Magicology (Really needs a better name)

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Postby Kingdom » Wed May 25, 2011 8:56 am

Alright, finally thought up my character, does this flow?

+Name: Mars Orion

+Alias: Comet

+Age: 25

+Gender: Male

+Type: Space

+Class: E

+Talent: He can tell you what's on tv at any time of the day. Since it's his best friend.

+Appearance: Hazel eyes, thick black hair that flows in any direction it wishes, medium tan colored skin. Usually wears a button down shirt that always seems disheveled, Since it is never correctly tucked into his dark blue jeans.

+Magitech: His Magitech is inside him, guess how he got it there?

+Personality: Lazy, uninspried, could care less about everything.

+Background: When Michael was found to have an extremely high sync rate to (space) magitech's. It was in that same day his overly obsessive parents changed his name to Mars Orion, in great hopes of who he will become and what he will do. They spent all their money on his knowledge and learning in magitechs and using the ability. Michael... or Mars never seemed to know what childhood was. His parents sacrificed their relationship with him and he was never shown true love. He hated the curse he was given, he wished he would remain or have been a Class F for the rest of his life. He ended up not caring, and his parents dreams faded, now he doesn't even speak to them, nor use his magitech that he hide inside himself using his own magic to do so... Mars perfers to be a loner, and most of society sees him as a waste, and non productive.

+Other: When his mind wanders and he isn't paying attention is when a powerful potential in his ability can be shown. So the true question is, should he really just be considered a Class E or...?.......
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed May 25, 2011 10:36 pm

@Ally-Ann: Electro Techno. Neat.

@Kingdom: Powerful but holds himself back. Wondered if anyone would do this.

Okay that's ten (or maybe eleven. I lost counting because I got caught up reading the Bios again) characters. Good enough to start the game. I'll throw it at a mod this weekend when I'm a little less busy but until then keep trying to create new characters and PM me if you have a story idea you want to try. I'm ajar to anything.

As for story details we'll begin in an arc system. First will be a short intro arc followed by a longer 'Daily Days' arc to flesh your characters out more. In this arc your characters don't even have to interact with the others unless you want to and develop a daily lifestyle in one or many posts. After that and I know how your characters will react I'll try to write up some connecting points to tie in with the three main stories I've written (One of which is the ending I'm hoping for with the evilest yet most innocent final boss I've ever created.) that slowly introduces the dark of science, magic and maybe a bit of humanity as well.

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Postby Oddood198 » Thu May 26, 2011 9:40 am

Hi, I saw this thread and was interested, but I have a couple of questions first...

1. Do you accept newcomers? I only just joined this website today, but I've been Roleplaying on another site for a little over a year now.

2. I don't quite get the Magitechs, fromwhat I understand, they are basically some kind of machine or something of the like that channels magic energy? I'm a bit confused on that, if you could clear it up that'd be great.

3. What exactly doesthe Physical Enhancement ability do? Does it give super strength or speed or something?
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu May 26, 2011 4:13 pm

Oddood198 (post: 1481326) wrote:Hi, I saw this thread and was interested, but I have a couple of questions first...

1. Do you accept newcomers? I only just joined this website today, but I've been Roleplaying on another site for a little over a year now.

Yes. One of the main reasons I joined CAA was for the Role Plays. I snafu'd the first one majorly but mainly because I didn't receive any help and since you've been going for a year you can try if you wish.

2. I don't quite get the Magitechs, fromwhat I understand, they are basically some kind of machine or something of the like that channels magic energy? I'm a bit confused on that, if you could clear it up that'd be great.

Basically. For the stuff you need to know at the moment you hit it right on the head.

3. What exactly does the Physical Enhancement ability do? Does it give super strength or speed or something?

Allows the muscles to use more energy with less strain on them. Depending on your class level it can double or tenfold your strength. It can do super strength and speed but also do natural abilities like Flexibility and Balance but those are more unique to each person.
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Postby Oddood198 » Thu May 26, 2011 4:35 pm

Ok, thanks for clearing that up, I guess I'll start working on my bio... After this episode of Kenichi.
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Postby Oddood198 » Thu May 26, 2011 6:10 pm

+Name: Yaru Akari

+Alias: The Waterboy.

