Altitude: Islands in the Sky

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:09 pm

ooc: Uh, Rock? Aren't you kind of ignoring David's post?
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DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:37 pm

OOC: @Rock: I think you may have missed a post; you might want to get that checked out, 'kay?
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:52 pm

Davidizer13 (post: 1474125) wrote:"Wait, wait!" called Truce. "Oh, for... Here, Gavin, take the pilot's chair. By the way, we're flying into a magnetic storm, so stay calm, good luck, and Godspeed. Adele!" He climbed down the ladder and into the crew's quarters.

IC: "Of course, because getting shot at was not enough excitement for one day" Gavin muttered as he settled into the pilot's station.
He glanced at Gabe "Right, you haven't done this before have you? no? Well fist things first." He punched the intercom "Isabella, would you bring up the gyro-compass* please, thanks."
Gavin shut the intercom off again, and turned back to Gabe "Right, Flying in Flux Storms: a (hopefully) not-crash course, it's a normal storm except it's gathered over a big knot in the magnetic field, plays havoc with the radio. Uh, visibility is going to be nil in there, winds will be heavy, the compass and most of the electronic instruments will be useless.
"So you'll be able to rely on, in this order, artificial horizon, altimeter, gyro-compass, and airspeed gauge. oh and instinct, be careful with that one. Between your sister and me we should be able to keep a lid on the electrical problems, speaking of which..."
He hit the intercom again "TODAY PLEASE! I need to get that thing set before we hit the storm!"
*sigh* "I wish we'd had time to put the dampers back on before this"

*Gyro-compass; basically a normal compass except instead of a magnetized needle, it has a gyroscope, which is calibrated to magnetic north before entering a flux storm and maintains a consistent bearing inside the storm unlike the magnetic compass which oscillates with the field within the storm.

OOC: I hope you'll forgive me my little bit of improvised worldbuilding.:sweat:
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:42 pm

Edit:Eh, I think RPing isn't for me, so feel free to kill Blund off.
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Postby Nami » Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:02 am

Gabriel was hoping to finish hearing what his Captain had to say, as soon as he was done talking to Adele, he watched the Captain hop down the ladder and he grimaced as Gavin took the chair. 'Great, just what I need, another crash-course, why didn't the captain just say; "Hey, you and Gavin get to fly the plane, try not to kill us all! Good luck~" Arg.'

Gabriel looked at Gavin and listened as best he could, but was slightly distracted by the scene unfolding before him outside his window.

"Yeah, this should be the most interesting thing I've done today." he said, he hid the sarcasm well, and his voice was even. "I wouldn't shout at Izzie if I were you." He cautioned, "she doesn't take well to commands and the only commands she takes, are from the Captain..." He glanced at the intercom and winced, Gavin was going to be in trouble.

Isabella turned sharply on the newcomer and instead of shaking his hand glared so darkly that one would think they would shrivel and die from it. "Frankly, I don't know who you are and I don't care." She grabbed JP's tools and handed them to him.

"Why don't you show ignorant here how to fix the bike?" she said. Turning to the engine that had started making a creaking sound. She turned a knob when the intercom went off for the first time.

"Oh for the luvvaof-" Isabella stomped toward the spare trunk where the odd-do-dads were kept and scrambled through it, looking for the gyro-compass.

"Ah, here it is." she pulled it out gingerly and rested it on her knee, cleaning the dust from its surface.

"TODAY PLEASE!" came over the intercom at a screech. Isabella stiffened.

"Oh...yell at me will you?" she stood up and looked at the boys, "'cuse me boys, I've got a man to put into place." she stomped up from the engine, up toward the ladder and she climbed on-handedly before her head poked up into the cockpit.

"Hello boys, not distracting you am I?" she climbed all the way out. "Here's your gyro-compass." she dropped it unceremoniously into Gavin's lap and then slammed a hand on the seat.

"If you ever, talk to me like that again, you will find my wrench in your teeth. Understand?" Isabella glowered, "good." she dropped down the hole, not bother with the ladder and stormed passed the Captain and Adele back to the Engine-room, her fury boiling around her like a hurricane on the sea.
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Postby acgifford » Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:03 pm

[quote="Davidizer13 (post: 1474125)"]"Wait, wait!" called Truce. "Oh, for... Here, Gavin, take the pilot's chair. By the way, we're flying into a magnetic storm, so stay calm, good luck, and Godspeed. Adele!" He climbed down the ladder and into the crew's quarters.

