@K. Just Tagalog. Father is from the Tagalog region, and my mother from Panggasinan, but she hasn't taught me that dialect.
@Shoo: Salamat.
@ABlip: Thanks again.
@FllMtl Novelist
Anime? Quite a few, actually... I'm the sort of guy who doesn't name a particular favourite because of my personality type, so I'll name stuff from the top of my head in no particular order:
Fate/Stay Night (I don't run an RP based on it for nothing) and most of Nasu's stuff, if I'll ever get to read them
FMA Brotherhood
Code Geass
Death Note (until that certain part where everybody disliked it)
Suzumiya Haruhi
Gurren Lagann
DBZ Kai (though I didn't mind the filler of the original that much either)
Digimon Tamers
Anything involving strategy and commanding units. Special mentions include Civilisation
Advance Wars
The occasional RPG, though I never really played them that much. You can imagine how out of place I'd be when everybody's talking Final Fantasy and Shin Megami Tensei.
Read: Yeah, I don't mind reading. In fact, I'm trying to finish a speed reading program so I can read more. And of course the Word is the best thing anybody can read. I especially enjoy studying scripture passages on Sundays.
Write: It's my goal in life to author a successful Light Novel Series (or maybe Visual Novel, that's cool too). My co-author and I are currently in the stage of world-building it. For practise, I roleplay a lot. Or at least try to, since nowadays, I can't seem to find my muse. Even if I do have it, there's just a bit too many new people joining our site on a regular basis that I have to read over their profiles and help correct errors and the like. I really wish I had more time to write.
Draw: Back when I was in gradeschool, I drew cartoony amateur comics. But that's about it. I'd rather hire an artist to do my LN work, ahaha.
Instrument: I played a lyre back in gradeschool. Aaaaand... that's about it. Though I'd like to learn bagpipes and violins.