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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:48 pm

Yuki-Anne (post: 1484623) wrote:[spoiler]But even so, I think Matt was still magnificent, especially with the Colonel Runaway bit. XD

...I don't remember most of the people who showed up in this episode. Which is fine if they introduced new characters for this, it makes plenty of sense that the doctor has saved more people than they have episodes for. But how many of these characters are actually from former episodes? I remember seeing the blue guy before, but I don't recall the Doctor saving him at any point. And I don't think the Lizard woman actually was someone we've seen before. And if she was, why on earth was she back in 1880?

. . .

I need to go back and watch River's first episodes to figure out why she didn't regenerate. It's been too long since I watched them, and I need to figure out if it actually fits with the writing, because I doubt they knew they were going to take the character in this direction when they introduced her.[/spoiler]

[SPOILER]Oh man, I thought Matt Smith's acting was FABULOUS in that scene. XD I also thought it was completely appropriate for him to show that level of anger, though. It's a rare thing for Eleven to get that angry, but I think it was built up well this time. He was angry enough knowing that these people had taken Amy to begin with, but the added weight of someone being killed pushed him over the edge, not to mention the baby being in danger. Also, I loved his line about good men not needing rules, and how "today's not a good day to find out why I have so many." XD

On the lizard woman whose name still escapes me, she actually mentioned something about the events in series 5 somewhere in the episode. I'd have to re-watch it to find out exactly where, but I feel like I remember that. XD How she got to the 1800s, I have no idea, unless maybe the Doctor returned and banished her there (not unlike the Sontaran's punishment) for killing Rory.

About River, I wondered the same thing when I re-watched Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead recently. XD Then again, River seemed certain that the Doctor wouldn't regenerate if he took on the same task, so maybe that had something to do with it?[/spoiler]
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:20 am

The lizard woman is from the episode set in the mining operations factory (Season 5). The lizard people live deep, deep underground and were driven there by humans a million or so years ago. They wanted to take back the Surface world from the humans.
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:09 am

Yes, I watched that episode and I know about them, I'm talking about the specific character.
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:25 am

According to a Who Wiki, the people making the london underground dug her up, and killed all the other Silurians around her. The Doctor prevented her from going on a roaring rampage of revenge. It gave no episode refs so I'm guessing she's new and that info might have come from confidential or something like that, but might show up more later...

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Postby goldenspines » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:39 am

Solid Ronin (post: 1484604) wrote:[spoiler] On the topic of River being part Timelord, while I have nothing against it. I agree that it's "wuh". But I can't say it doesn't have a foundation, Amy had the whole universe poured into her head BEFORE she was a time traveler, and Rory's a time traveler that's not existed, then existed again as plastic. That's a whole lot of timey whinny energy. [/spoiler]

[spoiler] This makes sense, but it's still a stretch. Even for timey wimey stuff.
I would hope that Moffat's not running out of ideas already to resort to creating a new half timelord. :\ [/spoiler]

[spoiler]And as for The Doctor's anger I think it fits, he's just been played and someones died right in front of him just to get to him and suddenly River pops up all smiles and banter. Matt's a good actor, but this is the second episode that's made me say that out loud. [/spoiler]

[spoiler] Oh! I wasn't clear enough at first. The Doctor's anger was definitely called for in the end (especially when River showed up. The build-up there was excellent). I was referring to him suddenly being mad when he shows up at first. The Doctor, while definitely on a mission to save Amy, was winning. Why would he be angry? [/spoiler]

Yuki-Anne (post: 1484623) wrote:Okay, FINALLY...

[spoiler] Rory is the BEST, but I don't agree that he would be better without Amy, because his love for Amy is what makes him so freaking awesome. I pretty much melted when he walked in with the baby (even if it was fake). That. Was. Amazing. I think except for Donna Noble he is my FAVORITE companion. And right now he's kind of tied with Donna for favorite. [/spoiler]
[spoiler] Actually, I like Rory's personality beyond how he reacts with Amy (as his wife). You know, his trusting in the Doctor, his courage, etc. I just often feel like you could put any other woman there and he'd act the same.
But hey, I don't want to be bashing Amy, though. She's actually a better companion than I thought she was going to be. In last season, she was fantastic, but this season seemed a bit off for her. Which was mainly the script's fault (the actress is great!)
If someone makes the excuse that she was flesh and that's why she was seeming not that great, I'm not buying it. Amy's soul was in there. [/spoiler]

