" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1427990) wrote:I know what the word Reformed normally refers to, but I have no/little understanding as to what it means denomination-wise. I'm Lutheran, but first a foremost a bible-believing Christian.
I've never heard of these:
Covenanted Reformed Presbyterian
What are they?
I hadn't even heard of Four Square until several years ago (online).
After all, we are all sinners who have been set free, we all needed it so none of us is "better" than the other...
ChristianKitsune wrote:So what if you go to a different denomination than I do. Do you love Jesus and believe in what he did for us? Do you believe in what the Bible says?
If so, then there is no reason for these sections that we put ourselves in. There is no reason for these petty arguments that really don't matter.
What are those exactly? And who decides what's fundamental?Sheenar (post: 1428130) wrote:I like to keep it simple and down to fundamentals.
"In the fundamentals:unity..."
Sheenar (post: 1428130) wrote:What really matters is the core of Christianity --faith in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross for salvation. .
Nate (post: 1428101) wrote:The major problem is for most people, it does matter. It does matter what different denominations say.
For example, some churches think it is wrong to play music at worship services (it has to do with something about if it isn't mentioned in the NT it isn't allowed, so despite all the verses saying "Play instruments/songs!" in the OT, they never say music was played at services in the NT).
It may seem like a silly belief to us, but to them, it's near and dear to their hearts. It may seem like a trivial thing but to them, it's massively important. You might say "We're Christians and we should love each other!" and their response would be "Then take the music out of your worship services because otherwise you're doing wrong in God's eyes." You might think you're not doing wrong, but they do.
This is the problem. Everyone interprets verses differently. While some of them may be trivial things that we can say "Well, I disagree, but that's okay" a lot of them are things that cause deep divisions because they ARE important to those members. This is the reason denominations exist, because someone says "These guys are sinning by doing x, I'll start a new denomination where x isn't allowed."
Radical Dreamer wrote:I guess my main question is, why is a certain denominational belief near and dear to someone's heart? Is it because it's how they were raised, or is it because it's actually scriptural?
I know that a lot of people say that there is no right way to interpret Scripture, but I think that there is. Or at the very least, some ways are more valid than others.
For instance, some denominations base certain beliefs on verses taken out of their original context. Is it right for them to take that belief and call it an essential of the faith when it's really only Scripture twisted around to say what they want it to say? I don't think that it is.
there might be a lot less if you rule out all of the traditions and practices that people base on Scriptures that they simply aren't reading properly.
I would have less of a problem with denominations if all they were was people of different personal preferences coming together to worship Jesus in the way they prefer
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1428184) wrote:I only wanted to know if anyone believed the same things as me here... XD
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