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Postby Lynna » Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:54 pm

TG and I are doing our first RPG together, and we're both co-GMs ^_^

lonely and isolated, the people of the continent of Sepparia is divided into 4 groups. This always has been and always will, or so they say. These 4 tribes keep to themselves, and only a few intermingle.
Then, one day, A strange group of people emerge, unlike any ever seen before. Their numbers are few, and they have come from a far off, but nolonger existing, continent. They claim to come in peace, but not long after they arrive, strange things begin to occur. What are thier true intentions? there is only one way to find out...
The Five Tribes
The Okeanus tribe:A tribe of elves, however, while thier appearance is regular Lord of the Rings style, they aren't as strong as humans, though they are faster, more flexible, lighter, and have stronger senses. They reside in the south-western parts of the continent/island, in the forests and near the Ocean.
The Kousan tribe: another tribe of elves, who are slightly stronger, but have most of the same streangths as the Okeanus tribe. They are Native-american in appearance, and reside in the North-west mountains and forests
The Arach tribe: The third tribe of elves. They have a deep alliance with the dragons, and the most priviliged amoung them have a special bond with the dragons, and are allowed to ride them. They are also unique because of thier flaming red hair. They live in the north-east mountain and grassland region
The Galdorians: Unlike the elven tribes, the Humans have a monarchy. Thier territory is just below the desert, in the center of the continent
The Shal'Tei: The mysterious tribe that has fled thier destroyed country. They are superior in streangth and skill to all other tribes. Thier hair is light blonde or light brown and thier eyes are a blue-black
Character Outline

Here is mine:
Race: Elf
Age: 16
Tribe: Okeanus
Occupation: N/A
Appearance: long, golden-white hair and [color="Teal"]teal [/color]eyes
Bio: Dreamy and cheerfull. She was orphaned at a young age, and for a long time she lived with her older brother and elderly aunt. her aunt died wen she was 12, however, and a year ago her brother was accused of murder and banished from the tribe.
Skills: archery

PM me or TG if you want to be a Shal'Tei, a dragon, or more than 3 characters ^_^ cheers:dizzy:
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:20 pm

Ok just to clarify the Arach tribe look northern european/scots-irish in appearance.
Also the elves don't live forever. They have standard human lifespans ^^

Now for my first chara:

Name: Richard Sarin
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Human-Galdorian
Tribe: N/A
Occupation: He wants to join the army like his father.
Appearance: Dark Brown hair and bright blue eyes.
Bio: Richard was born in the kingdom on Galdor. His father is a Knight-general in the army. Knight-generals are second (miltarily speaking) only to the military commander (who is under rule from the king). Richard grew up in the capital city of Galdora, in rather high society. He always had a dislike for certain high and mightly officials of the Galdorian court. When he was 7 his mother died of sickness, this threw him into a depression that took him 2 years to get out of. When he was 10 he and his father were in the southern woods hunting. They were separated in the woods. While he was lost he was found by Umia. They became fast freinds. When they found his dad they were separated and have not seen eachother since. but they still, somehow, have maintained the feeling of freindship.
Skills: Good with a sword. He is strong and can run quite fast.
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Postby Vega » Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:45 pm

Yes! I like this! Heres my character!

Name: Alanna
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Elf
Tribe: Arach
Occupation: She tends to the Dragons. Her jobs can range from cleaning after them to preparing their food.
Appearance: She has Shoulder length Red hair,brown eyes and 5 feet tall.
Bio: She was raised alone by her mother after her father died in battle. Shes always been a quiet girl who doesnt speak her mind and always seems to be working or writing in her journal. She wishes to have a bond with a dragon of her own someday.
Skills: She runs very fast.
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Postby Hetharu » Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:46 pm

Okay, FINALLY I finished both my bios. Took me forever with the dragon too. >:l Searching for a picture hours and hours on end, finally finding one, and then being unable to decide whether I want her to be a normal fire-breathing dragon or an ice dragon. But ice dragons are supposed to be white/icy blue, and my dragon is not. >3<;; So I settled on fire. *nods* Hope the bios are good enough. :0 Lemme know if there's anything wrong with em, Lynna, TG.

