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Postby Vega » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:45 am


Hes body was trembling. What was hapoening?
Suddenly things around him began to darken. His skin turned pale and he struggled to keep his eyes open.
When Alvar could stay awake no longer he fell to the ground and before loosing all consciousness he mumbled a name.
The mind is so complex when your based. 32 levels. Welcome to my world. --Lil B
I'm not guna let anything take the love from my heart, the love of life and spreading peace and positive, thank you earth I'm alive. --Lil B
Swag like I'm marrow, in my bones. Swag in my bones. Bone Marrow Swag. -- Lil B
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Postby Mister » Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:09 pm

OCC: Sorry for the lack of posting!

Raheem heard the voices, they confused him, then someone shook his shoulder. instantly his mind registered an attack and his hand sub-consciously grabbed his nearby sword, in the same instant his eyes flew open, their black pupils taking int he room at a glance. he roared to life and shoved the elf before him, lunging to his feet in the same motion. he cast about violently and growled one word, "Arach!" his vision blurred slightly and his body began to burn with pain. Raheem looked stopped suddenly and looked at the who had just been trying to help him.

Blood covered his clothes now, he almost grinned. he dropped his sword and sat down on the bed again, he went limp suddenly, but not before he locked eyes with the elven woman helping him and nodded.

Raheem was conscious but weak, so very weak and tired. his minds still burned with the memories of his father's death, a single tear slid from his eyes.

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Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Wed Aug 04, 2010 3:30 am

QuirkyIceHeart (post: 1412345) wrote:OOC: Glad to have you back ^_^

"So what's your name? If I may ask."
Annissa looked at the sling she'd made, and then made eye contact with him before answering. "I'm... Annissa." For a moment, she was silent. She looked at the ground, and then back up. "Thank you for saving me. I was alone... I didn't really have any other place to go, you know?" She mentally kicked herself, and then shrugged. "Anyway... we need to get you somewhere where you can get that arm looked at." She kicked a pebble down the alley and sighed. "Do you have anywhere you can go, ..." It occurred to her that she didn't know his name. She let the sentance hang in the air, not quite sure how to finish it.

OOC: Btw Trevor, you did see that I posted, right? Just curious :sweat: :)
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:59 pm

OOC: Oops! XD I thought I had already posted. My mistake :P
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:09 pm

Wikiwalker (post: 1413784) wrote:Wyn

As Wyn watched Alvar just looked sicker and sicker. Maybe he's not crazy, just dehydrated or something? He had been dehydrated enough before that he started seeing things an acting crazy. He slowly lowered his knife to the ground, keeping his eyes on the elf the entire time, and then wrote on a piece of paper: Dehydrated?, his penmanship suffered because he was still watching the young elf. He crumpled the paper up and tossed it to Phox with an exaggerated overhand motion, so that Alvar could still tell what he was doing.


Phox had caught the paper, but watched Alvar collapse before flatening it out and reading it. Dehbilatrated? No, that's definately a "Y"... Oh, Dehydrated. "Well, there is one way to find out. But first we should see if he's dangerous in this state."
Phox walked cautiously over to Alvar, crouched, and poked him. Phox stayed crouched for a few moments before looking back at Wyn. "He's safe." Umia... I wonder what that is? We'll find out when he wakes up. This is too strange for secrets.
That out of the way, Phox reached down and grabbd one of Alvar's arms, holding it where Wyn and Dominick(if he was paying attention, he currently seemed to be asleep, which wasn't a normal reaction to the syrup) could see.
"If he is dehydrated, when I do this," Phox grabbed the skin on Alvar's forearm, and pulled it out into a little flap between his fingers, "it'll stay like that when I let go..." Phox let go.

[OOC: Vega, up to you whether he is dehydrated or not.]
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Postby Yamamaya » Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:36 pm

Ella Edric (post: 1413070) wrote:OOC: Ok, i need to let you all knnow that Hetharu has quit the RPG. She is very busy, and has given me control over Luan and his dragon. I may change Luan's name also, so keep an eye out for that. If I take over him I'm gonna change it so I'm not totally taking Hetharu's chara. :)

Lucia sighed. "Very well..." she said with a struggle. "I will allow you to stay... for now." She smiled, then her attention went to one of the guards. "Assign him a room please, and guide him to it."
The man nodded, the went to it.