"Listen, like I said, I am sorry! I didn't know about any of that down there, believe me. If I had, I would have never tried what I did. Come now, here's your share of the earnings," he said, pulling his wallet from his jacket. Luckily, the bullet hole it had received had missed his money pocket. He counted off a few bills from the stack and passed them over to Adele. "Three hundred drachmae, to spend any way you like! You would have only received two-fifty had I not intervened]


Adele heard Truce shout name from the cockpit. Just then he came clammering down the ladder and attepted to make a more suitable apology. Adele sighed and rolled her eyes as he pulled out his wallet. He counted out a few bills and handed it to her. It was more money than she expected to get. She took the money from him slowly. Her face softened slightly as he said his last apologies. This is more money than I was supposed to get. And this is my first pay. And he does seem sincere. she thought as she looked into Truce's green eyes. But he still almost got the crew killed! Aaaand! He lied! To me! But I should forgive him. She let out a exasperated sigh. "Fine. I forgive you. But don't you ever try and pull that crap again! Tell me next time."
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:52 pm

Nia decided to take the opportunity to sneak off for a second from her little station. She wasn't needed quite yet for any more navigation. Biting her lip as she looked at Felix, noting that most of his other wounds had stopped bleeding, guilt settling in her stomach. He was an idiot. A chivalrous one, yeah, but she'd be lecturing him when he woke up.

If he woke up.

After a few more moments, she returned to her station, pushing Felix to the back of her mind.
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Postby Seto_Sora » Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:06 pm

Felix' condition stabilized through most of the day. As night fell, his condition worsened as he seemed to fall into uneasy dreams... dreams of the past...


The past. Memories. There were many Thomas Quinton wished to was away. This night was no different than any other, the darkness was no darker, and the air was no thicker. But there was something that weighed his mind down more so this night than many others. Quinton took another shot of alcohol. As he let his glass down he saw the figure of the man he was waiting for come out of the darkness. He was a tall, thin man with a white suit buttoned over a loosely kept pink collar shirt. He would be handsome with his loose, blond hair but for the wicked features on his face. The man appeared out of the darkness as though out of a mist. As he did so, he light a cigarette.
He sat down at the booth, "Thomas Quinton, I presume." Thomas answered with a cold look, he replenished his glass with his cold drink. "I was told you weren't one to talk much. I suppose we can dispense with the niceties, just the way I like." The man looked at Quinton who himself looked down at his glass and once again drained it. "We are hiring you, for goodness sake! You could pay me the courtesy of a hello!" The man said with unease and offense.
"You talk too much," Quinton voiced finally, though just as emotionlessly as if he had not. The man was taken back by Quinton's words. He didn't know what to think, his cigarette held between his fingers, slowly burning away as the time seemed to pass eternally. "You know my name yet you have not mentioned yours," he added without looking up from his glass, once again filling and quaffing.
The man put his cigarette to his mouth, "You can call me W. My full name is of no importance to you. It should be enough to you that we are going to pay you for an easy job." W again waited while his companion seemed to pay him no heed. "We are paying you track down a merchant plane. Its not too hard really, but the boss needs to collect a heavy sum from a man by the name Juan Pierre Romesco. Age 23, medium build, black hair, brown eyes. He shouldn't be to difficult to find. However, the crew of the plane he is now on unfortunately did the boss a bad turn in a bad deal." At this point, W screwed his cruel features into an unnatural smile. Quinton looked at him from the side in what could possible be disgust. "The boss wants them all dead and he wants their plane as a trophy."
Quinton looked down at his drink again, "Whats the pay?"
"Fifty Thousand. A princely sum!"
"I'll need the specs on their craft."
"Just say the word..."
"I'm leaving tomorrow. I need the specs in the morning."
W. was a bit disturbed at this deadline but regained his composure as he gave his cigarette another huff, "Get it done." At this he walked away.
After he was well out of earshot, Quinton took another shot, "Cheep."


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Postby rocklobster » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:25 am

Raven glared at Kevin. "Could I talk with you for a moment?" She pulled him to one side, giving him a death glare.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she snapped. "You're making a decision for Truc- I mean, the captain when he's gone, and you're breaking the chain of command, and we still don't know what she's here for, and what gives you the right to overrule him? The captain saved me, when I was half-dead and wandering the streets, not knowing where I had come from. He gave me everything, but for all I know, you could be taking all that away from me by letting that...that girl on here!" She was on the verge of tears as she raged, barely stopping to breathe.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to throw anyone out of a window. I know I'm not in any position of authority, but maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt. I got a second chance, so why shouldn't she?"
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby AtmosBreak » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:28 am

OOC: sorry for not replying lately. Oh and didn't know what name of evil devtor/loan shark/crime boss/deal gone wrong man was so i just made up a nickname for him as my character refers to him by.

