sigh, I never thought I'd be saying this to you guys. Never in a million years would I have seen myself in this situation. Over the past week... something strange has happened to me. I have started to get depressed with my life. Like everything i want so bad cant happen. Like I'm good for nothing.
I've always been one to see the good side of things. to see the glass half full and all that.... but even after i have said to all my friends that I wouldnt give up on life or lose that passion. I can feel it being dragged away by something i cant figure out what is. It's like something is sucking the will out of me.
I'm talking to God about this of course... but I just cant get the feeling to come back. That feeling I had even a week ago... that i could persue my dreams and even if things worked out I'd be happy. I guess I'm getting selfish. I even yelled at my gf and talked selfishly to her.
so i guess all i can do is ask for your prayers...
thanks guys.