[spoiler]I agree that Tennant's Doctor did angry better, and I do agree that was from the writing. They built up the Doctor's angry, scary side REALLY well for #10. They're treating it like it's very much established here, I think. I don't know, I think Matt's doctor is too lovable, innocent, and sweet to be as fully convincing as Tennant's when it comes to dark and scary. Not that 10 wasn't lovable and sweet when he wanted to be but his personality was stronger and more bombastic, so it worked to his advantage. Matt's can be rather too absent-minded. This is the second time 11 has been massively duped. I'm trying to remember how many times (save poorly written standalone episodes) that 10 was trapped or tricked. I think it's not working to the advantage of the character that the prevailing story lines involve him being completely bamboozled. It has one of two effects: either his enemies are very, very clever, or he's just not paying enough attention. I think it comes across as both. [/spoiler]
[spoiler] Ten also had more than a half of one episode for the anger to build up if he did get tricked. But, the only time I ever recall seeing Ten angry was in the finale of season four and in the specials (mainly Water on Mars and The End of Time). Thing is, the Doctor only gets angry if he has no other alternative. That's a timelord thing, not his ever-changing personality. Eleven wasn't at the end of his rope when he first became angry.
Correction on the anger part though, see my answer to Solid Ronin.
Anger when River shows up = believable and called for
Anger before that, even to Colonel Runaway = too extreme and uncalled for for the character. [/spoiler]

Edit: One more thing...

[spoiler] I need to go back and watch River's first episodes to figure out why she didn't regenerate. It's been too long since I watched them, and I need to figure out if it actually fits with the writing, because I doubt they knew they were going to take the character in this direction when they introduced her.[/spoiler]

[spoiler] Considering she pretty much vaporized her mind, regeneration was out of the question. (if it was in question, I would think Moffat was trolling us). Though, the Doctor "saved" her in the end, so it was good. [/spoiler]

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Postby Yuki-Anne » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:58 am

You guys, you guys, I just found out Arthur Darvill (Rory) has (had?) a fairly cool band, and did the lead vocals. XD

Also, this clip is adorable:

Okay, that's enough fangirling for tonight. ^_^
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:27 pm

Finally had a chance to see the episode.

Brief thoughts:

Good, but felt very rushed. I liked the way they did the River reveal, though. That was much more interesting than just simply saying it.

As for River:
[spoiler]I'm not sure why people are complaining about her being half Time Lord. Moffat is just building on the lore established by Davies: Namely Doctor-Donna, Jenny, and Meta-Crisis Ten. I'd say that all three of these Half Time Lords have been created in less believable ways.[/spoiler]
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Postby goldenspines » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:46 am

Cognitive Gear (post: 1489664) wrote:Finally had a chance to see the episode.

Brief thoughts:

Good, but felt very rushed. I liked the way they did the River reveal, though. That was much more interesting than just simply saying it.

As for River:
[spoiler]I'm not sure why people are complaining about her being half Time Lord. Moffat is just building on the lore established by Davies: Namely Doctor-Donna, Jenny, and Meta-Crisis Ten. I'd say that all three of these Half Time Lords have been created in less believable ways.[/spoiler]
[spoiler] River is not considered "half Time Lord" she has actual Time Lord DNA in her.

For Jenny, she was created by a DNA sample of Ten and was considered an "echo" and not entirely what a Time Lord could be (physically, mentally, nor emotionally). This was acknowledged in the episode, and she didn't "regenerate" as much as heal herself and come back to life. She did have some regeneration abilities, but nothing near a Time Lord's ability to change.
For the Doctor-Donna, while close to a Time Lord, it was eventually was proved to not be able to survive. No human could handle a Time Lord's mind/DNA. Though, that case did not seem to involve DNA as much as one's mind being opened considerably (to the point of a Time Lord's). Though, transfer of DNA may have been involved since Donna was involved in creating Meta-Crisis Ten.
For the Meta-Crisis Ten, this one was rather vague and could be used as a comparison to River, but not entirely to that degree. It's more treated more like a clone that used Donna to boost growth from the actual hand of a Time Lord (that was cut off during Ten's regeneration and presumably preserved by Captain Jack. Though, it is unknown how well it was preserved).

