't look too bad, either, in that jacket.

He dusted himself off wearily. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Perfectly fine..." That's when he saw a bloody knife, still very fresh, laying on the ground, and suddenly, Truce was not fine. "Hold up, that wouldn't happen to be yours, would it?" he asked, cautiously.


Raven woke up. The engines had stopped, but the smell of smoke lingered in the cabin. More importantly, she was yet again sitting on their prisoner, who was taking her weight reasonably well. How she got back there in the night, she'd never know. Instead of dwelling on it, though, she went off to grab her canteen, unscrewing the lid when she found it. She took a long sip from it, then poured a good amount of the rest over her head, cringing as the cold droplets rolled down her back. It seemed like a good idea at the time, that was all.

Their boarder was up, and still as happy as ever. Ulairez Maiz, he said his name was. She'd heard worse.

"I'm Raven. I don't know where Big Bro went, is there something wrong with that?"
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Postby Nami » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:13 am

Isabella glowered a bit at Van, he was making her more nervous with all this gang talk. She didn't like any of it. And she was well-aware of how dangerous Ikura was and she didn't need some pick-pocket to tell her that. She glanced over her shoulder.

"I know, this place is ripe with danger." She felt a prickle ripple down her spine, boots, approaching fast. Her head whipped back and she saw some guy...he looked familiar.

"Uh-oh." She murmured. "We need to hide." She muttered. "I saw that guy once, he was with... well, it doesn't matter. If he comes.. you can bet I'll be a lot more trouble than you bargained for." Isabella swiveled her head around, searching for a hiding spot. But it didn't seem as if there would be any good ones. They had two options; Run or stand and watch to see what happened. She knew what she would chose, but if Van wasn't the running type... she hesitated, looking at the thief. "Run?" she asked.


Quinton's sharp eyes flashed, 'There!' He skipped quickly across the rooftops and jumped across the gap between the buildings and market. He landed with a tucked roll and jumped to his feet instantly. Charging full on over the roofs.

"I see you." he murmured coldly. He was headed straight for... his eyes narrowed further. "De Luca." He whispered bitterly. The last time they had met, it hadn't been pleasant.
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Postby samurai10 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:09 am


Just what she needed. She just HAD to go and be absentminded just at the right time to bump into somebody, and dislodge the stupid idiotic darned knife. The man she bumped into had seen this knife. Now she would have to deal with his pity and concern. She DESPISED pity and concern. This proved how much she could be an airhead. And she hated airheads. Plus, she was already in a bad mood from being injured. She always was in a bad mood after being injured. Not including the fact that the man was angry at her for bumping into him. Only normal but... bumping into somebody, screaming in front of how many people? This was not helping her mood AT ALL. She growled softly, then snatched up the knife with her right hand and stood up. "Yes! This is mine! It came from my arm, because when I bumped into you, it dislodged it. And I embarrassed myself bigtime, plus making you drop all those papers." She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "I'm sorry for bumping into you. Now if you'll excuse me..."

OOC: Jackie's in a REALLY bad mood....XD *feels sorry for Truce* XDD Oh, and Jackie's about 5'4". I forgot to put that in her profile. I also forgot to put that she rants a lot to herself. :P
"I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia." ~The Silver Chair

"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel." ~Johnny Depp

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Postby Nami » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:48 pm

OOC: Dunno about you, but this song, is perfect for this RP. Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

IC: Cruising through the market place, was a lot easier said than done. Especially since weekends were the best time to sell wares. Not that Ikura wasn't always this busy, it just got worse when when the weekend rolled around. Walking through the enormous crowd, Rellia Torvick's green eyes remained on the path in front of her. She had her hands tucked into her pants, a piece of straw stuck out from her mouth.

She wasn't particularly interested in browsing the wares, she was here to find work. Maybe a wealthy man who would want a special piece of art. Rellia's eyes shifted to the side as she watched a teenager slip easily through two people and she watched as those skilled fingers reached in and out, retrieving a wallet from the man's pocket.

She chuckled as he disappeared, melting into the crowd. The man reached for his wallet and patted his pocket before spinning around searching for his assailant, Rellia chuckled. "Too late." She murmured and kept moving.