OOC: Yama, you can have Svein somehow try and stay with Lucia and talk to her if you want. :)

"Thank you." This was going a lot better than he expected. He was personally interested in what these assassins were after. Svein turned around and started to walk away. "By the way I never caught your name."
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Postby Davidizer13 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:47 am


As Mellara leaned towards the man to inspect his wounds, his eyes snapped open, and before she could hold him down (not as if it would have helped anyway), he leapt to his feet and yelled. "No, wait! Sit down!" she said, rushing to his side as he stumbled in pain. "You've been hurt. Just...just sit down, all right?" Carefully, she nudged him to sit back on the bed. "You'll reopen your wounds if you do that ag- Oh, wonderful, you did it anyway." She grabbed a bandage she was preparing earlier and used it to sop up the blood that dribbled from the gash in his thigh.

"Now, listen, I don't know what you're doing around here, mister, but you sure aren't going to be doing it for a while. Not in that condition. So, let's not do that again, shall we? Why don't we get to know each other, in the meantime; what's your name?"
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Postby Vega » Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:14 am

OOC: Dehydration could definatly be a part of it but Alvar is also dealing with a mental sickness of sorts. But for now, Dehydration it is! ^^
The mind is so complex when your based. 32 levels. Welcome to my world. --Lil B
I'm not guna let anything take the love from my heart, the love of life and spreading peace and positive, thank you earth I'm alive. --Lil B
Swag like I'm marrow, in my bones. Swag in my bones. Bone Marrow Swag. -- Lil B
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Postby Mister » Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:12 am

Raheem looked at the elf talking to him and said, "Raheem Hurluk, son of Sahid Maklifar Hurluk, and you are?" his voice was somewhat weak, and his breath was coming in large gasps.

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Postby TGJesusfreak » Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:09 pm

QuirkyIceHeart (post: 1412345) wrote:OOC: Glad to have you back ^_^

"So what's your name? If I may ask."
Annissa looked at the sling she'd made, and then made eye contact with him before answering. "I'm... Annissa." For a moment, she was silent. She looked at the ground, and then back up. "Thank you for saving me. I was alone... I didn't really have any other place to go, you know?" She mentally kicked herself, and then shrugged. "Anyway... we need to get you somewhere where you can get that arm looked at." She kicked a pebble down the alley and sighed. "Do you have anywhere you can go, ..." It occurred to her that she didn't know his name. She let the sentance hang in the air, not quite sure how to finish it.

OOC: SORRY! I had a brain glitch and thought I'd already posted.... and here I was waiting for you to post Jordan XDDD. Ok so here I go:

"Annissa" he said under his breath, and subconciously burning it into his mind.

"Thank you for saving me." She began. He immidiately focused on what she was saying "I was alone... I didn't really have any other place to go, you know?"

Richard sat there not sure what to say. He looked at her for a second, a young beautiful girl in appearance, but broken inside, alone. He smiled at her "It was nothing" stupid thing to say, he mentaly cringed. "and I'm happy to give you a place to stay. M father and I live about a half mile from here. I'm sure he'd let you stay the night at least." Richard saw her sullen expression. "Hey," he said "come on" He stood up and reached out a hand to her. "lets go." He smiled.
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:43 pm


"Hey, it works! I wasn't really sure if it would... That's actually kinda gross..." Phox grabbed his water gourd and gave it a shake. The water level was painfully low. I think there's more going on here than just dehydration, though... He placed the gourd back in it's sling and stood up. He'll probably get the most out of it when he wakes, so... Phox looked at Alvar. "Well, I guess I'll have to carry him."

Phox grabbed Alvar and easily hoisted him up, swinging him around till he was piggy back on Phox. I think it'll be fine. I pocketed his knife where he can't get it, and he's rather weak right now... Phox resumed his position in the lead, Dominick trailing behind, Wyn leading the donkeys. Everyone had just about had enough adventure for these long two days, and if all went well, it'd be the last adventure for awhile for the brothers at least. It'd get real interesting for Phox. And it might be kinda short. Phox quickly changed his thoughts.

"Wyn, you're awfully quiet."

[OOC: Wiki? You still out there?]
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Postby Wikiwalker » Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:44 am

Rusty Claymore (post: 1415127) wrote:Phox

"Hey, it works! I wasn't really sure if it would... That's actually kinda gross..." Phox grabbed his water gourd and gave it a shake. The water level was painfully low. I think there's more going on here than just dehydration, though... He placed the gourd back in it's sling and stood up. He'll probably get the most out of it when he wakes, so... Phox looked at Alvar. "Well, I guess I'll have to carry him."

Phox grabbed Alvar and easily hoisted him up, swinging him around till he was piggy back on Phox. I think it'll be fine. I pocketed his knife where he can't get it, and he's rather weak right now... Phox resumed his position in the lead, Dominick trailing behind, Wyn leading the donkeys. Everyone had just about had enough adventure for these long two days, and if all went well, it'd be the last adventure for awhile for the brothers at least. It'd get real interesting for Phox. And it might be kinda short. Phox quickly changed his thoughts.

