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Postby AnimeGirl » Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:06 pm

Amazing Agent Luna - I bought the second omnibus which had volumes 4 and 5, which were the final volumes. This part of the series was more serious and had alot more action. The deeper part of the series, I guess. I really loved it, my only problem is how it never really had a conclusion and there's still some unanswered questions. However, the writers left a note at the end saying how they purposely had a cliff-hanger ending 'cause they want to hopefully produce a sequel to Luna, which I really hope they do, 'cause for a non-Japanese manga, this was FANTASTIC!

Kimi Ni Todoke, Vol.3 - Still as cute as ever and it's getting really, really interesting, as Sawako's feelings for Kazehaya seems to become more than just admiration. This volume good, but in my opinion, was not as good as the previous volume (that one was excellent!). But I look forward to reading more ^.^

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Vol.20 - Fai's past is finally revealed!!!! This volume actually made me cry a little bit. Fai's past has to be the darkest and saddest of all our dimensional travelers! But there's even more! But I have to get volume 21 for that XD!!! Once I get volume 21, then I will have filled the gap between Tokyo Revelations and Shunraiki!
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Postby Atria35 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:52 pm

Music of Marie vols 1-2 (all)- Well. This was an interesting manga. It took Christianity, twisted it into a fantasy story, and ran with it. I'm not sure what to make of it, because it really turned out to be a mindbender and there were a lot of intertwining elements that made this story just fantastically interesting- I have no idea how they managed to put it all into 2 volumes! Overall, I would say that I really liked it.
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Postby AnimeGirl » Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:53 pm

My friend lended me volumes 8 and 9 of Kitchen Princess. Yeah, I'm starting ahead in the series XD!!!! But I really like it, and now when I return these, I'm going to buy volume 1! I like the storyline and Najika's love and passion for cooking! How she thinks of the people eating her food, and she only wants to provide the best!
"For what use is there in praying if you will only hear what you want to hear." - As I Lay Dying *The Sound Of Truth*

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Postby Atria35 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:52 pm

Model vol 1-2- Well. A fairly sexualized, bishie-filled story about vampires that's surprisingly like Interview with a Vampire, and yet.... I really enjoy it. There seems to be some depth to the story, and the characters interest me.

Kiben Gakuha, Yotsuya Sensei no Kaidan vol. 1-3 (all)- Well, the main guy is like L if he were obsessed with horror stories. I enjoyed this short little romp through the world of horror and mystery, exploring what makes a good horror story, what they can manipulate people into doing (or not), and the mysteries that filled the middle school they were at. I'm glad it ended at three volumes, since while all the stories were good, I can see that they could easily have become repetitive if it had lasted for longer. And with all the drama that happened, I'm glad that it ended up a good note.

EDIT: also finished Venus Versus Virus- Since it panders to my love of horror/goth things, I do think it's a decent story, but at the same time, not as good as others that I've read. If I weren't into this stuff, I'd probably rate it a five or six, but I'm bumping to a seven.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:03 pm

Monster volume 1, is a lot like the anime, though I think it's a lot more enjoyable through the page than the screen. Once the library finishes processing volume two through four, I'm definitely picking them up.

Mushishi volume 1, is also a lot like the anime. This time, though, it's on par with the anime, which only speaks praise for how good this manga is. The last chapter I think might've been the strongest, except maybe for the fourth. Anyways, they're all good, and I love the art for this series. Also picking up once the library processes the next few volumes.
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Postby ich1990 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:13 pm

Violence Hero Riki-oh vol. 1-4

Pretty much exactly what it sounds like.

Cyber Blue vol. 1

Like Fist of the North Star in space. With guns. Probably the most obscure thing I have ever read; only six people on MAL have completed its scant four volumes.

All of which leads me to conclude that there needs to be a series (or at least fanfiction) during which Riki, Blue, and Kenshiro team up to stop a black hole or Satan or something.
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:38 am

Lone Wolf and Cub vol 1- This is not for the kiddies. This follows a disgraced former executioner for the shogun as he, along with his three year old son, go for revenge on those that slaughtered the rest of their clan. Lots of death, some sex, and a whole lot of depth. I'm thrilled my library carries it.