IC: Every train of thought he had about how things would go completely derailed the longer time went on. However he just had to be adaptable, like he had been his whole life, well, atleast after his last remainig family member died and the only one JP has the most memories of. It had been many years since he grandma passed away yet he still missed her. Things felt like just last week she was teaching him one of her secret recipes, although Juan got the distinct feeling that she made most of them up on the spot just to try to impress him. He didn't mind, he loved her and she was always there for him until one morning when there was no weird old music playing, no delicious and intriguing smells from the kitchen, no sounds, just pure eerie silence.

It wad one day he longed to forget yet it just stuck around him like a disgusting odour that will not leave no many how many showers. Like if you made the mistake of feeding a seagull, they just keep on coming back and back, no hope of escape. It was one of the things always digging away in the back of his mind.

"Are you sure you're fine? And yeah, that's what I say but really, different ethnicities and upbringings, generally dealing with all sorts of people, it just stuck." JP's face relaxed somewhat after seeing that Isabella was ok though still concerned. It was just who he was.

Shaking her gloved hand, he gave her a smile. Isabella De Luca... I like how that just flows so easily and rolls off the tongue though... De Luca... That name just seems so familiar. "Heh, that's alright," he let out a soft chuckle, "happens to everyone really."

JP had no idea how to repond to Isabella's next question, or was it a statement? He couldn't really tell yet thankfully for him another guy entered asking about teaching him mechanics and whatnot. JP didn't really mind doing so but he just wanted to spend a little more time with Isabella. If he was in fact part of the crew or just on for the trip out of Treyard, he had no dea anymore but joing the crew was becoming ever more appealing. "Yep that's me."

He didn't dare say any more as he took note of the glare Isabella sent the new guy. It sent slight chills down his spine and actually scared him a little yet he liked it for some reason or another. He hadn't actually met quite a girl like her before which only intrigued him more. There weren't all that many female engineers, at least not that he knew of, so another plus in his book.

Keeping his smile and genuinely being grateful although a little unnerved, JP took the tools and continued to watch her for a little more. "Ah yeah, um... Sorry I didn't catch your name earlier but I'm JP." The exact moment he finished saying that to the other guy, the intercom went off for the first time, which in fact startled JP somewhat. He only just now realized they had an intercom system as he turned around and looked up, trying to find out where the sound came from before glancing back at Isabella then back at the intercom once it sounded again then back at Isabella. It was starting to become reminiscent of a tennis match.

"Ah yes, it was nice to meet you!" JP called out as Isabella left the engine room. He unconciously found himself staring at where she had just left for a few moments afterwards. "So this is how amor a primera vista feels like." JP mumbled before letting out a soft sigh as his mind return to reality, he turned to the Marshall with his usual smile. "Right, bike, urm... i'm not really a master or anything but I'll try to teah you what I can if anything at all. So um... To the bike then!"

With the borrowed tools in his hands, JP lead Marshall to his beloved bike. Taking a quick glance over it, his eyes became drawn to a small, old, faded green bag. It continued all his money, including what was owed to that man or 'Donkey' as JP liked to call him. $15,000 dollars for only a $500 debt. Everytime he had enough to pay off his debt, Donkey would just raise it due to interest, late fees and whatever excuse he coukd come up with. It really got frustrating and JP was on the verge on snapping when his debt was $12k and he had finally saved up $15k just in case and was reay to pay it off and leave Treyard until the whole shoot out, help injured guy and whole get on plane business.

Glancing away before anyone could notice, he turned to another bag, a gray one and got out a small but relatively thick notebook and a pen, containing every modification Juan had done to his bike over the years. It was just a quirk he had so he could know what was done to it and to help him figure out how to improve his bike. "So this is my Indian, reconstructed completely." he stated proudly.
"'You are the light of this world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.'