"Wyn, you're awfully quiet."

[OOC: Wiki? You still out there?]

OOC: sorry, I just had a really crazy work schedule. Closing one night until almost one, and then I was supposed to be back at work at six thirty the next morning. It's on the bottom ten worst days of my life, I have no idea how I didn't end up in fist fights with customers who wanted their roast beef cut "as thin as you can get it." :mutter: Roast beef does not get that thin! :waah!: I hate roast beef! I'm glad I'm a vegetarian now. I hate roast beef!:rant: So getting back to posting.


Wyn rolled his eyes at Phox's comment. And stopped to look at Dominick who was staring straight ahead blankly. He waved a hand in front of Dominick's face a cold chill running through his body. Could the stimulant be affecting him really badly? He thought beginning to panic. "If you're messing with me I'll kill you!" he signed to Dominick, but he got no response. He turned to Phox pointing at Dominick and glaring ferociously. What is this? He thought the meaning should get across.

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

[color="Pink"]TGJesusfreak: Is the chatroom gonna self destruct or somethin?
Chatbot: Yes[/color]

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Postby Rusty Claymore » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:36 pm

[OOC: No problem! Just checking in! n.n I would have gotten into the fight. XD]


"Hmm? Oh, yeah that is kinda weird." Phox stopped to look at Dominick. "That's not really supposed to be the effect of what I gave him, but I guess that's what we get for mixing drugs." Wyn didn't seem very impressed at this comment, so Phox added, "It was either that or the old fashioned way of knocking him out. His jitters were freaking me out. Normally he'd just get unnaturally calm, but between the two I think he kinda just stopped. He's still breathing though."

Suddenly, Phox felt his humor dry out. He hadn't slept for longer than he could remember, he'd witness some fairly gruesome stuff, incompacitiated one of his companions, had to piggy back a mentally unstable elf, and got yelled at by someone who couldn't speak. All this on his way, by his own choice, to his own death sentence. This had to be the longest night in his life. No, second longest...

The harrowing memory that thought brought on kept Phox from snapping at Wyn. "Look, there's nothing we can do right now, we just have to wait for both drugs to wear off. And hopefully before Alvar wakes. Till then, is there room on a donkey or should I carry him too?"

Phox realized he probably sounded like he was grilling Wyn, so he looked down at the ground and said quietly, "We should keep moving. The sooner we get to a village the better." He shifted Alvar onto his shoulder, handed Wyn the torch, and hoisted Dominick onto the other. There was no way he would go very far like that, but the extra exhertion would help him calm down. Wyn probably thought he completely lost it, or had a long time ago.

He was probably right.
Proverbs 31:32 "...when she watches anime, she keeps the room well lit and sits at a safe distance."
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Postby Davidizer13 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:27 pm

Mellara and Streyvash

"Mellara Halisan, apprentice healer. That's my husband, Strey, over there, with his student Umia. But that's not important right now; you need to rest, so just lie back and sleep. Please?"

Strey stepped up and tapped her on the shoulder. "Mel, a word." He pulled her to the side, away from Raheem and Umia.

"What is it?"

He pulled Mel closer and whispered to her. "Ah, if I remember right, the Hurluks are the Galdorian ruling family right now. Maybe. It may be nothing, but, if I'm right, then...we may have an international incident on our hands, courtesy of our friend here." He nodded at Umia. "Whatever happens, make sure he survives, all right?"

Mel nudged Strey. "Did you think I'd let him die?" she said with a sarcastic smirk.

"Come on, be serious about this! If you aren't, there could be serious repercussions for all of us. Do you understand?"

"I know. Just let me do my work; this isn't your field, it's mine, so leave me alone to do it."

"If you insist..." Strey sat back down next to Umia and rubbed his temples. It was going to be a long day.
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Postby Mister » Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:14 am

Raheem coughed a little as he lay down and said, "its impolite to whisper when in the company of others." his body hurt and throbbed with pain. he closed hsi eyes briefly and took a deep breath. "I'm looking... for my father's...killer," his words came short and slowly, "he's... an... Arach... Elf. take me... to the land... of the Arach..." he pulled a pouch from his side and held it out to the elves, it's gold contents clinked as it moved. "you could... buy half... of this city..." he mumbled weakly, "with... this... amount..." his grasp weakened and he dropped the pouch, scattering the coins. his breathing slowed and evened out as he slipped into unconsciousness.

