Hi all,
I'm sorry to ask for this again as I know it seems to be ongoing.
For the last 2 or 3 days, I have been having extreme amounts of pain. I am on pain medication, have been taking my medication correctly etc. It's 8 to 9/10 pain and the ER docs said they can't give me anything because I'm on so much right now as it is, that they don't want to mess with my body and pain management that I'm already under.
Unfortunately it happens to be a bad few days, plagued with nightmares and waking up gasping in pain (pain meds usually work fine) but they haven't last few days. Unfortunately it isn't uncommon for me to have bad days or anything but I also found out some more situational things that are causing stress which doesn't help. It got to the point where I was vomiting due to the severity. That has stopped thankfully, praise God.
I've only gotten maybe 5 hours of sleep in the last 3 days due to pain and nightmares. It is taking a toll on me as I'm sure it would anyone. In two days I'm am going on a 9 hour car ride (not driving) to GA. If I'm still like that then, it is going to be very hard to deal with. Please just pray that God will continue to give me strength and serenity.
Thanks everyone again. I'm in some support, so if anyone has suggestions on how to deal with physical pain aside from medication and the meditation I'm doing, I'd appreciate a PM.
Love and God bless
All prayers would be appreciated.