Fridge help

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Fridge help

Postby samurai10 » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:00 pm

Not quite sure if this goes here, but yeah....

So, a couple of days ago, my fridge started acting up. It started not being cold. So we turned the dial to colder, and nothing happened. We turned the dial to coldest, and it's still the same, if not worse.

While the fridge stopped keeping things cold, the freezer went on overdrive. There's icicles all over my freezer, and my mom has to thaw things for half the morning before she can cook anything from the freezer. And when my family tried having desert, the ice cream was frozen rock hard solid. Had to wait like, 10 minutes before it melted enough.

Any advice on what to do? XD
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Postby Sheenar » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:03 pm

Call a repairman? Find a new fridge on sale at Lowe's/Home Depot/Sears?
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:03 pm

I'd suggest going on your fridge's brand's website and see which model you have. From there if you Google (or Bing, or whatever, I guess) for fridge problems and possible fixes, you'll be able to tell right away on those that name the models whether the solution is applicable or not, and might be able to guess when the model's not specified. (The brand's site might also have Q&A's about common problems with easy solutions, which might be useful here.) If you have someone in your house handy enough, and depending on the severity of the problem, he/she might be able to fix it without too much trouble.

If that doesn't work, I really have no idea. Also, I find it curious that I always post something including the words "Google it" in these kinds of threads. XD;
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:43 pm

Since it's only the fridge part that is not working the problem is probably a valve that has gotten stuck or the thermostat in the fridge section is not working.
With the fridge warm and the freezer in overdrive I would guess that the sensor for the fridge is working fine and it's a valve that's stuck; which might be caused by a bad servomotor or corrosion on the contacts. you might be able to fix/replace the motor yourselves but if the valve itself is bad or you can't get to the motor with out opening up the coolant system you should get professional fix it.

To troubleshoot it I'd turn the temp setting back to where you had it before, you might have just set the freezer really cold and it's the thermostat that's broken. The thermostat would be the easier fix I think.

it might also be that you just overwhelmed it, is it unusually hot? did you just put in some big container of hot leftovers or something?

in the meantime you could put some jugs of water in the freezer, wait for them to freeze, and put them in the fridge to keep it cool. not as good as have it working, but better than nothing; and with the freezer in overdrive, it should have no problem keeping up with you cycling the jugs back and forth.

Just my $0.02
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