I wrote my message when I was very emotional and watching it now I can see that its kinda hard to understand. I'll give you a hopefully more proper explanation this time.
*Prepare for long message*
It all started with me getting together with my girlfriend. A part of me really wanted to as I had liked this girl for a long time, meanwhile a part of me did not want to 'cuz I somehow knew it was the wrong thing to do. I knew that she was going to confess to me like 1-2 days before and I was really nervous and told myself that it would be better for me to stay out of this relationship. Not only 'cuz she is not a christian but due to the fact that I was going through a lot of tests in my life and I was really feeling that I had become alot closer to Jesus than ever before in my life. But after my failure in saying no to her it all started to fall apart. I prayed a lot right after getting together with her and I understood that I had failed but I had to make the best out of the situation and be a good example on how a christian should be. But I see now why God didn't want me to enter this relationship, I simply wasn't ready for this. I was not being a good example due to the fact that I'm a coward and my lack of experience with relationships. And things went on and I was feeling further and further away from God, and I started to sin more and more as well. And with all this happening Satan finally had the chance to get me down even more again. My evil thoughts started to come more and more often, leading me to feeling even more guilt 'cuz of the things that I started to think about and pictures that flashed by in my mind.
I always thought of myself as less of a christian than many others 'cuz of my many flaws and the weeks before this all started are probably the only weeks where I in my heart felt like there was maybe even a place in heaven for me. But the calm feeling in my spirit and joy of life I felt back then have been replaced with a burning feeling in my soul. I feel like I'm just breathing to death. But yesterday at church the priest talked about being saved. He said something like "Not believing you are saved is believing that Jesus dying on the cross wasn't enough" and after coming home from church I looked up a hip hop artist (Which I don't use to listen to). I just searched on his name on youtube for some reason, and he had a new song out which I hadn't heard before so I listened to it. And the song was about what the pastor said, and I understood that God wanted me to understand this. But its hard for my heart to understand, after all this time believing that I will go to hell and trying to change for the better, to think over myself as "saved". Especially now when I'm so messed up and feeling so bad 'cuz of all the things I've done, I just don't know what to do.
Even though I wrote alot about my relationship with my girlfriend in this message, thats not the real core to the problem, and it is certainly not her fault that I'm where I'm at right now.
Warning: The text under this might contain stuff that should be posted in the mature prayer thread, so if you wouldn't read the mature prayer thread than don't read this either.
I might mention another thing why I felt so bad about being together with my girlfriend. I knew that it would get to the point when she would want to have sex, and I hadn't talked to her about that as a christian its a sin to do it before marriage. (I know there is different views on this, but this is what I know in my heart is the right choice for me atleast.) The reason for me not telling her was that I'm a coward and I'm really bad at being serious face to face with someone, especially with something as personal as this.
I know I should have told her much much earlier, and I hate myself so much for this, as it wasn't just hurting myself but I went into a relationship and didn't tell her this which meant that I hurt her too by not telling her before. When I finally told her, which was when I felt we were going to far and if I wouldn't say something now it would be to late. By finally saying this we started to talk about faith and God. It turned out she never believed in God, not even as a kid when most kids believed in God. And explained why I believed in God and Jesus and how it all started. And I told her that I had been a bad example on how a real christian should be. I told her that I had been terrible stupid and said she was free to leave me and I said I wouldn't be mad or anything. Then she said she wouldn't leave me 'cuz of this and said she liked me a lot And after that we haven't talked about it.
If you read through all of this you are really blessed with a good patience, anyway I'm terrible sorry to flood you with all of my problems. Thanks for reading. And thanks for praying for me!