+Age: 14

+Gender: Male.

+Type: Water.

+Class: D.

+Talent: Likes parkour, mainly the jumping off of stuff part.

+Appearance: Yaru is five feet and eight inches tall, he has a slightly slender build. His skin looks a little white, as he doesn't like getting tanned. His eyes are a deep ocean blue colour, they give off his emotions well and clearly, no matter how hard he tries to hide them. He has shiny white teeth, though a bit crooked, they say he may need braces sometime in the future. His hair is medium-ish length, it goes right down to his shoulderblades, it is arguably black, it may just be a very dark brown, it's hard to tell, and it is almost always kept in a ponytail.

As for clothing, Yaru wears black tenneshoes, with bright white laces. His pants usually consist of jeans, like the long baggy cargo kind with lots of pockets, on his black belt he has a small pocketknife for use on whatever, opening boxes, whittling a stick, all that fun stuff. Yaru wears a long sleeved black shirt, fairly tight, and with bands going all down his right arm, almost like mini belts. Over this shirt he usually has a dark brown T-shirt with some wierd gold pattern on it. He also has a silver watch on his wrist, he likes it because it's like a wall clock, with the hands and everything, but can also project a light on the screen over that showing the time digitally.

+Magitech: His Magitech is a little robot thing, it can look either like a bat, in which case it is usually perched on Yaru's shoulder, or a small wolf dog, in which time it sits on his head or in his pocket or something. It does not get furry though, nor grow hair, it stays like a metallic robot whatever shape it is in. And of course, it IS waterproof, can't have Yaru messing up his own Magitech with his power hm?

+Personality: it varies from time to time, depending on what mood he's in. He's generally laid back and takes things easy, he's a nice person though, well-behaved, always (and by that I mean usually) follows the rules set before him.

+Background: Yaru comes from a small family, being only him, his mom, and his dad. Despite this, he still managed to get little attention as a child, for you see, his parents were both business tycoons, mega-multi-millionares, and always at work. Leaving Yaru where? With the babysitter of course. Because of this Yaru started getting an attention complex, or rather lack of attention, and learned to care for himself at a fairly young age. He came to cope with the fact that his parents didn't personally care much for him, and accepted that as part of his life.

Finally, Yaru was sent away from his home to learn about Magitechs, mainly just so his parents could use them to make more money. Instead, it was discovered that Yaru could use Magitechs, and enrolled himself in school to learn how to use them. To this day, years later, his parents are still waiting for the Magitech information that he swore neve to give to them, as payback for their lack of care for him.

+Other: Yaru is slightly asthmetic, get an attack maybe once a year, but it's not very serious.
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Postby Oddood198 » Fri May 27, 2011 10:17 pm

(( ahh man, this didn't post yesterday, I didn't notice until now, I had to remake it...))

+Name: Yaru Akari.

+Alias: The Waterboy.

+Age: 14

+Gender: Male.

+Type: Water.

+Class: D.

+Talent: Likes parkour, especially the jumping off of stuff part.

+Appearance: Yaru stands at about five feet and eight inches tall, he has a slightly slender build, and his legs are strong due to much running. He has slightly white coloured skin, as he doesn't like to be tanned. His eyes are a deep oceanic blue, they relay his emotions well and clearly, no matter how hard he tries to hide them. His hair is long-ish, it reaches down his shoulderblades, and is usually kept in a ponytail, it is also black in colour, although it could be argued that it's a very dark brown.

As for clothing, Yaru wears black tenneshoes with bright white laces, he has thick socks, with good comfortable padding. For pants, he prefers to wear jeans, the long baggy cargo kind with lots and lots of pockets, he likes pockets. On his black belt, he carries a medium-sized pocketknife in a leather sheath, for use on whatever, opening boxes, self-defense, stuff like that. He has a long-sleeved brown shirt covering his upper body, it has dark leather bands running all down his right sleeve, kind of like mini belts. Over that shirt he has another one, a brown T-shirt, with wierd gold designs on the front.