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Postby Nami » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:52 am

OOC: I must comment on how much I enjoy your posts Atmos! They are most intriguing and entertaining. :D I find JP's attraction to Isabella funny. I wonder how she'll react, when she realizes XDD
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:21 am

Nami (post: 1474287) wrote:Gabriel was hoping to finish hearing what his Captain had to say, as soon as he was done talking to Adele, he watched the Captain hop down the ladder and he grimaced as Gavin took the chair. [I]'Great, just what I need, another crash-course, why didn't the captain just say]

Gabriel looked at Gavin and listened as best he could, but was slightly distracted by the scene unfolding before him outside his window.

"Yeah, this should be the most interesting thing I've done today." he said, he hid the sarcasm well, and his voice was even. "I wouldn't shout at Izzie if I were you." He cautioned, "she doesn't take well to commands and the only commands she takes, are from the Captain..." He glanced at the intercom and winced, Gavin was going to be in trouble.

Isabella turned sharply on the newcomer and instead of shaking his hand glared so darkly that one would think they would shrivel and die from it. "Frankly, I don't know who you are and I don't care." She grabbed JP's tools and handed them to him.

"Why don't you show ignorant here how to fix the bike?" she said. Turning to the engine that had started making a creaking sound. She turned a knob when the intercom went off for the first time.

"Oh for the luvvaof-" Isabella stomped toward the spare trunk where the odd-do-dads were kept and scrambled through it, looking for the gyro-compass.

"Ah, here it is." she pulled it out gingerly and rested it on her knee, cleaning the dust from its surface.

"TODAY PLEASE!" came over the intercom at a screech. Isabella stiffened.

"Oh...yell at me will you?" she stood up and looked at the boys, "'cuse me boys, I've got a man to put into place." she stomped up from the engine, up toward the ladder and she climbed on-handedly before her head poked up into the cockpit.

"Hello boys, not distracting you am I?" she climbed all the way out. "Here's your gyro-compass." she dropped it unceremoniously into Gavin's lap and then slammed a hand on the seat.

"If you ever, talk to me like that again, you will find my wrench in your teeth. Understand?" Isabella glowered, "good." she dropped down the hole, not bother with the ladder and stormed passed the Captain and Adele back to the Engine-room, her fury boiling around her like a hurricane on the sea.

Gavin stated to set the gyro-compass into its bracket on the console;"I think she likes me. What?
"No I'm serious, I've met some female mechanics,-up to spin- and under the circumstances, -set the alignment- she was being very polite.
"...aaaaand set. Right so watch that compass not that one" Gavin said pointing at the gyro- and regular compasses in turn; "and keep us in the air, I'm going tune things a little, and then we'll see how you do with the storm."
After a pause he asked; "do you think she likes me, or should I make tracks as soon as we set down?" glancing at Gabe with a slightly worried expression.

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Postby Nami » Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:35 am

Gabriel blinked, what was going on in this man's head? First his sister stormed in and basically threatened Gavin's existence and then he thought she might like him? Maybe it was the impulse of fear he felt and he was trying to cover it by acting cool and smooth about it.

Gabriel listened intently, not wanting to get this wrong. "Oh, Ok." he said, then looked up at Gavin. "Erm..." he hesitated, "I'd say she doesn't feel much toward you, except maybe some slight irritation." he glanced out the window.

"My sister doesn't usually "like" people in the romantic way, she just bosses them around. For now, just remain under the radar as soon as we are safe and the Captain takes over... I don't know what she'll do to you otherwise."
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Postby Davidizer13 » Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:53 pm

OOC: @MoI (and everyone else): Go ahead and world-build all you want, so long as it doesn't contradict anything else that's been posted! The deeper we can make the world, the better it'll be to play in.


Raven sniffed. "We haven't really given her a first chance, so how can we give her a second?"

"Whatever." Slowly, she wandered to where her other sword had fallen, and leaned down to pick it up, with a backwards glance to Denkou. "I don't know what you've got planned, Kevin, but it's clearly going to be in the benefit of everyone else, since you're so insistent on this. Plus, you're my elder, so you're wiser than me, for sure!" Sarcasm dripped from every word of her speech.

As she picked up her sword, it felt heavier than normal. She held it up to inspect its blade, but found that it was being yanked to and fro, like someone was pulling on it. Her ears perked up - all around her, the hold was filled with metallic pings and taps. The plane shuddered: slowly at first, but it picked up, growing stronger and stronger. "What's going on?" she shouted over the din, in panic. She looked up at the two newcomers (at least they hadn't stowed away), who had come into the hold to look at something - was that a motorbike? It clattered around on the floor, as if it were having a seizure. "Do you know what's happening? Is something wrong with the plane?"
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:58 pm

Denkou was being tossed to and fro all around the plane, because her katanas where securly tied to her belt. "What's going o-" She slammed into the side of the plane face first before she could finish her sentence.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Apr 26, 2011 1:27 pm

Nia nodded to herself as the plane began to shudder and things started pinging around. This was normal. This was expected. What wasn't expected was that the crew hadn't been warned that they were going to be entering the magnetic flux.

