Postby Nate » Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:13 am
Okay, perhaps I should expound a bit.
Star Ocean 3, by itself, isn't a particularly bad game. It has its share of problems, to be sure. BIG problems. But overall it's competently made and is at least somewhat interesting storyline-wise.
...until the stupid, stupid, horrible, terrible, garbage, pants-on-head retarded piece of crap awful plot twist halfway through the game. More on that later.
The problem is that Star Ocean 3, compared to 1 and 2, is just...lacking. And limiting. It restricts you far more than the other games did, and for no real good reason. I'm talking, of course, about two things that were a big part of Star Ocean 1 and 2: Crafting and Skills.
Skills were things you used in Crafting. Each type of Crafting required certain skills. Cooking, for example, required three Skills: Kitchen Knife, Recipe, and Good Eye. A character had to have at least one level in all three skills, and when they did, Cooking was available in the Item Creation menu.
The Item Creation menu could be accessed literally anywhere in the game aside from battle of course. Even at the beginning of the game (though you wouldn't actually be able to do anything with it at that point). All you needed was the required skills and a raw material and boom, you could create anything. It probably wouldn't be anything GOOD, but you could do it. Crafting also required certain Talents, and certain equipment and items could improve your chances of making something good (or allow you to make special items) but that's not important to my explanation.
My point is that Crafting in Star Ocean 3 is, well...crap. There's no other way to explain it. It's horrendous. Awful. An insult to the franchise, a flat-out slap in the face to fans of the first two games. You can't even use it until like fifteen hours into the game, not that you'd want to, because it's painfully awful and bad. Really really bad. I don't know how to express how effing terrible it is.
Anyway, back to Star Ocean 1 and 2. The second was Skills. Now, you remember Skills are necessary for Crafting. This is true! However, Skills ALSO served a secondary function. They increased your stats and provided various other benefits. For example, Kitchen Knife. Each level of Kitchen Knife you put points into raises your Strength by 20 x the level. In other words, if you have Claude and give him one level in Kitchen Knife, your Strength immediately increases by 20. Give him a second level, and you get another 20. Ten levels in Kitchen Knife (the highest level you can have in a skill) gives a 200 point bonus to Strength.
Biology gives you an HP increase. Herbal Medicine increases the healing powers of certain items like Blueberries and Blackberries. Effort reduces the amount of experience points your character needs to level up. So on and so forth. Skills were not only useful for creating items, but also made your character stronger! Part of the fun of the game was knowing which skills were best to put points into to best compliment your character's strengths in battle. In fact, without cheating (though that depends on whether you consider reloading a save file repeatedly "cheating") if you played your skills right, and got really lucky, you could have the third most powerful sword in the game not even halfway through disc one (basically you have to steal an item from someone that when used gives you three random items, and the sword is one of the random items the item can give's a really, really low chance, probably less than one percent, but if you reload enough times you can get it).
And Star Ocean 3 has...well, nothing. There's SORT OF "Skills" in the menu, but they're all combat focused and don't do anything to your stats, nor do they let you use any special abilities outside of battle or allow you to create anything.
And that, THAT is why anyone who's played Star Ocean 1 and 2 would understand why the phrase "Star Ocean 3 is my favorite one" could only be spoken by someone who never played the first or second.
Then the plot twist. The stupid plot twist. I won't say what it is, but the plot twist manages to be not only ridiculously nonsensical and idiotic, but ALSO manages to insult people who like the first two games. If you know what the plot twist is, you'll understand why it's insulting...not to mention creates a couple of nice big plot holes, specifically one involving the Time Gate from Star Ocean 1 and another involving the Ten Wise Men from Star Ocean 2.
At any rate, as I said before. Star Ocean 3, by itself, is not a terrible game. It just shouldn't have been a Star Ocean game. It is objectively worse than the first two games in character customization and Item Creation, and has a really stupid and terrible plot twist that made me just throw down the controller and say "Really? REALLY? Come on."
I personally blame Squaresoft for Star Ocean 3's failings. The game was made after the merger between them and Enix. Had Enix stayed its own separate company, Star Ocean 3 would have been a significantly better game, no doubt. As it is, it just stands as a slightly above-average game for anyone who's never played a Star Ocean game before, and a steaming dog turd for anyone who has.
Ezekiel 23:20