+Magitech: Yaru's Magitech is a little robot, it's very small, it has two modes it can change between. The first mode is a small bat, it cannot fly, however, because it's too heavy for itself. When in this mode it rests on Yaru's shoulder most of the time. It's second mode is a little dog, it can usually be found eithe on Yaru's head or in one of his pockets when in this mode. However, whichever mode the robot Magitech is in, it does not grow fur, hair, nothing, it stays as a metallic robot. It is also, of course, waterproof, can't have Yaru messing up his own Magitech with his own powers can we now?

+Personality: Yaru is usually a cool-headed and layed back individual, although his behavior greatly varies depending on his current mood and the circumstances of any situation he is in.

+Background: Yaru came from a small family, it was just him, his mom, and his dad, but despite this Yaru was still never able to achieve getting any attention as a child. For you see, Yaru's parents were both business tycoons, mega-multi-millionares, and because of this they were always at work, leaving Yaru where? With a babysitter of course.

Over time, Yaru began to develop an attention complex, or rather, lack of attention. He was eventually able to accept that neither of his parents really cared for him, and he took that in as part of his life.

Finally, Yaru was sent away from home to learn more about the Magitechs, it was just a business plot by his parents to make more money off of them, they sent Yaru because they didn't want to pay another family to borrow their child. Instead of going with his parent's original plan of spying on Magitech research and all that fun stuff, Yaru enrolled himself in a Magitech school, and became a student there. To current day, years later, his parents are stil waiting on the information which he vowed to never give them, as payback for ignoring him his whole life.

+Other: Yaru is slightly asthmetic, it's not bad, heonly gets an attack once or twice a year on average.

(( sorry, it was better the first time I typed it, but that got deleted for some reason. I tried to recreate it, but it isn't quite as good.))
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sun May 29, 2011 9:02 am

Might want to change that alias but other than that, Perfect.

EDIT: Okay the PM has been sent but I don't know if it well start today and if it does between 1:00 and 7:00 I can't post so either way still wait for me to post first.
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Postby Oddood198 » Sun May 29, 2011 6:50 pm

Ok, thanks, but any ideas on what I should change it to? Names and alias's have always been my weakest front...
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sun May 29, 2011 6:51 pm

Aqualad? Wait, that sounds familiar...
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DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sun May 29, 2011 7:35 pm

Oddood198 (post: 1481858) wrote:Ok, thanks, but any ideas on what I should change it to? Names and alias's have always been my weakest front...

Marine Raven........or not. I have an odd naming sense. :thumb:
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Postby Oddood198 » Sun May 29, 2011 10:25 pm

Huh... Maybe Nennen? It's litteraly 'water man' in Quenya, if anyone here reads Lord of The Rings...

I get a lot of character names from Quenya, like Yaru is 'gloom', I thought it was 'light' at the time, but something got messed up.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Mon May 30, 2011 4:12 pm

Oddood198 (post: 1481889) wrote:Huh... Maybe Nennen? It's litteraly 'water man' in Quenya, if anyone here reads Lord of The Rings...

I get a lot of character names from Quenya, like Yaru is 'gloom', I thought it was 'light' at the time, but something got messed up.

Fine by me. It's your character, I just thought 'Waterboy' would have to much similarity to the Adam Sandler film 'The Waterboy'.

And on a different note; the RP is going through a judging because it comes real close to the sites rules about magic so it might take a while. Also, I still have three weeks left of school before my three week summer break and I work on the weekends so if it gets permitted later this week it might be some time before I can put up a starting post but will try to as fast as I can.
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Postby Silent Seraph » Tue May 31, 2011 12:55 pm

I'm planning on joining if thats still alright. I'm just hitting a writer's block -__-
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:46 pm

It's been over a week since I last heard from any of the mods so I guess that means that this probably won't get accepted. Sorry guys but it looks like this isn't going to happen at least on this site.