"Okay, everyone! Buckle in and get what loose things you can secured! We've hit the edge of the flux, and we're going to be trying to outrun it! The flux will be like this for the next ten minutes!"

She called over to the captain. "We're doing good! If we just keep going to Mark 3-3-8, it'll be between us and the guys behind us! We can set down in Bristol for repairs- that island will be floating by there." Bristol was one of the smallest islands. There was room for a small number of farms and a small airfield, but not much else besides. In fact, there wasn't even really a town per say- it just had taken the name of the island.

Nia had to admit, this was as close as she'd ever been to a flux. They weren't necessarily rare, but it didn't mean that planes got close to them or anything. If they didn't manage to outrun it, the plane would be pulled apart, finishing the work for the hired guns.
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:42 pm

Kevin scrambled to Denkou's side. "Are you ok?" he asked. "You'd better strap yourself in, Raven. Looks like we're in turbulence."
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:49 pm

Denkou held a hand to her face. Her face hurt so bad. Unfortunately she didn't have time to say anything, for she was dragged clear across the cargo hold, then was whipped back. She rammed hard into Raven, then she managed to grab a box and held on.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:52 pm

Nami (post: 1474576) wrote:Gabriel blinked, what was going on in this man's head? First his sister stormed in and basically threatened Gavin's existence and then he thought she might like him? Maybe it was the impulse of fear he felt and he was trying to cover it by acting cool and smooth about it.

Gabriel listened intently, not wanting to get this wrong. "Oh, Ok." he said, then looked up at Gavin. "Erm..." he hesitated, "I'd say she doesn't feel much toward you, except maybe some slight irritation." he glanced out the window.

"My sister doesn't usually "like" people in the romantic way, she just bosses them around. For now, just remain under the radar as soon as we are safe and the Captain takes over... I don't know what she'll do to you otherwise."

"Hmmm, I suppose your right, I should ask Felix when he wakes up; he seems to have a good understanding of this sort of thing." Gavin said thoughtfully.
There was a load clatter from below, the flight controls suddenly jerked, and a burst of feedback screamed from the intercom and radio.
"Alright, here we go!"

OOC: Hey David I think this might be a good spot for you to sort of pull back and narrate things for a bit, or at least give us a timeskip up to something breaking/us flying out of the storm. I just things will get boring quickly at this point, that and I don't know how to fly a plane and would rather not fudge that knowledge.:sweat:
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Postby Davidizer13 » Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:25 pm

"Yes, yes, I promise, I'll tell you if I ever do something like that again. You have my word!" Truce added with a calm smile. But in the back of his head, he was already planning his next great windfall. Next time, he'd make sure Adele stayed in the plane while he was making the deal.

Then the shaking started. The engines whirred in fits and starts, beating against their casings and making unsettling noises that echoed through the plane. "Well, that's not good... Surely, we will have it all sorted out in a moment," he reassured Adele.

Nia called up to the cockpit with a heading and a plan; he didn't see any other options, so he passed it on. "Did you hear that, Gavin? Our navigator says to put down on Bristol!" He shuddered at the thought of those two landing the plane by themselves. "Oh, wonderful, we're all going to be smashed up..." he muttered to himself.


"Watch where you're going!" yelled Raven, pulling herself from the floor. She stumbled into the crew quarters, dodging a crate that slid past her in the chaos. An especially vicious jolt shoved her into some lockers, but she bounced off and landed in a hammock. "Truce! Truce! Get it off me!" she screamed, before realizing she was fighting against blankets. She struggled to sit up, just in time to hear the captain's voice through the intercom.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing an, ah, an anomaly. We will have to make an emergency landing on this island coming up here, and so I suggest you all find somewhere comfortable to sit for the duration. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is... *click*" Taking his advice, Raven laid back on the hammock, rolling over to see mementos tacked up on the wall; it was Felix's bed. She wondered how he was doing... Hadn't he been hurt or something?

Seconds later, there was a whirring noise - the landing gear was coming down, followed by a whump and an even bigger shuddering than anything the storm had thrown at them. Slowly, the engines wound down, growing quieter and quieter.