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Postby Lynna » Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:37 pm

OOC: I'M BACK!!!....but...only until Sunday evening...then I'll be gone for another week...so let's do what we can!!
Umia waited and waited for Strey to say something. She held her breath and counted, and when he didn't answer her she let it out. 'I'll deal with whatever he says to me later' she thought 'untill then...'
Umia jumped at the name. She realized it had been spoken by the Man. Unseen by Mellara (Umia had figured out already that Mellara not only didn't believe her, she thought her potentially dangerous) edged closer slightly and strained her sharp ears to hear every word. When she had heard everything she walked over and said
"Hey" She said "I'm going to the land of arach. I was planning to leave today. But the thing is, I'm not allowed to go, and I'd rather avoid running away. But if, as my Teacher says, your family is ruling Galdor, maybe, If you were with me, I could convince them to let me go! I'll take you with me" She didn't care if she revealed her escape plan to Mellara and Strey. All she cared was that she could be free to leave her country without having to worry about her house being stolen of being named a traitor. But as she spoke the words, another thought came to her "hey...do you know the name of the Arachian you're trying to kill? They aren't a member of the Arachian Royal family are they?"
OOC: Umia hasn't noticed he's unconcious. And, of course Mellara won't let her close enough to shake him awake, so can we just pretend he heard her last words?
I Believe in the Sun/Even when It's not shining/I belive in Love/Even When I Don't Feel it/And I Believe in God/Even when He is silent/And I, I Believe ---BarlowGirl
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:13 pm

[OOC: Welcome back! Is it morning yet?!? XP Hmm, the Arachians are really taking heat! Killing people's fathers and having their dragons de- whoops, spoiler! XP]
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Postby Mister » Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:20 am

(OCC: that's fine Lynna.)

Just before passing out Raheem heard the words of the young elf he'd met that night, and something skipped in his heart, he finally had the chance he needed! but then his heart sank, all he knew about his father's killer was his face, his voice, and the cloak he'd torn from him as he had escaped. Raheem's minds began to darken with unconsciousness, soon he'd be asleep, but he knew that when he awoke he'd make plans for revenge.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby Wikiwalker » Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:45 pm

Rusty Claymore (post: 1415517) wrote:[OOC: No problem! Just checking in! n.n I would have gotten into the fight. XD]


"Hmm? Oh, yeah that is kinda weird." Phox stopped to look at Dominick. "That's not really supposed to be the effect of what I gave him, but I guess that's what we get for mixing drugs." Wyn didn't seem very impressed at this comment, so Phox added, "It was either that or the old fashioned way of knocking him out. His jitters were freaking me out. Normally he'd just get unnaturally calm, but between the two I think he kinda just stopped. He's still breathing though."

Suddenly, Phox felt his humor dry out. He hadn't slept for longer than he could remember, he'd witness some fairly gruesome stuff, incompacitiated one of his companions, had to piggy back a mentally unstable elf, and got yelled at by someone who couldn't speak. All this on his way, by his own choice, to his own death sentence. This had to be the longest night in his life. No, second longest...

The harrowing memory that thought brought on kept Phox from snapping at Wyn. "Look, there's nothing we can do right now, we just have to wait for both drugs to wear off. And hopefully before Alvar wakes. Till then, is there room on a donkey or should I carry him too?"

Phox realized he probably sounded like he was grilling Wyn, so he looked down at the ground and said quietly, "We should keep moving. The sooner we get to a village the better." He shifted Alvar onto his shoulder, handed Wyn the torch, and hoisted Dominick onto the other. There was no way he would go very far like that, but the extra exhertion would help him calm down. Wyn probably thought he completely lost it, or had a long time ago.

He was probably right.


Wyn balled up his fists, he wanted more than anything to punch Phox in the face, knock a few teeth out, maybe break his nose. The only thing that held Wyn back was the logical part of him that said there was no point to that, just yet. He held the image of the boathouse full of dead villagers in his mind telling himself it was for their sake that he had to follow this dangerous stranger. There is nothing you can do but wait for Dominick to wake up, he told himself. And Alvar, you can't leave him here with this guy. Wait, getting angry is pointless now.

Wyn took deep breaths and slowly released his fists, he picked up the donkey's leads from the ground, and holding them in one hand (not the safest thing in the world to do with two tired grouchy donkeys) he put his arm around Dominick's shoulders and guided his entranced brother back onto the trail.

Looking back over his shoulder he tried as hard as he could to convey all his anger and annoyance into a long glare, and then motioned with his chin for Phox to walk ahead. We better reach that village soon and they better have an inn with feather beds, he thought, I am so tired.