In it all I'd like to thank all those who participated in this even though it didn't get started. I really like a lot of the ideas you guys came up with and I'm sure they would have made great characters but again I'm sorry that they never got to see the light of day and again Thank You for at least trying.

Edit: Forget everything I said...well except the thanking part.
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Postby mechana2015 » Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:49 pm

We're still discussing this behind the scenes. I'll have to PM you again to give you an update as soon as I get one. Being that it's been finals week or somesuch, getting a quorum of responses has been a bit difficult.

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Postby mechana2015 » Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:10 pm


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Postby Mister » Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:33 pm

someone make a char for me and i'll play. sorry feeling lazy lol

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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:09 pm

Due to school being over for the next three weeks (for me at least) and due to an overbearing mother whom wants me home for that time I'll will be taking a thousand mile journey (And I'm not joking on the distance) back home for a while so between now and (I'll say) Sunday night I might not be able to post so I hope this wait hasn't scared people off or made them forget about it because I won't be able to tell. So if you're still here to play we'll only be doing a common life arc for a month in game. I hope to have a bit to read by the time I get back.

P.S.: I'll post at least once more here before I go on some terms and Jargon you may need to know for this world and events I have planned. I don't expect people to like these plans but we'll see what happens.

Edit: Never mind about posting again. I got it done earlier than I thought I would.


-Mount Carmel: The tallest tower near the middle of the city. It’s the head lab of all the labs in Camelot City as well as the mayor’s office. Looks like a mountain by having five twenty story round blocks that decrease in size going up.

-Avalon: The labs around Mount Carmel.

+The ten magic cities:

-Camelot City: The city where the story take place. Holds more dark secrets than any of the other cities.

-Jasper Grand: Another of America’s Magic cities located on the eastern coast.

-Celestial Tower: A 200 floored tower of a city in China centered on magic in battle

-Sealand: Britain’s Lab built on many connected Sea Platforms. An independent Metal Island.

-Neo Tokyo: A rebuilt Tokyo in the name of science.

-Traumwelt: Germany’s city. Best known for its transportation magitechs, namely in public transport.

-Gordostʹ Serdtsa: Russia’s city.

-Bosque Mente: South America’s city.

-Victoria Island: An island city northwest of Australia.

-Hyvn: A flying city that governs the nine other cities. Takes a one year round west stopping at each city for a week or so to gather its data and relay the data of the other cities to its stop.

+Thinks to know:

-The N.H. Program: The science program run between the ten cities to learn more about magic. This is the program every magitech user is under. Named after ‘Norse Humene’, the man who discovered magic and the first to design a magitech though laughed at until two years after his suicide it was discovered he was right. [Future note: There is more than meets the eyes to this program.]

-The S.G. (Star Gazer) system: A networking system that lets anyone under the program (namely students) to communicate updates, events, and other important matters to friends and colleagues. Think of it like Twitter but better. Named after connecting stars, Constellations, which is what the system is like.

+Future terms: no deceptions giving unless *Spoilers*

-The Zero Generation

-The Minus Generations

-Minus Zeros

-Infearra Labs

-Taboo type magic

-The Cannibal

-The World Tree Program


P.S.: Again if anyone has any ideas PM me.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:49 pm

Double post and all that. I have my reasons.

It has come to my attention that I have made a mistake, or more like a brain slip, in forgetting to talk about the world some. Mainly the reason is because I didn't think about that. In fact I didn't and still can't think about a lot of things that might be common place in this game. (I'm only one man and I'm nowhere near perfect no matter what my mother says.)

So in that light and this being a future city and all that, If there's something you think may exist and never said come ask about it, on this forum thread would be the best place so that others can see it.

Now for my first mistake I will rant on why there are no flying cars in this universe.

#1: Human can barely drive in two dimensions, why give them a third.

#2: One word: Air brakes.