Name: Luan Sé Deirdre
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Elf
Tribe: Arach
Occupation: Personal guard and caretaker of the tribe leader's daughter, Luciannica.
Appearance: Short, silken strands that flow just above his shoulders and range from a bright and vibrant red, all the way to near pitch-black. There are a few pieces of hair just slightly longer than the rest, though he keeps them bound in a braid. His eyes hold the shade of blood, though his hair always covers the left side of his face and the scar underneath from the wound that took away the sight of is left eye. There is also a twisting marking under his right eye. He has a tall and skinny build, though it would be wise not to be deceived by his apparent fragility; lithe but strong muscles and years of training have put his strength and ability to fight a step above the rest as one of the best and youngest fighters of the tribe's warriors, even despite his partial blindness. (Here's the picture that goes along with the description: Luan.)
Bio: When he was young, his father, a personal friend of the chief, was the head of the guard for the entire main family and a well-respected man, while his mother, a beautiful and kind woman, supported everything her husband did. His mother took care of him until he came of age, and began training to follow in his father's footsteps, the path set for him harsh; most of the time he returned home with cuts and bruises. At some point throughout his early training, still just a child, he met a girl, and friendship grew fast between them. He later found out his friend, Luciannia, was actually the tribe leader's daughter, and that, when he completed his training, he would become her personal guard. Years went by, his abilities and strength growing at a rapid and amazing pace, till the day finally came when Lucia was put into his care. The only time that he had ever failed in protecting her was when he had forgotten his duties, clouded by his own problems. Luckily he returned just in time to save her, the left side of his face across his eye and cheek getting slashed open in the process, the cause of the scar forever burned into his skin. Since that moment, he has vowed to always put Lucia first above everything else, even going as far as to lock away his own emotions so they never again get in the way of protecting her. Though he used to be a kind and open person, now, he is cold and distant, refusing to allow a single opening that might have Lucia end up being harmed in some way. As much as he wishes to go back to how things were, he just can't, staying merely a guard to his once dear friend and allowing no room for anything but that.
Skills: He is highly skilled at wielding double blades in battle, always keeping a pair strapped across his back as well as a pair of daggers hidden on him. Though should he lose his weapons, he is also capable of hand-to-hand combat. Stronger than he may appear and very agile and fast.

Name: Xiuhcoatl (Xiu for short)
Gender: Female
Age: 48
Race: Dragon
Tribe: Arach
Occupation: Friend and protector to Luan and, by relation, Luciannica.
Appearance: She has tough-as-diamond scales of a dark brown color, a lighter brown on her underbelly, and pale yellow/golden eyes that can spot a rabbit on the ground from high up into the air. Her wingspan is larger than she is from the tip of her snout to the end of her tail. Her hearing is sensitive enough to rival a hound, able to hear the lightest breeze rustle through the grass. Along part of her head and neck and part of her tail are fans of spikes. Her claws and teeth are razor sharp, able to tear any being limb from limb. Her tail, long and whip-like, can be swung with enough force that, were it to hit you, it would snap your bones like they were mere twigs. (Here is a picture to go with the description: Xiuhcoatl.)
Bio: For the first 43 years of her life, it was always assumed that Xiu would never find someone to call her friend or companion. She was unlike other dragons, who were kind and gentle to all, even humans, despite what legends may say. She wasn't particularly mean, but she was never accepting of any particular human to call her rider, nor did she ever intend to. Other dragons and creatures alike joked that she should have been born a dragon of ice for her frosty attitude. She held every bit of pride and wisdom any other dragon held, but when it came to associating with humans, she cared not. But one day, despite others surprise, she found someone and instantly took a liking to him. Upon meeting Luan, she knew at first sight that their meeting was not without cause. For the first time, she took a rider and companion, and their bond grew at a rapid pace. Xiu is ever loyal to him, even as he closed himself off from others after the incident with Luciannica. But so long as Lucia is under Luan's guardianship, Xiu makes protecting her one of her priorities, though Luan always hold top spot over her. Over the years, even though she's become more accepting of humans, he always takes priority above everyone else. Anyone that dare to harm him would suffer a wrath most horrible. She is always near, always watching from the mountain tops and the skies.
Skills: She is a walking weapon of destruction; impenetrable scales, razor claws and fangs, a tail that can knock the life out of you. But worst of all, the very thing dragons are most known for, the scorching flames she breathes that can incinerate all in it's path, turning everything gray with ash. And though she is a dragon, which of course flies, she is also capable of running at pretty reasonable speeds, at least in open areas; trees or big objects in the way prevent it.
[SIZE="2"][color="Red"]I can't[/color][color="Orange"] whistle, so[/color][color="Yellow"] I just say[/color][color="Lime"] the words[/color][color="DeepSkyBlue"] "wheet-whoo".[/color][color="DarkOrchid"]
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Postby Vega » Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:54 pm