The intercom clicked back on. "...oh thank heaven we're still alive Ah, this is your captain again, thank you for your cooperation, everyone, and since there's a magnetic storm still outside, I suggest you all, um, leave the plane very quickly, thank you, goodbye! *click*"

End Air Arc: Medevac

Begin Land Arc: Tempest
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:23 pm

Nia decided to follow the captain's orders to the best of her abilities. She dashed out her area towards the sickbay. Even if Bristol didn't have a town, they had a doctor. "Hey! Someone come help me get Felix! Let's get him to the medic's!" Nia went ahead and took a position by his feet so that the helper could get his shoulders. They needed to get out of this plane, fast!
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Postby Seto_Sora » Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:25 pm

Stan rubbed his eyes as he made his way to his post. Air Traffic control man #13. He'd finally made it and now his whole future lay before him, a hopeful one! "Ah Jenny, now I can buy that ring and ask you that long awaited question!" He opened the door and stepped into the ATC observation deck. He started. There was someone there.
"Stan, I believe."
"You... you know me!?" The young man looked startled and alarmed, "Wh... Who... Who are you?" He finally managed.
"I'm looking for information."
"I d.. don't have that a... authorization.."
Thomas Quinton looked on his prey coldly. There was a long pause before he added, "I need to know the bearings of all the Cosgrove and cargo planes take offs in the past twenty-four hours..."
"But that could... I mean this is Treyard... there's so many different..."
"Are you finished? I also want all the local islands, small or large, to report the docking of any Cosgrove 1700 cargo planes registered under the name Tiamat."
"You can't make me do this! My boss will..."
"Your boss? Oh yes, the man I spoke to earlier. Rest assured, he has given his full consent to my request," These last words Quinton said as he walked out the room but he turned his head slightly and added, "You see, he has a family." With that, Thomas Quinton left the observation deck.

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:15 pm

Denkous didn't need to be told twice to get off the plane. Despite being dragged around by her katanas, she managed to get out of the plane. She still refused to take them off, fore they where her only weapons.
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Postby Nami » Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:34 am

The juttering of the plane had sent Isabella backward, of course, she had grabbed out for something, anything to cling on to and everything she touched slipped through her fingers like water. Finally, her grasp slid off of the last thing before she hit her head hard against the side of the engine-room. "UGH!" she cried out as black stars appeared before her eyes, dizzily, she sank to the floor and felt herself slip away.

Suddenly, the voice of the Captain qued on over the intercom. "Arrgh." the pain in her head swelled to a humongous size as she realized her face was on the floor, sitting up her head spun like a top and her stomach pitched, trying to hurl what wasn't there. Finally, she managed to climb to her feet and stumble around the engine-room, checking for damage. Isabella reached a certain part of the engine where black smoke emitted, her eyes widened, that wasn't good. She didn't have time to fix it, the Captain had given a warning, she left reluctantly, and heard Nia calling for help with Felix.

"I'm comin'!" she ran, though her head spun and she nearly toppled over, she managed to stand in the doorway of the room and she accessed the situation, "Ok, I'll help you," She grasped his feet, "let's hurry before we all die."

Gabriel's whole body had gone cold as they landed the plane, he hadn't been able to respond to Gavin's comment about Felix knowing these things, no one knew Isabella like he did, they were twins after all. His whole body felt like J-ello and he released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

"We'd better get off." he murmured to Gavin, standing up and stumbling down the ladder, he ran and walked down the area until he reached the engine-room, his sister was already gone. He figured she was already out of the plane. He turned and ran down to the cargo-area and out onto Bristol, but when he noticed that Isabella wasn't about, concern hit him like a cold sheet of water.

"Where's Izzie?" he said, fear holding him close like a mother does with her child. He itched to dash back inside and search every area for his sister, but realized how suicidal that would be. Plus, she would kill him if he did that.
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 7:45 am

Nia nodded as Nami lifted Felix's feet. "Let's go!" They managed to carry him off the ship, nearly being knocked off their feet a few times. The shuddering seemed almost unnaturally bad. Even so, they made it safely off. Nia saw Gabriel looking in from outside, panicked with fear for his sister. She almost smiled. He really was a good brother to her.

That thought, and the memories it brought up about her own lost family, made her know that she'd want a cigarrette rather badly when all this was said and done.