#3: and think about if your hundreds of miles in the air and the power stops. Think about it.

Now before you ask 'Then why is there a flying city?' I'll answer that.

#1: It's driven by hundreds of people as well as computers. It should handle just fine.

#2: It can brake. It may take three hundred miles but it can brake.

#3: Ten back up systems, three of which are space rockets to keep it up long enough before it falls on a city.

#4: I'm not perfect and this is a made up world. I tried my best.

Any more question? It would really help if you did.
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Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:20 am

Name: Nina McKnight

Alias: Storm Unknown

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Type: Air

Class: C

Talent: Making clothes, painting


+Hair Color/Style: Lightning blue hair in a messy bun, bangs that nearly cover her eyes. (Her hair is just dyed blue. It's natural color is black.)

+ Body Structure: 5'1, 102 lbs.

+ Eye color: Black.

+ Clothes: Denim mini skirt over black leggings, dark blue graphic tee with a picture of a pitch-black bass cleff on the front.

Magitech: A hilt of a sword. When she wants, she can use air to act as the hilt's blade.

Personality: Nina is a quiet, blunt, and apathetic girl who doesn't really care about anyone unless it's herself, or any friend she MIGHT make. She doesn't like help from anyone and is very independent, which isn't always a good thing. Though she has a decent rank, Nina doesn't really care about her grades, calling them a "waist of time that was created solely to beat down on people who don't seem as clever as all the know-it-all snots".

Background: She lives with her parents in a small apartment. She isn't close in the least with her parents, seeing as they completely ignore her and even abuse her verbally. This is what most likely caused Nina to act so apatheitc towards things that didn't really effect her. Secretly, she wishes that her parents would treat her like a person rather than like a bum on the street and breaks down once in awhile in her room. She taught herself how to sew when she was eight years old and has been making clothes and modifying clothes for herself ever since then. She's been called weird by nearly everyone in school since she dyes her hair and never hangs out with other kids.

Other: Nina often pulls pranks on people who really get on her bad side.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:54 pm

@Ally: If you want an air blade you might want to bump her to a class C or else it probably wouldn't work right. Besides that she works just fine as a character.
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Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:58 pm

Kung_Fu_Master (post: 1486074) wrote:@Ally: If you want an air blade you might want to bump her to a class C or else it probably wouldn't work right. Besides that she works just fine as a character.

Thank you! And that I shall do.
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I like mochi. ^^

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:30 am

Are there hover boards in this RP?
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DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Tue Jun 21, 2011 1:44 pm

Diamond Dragon (post: 1486232) wrote:Are there hover boards in this RP?

Only if your a wind type.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:47 pm

Another double post. Oh my~.

Good news. The villains of this chapter have been finished in their design. There will be eight of them and will all be throw away characters (Only to be used in this chapter and then tossed).

Like wise I will need eight characters to battle them (That's mine two and six others.)

But here's the kicker. You guys don't get to choose who you fight, I do. (More fun that way.)

You may be asking yourselves, 'How are you going to do that?'. Elementary my dear.

I've been watching and reading how you guys have been reacting. Some of the villains I've designed to fight certain people who have played so far and I was hoping that we'd have some more people acting and playing along but since there are so few I decided to let this info out in hopes of drawing more people (and some that are here out from hiding.)

I'm going to be watching some more and then when Hyvn comes in game PM those that played the best their opponent(s). This people will also get the chance to continue to play a role in chapter two's plot and possibly chapter three's.

So join in or even just come out from hiding because I'm not creating any roles or fights until we get to the end of this chapter (My character's interactions not withholding.) so have fun in this scientific wonderland of mine, I'll be watching.

P.S.: That means the introduction arc is over if that's why some of you haven't been posting. It ended awhile back too. (Edit: By Intro arc, I mean your first post. After that is the play/interact arc 'The Long Calm'. So after you 'Introduce' your character that arc is over. Get it? :))

Edit: Maybe posting this right before fourth of July weekend wasn't the best idea.
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