Though, someone getting Time Lord DNA from being conceived in the Tardis? Unless one looked into the heart of the Tardis when they were being conceived (i.e. Somewhat like Rose did at the end of the First series with the Ninth Doctor), it's a very big stretch to assume being conceived in the Tardis makes you partly a Time Lord.

Don't get me wrong, Davies wrote himself out of a hole many times by making cheap cop outs. Because of that, I think Moffat is a better writer overall. But in this case, Moffat could have made this SO MUCH MORE. But instead we get a cheap, unbelievable, and rushed explanation. After all that beautiful buildup for River as a character, this was a disappointing end. [/spoiler]

But hey, I always give Moffat a chance (hence why I'm still watching Doctor Who). There's always the next season. ^__^
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:31 am

I thought this was kinda funny:

(It's youtube, so don't assume all comments or related videos are clean. Also, for some reason there are a couple phrases on the page that suggest the video is political, but I didn't pick up on any political tones. If there's anything offensive, I'll edit out the link if a mod doesn't first.)
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:17 pm

I figured out a while back that I can watch Season 6 episodes by downloding them from the Playstation Store. Just finished episode 4, The Doctor's Wife. The one written by Neil Gaiman (and it definitely shows, in the best possible way). So far, my favorite episode of the season.
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Postby c.t.,girl » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:57 am

Htom Sirveaux (post: 1490802) wrote:I figured out a while back that I can watch Season 6 episodes by downloding them from the Playstation Store. Just finished episode 4, The Doctor's Wife. The one written by Neil Gaiman (and it definitely shows, in the best possible way). So far, my favorite episode of the season.
oh nice! i had no idea PSS had DW for sales! 8)
aaah! that's my favorite episode too!!!! x)

Also! for those that are in the hollywood area! The doctor will be in hollywood...on the 26th....*A* but in order to meet him and get an autograph you must purchase the season 6 part 1 dvd at the Amoeba store starting July 19, BUT ALSO THEY'RE ONLY SELLING 200 DVDS! ;n;
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:40 am

goldenspines (post: 1489701) wrote:[spoiler] River is not considered "half Time Lord" she has actual Time Lord DNA in her.

For Jenny, she was created by a DNA sample of Ten and was considered an "echo" and not entirely what a Time Lord could be (physically, mentally, nor emotionally). This was acknowledged in the episode, and she didn't "regenerate" as much as heal herself and come back to life. She did have some regeneration abilities, but nothing near a Time Lord's ability to change.
For the Doctor-Donna, while close to a Time Lord, it was eventually was proved to not be able to survive. No human could handle a Time Lord's mind/DNA. Though, that case did not seem to involve DNA as much as one's mind being opened considerably (to the point of a Time Lord's). Though, transfer of DNA may have been involved since Donna was involved in creating Meta-Crisis Ten.
For the Meta-Crisis Ten, this one was rather vague and could be used as a comparison to River, but not entirely to that degree. It's more treated more like a clone that used Donna to boost growth from the actual hand of a Time Lord (that was cut off during Ten's regeneration and presumably preserved by Captain Jack. Though, it is unknown how well it was preserved).

Though, someone getting Time Lord DNA from being conceived in the Tardis? Unless one looked into the heart of the Tardis when they were being conceived (i.e. Somewhat like Rose did at the end of the First series with the Ninth Doctor), it's a very big stretch to assume being conceived in the Tardis makes you partly a Time Lord.

Don't get me wrong, Davies wrote himself out of a hole many times by making cheap cop outs. Because of that, I think Moffat is a better writer overall. But in this case, Moffat could have made this SO MUCH MORE. But instead we get a cheap, unbelievable, and rushed explanation. After all that beautiful buildup for River as a character, this was a disappointing end. [/spoiler]

But hey, I always give Moffat a chance (hence why I'm still watching Doctor Who). There's always the next season. ^__^

I meant to reply to this ages ago, and it seems that it slipped my mind! Sorry. XD
[spoiler]I wasn't aware that there was a difference between being half Time Lord and having Time Lord DNA... Are Time Lords different from the Gallifreyan?