Name: Alvar
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Race: Elf
Tribe: N/A-was banished
Occupation: N/A
Appearance: Short White hair and Teal eyes like his sister. He wears torn and dirty clothes from all the time he's spent wandering.
Bio: He is Umia's brother. He was banished from his tribe after being accused for murder leaving his sister behind. He now wanders the continents and never stops for his only home was taken away from him.
Skills: Hes an excellent hunter and survivalist. Hes an expert spear thrower.
The mind is so complex when your based. 32 levels. Welcome to my world. --Lil B
I'm not guna let anything take the love from my heart, the love of life and spreading peace and positive, thank you earth I'm alive. --Lil B
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Postby Ella Edric » Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:00 pm

YAY!! Her is mine!! ^.^

Name: Luciannica Mer Domeniscius
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: ELf
Tribe: Arach
Occupation: She is the princess of the Arach tribe, and is also a dragon rider.
Appearance: Lucia has long, beautiful firy red hair. Her eyes are blue-green , and unlike others in her tribe, her skin is a darker color. Not black though, but a light caramel(compared to others who tend to have pasty white skin :3). Here is kinda what she looks like:[ATTACH]35253[/ATTACH] This was as close as I could get. ^^;;
Bio: Luciannica, better known as Lucia is the princess of the Arach tribe. She has a wild spirit and loves to dragon ride. Lucia is well respected in her tribe as a dragon rider and princess.
Lucia has a best friend who is also her bodyguard(Luan). Some thing happened with them nearly five years ago(read Luan's bio and that's what I'm talking about) and now Lucia has a lung problem. She sometimes has trouble breathing because of a lung injury frm that incident.
Skills: She is a dragon rider(again xD). She is skilled with using a lance, and can do martial arts.

Heres my dragon profile.
Name: Sirus
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Dragon
Tribe: Arach
Occupation: Luciannica's dragon, and friend.
Appearance: Maroon colored scales with a golden tint to them. His eyes are golden. They look almost glowing.
Bio: He is very young for a riding dragon. He is sweet, yet reckless. His life has been a very rough one as dragons go, but because of it, he is strong.
Skills: He is very agile for a dragon. His flight skills are amazing, better than most dragons.
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:31 pm

I'll give this a try. When I got time I'll post a bio.
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:56 pm

Ok all of your characters are accepted (obviously XD).

Now for a main villian/antagonist:

[I][B]Name: Kaelar Tasidas Raenal
Gender:[/I][/B] Male
Age: 283
Occupation:Being king? XD
Appearance:He has a narrow face and long silver white hair that runs down his back. He has blue-black eyes that can peirce you soul. He is 7 feet tall but not like a tall person. He is actually like a human in proportions. Just bigger. He is musclebound and is immensly feirce in battle.
Bio: All you need to know is that he leads the Shal'Tei... anything more might spoil the plotline of the RPG. haha
Skills:He has a huge thick white pearl lance that he weilds
with blinding speed. No one has ever come close to defeating him.

*Edit* The Shal'Tei live for a long time. Kaelar looks like he is in his late 30s early 40s. Even though he is 283 years old.
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:25 pm

Can I still get in on this? Here's mine.