Model 3-5- While I'm not sure I understand everything that's going on - and I'm not sure whether that's me or the translation, I just feel that there is stuff that I'm missing - still pretty interesting. Pretty dark, but interesting.
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Oct 13, 2010 2:56 pm

Imadoki vol 1-5 (all)- typical shoujo romance. Recommended by a friend that really likes it, but then again, she's only skimmed the surface of anime and manga. Definitely not my cup of tea. 6/10

Lone Wolf And Cub vol 2-3 - Epic adventure. I'm not sure I'm interested enough to continue past the fifth volume, which is up to what my library carries, but it definitely is something that is worth reading five volumes of. At 28 volumes, though, with the way the story goes over the first 3 volumes, this is a little too drawn out with not enough intrigue for me. It's a pretty straightforward plot and story.

Dragon Knights vol 1-2- Man. This puts you right in the middle of the story, which does lend itself to being fairly confusing. The panels are a little cluttered and don't flow that well, which also lends to me being lost. Definitely reminds me of CLAMP's work of that time period, though. And.... again, with feeling that it isn't well translated! There are bits of dialogue that don't make sense and conversations that are confusing. So I know that it wasn't done that well. Dangit.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:49 pm

Adolf by Osamu Tezuka - Complete


More historical stuff from Manga no Kami-sama.

This story is about the intertwining destinies of three men named Adolf, and one Japanese reporter named Togei, set mostly in the 1930s/1940s Germany and Japan. Adolf Kaufman is a resident of Kobe and the son of a prominent Nazi officer and a Japanese woman. His father wants him to join the Hitler Youth and become a successful military man for the fatherland. The only problem with all of that is that Kaufman's best friend, Adolf Kamil is Jewish. Kamil is the local baker's son whose family relocated from Germany for safety reasons. As said, Kamil is a great friend to Kaufman, sticking up for him against the bullies who pick on the "white kid." Eventually, against his wishes, Kaufman is enrolled in the Hitler Youth and shipped to Germany's Hitler Schule. Of course, this changes Kaufman's life forever, including his feelings toward Kamil. Kamil himself becomes involved in a plot to discredit the Nazi party. How? The Japanese reporter I mentioned before, Togei, is handed a set of documents that, if they are revealed, could bring down the Nazi party in one fell swoop. The plot of Adolf is driven by the movement of these documents. Do I even need to mention the third Adolf?

I really enjoyed Adolf. I was an exciting series filled with drama, romance and action. While this is a work of fiction, I was surprised at how much actual historical detail Tezuka employed in telling his story. The work is certainly a heavy one, given the subject matter. And, while it is a page-turner, Adolf's characters lack the depth of those found in Buddha or Ode to Kirihito. I suppose that can't be avoided, considering the relatively short length of the series. Still, I just can't help but feel that Tezuka didn't quite hit the heights he is capable of here. However, Adolf is a more-than-solid work and certainly recommended for anyone looking for a historical thriller. 8/10

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Postby Atria35 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:26 pm

Anne Freaks 1 - another one that those of delicate constitution shouldn't be reading. Basically, this guy's mom dies and since it looks like murder (she stabbed herself or somesuch), decides that he has to hide the body. While doing so, he meets a girl that has no qualms about asking him to help her murder her dad. What follows is a bloodfest (but not gorefest) of fighting gang extremists and terrorists in order to rid the world of noe very bad man. Implied incest, abuse, and, of course, bloody death.

Dragon Knights 3-4- Better. The artwork is more together, as is the storyline. I'll keep reading.

Dr. Slump 1- considered one of the more classic Shounen Jump titles (it had a decent run and made over 20 volumes of material), this was not my cup of tea. The humor was hit-or-miss, with several humorous moments involving how the robot was supposed to blend into society (for instance, changing for PE created an awkward situation that was alluded to). But the humor was too crude for the most part, and stylistically, it just didn't jive, with as many visual gags as spoken ones.

re-read Bunny Drop 1 since it finally came to my door. As good as ever!
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:51 pm

Dragon Knights 5-6- Better. It gets less confusing as I keep reading.