Anyways, I do think those are applicable, especially the Meta-crisis Ten and Jenny. The point is, all of them came about without a very good sciency explanation... which is exactly what we have here.

The way that River became half Time Lord is perfectly acceptable within the universe of the show, I think, since weird, non-sensible things are pretty par for the course. Especially when it comes to Time Lord...ism. I feel that the examples I gave are pretty good indicators of that.[/spoiler]

[quote="c.t.,girl (post: 1491680)"]
Also! for those that are in the hollywood area! The doctor will be in hollywood...on the 26th....*A* but in order to meet him and get an autograph you must purchase the season 6 part 1 dvd at the Amoeba store starting July 19, BUT ALSO THEY'RE ONLY SELLING 200 DVDS! ]
Oh man, if only I had money... If only.
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Postby goldenspines » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:39 pm

Cognitive Gear (post: 1491685) wrote:I meant to reply to this ages ago, and it seems that it slipped my mind! Sorry. XD
[spoiler]I wasn't aware that there was a difference between being half Time Lord and having Time Lord DNA... Are Time Lords different from the Gallifreyan?

Anyways, I do think those are applicable, especially the Meta-crisis Ten and Jenny. The point is, all of them came about without a very good sciency explanation... which is exactly what we have here.

The way that River became half Time Lord is perfectly acceptable within the universe of the show, I think, since weird, non-sensible things are pretty par for the course. Especially when it comes to Time Lord...ism. I feel that the examples I gave are pretty good indicators of that.[/spoiler]
Thanks for responding. :D [spoiler] Half Time Lord implies that one of the parents was a Time Lord (which is not the case as far as we know). Hence why I said she simply has Time Lord DNA. Or rather, when she was conceived, her DNA was infused with the time vortex from the Tardis, which is kinda sorta was happened to Time Lords when they became Time Lords. (looking into the time vortex for billions of years, in a nutshell).
Also, all Gallifreyians are Time Lords as far as we know. There has been no hint of other beings (besides animals) having lived on the planet.

It's acceptable, but far from perfect. It's a huge stretch, even for the timey wimey universe. We are talking about someone who "absorbed" some of the time vortex in the Tardis, became part Time Lord and is having no side effects (this is still up in the air. Moffat can write himself out of this one). All other instances of any human absorbing any part of the vortex couldn't exist for very long (i.e. Rose and one could maybe add the Doctor-Donna as well.)
Meta Crisis Ten was a clone and Jenny was an echo. I still stand by my previous thought of them not relating to River's situation (River is not a clone of the Doctor, nor is she simply an "echo").

Now, the wonderful thing about Doctor Who is while it's science fiction, it somehow has a beautiful explanation for everything weird that goes on. But, my only beef is that once you establish "this is what happens if this", you can't go back on that or it doesn't make sense. Hence why I had a complaint about River's makeshift identity reveal. It didn't make sense with the past logic.
But, Moffat can still write himself out of why the previous logic did not apply. I look forward to it. [/spoiler]

But, enough of that. This post is already super long, but I'm going to make it longer with predictions.
[spoiler] We all know River is quite special to the Doctor. I mean, he takes her out of prison to go somewhere for her birthday each year.
Now, if there's no logical explanation for this, or if we only get "because she's part time lord" or "because he's in love with her" nonsense, I may lose all hope entirely. But! After being surprised by Moffat in The Big Bang, something more glorious can happen.
I'm tentatively guessing that the Doctor will feel he owes something to either River or her parents (Amy and Rory) that most likely we'll find out in part 2 (I would hope it's something beyond "Oh, I lost your baby", though). This is why he always takes her somewhere on her birthday and why he makes it a point to keep in contact with her. We will see though. [/spoiler]
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Postby Sheenar » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:05 pm

I feel so far behind. D:

I just finished watching Season 1 (with Christopher Eccleston.) I'm about to begin the David Tennant season/arc (which is what was airing on PBS when I first started watching Doctor Who.