Name: Raia
Gender: female
Race: Elf
Tribe: Kousan, once. (See bio)
Occupation: Staying alive. (And I don't mean in disco)
Appearance: Dark eyes; dark hair that she keeps chopped short. Her face is usually scowling, and she's perpetually grubby from living in the woods.
Bio: She was born and raised Kousan, but left her home after a nasty disagreement within her family when she was 15. Since then, she's wandered the woods, getting by with nothing but her wits and her weapons. She has only one family member that she keeps contact with: her twin brother.
Skills: She's quick, sneaky, and a crack shot at archery and knife-throwing. Excellent stealth.

Name: Rahn
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Elf
Tribe: Kousan
Occupation: Hunter
Appearance: Dark eyes; short dark hair.
Bio: Born and raised Kousan. Near the end of the family problems, Rahn chose to stay when Raia left. Since then, Rahn has been working to carry on the family business as a hunter for the tribe, even though his sister was more suited to the job. Rahn occasionally sees his sister on hunting trips, but hasn't for months. Rahn is more talkative than his twin, and rather eccentric.
Skills: He's decent at archery, but it's not how he likes to fight. He's far better with a sword and martial arts.

...Do these work?
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:28 pm

Just some clarification. The tribes are about the size of a nation. So the tribes are very large XD.

@Fu I'll PM Lynna real quick to comfirm your chara
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Postby Lynna » Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:23 pm

Fu, your character is accepted as is all the rest ^_^ If anyone has any questions, please PM me or TG (or both, preferably)
still need more characters, so I encourage anyone else to join!
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Postby Hetharu » Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:16 pm

I've a question. :O Ima ask it here since it's easier than PMing you both individually or just one and not the other, Lynna, TG. xD

Regarding my previous pms to both of you, in specific, would the Shal'Tei ever take anyone in from another tribe? :0 Just curious. Juggling an idea in my mind, though it'd have to go by your say-so. xD The answer either makes or breaks the thought though. And of course whether it coincides with your plot or not. :0
[SIZE="2"][color="Red"]I can't[/color][color="Orange"] whistle, so[/color][color="Yellow"] I just say[/color][color="Lime"] the words[/color][color="DeepSkyBlue"] "wheet-whoo".[/color][color="DarkOrchid"]
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Postby Davidizer13 » Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:52 am

Lemme give this a shot; here's a couple characters. Looks like we need some
Okeanus players, so I'll just cook up a couple...

Name: Streyvash "Strey" Halisan
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Race: Elf
Tribe: Okeanus
Occupation: Scholar and collector of things past; one might call him an archaeologist or historian.

Appearance: Relatively short, but has a wiry build; he prefers to wear light browns and greens, complementing his tousled, darker-brown hair and gray eyes. He almost always carries a pack full of artifacts he has found on his latest expedition.

Bio: Born to a well-to-do Okeanus family from the eastern parts of the forest, he has devoted his life to scholarly pursuits. Though he has a wife of three years (see below), neither one of them are willing to settle down just yet; there's still things to see, sites to study, etc., and he'll be doing it all while he's in his prime.

He is excited by the thought of learning about new civilizations; one day, he'll leave the forest and go live among the other tribes, learning about their cultures and history from their point of view.

Skills: He is highly knowledgeable about a variety of subjects, primarily the histories and past conflicts of the Sepparian tribes, the botany of the southwestern forests and its use in medicine. Additionally, he has some knowledge of how to survive in his tribe's woods.


Name: Mellara a-Tertiare Halisan
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Elf
Tribe: Okeanus
Occupation: A healer/wise woman in training, learning under her village's master healer.

Appearance: Slightly taller than Streyvash, with pale skin, blue-green eyes and wavy silver-blonde hair. She wears whites and grays, and can often be found wearing long leather gloves.

Bio: Since childhood, Mellara has enjoyed working with animals and in nature; even more so than many of her tribe. She enjoys going out into the woods after the herbs her mistress needs, and with Strey on his treks to see the ruins of past civilizations. She fell for Strey at a midsummer's dance, and the two were soon wed.