When Rellia came to a certain stand, she paused. "Hey Stan," she greeted waving. The man looked startled by her appearance and nearly knocked some of his bottles off the shelves.

"Oh, Rellia, my goodness. I didn't see you there. Ha ha!" He laughed nervously, fixing bottles around, trying to appear occupied. Rellia raised a brow and watched him bumble. "Stan, did you hear anything back from that wealthy merchant?" She asked leaning back a little.

"Merchant? OH! OH! You mean him... yes, yes..." Stan stuttered, Rellia watched the man try to compose himself, it wasn't working. "Well, the thing is, he was interested..."


"Then...."Stan gulped, "h-he found out your name. And he said no."

Rellia narrowed her eyes, "he didn't just say no, did he?"

Stan gave her a pleading look. "Just tell me!" Rellia barked.

"He said; 'I could never do business with a cheat and conartist.'" Stan cowered before Rellia's mighty glare, only, the glare wasn't directed at him. It was directed at a person she couldn't see. Oh how she wished she could have spoken to him! She sighed, exasperated.

"Thanks anyway Stan." She turned and left, the man watched her go and sighed with relief. Rellia walked through the crowds now sulky, she couldn't stand it, everyone believed those horrible lies. She shook her head. 'No! Think positive.'

"Hey! Torvick."

Rellia turned, "hey." she greeted a man who jogged up to her, he grinned, "there's a new plane in dock! I thought you might want to see her."

"Oh yeah? She beauty?" Rellia asked, smiling. Her day already seemed brighter. "Yeah! A real stunner. Named the Tiamat. You should go see her before she leaves."

"When does she go?"

"Dunno, she's got some repairs that need to be done, then maybe." The guy shrugged, "better go see her before it's too late."

Rellia nodded and dashed off through the crowd, she burst out of the market and toward the docking-part of the city. She hesitated once close, but pushed her fears aside. Rellia asked for directions, once there, and followed them to the Tiamat. She gasped. "whoa, you are a beauty." She murmured. Slowly, she approached it, searching for crew, when she didn't see any she reached out and stroked the plane. "You've been damaged pretty bad, huh girl?" She smiled, "poor dear."
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Postby Darth_Kirby » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:58 pm

Davidizer13 (post: 1492115) wrote:Raven woke up. The engines had stopped, but the smell of smoke lingered in the cabin. More importantly, she was yet again sitting on their prisoner, who was taking her weight reasonably well. How she got back there in the night, she'd never know. Instead of dwelling on it, though, she went off to grab her canteen, unscrewing the lid when she found it. She took a long sip from it, then poured a good amount of the rest over her head, cringing as the cold droplets rolled down her back. It seemed like a good idea at the time, that was all.

Their boarder was up, and still as happy as ever. Ulairez Maiz, he said his name was. She'd heard worse.

"I'm Raven. I don't know where Big Bro went, is there something wrong with that?"

"Heh, not really. Just wondering where anyone is. They all seemed to vanish. But if you don't mind I'll probably go out myself, tell the captain I'll be back for sure though, so don't leave without me. I'm pretty sure he'll want some gas money pretty soon for the plane," Ulairez said then walked out to roam the streets himself.

Ikura... He'd been here several times, but he still hadn't seen every part of this shady place. He figured that if his soul job was anywhere, it'd be in the more respectable parts of town though. He started looking through the artisan parts of the market trying to see if there was any craft that peeked his interest enough to have him take it up as his profession. None... They were all things he had tried before, or had expressed little interest in. He thought about going for a drink, but... the taverns here were brimming with gangsters, thugs, and lowlifes of all sorts. Not to mention being drunk would make him a prime target for pickpocketing. more than a few kids tried to make passes at him, only to have their hands slapped away or one of their fingers twisted. Maiz had been robbed more than once in his travels, he would NOT let it happen again. Luckily he had never had his stash of cash taken from him, only minor valuables. Some prostitutes hawked their wares, themselves, at the corner he was passing by.

"Even if I did find a job here, I don't think I'd be able to live in such a place," Maiz thought, "Waaaaay too much corruption."

Just then Maiz saw one of the crew members of the Tiamat with some local guy. She looked anxious, so did the local.