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

[color="Pink"]TGJesusfreak: Is the chatroom gonna self destruct or somethin?
Chatbot: Yes[/color]

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Postby Rusty Claymore » Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:23 pm

Wikiwalker (post: 1417051) wrote:Wyn

Wyn balled up his fists, he wanted more than anything to punch Phox in the face, knock a few teeth out, maybe break his nose. The only thing that held Wyn back was the logical part of him that said there was no point to that, just yet. He held the image of the boathouse full of dead villagers in his mind telling himself it was for their sake that he had to follow this dangerous stranger. There is nothing you can do but wait for Dominick to wake up, he told himself. And Alvar, you can't leave him here with this guy. Wait, getting angry is pointless now.

Wyn took deep breaths and slowly released his fists, he picked up the donkey's leads from the ground, and holding them in one hand (not the safest thing in the world to do with two tired grouchy donkeys) he put his arm around Dominick's shoulders and guided his entranced brother back onto the trail.

Looking back over his shoulder he tried as hard as he could to convey all his anger and annoyance into a long glare, and then motioned with his chin for Phox to walk ahead. We better reach that village soon and they better have an inn with feather beds, he thought, I am so tired.

[OOC: For the sake of Wyn and Phox not tearing out eachother's throats, I'm going to advance time a little.]

At long last, the sky began to brighten. The group had gone on in silence since the Alvar event. Although Dominick had recovered enough to walk on his own, either he couldn't speak yet or he sensed the animosity in the air and held his peace.

The trail had come out upon a road, and the road had made it's way steadily uphill, till it crested against the sky. Phox had led from a farther distance than when they had started, and when he reached the top of the hill Wyn and Dominick were still a distance away. Phox looked down upon the Arach village.

He could turn around. He didn't need to go down there. Would my presence add to the urgency of our intent? Or would it just complicate things, and cast a shadow upon the events of the fishing village? He turned to look at the brothers, who were almost halfway up the hill towards him. Wyn's cutting glare still lingered in his eyes. Animosity from behind, hatred to the front. It was a lose/lose.

To go forward was death. To walk away, starvation. Game was extremely scarce in these woods, and Phox didn't have enough supplies to beat his bad luck in a hunting sortie. The brothers were almost upon him now. With the events sure to transpire in the Arach village, Phox might as well sprout horns and devour Alvar right in front of them. It was his word vs. all the Arach, and that garunteed he would be portayed a demon. Deep inside, the weary yet still perservearing sarcastic voice added, Although that'd be unfortuneate for Al. And he doesn't look like he'd taste very good...

Phox turned and started for the village. He would go quietly. To raise his sword in his own defense against Arachs that hadn't done anything personally against him would only make her cry.

Reaching down to his small sealed pouch, he drew the small knife he kept by it, and cut the threads he had used long ago to tie shut the pouch's lid. Undoing the fastener, he retreived one of the pouch's two contents. Without looking at it, he fastened the small cast iron brooch around his neck. It's gentle pressure would garuntee that no onset of emmotion would change his mind.

Phox didn't dare look back at the brothers untill his vision had cleared.
Proverbs 31:32 "...when she watches anime, she keeps the room well lit and sits at a safe distance."
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Postby Wikiwalker » Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:20 pm

Rusty Claymore (post: 1417074) wrote:[OOC: For the sake of Wyn and Phox not tearing out eachother's throats, I'm going to advance time a little.]

At long last, the sky began to brighten. The group had gone on in silence since the Alvar event. Although Dominick had recovered enough to walk on his own, either he couldn't speak yet or he sensed the animosity in the air and held his peace.

The trail had come out upon a road, and the road had made it's way steadily uphill, till it crested against the sky. Phox had led from a farther distance than when they had started, and when he reached the top of the hill Wyn and Dominick were still a distance away. Phox looked down upon the Arach village.

He could turn around. He didn't need to go down there. Would my presence add to the urgency of our intent? Or would it just complicate things, and cast a shadow upon the events of the fishing village? He turned to look at the brothers, who were almost halfway up the hill towards him. Wyn's cutting glare still lingered in his eyes. Animosity from behind, hatred to the front. It was a lose/lose.

To go forward was death. To walk away, starvation. Game was extremely scarce in these woods, and Phox didn't have enough supplies to beat his bad luck in a hunting sortie. The brothers were almost upon him now. With the events sure to transpire in the Arach village, Phox might as well sprout horns and devour Alvar right in front of them. It was his word vs. all the Arach, and that garunteed he would be portayed a demon. Deep inside, the weary yet still perservearing sarcastic voice added, Although that'd be unfortuneate for Al. And he doesn't look like he'd taste very good...