"Okay! The medic is just south of us, right over...." Nai shifted Felix so she could point at the small number of buildings that were clustered less than a quarter mile away. A few of the villagers had turned out to see the plane land. "Right over there. Can we get him there?"
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Postby Nami » Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:04 am

Ignore this~
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Postby AtmosBreak » Wed Apr 27, 2011 8:48 am

JP had barely started to explain a little about his bike when the plane began to shudder and shake. Glancing around the plane curiously and not exactly knowing what was going on, he stopped talking, the plane taking his full attention. Assuming it to just be turbulance, he turned back to his bike only to look around again as it steadily began to shake increasingly violently. JP found himself dropping the tools he had recently received right onto his right foot in surprise. Ow, yeah, that hurt but JP just had to laugh at the whole thing. As it got stronger, JP suddenly turned to his bike, unable to catch it as it landed with a loud clank and began having seizuresque movements, as if it had epilepsy and had walked into a rave club by accident. Or was a little kid and watched that episode of that show that caused all those kids to have seizures, what was it called again?

Although he was surprised by the strength of it, JP had handled strong turbulence before. Noticing a few people losing their footing, himself included, JP attempted to go over to help them only to find himself being slammed into the side of the ship, over an extruding bar. Wincing out loud as his waist slammed into the bar, Juan frowned as the intercom buzzed. Urgh, flux? Magnetic flux? That was something JP had never experienced before. Sure he had heard about them though first hand experience, this would be his first time. Well you only live once, might as well experience everything can even though it may just well turn you into a ragdoll, and toss you around a plane that was in midair.

Holding onto a strap that was conveniently connected to the side of the plan, his body continued to rattle and be pounded into the side of the plane. At least know he knew how a piece of meat feels as it gets tenderised, it wasn't very pleasant to say the least.


Eventually slowly letting go of the strap as they landed safe and sound on Bristol Island, JP slid down and just sat against the side of the plane for a few moments, trying to catch his breath. "Dios, God, if you protected us from that, thank you, but please don't ever let us run into one again" JP mumbled under his breath before attempting to stand up. He needed to find out if Isabella was alright.

His entire body was sore from the ordeal yet he was alive, they all were seemingly so, including the girl of his dreams, he should be thankful right? Lifting up his shirt, Juan inspected the damage his body had taken. He had many light bruises, including one nasty bruise from where he first slammed into the bar and the side of the plane. Lowering his shirt, JP ran his hands through his hair and onto his neck, failing to feel a piece of fabric and instead feeling his burn scar. Eyes widening, JP looked around at the floor frantically, searching for his bandana until he spotted it near the plane's exit.

Quickly making his way over to it, JP hoped no one would notice his burn scar, especially not Isabella. He was embarrassed by it and it didn't bring back the best of memories everytime he had to explain it. Also it seemed to gross out some people whilst others would just stare at it, it made him uncomfortable as most of the time he couldn't tell what they were thinking and forced his mind to wander.

Tieing the bandana around his neck, covering up the scar, JP got off the plane and stretched a little as he glanced around the island. Whilst there was a magnetic storm, the sun was still shining, something JP felt deceiving as a cold breaze blew and forced him to shiver. Even with a jacket, JP found he got cold quite easily, maybe there was tavern or inn of sorts nearby. He wanted to ask around for mechanics or if there were any place or anyone really who happened to be selling tools and parts. His bike had sustained quite some damage and would not be able run until he fixed it ASAP.
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Postby acgifford » Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:57 am

Davidizer13 (post: 1474679) wrote:"Yes, yes, I promise, I'll tell you if I ever do something like that again. You have my word!" Truce added with a calm smile. But in the back of his head, he was already planning his next great windfall. Next time, he'd make sure Adele stayed in the plane while he was making the deal.

Then the shaking started. The engines whirred in fits and starts, beating against their casings and making unsettling noises that echoed through the plane. "Well, that's not good... Surely, we will have it all sorted out in a moment," he reassured Adele.

Nia called up to the cockpit with a heading and a plan]"Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing an, ah, an anomaly. We will have to make an emergency landing on this island coming up here, and so I suggest you all find somewhere comfortable to sit for the duration. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is... *click*"[/I] Taking his advice, Raven laid back on the hammock, rolling over to see mementos tacked up on the wall; it was Felix's bed. She wondered how he was doing... Hadn't he been hurt or something?

Seconds later, there was a whirring noise - the landing gear was coming down, followed by a whump and an even bigger shuddering than anything the storm had thrown at them. Slowly, the engines wound down, growing quieter and quieter.