Cirque du Freak: Darren Shan 1-3- Oh yeah! Now THIS is good reading! Dark, well told, more..... Good. I'm so happy that my library carries it! :)

Steam Detectives 1- Ugh. An indifferent steampunk detective story. I suppose it's good it you're looking for something that is different, but it seemed like it took a lot of elements from Batman and put them in a steampunk world. Not my particular cup of tea.

Lone Wolf and Cub 4- More fighting, more killing. I liked this volume more than the others, but not enough to read past the fifth volume, which I already checked out.
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Postby AnimeGirl » Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:11 pm

Yesterday I read "The World Stops!" volume 1. It comes with a bonus one-shot called "Moonlit Dead Love" which is also good, too! Today I read it over again XD!!!
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:04 pm

Kare Kano 1-3-.... YES! Finally, a shoujo romance that I can really get behind! Soooo good!

Darren Shan 4- Still dark, still wonderfuly imaginitive. I'm impressed by it.
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Postby Cloud500 » Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:57 pm

20th Century Boys vol. 11

Cross Game vol. 1 (compilation of vol. 1-3)

House of Five Leaves vol. 1
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Postby c.t.,girl » Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:20 am

Now, I'm reading Bakuman! Love this manga. X3

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Postby ich1990 » Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:25 am

Psyren latest chapters

This series is so much like Bleach it is not even funny. Really, it isn't.

Violence Hero Riki-oh vol. 5

The main bad dude who I thought would be the bad dude for the rest of the series spontaneously died. Now I have no idea what is going on.

Battle Tendency vol. 1-2

Ah, JoJo. I have missed thee. This part seems a lot more like the Steel Ball Run JoJo that I know and love than Phantom Blood did. That is solidly a good thing, because it allows for a Nazi commando to be taken out by a cactus.

Muhyo and Roji's Supernatural Investigation vol. 1-2

First volume is decent. The second volume is awesome. Further thoughts are in the Manga Reading Circle thread. I am just hoping that the series doesn't devolve back into its episodic format for the next ten volumes or something.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:12 am

Finally finished MW. This was a great, short series. Deception, intrigue, madness, murder, sin and repetance.... The main baddie reminds me of Johan (or is it the other way around?) in how he's able to decieve people. Loved it lots!

Pandora Hearts 1- fun, dark series. So glad to have gotten around to starting it!
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:23 am

Atria35 (post: 1432316) wrote:The main baddie reminds me of Johan in how he's able to deceive people.
Indeed, this is correct. This likeness is just one of the many ways in which Tezuka has influenced Urasawa.
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Postby Nami » Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:08 am

Bakuman Latest Scanlations! Awesome manga! 10/10!

D. Gray Man Vol. 12, I read 18 already >> stupid library.

Pandora Hearts I think chap 46?

Kuroshitsuji Latest Scanlations! Awesome manga as well.. but I give it a 8/10 for one of the earlier chapters.

And many, many more ^^
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:50 pm

Pluto volume 1-2 It's great, it's Urasawa, and makes me much more interested in reading Tezuka, more than just a historical curiosity. Volume 3-5 our at my house, with 6-8 needing processing.

20th Century Boys volume 4 is basically shaping up to be like FMA, better with every volume. My only complaint is that we had a nice timeskip without informing us until Kanna is shown older.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:01 pm

Claymore Vol 13.

Getting caught up with this book has been a real treat. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the Claymore manga has reminded me how much I love shounen series. For anyone turned off by the non-canonical ending of the anime, pick up the manga at Vol 10. Some critics believe that the storytelling dips a bit w/ 12-14, but I found 13 to be quite enjoyable, if a tad exposition-heavy. That dark, sinister feeling still pervades, and the art is still fantastic. Miria and Claire are still awesome. Another highlight is the "extra" chapters in this volume, these sort of stand-alone chapters unrelated to the main story that flesh out a character's past or retell something from their point of view.

Also, related to Hatter's above post...