"That's not good..."
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[color="Cyan"]True freedom is the ability to do what you know is right without fear of persecution.[/color]

[color="Lime"]I finally understand that justice is not born out of the desire for revenge or hatred, but it is born out of love for one’s fellow man.[/color]

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Postby Nami » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:12 pm

OOC: I want Quinton to kill him... >> Otherwise, Quinton may just kill Maiz for taking his victory.
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Postby Mister » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:18 pm

OOC: noone is killing anyone.... yet ;)

Price stood rigidly in the cargo hold of the plane he'd secured only hours before. Before him stood a man in a black suit, his short cut hair was greying and thin. The wrinkles and scars on his face told of a life built on struggles and war. The man had appeared out of the morning mist and addressed Price directly, speaking loudly and calling him by his full name. Price had wheeled on the man and found himself staring down the barrel of an M1911, the black metal gleaming slightly in the morning sun.

Price had dropped the knife he'd drew and straightened form the fighting stance he'd assumed. The man had holstered the gun and spoke again, "Marcus Price, Son of The Khan," The man's voice was old, dep, but held a strength Price admired, "I am from the Supreme Delegate of the UIF, the United Island Federation." Price raised an eyebrow and wondered, 'Son of the Khan? What does that mean?' Price let out a deep sigh then asked, "And? Do i need to ask why?"

The Old man grinned at his cocky brush off. "We've been watching you lately Price, you and the others. We feel you should know that you are being manipulated by Serigi Foxhound." Price nearly laughed, but stifled it and was satisfied with just grinning. The man looked puzzled as he asked, "You knew?" to which Price shrugged and motioned for him to continue. "We view" He began, "Serigi Foxhound as a major threat to the somewhat peaceful era we've established. I know in these outer area's of the Federation there is abundant lawlessness and corruption." He paused for just a moment, seeming to gather his thoughts, then continued. "But what Foxhound intends is the complete collaps of democracy and law in the UIF. He wants total control, total power, and he can get it. But there are still some loose ends that could unravel him. You are one such..... Loose end."

Price's grin had faded, this was serious, so Serigi was trying to tie up the loose ends. He was going to snuff out any flames that might lite his plans of domination on fire. Suddenly Price grinned Sadistically, his mind racing. Turning away from the man he spoke over his shoulder, "Don't you worry about Foxhound, i've got plans for him." After the man had left and the ramp was raised, Price picked up his dropped knife and admired it delicately, it was going to be fun.

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Postby Darth_Kirby » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:16 am

Nami (post: 1492221) wrote:OOC: I want Quinton to kill him... >> Otherwise, Quinton may just kill Maiz for taking his victory.

Made the edit. Sorry! Yeah, I should've thought to ask about that since those characters are heavily interconnected. ^^;
Join the Darth side... No really! Join! The pension plan is great and they match all your 401K's!! XD

[color="Cyan"]True freedom is the ability to do what you know is right without fear of persecution.[/color]

[color="Lime"]I finally understand that justice is not born out of the desire for revenge or hatred, but it is born out of love for one’s fellow man.[/color]

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Postby acgifford » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:52 am

Mister (post: 1491920) wrote:Vaughn cocked an eyebrow at her outburst and waited for her to calm down. when she finally stopped yelling at him and began pacing again he wrapped hsi arms around her again and whispered. "Cousin," he spoke low and gently, "There are things i had to do these past 8 years. I'm sorry for walkign away and not telling you what was up. But please understand, i still love you, and your still my family." Thrusting her to arm's length he grinned micheviously and said, "Now! Cheer up! where'd the spunky little girl i used to know go? You know, the one who told me she was going to marry me when she got older?" Vaughn began to laugh sincerely and with great myrth.


Vaghn seeing that he had upset her greatly, approached her yet again and wrapped his arms around her. Adele fought him half-heartedly, but soon gave up as he started to speaking.

"Cousin," he whispered, "There are things i had to do these past 8 years. I'm sorry for walking away and not telling you what was up. But please understand, i still love you, and your still my family." he said gently.

Adele had closed her eyes by this time as she listened to his words. Abruptly, a wild grin swept over his face as he thrust her to arms length. Adele was startled slightly by his sudden change in tone.

"Now! Cheer up! where'd the spunky little girl i used to know go? You know, the one who told me she was going to marry me when she got older?" he asked and started to laugh heartily.