Phox turned and started for the village. He would go quietly. To raise his sword in his own defense against Arachs that hadn't done anything personally against him would only make her cry.

Reaching down to his small sealed pouch, he drew the small knife he kept by it, and cut the threads he had used long ago to tie shut the pouch's lid. Undoing the fastener, he retreived one of the pouch's two contents. Without looking at it, he fastened the small cast iron brooch around his neck. It's gentle pressure would garuntee that no onset of emmotion would change his mind.

Phox didn't dare look back at the brothers untill his vision had cleared.

[OOC: I hoped you would do that]


There was no real transition, one minute Dominick was--sort of--asleep, the next he was awake and very confused. He had his arm around Wyn shoulder and Wyn was supporting him and helping him walk. He had no idea where they were.

He let go of Wyn and, finding he could stand fine on his own, took stock of his surroundings. Up ahead Phox was carrying an elf on his shoulders. Who is that? Wait. Dominick sorted out his memories, it was difficult as some had become confused with his dreams. Is his name Alvar? But he wasn't out before, was he?

He turned back to find Wyn making animated signs at him.

"Are you alright? How do you feel? Do you remember anything? What's thirty-seven times twenty-three?"

"Um . . ." Dominick paused. "eight-hundred-fifty-one, and I feel fine. What happened to Alvar?"

"Can you walk on your own?" Wyn ignored Dominick's question, his face a mix of concern and anger.

Dominick took a step back. "Yeah, I'm fine . . . just a bit confused." What is he so upset about?

Relief flooded Wyn face, Dominick was afraid he was either going to cry, or hug him or do both.

"Um, Phox is leaving us behind." Dominick pointed to where Phox was, several yards ahead on the trail.

Wyn's face changed completely the second Dominick said Phox's name. "Who needs Phox?" he signed his hands quivering with rage.

Dominick didn't know what had happened, but he did know that this was the wrong time to ask about it, and Wyn was probably the wrong person to ask anyway. "Um, I dunno, probably no-one." Wyn clearly needed some time to cool off from--whatever it was that had set him off so bad. "Just a minute." Dominick turned and rushed up the trail to where Phox was trudging along hauling Alvar on his shoulders.

"Hey," he said. "Wyn doesn't seem too thrilled about something. He won't answer my questions, anyway, I'm confused, what just happened to me, and why are you carrying Alvar around?"

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

[color="Pink"]TGJesusfreak: Is the chatroom gonna self destruct or somethin?
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:12 pm

Wikiwalker (post: 1417152) wrote:[OOC: I hoped you would do that]


There was no real transition, one minute Dominick was--sort of--asleep, the next he was awake and very confused. He had his arm around Wyn shoulder and Wyn was supporting him and helping him walk. He had no idea where they were.

He let go of Wyn and, finding he could stand fine on his own, took stock of his surroundings. Up ahead Phox was carrying an elf on his shoulders. Who is that? Wait. Dominick sorted out his memories, it was difficult as some had become confused with his dreams. Is his name Alvar? But he wasn't out before, was he?

He turned back to find Wyn making animated signs at him.

"Are you alright? How do you feel? Do you remember anything? What's thirty-seven times twenty-three?"

"Um . . ." Dominick paused. "eight-hundred-fifty-one, and I feel fine. What happened to Alvar?"

"Can you walk on your own?" Wyn ignored Dominick's question, his face a mix of concern and anger.

Dominick took a step back. "Yeah, I'm fine . . . just a bit confused." What is he so upset about?

Relief flooded Wyn face, Dominick was afraid he was either going to cry, or hug him or do both.

"Um, Phox is leaving us behind." Dominick pointed to where Phox was, several yards ahead on the trail.

Wyn's face changed completely the second Dominick said Phox's name. "Who needs Phox?" he signed his hands quivering with rage.

Dominick didn't know what had happened, but he did know that this was the wrong time to ask about it, and Wyn was probably the wrong person to ask anyway. "Um, I dunno, probably no-one." Wyn clearly needed some time to cool off from--whatever it was that had set him off so bad. "Just a minute." Dominick turned and rushed up the trail to where Phox was trudging along hauling Alvar on his shoulders.

"Hey," he said. "Wyn doesn't seem too thrilled about something. He won't answer my questions, anyway, I'm confused, what just happened to me, and why are you carrying Alvar around?"


Dominick's approach and questions surprised Phox a little. He knew the brothers could converse as well if not better than others, and had seen as well as heard them conversing. Phox assumed minimal information had passed between the two, so he decided to explain all of it.

"It started when I gave you that syrup. It's called Valkyrie's Kiss, a nerve relaxing agent given to mortally wounded soldiers on the battle field. It prevents them from going into shock, allowing them to pass in peace. It's also used to keep jittery soldiers from snapping during stealth operations or while hiding.