Astro Boy "The Greatest Robot On Earth" by Osamu Tezuka

The longish story that Pluto is based on. The reason I read it is so that I could compare Pluto to its source material (I plan to read Pluto after I finish Nausicaa). I found the action entertaining, but, as is generally the case w/ Astro Boy, the characters are meant for the audience (read: they are fairly one-dimensional). It's fun, it's charming and interesting themes lurk for those who will work for them...still, it's far from Tezuka's gekiga-influenced best. Heck, it's not even the series' best story IMO (my personal favorite so far is "Plant People." Beautiful little chapter...).
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Postby airichan623 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:27 pm

I started reading Gentlemen's Cross Alliance at volume 1. It's very cute, but very.......odd.
Can someone tell me if
[spoiler]yaoi or yuri actually are acted upon? The scene near the beginning with the Emperor and Mayori(?) gay dude was weird enough, even if the emperor was trying to get rid of the fangirls that way. And does Ushio have a yuri crush on Haine? its making me kinda nervous[/spoiler] Can anyone tell me if the content improves?


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Postby airichan623 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:28 pm

Atria35 (post: 1430868) wrote:Imadoki vol 1-5 (all)- typical shoujo romance. Recommended by a friend that really likes it, but then again, she's only skimmed the surface of anime and manga. Definitely not my cup of tea. 6/10

wait theres an anime?!? i wanna see that!


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Postby CrystalChalice » Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:59 am

Currently reading the first chapter of Orange Yane no Chiisana Ie.
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Postby ich1990 » Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:40 am

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1432656) wrote:Pluto volume 1-2 It's great, it's Urasawa, and makes me much more interested in reading Tezuka, more than just a historical curiosity. Volume 3-5 our at my house, with 6-8 needing processing.

20th Century Boys volume 4 is basically shaping up to be like FMA, better with every volume. My only complaint is that we had a nice timeskip without informing us until Kanna is shown older.

Very nice choices, man. I was also convinced that I need to read some Astro Boy by Urasawa, if only to understand Pluto's crazy ending. Also, 20th CB time skips a lot. Later in the series it can skip several times per page. It is a little jarring at first, but after a while you will get used to it. Plus, it adds to the mystery, don't you think? You never quite know where you are.
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:49 am

Death Note 5-7- up to where I watched in the anime. *sigh* I guess I'll finish this series out.....

Kare Kano 4-5- I like this a lot more than I thought I would. Terrific series. It brightens my day.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:45 pm

Pluto 3-More Pluto is more awesomeness

Also, Tegami Bachi 43 was okay but a bit disappointing.
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Postby blkmage » Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:19 pm

Genshiken is back in serialization with Genshiken Nidaime, how exciting!
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Postby Atria35 » Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:21 pm

airichan623 (post: 1432861) wrote:wait theres an anime?!? i wanna see that!

Didn't see this earlier- no, there isn't an anime of Imadoki! I just meant that she hasn't seen a whole lot of anime or read a whole lot of manga, so she doesn't have discerning taste. Of course, since a lot of people seem to like Imadoki!, maybe we just have different tastes.

Death Note 8
Tsubasa Chronicle 1-3
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:41 pm

Claymore Vol 14

This volume focuses almost entirely on a couple of secondary (well, until this volume, I guess) cast members, so it isn't my favorite. Having said that, vol 14 sticks pretty close to what has made the series enjoyable thus far: grim fantasy atmosphere, methodical development of the world-history and excellent action. By the end of it, I cared more about them (though one of them is just irredeemably creepy). There are some interesting sort of "Oh, so that's what happened to so-and-so during the time skip" moments. Again, the so-called "extra" chapters were superb. The meeting of Priscilla and Isley...I have pretty much been wanting to see that since Isley was introduced.

Battle Angel Alita Vol 3

Another dark, violent shounen series (though this one doesn't really adhere to the Jump formulas...and it's cyberpunk rather than fantasy). Alita continues to be awesome and interesting as a character. I'm kind of a sucker for elaborately-constructed, fleshed out games or sports unique to a story. It just adds to the authenticity of the atmosphere/world for me. On this score, motorball is pretty fantastic. The series also continues to deal in existential philosophy (though it's not heavy- handed or anything), and I am all for shounen series exploring big ideas.
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