Nate's argument that moving to Goof Off doesn't make the thread get serious again is actually a case of the horse having already left the barn -- by that time, I submit it wouldn't have anyway.
Shooby wrote: So my proposal, subject to review by the White Wizard, is simply to give people a chance to determine the thread's destiny. Rather than unilateral moves without warning, I think having us suggest when we think the thread is going Goof Off way (notice I didn't say the wrong way) gives people a chance who want to turn the thread back toward serious discussion the chance to do that, and the people who'd prefer to have fun to either back off, or make a parallel thread in Goof Off and leave a link (hint ). Then everyone is happy. I'll even propose a corollary that the mod who gives the warning should not be the one that moves it, just so that it's a collective opinion rather than somebody acting unilaterally. Does that seem fair?
I don't want people to regard thread moves as punitive, because they aren't meant that way, and if it's seen that way then I think us mods should take the blame for that. But there is a purpose behind it.
Nate (post: 1415781) wrote:Well what I meant was, I was more referring to what Corrie said in her post in the thread. Not picking on her, by the way. But one of the things she said was: "I think Rushia was trying to keep the theological debate topics that could've gotten out of hand from coming back and potentially locking the thread."
My statement was, moving the thread to Goof Off does not somehow prevent the theological debate topics from coming back. Someone could easily go into the thread while it is in Goof Off and try to start a theology debate again. So, I don't understand this thought process that "Moving the thread to Goof Off will prevent it from turning back into a debate somehow." The only way I can think of is to delete/edit any posts that try to do that (as well as warn the person trying to stir it back up), and possibly lock the thread if they continue...both of which could easily be done in General, so it's not like Goof Off is somehow a necessary step in the process.
Unless I'm misunderstanding what Corrie was saying there, this is more or less what I was trying to say.
Phill wrote:I think that this is important to note, because in this case Goof Off is, in a way, below General. General is a sort of catch-all for thread topics of note that don't belong anywhere else on the site, whereas Goof Off is the catch-all for anything that doesn't quite make it into General.
Ryan wrote:My second issue with this was the attitude towards the goof-off section of CAA. It seems like there is a level of stigma towards it. Perhaps this is because of the amount of (what some members of CAA would see. This is of course relative to each individual.) useless or unnecessary thread which would overtake a thread which is more likable by a different group of individuals. So a fourth question:
4. Does the goof-off section deserve the stigma that it gets? Or is this simply due to a consensus of people having a similar perspective? Is it fair to qualify one thread as better than another because of time/effort/lolz invested? Should forum behaviors be dictated by this stigma?
From my perspective, I want to say that it seems like this is a case where "The People" (CAA Members) set up the "System" (The stigma against goof-off. Seeing it as a graveyard, etc) and then become bound by the system. We created this stigma of the goof-off thread because of our own perceptions of "good thread" vs "bad thread". Combine this with other people with a similar belief, then the stigma is born. But I would argue that this is unnecessary.
LadyRushia (post: 1415962) wrote:It seems that most of us agree with the proposal of Goof-Off having a more specific focus. Since this is the case, what should that focus be? Should it be just for game threads? Should it include joke threads that aren't games but still purely comical in nature?
My personal feeling is that it should be the latter. That is, just game threads. Doing it that way seems to eliminate a lot of the gray area we're dealing with. I don't see a problem with anything that isn't a game being posted elsewhere on the site, even those occasional member-love threads we get.
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