OK, usually I wouldn't ask something like this on here but every site and book I have come to only really talks about children 5 years and up.
I know my daughter is just testing her limits and learning (she is almost 13 months) but she does know some things that mommy and daddy don't want her doing and she'll smile and continue doing it anyway. Today she ended up hurting two of her fingers (possibly breaking one of them) and then tried to do the same thing again only five minutes later. I want what is best for her and I know we can't just let her run amuck.
Most people I've talked to say discipline later (like 2 or 3) but I know she will have learned that she can get away with things by then. I feel like I should already know the answers but I don't so here goes my question:
How did you get your kids to behave when they were really young?