"Under normal circumstances, it would have left you dazed but still functional. But combined with whatever it was you took before, it turned into a knockout drug, although somehow you remained on your feet." Phox shifted Alvar on his shoulders. "Almost as soon as you were out of it, Al here snapped, shouting about not killing people while waving a knife around. Then he collapsed, and been like this ever since. He's also severely dehydrated, which needs to be rememdied as soon as possible. As for Wyn..."

Phox glanced over his shoulder at the elder brother. "As far as I can tell, he's upset I gave you that syrup. He also thinks I'm a very dangerous threat. It's in his eyes."

Phox kept walking, having said all he though nescessary. If Dominick had any questions, Phox knew he'd ask.
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Postby Lynna » Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:20 pm

OOC: Okay people, I'm going to Bible Camp now, so I'll be away for another week. Try and keep things going untill then, and Mister, if Davidizer doesn't post anytime soon, I think it would be a good idea to wake your chara up again.
I Believe in the Sun/Even when It's not shining/I belive in Love/Even When I Don't Feel it/And I Believe in God/Even when He is silent/And I, I Believe ---BarlowGirl
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Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:16 pm

OOC: Dangit, I missed her! Ah well...

Mellara and Streyvash
"He's unconscious; he can't hear you," said Strey, studying the coins in the bag. They were stamped with the profile of a human and inscribed with some Galdorian script - he'd have to transcribe it to elfin script when he had time.

"Wait a minute," said Mellara, "you aren't going to use this as an opportunity to run away, are you? We still don't know if you truly tried to kill him or not, until he wakes up and speaks his side of the story, so whatever plans you've got will have to go on hold for a while. He's in no condition to travel, obviously, and he will be for a few more days. At least! So just forget leaving, all right?"

"Mel, don't be so hard on her! There's no evidence she did anything to him; not yet, so in the meantime, calm down."

"Calm down?! The guy's half-dead, and his murderer's right there, so why wouldn't I be hard on her?" She cleared her throat. "Ah, great, if we keep fighting, he'll wake up. We'll talk about this later, but she sticks around, agreed?"

"Agreed. It's for your own good, Umia, so stay in town until we get this sorted out. Surely you must understand."
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Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:36 am

TGJesusfreak (post: 1414663) wrote:OOC: SORRY! I had a brain glitch and thought I'd already posted.... and here I was waiting for you to post Jordan XDDD. Ok so here I go:

"Annissa" he said under his breath, and subconciously burning it into his mind.

"Thank you for saving me." She began. He immidiately focused on what she was saying "I was alone... I didn't really have any other place to go, you know?"

Richard sat there not sure what to say. He looked at her for a second, a young beautiful girl in appearance, but broken inside, alone. He smiled at her "It was nothing" stupid thing to say, he mentaly cringed. "and I'm happy to give you a place to stay. My father and I live about a half mile from here. I'm sure he'd let you stay the night at least." Richard saw her sullen expression. "Hey," he said "come on" He stood up and reached out a hand to her. "lets go." He smiled.

She looked at him in surprise. I'm being allowed to stay...? After thinking it through, she smiled back at him, and extended her own hand.
The walk to where the boy lived was relatively uneventful, though she couldn't help but twitch at every shadow and sound. Richard, as she learned his name was, was the only thing that kept her from going into complete panic mode. After all, not minutes before had a shadow REALLY turned out to be a man. It wasn't her fault she was skittish after that, she decided.
Richard himself was... different from other people she'd known. Other people had been nice to her, of course, but his kindness seemed born out of genuine concern. She turned to look at him, though the dark made it difficult to see.He didn't have to protect me... so why did he?
Annissa was jerked back from her thoughts when she felt her arm being tapped.
"We're here," Richard said.

OOC: Ah!! Sorry ^^; My computer's been malfunctioning, to add to my lack of concentration... Well, here now! :) And tell me if I ever make Richard go out of character, or anything ^^;
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Postby Wikiwalker » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:17 pm

Rusty Claymore (post: 1417263) wrote:Phox

Dominick's approach and questions surprised Phox a little. He knew the brothers could converse as well if not better than others, and had seen as well as heard them conversing. Phox assumed minimal information had passed between the two, so he decided to explain all of it.

"It started when I gave you that syrup. It's called Valkyrie's Kiss, a nerve relaxing agent given to mortally wounded soldiers on the battle field. It prevents them from going into shock, allowing them to pass in peace. It's also used to keep jittery soldiers from snapping during stealth operations or while hiding.