It's just taken forever to get through the seasons with the craziness of life happening, you know?
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:43 pm

I've watched all the newer doctor who other then the sessions with the newest are they? I've been kinda avoiding them for some reason and haven't watched them yet.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:49 pm

The newest episodes are generally very good, with a stinker or two. They're definitely darker in tone and creepier but still have some great humour.
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:26 pm

Saw an ad.

New episodes return to BBCA August 27th.

It looks Awesome.
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:44 pm

Yuki-Anne (post: 1484652) wrote:You guys, you guys, I just found out Arthur Darvill (Rory) has (had?) a fairly cool band, and did the lead vocals. XD

Also, this clip is adorable:

Okay, that's enough fangirling for tonight. ^_^

O_O thats so cool XD
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:58 am

Sheenar (post: 1491794) wrote:I feel so far behind. D:

I just finished watching Season 1 (with Christopher Eccleston.) I'm about to begin the David Tennant season/arc (which is what was airing on PBS when I first started watching Doctor Who.

It's just taken forever to get through the seasons with the craziness of life happening, you know?

Don't feel bad. I recently started Eccleston's "era" too. Just got to the Slitheen two-parter.
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Postby armeck » Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:49 pm

i've been really getting into the show lately and i have to ask... what does the word "daft" mean?
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:57 am

"Daft"? It means stupid, ridiculous; a lack of brains.
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Postby armeck » Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:44 pm

thank ya XD
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:29 pm

Last night I had a Doctor Who dream. I can't remember most of it, but it involved being at a convention meeting David Tennant. My dad was Tom Baker and he was there too. Then... something dangerous was going on and I don't remember much else except sneaking around with David trying not to get caught by the bad guys...
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Postby GeneD » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:24 am

Yuki-Anne (post: 1494251) wrote:Last night I had a Doctor Who dream. I can't remember most of it, but it involved being at a convention meeting David Tennant. My dad was Tom Baker and he was there too. Then... something dangerous was going on and I don't remember much else except sneaking around with David trying not to get caught by the bad guys...
Haha, that sounds amazing.

I still haven't seen any season 6 episodes but I got a really good deal on brand new Doctor Who box-sets and bought seasons 1 to 4 at what works out to be +-35% of the normal retail price. My sets arrived last Friday and I have been watching A LOT of Doctor Who, mostly season 3 since I've seen some of 1 and 2 again recently, and am also enjoying the extras and Doctor Who confidential. Needless to say I am extremely chuffed with my purchase. XD

Lastly, on viewing all of season 3, I can say that Martha has definitely made an excellent impression on me. She handles herself really well the numerous times she gets separated from the Doctor and manages to save herself/others/the Doctor/the day quite a few times.
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Postby chrstphrlght » Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:17 pm

Doctor Who is incredible. I started with the 2005 reboot, but I've been meaning to go back and start watching the originals. So far Matt Smith is definitely my favorite incarnation.
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Postby Sanji07 » Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:39 pm

I really want to get into the series, but I want to start from the very beginning...Netflix won't let me stream it. >.<;;
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Postby Twister980 » Sun Aug 21, 2011 4:54 pm

I've been catching up with it for the past few months, except for a few episodes, I've loved the show. I miss Eccleston though. I haven't gotten up to Smith yet.

Eccleston was Fantastic.

And Tennant is Brilliant.

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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:34 pm

[quote="Sanji07 (post: 1498795)"]I really want to get into the series, but I want to start from the very beginning...Netflix won't let me stream it. >.<]

You can actually start from the beginning of the 2005 series without getting confused by the plot/missing anything that would keep you from knowing what's going on. Since the series re-started after a, what, 20-year hiatus, it does a good job of getting new viewers (who hadn't been watching the show since it started in the 60s) up to speed on how things work in the Doctor Who universe. In my mind, it's pretty much separated into Classic Doctor Who and New Doctor Who, and you can watch either without having seen the other (though watching all of them is fun, I'm sure XD).
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:15 pm

Note to everyone who's curious: If you want some good classic Doctor Who, don't hesitate to ask me. I know some great episodes to watch!
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:56 pm

"Let's Kill Hitler." First Thoughts.

[spoiler] But it had nothing to do with killing Hitler. All he had was a cameo. Great episode though.[/spoiler]
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