The intercom clicked back on. "...oh thank heaven we're still alive Ah, this is your captain again, thank you for your cooperation, everyone, and since there's a magnetic storm still outside, I suggest you all, um, leave the plane very quickly, thank you, goodbye! *click*"

End Air Arc: Medevac

Begin Land Arc: Tempest


Adele listened as Truce promised he wouldnt do it again. Yeah right. She thought to herself sarcasticaly. Adele folded the bills neatly and slipped them into her pocket. As she did so, she heard the engines constant hum stutter and the plane veered right then left violently. Truce attempted to reassure her that everything would be alright. She was not convinced. The Captain then turned and went to make an announcement. His annoucment did not breed confidence in the crew. Again the plane veered right and left, this time even more violently throwing Adele from her seat to the floor. Adele struggled to get onto her knees and grab the a hold of seat. Twice she tried to climb into her seat and was thrown off balance by the plane's whipping movements as it tried to stay on course. Finaly Adele managed to crawl into the seat and fasten herself in.

Raven did not seem to have any easier a time. She was thrown into a hamoc as she flailed and shrieked for Truce. Adele had no time to help her. She had her own problems.

Just when she thought things could not get any worse, the pilots brought down the landing gear for an emergency landing. This sent the plane into more violent shaking as they set down. Adele closed her eyes tight and put her arms in front of her face to protect herself. She prayed to God they would live through this. She couldn't bare the thought of her father in tears because of her death. Just the, the shaking slowed to a stop and the engines sputtering ceased. Adele opened her eyes slowly and took arms down from her face cautiously. Am I...alive? she thought as checked herself over. She let out a sigh of relief. But wait....What about the crew? she thought in a slight panic. She fumbled with her seat belt, threw it off her, and got up as fast as she could. She stumbled back forth from seat to seat, wall to wall. "Anyone alive?!" she shouted. Just then she heard Truce on the overhead. Thank God. The captain is alive at least. Then she heard Nia call for help with Felix. Izzy answered her. Adele came running in to see if she could help as well. "Are you guys okay? How is Felix?" she asked with fear edging in her voice. She looked at Felix. He looked pale. This is not good. she thought. "What can I do to help?" It was then she noticed that Izzy's head was bleeding. "Izzy! Your head! Let me do that!" she got into position to help Nia carry Felix. She said yet another prayer, this time for Felix.
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Postby Nami » Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:09 am

Isabella heard Adele's voice and turned, "I'm fine! And don't stop us, Nia and I got 'em!" she complained, not wanting to look weak. "I can handle this. And I know I'm bleeding, I'll worry about me later." As she shuffled out with Nia she saw JP scramble around for something. What it was, she wasn't sure. But he seemed to locate it just fine.

She set her sights on not tripping over the things that had fallen all over the floor of the plane, making walking anywhere a mine-field. She nearly tripped half a dozen times before her boots touched solid earth. "Yeah, we can make it there." She said to Nia, and looked at Gabriel.

"You look like you saw a ghost, you ok?" she called.

Gabriel nodded, wanting nothing more than to hug his sister, but holding back with a soft smile. "Yeah, I was worried for a second there."

Isabella rolled her eyes, "you are too soft!" she shouted. "Let's get Felix to the medics." She said to Nia, ignoring Gabriel, who looked down with a sheepish grin.

"Is everyone out?" She asked, looking at the Captain.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:09 pm

Truce stumbled out of the plane, his legs shaking. "For goodness' sake, Gavin, did you not see that?" He pointed to a pinnacle of rock, glowing in the sunset a few hundred feet behind them. "You see it now, right? How could you not see that?! Felix would have, that's for sure." He glanced around the field. "...ten, eleven, twelve...yes, we're all here, I believe. Now, to our patient and...oh corks, what is that." A bolt of ball lightning whizzed through the air; Truce gripped his scalp as he watched it strike the ground with a flash and a sizzle, just a few feet from the plane.

"...Let's get inside, shall we?" Quickly, he trotted over to the medic's house ahead of Nia and Isabella and furiously pounded on the door. It was a small concrete building, labeled with a symbol identifying the building as a doctor's residence; in a building behind it, machinery whirred and groaned monotonously. "Hello, is anyone in there? Anyone?" Through a window, he could see that a light had turned on. "Oh, yes, at the door, please!" he yelled, slicking back his hair and standing up a bit straighter.
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