He is the still the same as ever was. Adele thought with a smirk. She was starting to get over the shock of seeing him again.

"I never said that!" cried Adele at the last comment. "Stop making up stuff!" She was laughing. She had forgotten what it was like to have him around. The two of them, as teenagers were like siblings. It seemed that even after all this time, this was true. Adele was silent for a moment as she stared at him as memories were pouring into her head rapidly. Suddenly she threw her arms around him and hugged him.

"I missed you so much." she said through her sobs.
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
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Postby Mister » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:42 am

Vaughn hugged her againa nd said, "i know Addy, i know. i've missed you too!" While they embraced Vaughn heard someone speaking outside the plane, pulling away from Adele he aksed, "wanna go see hwo that is? who knows, maybe its your knight in shining armor?" he winked at her and started for the off ramp.

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Postby acgifford » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:39 pm

Mister (post: 1492300) wrote:Vaughn hugged her againa nd said, "i know Addy, i know. i've missed you too!" While they embraced Vaughn heard someone speaking outside the plane, pulling away from Adele he aksed, "wanna go see hwo that is? who knows, maybe its your knight in shining armor?" he winked at her and started for the off ramp.


Adele smiled through her tears as he returned the hug. She had not smiled and been this happy in what seemed like ages. Adele then remembered what had happened the night before. Something inside her squirmed, but she decided not to focus on it. Shoving it away, she heard Vaghn speaking again.

"I know Addy, I know. I've missed you too!" He said as pulled out of the hug. Just then they both heard a voice outside the plane. It sounded like a woman's voice. It sounded joyful as she mumbled. Like there was a smile in her voice.

"Wanna go see who that is? Who knows, maybe its your knight in shining armor?"Vaghn asked with a wink as he started down the plane's ramp.

Adele quickly wiped away the tears left on her face. "That was a woman's voice you idiot." she said smirking a little. "Sure, why not? Let us see who is poking around our plane." she said as she preceded down the ramp with him.

As they reached the bottom of the ramp, it was then she saw where their plane had settled. It was a rather large hangar that they were inside of. The only light that was evident was the natural light peaking through the high windows and cracks around the large rolling door.

"Hello?" she called.

OOC: Thats your charrie nami!:D
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]Psalm32: 1 Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.[/color]
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[color="Yellow"]"Dare to read, think, speak and write." John Adams[/color]
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Postby Mister » Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:40 pm

OOC: ok, first i need to appologize. Its been brought to my attention that i've not been explaining the hows and whens of Price's activities. Most of this is because of my own negligence, but also inpart by the fact that some times, i just don't know what time it is in the world we're in.

Is it night? day? should i wait to post until after the rest of the group enters the night "arch"? I'm open to suggestions/advice/critisism/critiques/harrassment/abuse/revenge/threats/spoons/ Monologing/ETC...

So don't hesitate to pm me and let me know if i'm doing something wrong, or if you'd rather text me, i'll give you my cell # (in a confidential pm). so advise me, correct me, inform me, HELP me.

I promise to do the same for you guys as well! i love this RP and the People workign on it with us! and remember, it's not just for our enjoyment, but so that others can enjoy it too!

Thank You,


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Postby Nami » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:27 am

OOC: I enjoy the mystery surrounding Price's activities. It's a cool shock of air when you realize that he's been RIGHT THERE the whole time. XD

IC: Rellia stroked the scarred metal of the plane and was tilting to the side when she heard a voice call out; "Hello?" She jerked her head up, short brown hair swept this way and that until it settled on her neck. She poked her head around the plane and saw a woman, and a man. Both heading toward her. She stepped out from behind the front of the plane.

"Hello." She greeted, green eyes shimmering in the light. "Is this your plane then?" She asked, hand absently stroking the metal, almost as if the plane were a living, breathing thing. "She's beautiful." She said patting the Tiamat.

"Are you the captain of this beauty?" Rellia's green eyes stared straight into Adele's, curious, it would be interesting if this woman was the captain. If not, she wondered how she could get in contact with said captain.
[color="Red"][SIZE="3"]Swiftly Dissin' and never Missin'.
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Sick of all the BSin'.[/SIZE][/color]
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