"Under normal circumstances, it would have left you dazed but still functional. But combined with whatever it was you took before, it turned into a knockout drug, although somehow you remained on your feet." Phox shifted Alvar on his shoulders. "Almost as soon as you were out of it, Al here snapped, shouting about not killing people while waving a knife around. Then he collapsed, and been like this ever since. He's also severely dehydrated, which needs to be rememdied as soon as possible. As for Wyn..."

Phox glanced over his shoulder at the elder brother. "As far as I can tell, he's upset I gave you that syrup. He also thinks I'm a very dangerous threat. It's in his eyes."

Phox kept walking, having said all he though nescessary. If Dominick had any questions, Phox knew he'd ask.


"Huh." So much happened since I was out. Dominick glanced back at his brother walking several steps behind, his hair in his eyes, his head bowed. The tension was so strong it seemed to hang in the air with the early morning mist. "I don't think I've ever seen him get so mad at anyone who didn't pull a knife on us. It's probably just because he's tired and hungry, and our routine's been messed up, inventory should have been yesterday and . . . " Dominick pictured the boathouse in his mind and shuddered, bile rose in his throat but he swallowed it down. " . . . a lot has happened . . ."


I'm overreacting, I know, Wyn thought, but I can't let anything happen to Dominick, he would still be safe at home if it weren't for me. He'd probably be taller. All that street living back then while he was still growing is probably what made him so short. He would eventually have taken over the store. He probably would have done well. And he'd be safe, far away from whoever, or whatever it was that killed all those people. And that Phox guy.

Wyn looked up, Phox and Dominick were walking far in front of him, talking about something. I can't believe Dominick is so naive, he has no idea what real danger is like. He thinks going with this guy will make interesting things happen, he's definitely right, but interesting things are the things that get you killed. As soon as we reach that town and straighten all this out we're going back to being on our own, maybe take Alvar with us if he wants, but we are not staying with Phox. Not even Dominick can convince me. Wyn glared at Phox's back and steeled himself in preparation for stopping his brother's onslaught of convincing arguments. Nothing in the world will convince me to stay within a hundred miles of this guy.

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

[color="Pink"]TGJesusfreak: Is the chatroom gonna self destruct or somethin?
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Postby Mister » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:08 pm

Raheem awoke shortly after he had passed out, just in time to hear all that was happening. he opened his eyes and looked at the trio, obviously the two older elves were close, siblings? cousins perhaps? or married? Raheem tried to sort things out in his mind, the girl he had barged in on was being accused of attacking him.

Rising to one elbow he shook his head and said, "Please, both of you. this girl, Umia? did not attack me, if you need proof, look in her eyes. i doubt she could kill a man unless she was forced to do so. she has innocent eyes." Raheem sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, and leaned against the wall. he was displeased to see that all his things were still in the inn.

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Postby Lynna » Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:11 pm

Davidizer13 (post: 1417294) wrote:OOC: Dangit, I missed her! Ah well...

Mellara and Streyvash
"He's unconscious]he[/I]'ll wake up. We'll talk about this later, but she sticks around, agreed?"

"Agreed. It's for your own good, Umia, so stay in town until we get this sorted out. Surely you must understand."

Umia said nothing, but walked slowly to her room, put her face on her pillow and cried. Once she regained her composure she ran back to find Raheem awake.
"Please, both of you. this girl, Umia? did not attack me, if you need proof, look in her eyes. I doubt she could kill a man unless she was forced to do so. she has innocent eyes."
All her composure crumbled. She quickly wiped her tears and tried to smile. She fealt like a brick had been taken from her heart 'Someone believes me' she thought ' he believes me!
"Thank you" she said quietly "How are you feeling?" she glanced over at Mellara and Strey too see what thier reaction to Raheem's words
I Believe in the Sun/Even when It's not shining/I belive in Love/Even When I Don't Feel it/And I Believe in God/Even when He is silent/And I, I Believe ---BarlowGirl
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Postby Mister » Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:27 pm

Raheem smiled weakly at the girl and said, " i am well, i've seen worse days than these. are you well? you've been crying, i must have scared you when i barged in." he let out a sigh and grinned as he said, "i am sorry for the intrusion, please pardon my rude behaviors."

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Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:05 am


I knew it! thought Strey. Umia isn't that type of person. She's better than her brother; she's no murderer. "Oh, perfectly understandable, about what you did," he said, realizing after the fact that he was trying to justify damage to things that weren't his own, despite what Umia might say. Of course, the guy was a prince; antagonizing with people like that usually wasn't a good idea. Maybe. "Ah, tell me, what has been going on in Galdor lately?"
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