Skills: Extensive medical/veterinary and botanical knowledge, and is highly sociable and persuasive at times. Also, she knows how to handle a bow, which she uses for hunting.
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:35 am

Hetharu (post: 1404827) wrote:I've a question. :O Ima ask it here since it's easier than PMing you both individually or just one and not the other, Lynna, TG. xD

Regarding my previous pms to both of you, in specific, would the Shal'Tei ever take anyone in from another tribe? :0 Just curious. Juggling an idea in my mind, though it'd have to go by your say-so. xD The answer either makes or breaks the thought though. And of course whether it coincides with your plot or not. :0

Haha You can't leave anything to a surprise later can you? XDDD
Oh well. They won't be accepting anyone into their tribe per se, they'll be hiring spies and mercinaries to do their dirty work. There's only around 200 or so Shal'Tei left.

@Davidizer As before I'll check with Lynna on the final confirmation. haha
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Postby Lynna » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:45 am

Davidizier, both your characters are accepted ^_^ and I was wondering whether, by any chance, Stray could be Umia's tutor? it sounds to me like he would be perfect for the job ^_^
also, though,while there have been mentions of other tribes and other mysterious people groups,no one knows about the Shal'Tei yet. he will pretty soon though XD( I was just mentioning that so people would know)
and I agree with TG (though I think he said a bit too much) The Shal'Tei aren't going to take anyone in
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Postby TGJesusfreak » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:51 am

we need more humans... we only have one character (mine) who is human. So anyone who isn't already working with us on other non-characters or already made another character should consider a possible human character position.

A few more facts:

Shal'Tei are ALSO scarily beautiful.
Elves are weaker than humans strengthwise (on average) but make up for it with speed.
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Postby Ella Edric » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:48 am

Ok TG! I edited my dragon's profile like you told me to! :D
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Postby Hetharu » Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:23 pm

I wasn't giving anything away, TG. D:< My questions reveal nothing. *hiss* Though, after thinking on it, I decided I won't have a third chara. :o Everyone's pretty much got two so ima kinda stick to the standard everyone else set. xD Lol~ That and been a while since I RPed anyway. Wanna see if I can handle minimal charas before daring to create more. *shrug*
[SIZE="2"][color="Red"]I can't[/color][color="Orange"] whistle, so[/color][color="Yellow"] I just say[/color][color="Lime"] the words[/color][color="DeepSkyBlue"] "wheet-whoo".[/color][color="DarkOrchid"]
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Postby Davidizer13 » Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:30 pm

Lynna (post: 1404897) wrote: and I was wondering whether, by any chance, Stray could be Umia's tutor? it sounds to me like he would be perfect for the job ^_^

Sounds fine to me] also, though,while there have been mentions of other tribes and other mysterious people groups,no one knows about the Shal'Tei yet. he will pretty soon though XD[/QUOTE]
No problem; I'll go fix it. When they do show up, though, that's going to be his attitude towards them, one of willingness to learn from them.
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Postby Wikiwalker » Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:43 pm

Here is mine:

Name: Wei Radana
Race: Shal'Tei
Occupation: Leader of the Radana clan
Appearance: Short with platinum blonde hair usually kept in a braid, when braided it reaches almost to her calves. She has dark blue eyes that are very large and make her look nervous all the time, she has a tendency to bite her lip (she used to chew her braid when she was little but her nurse quickly put a stop to that), and she usually wears relatively plain clothing in solid colors because she doesn't like to stand out.
Bio: She is the youngest member of her immediate family, but because they all died when she was very young in a series of accidents she is now the leader of her extended family/clan.
Skills: remaining unnoticed.
Note: Her clan doesn't like her as leader, because she allows all the other clan leaders to make her decisions for her, but they can't do anything about her because the other clan leaders like being able to influence her.

Maybe I'll make a human character too at some later date.:)

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

[color="Pink"]TGJesusfreak: Is the chatroom gonna self destruct or somethin?
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Postby Ella Edric » Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:36 pm

I'm considering making a human chara sometime. :) But I'm gonna wait to see what happens.
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Postby Rusty Claymore » Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:33 pm

I'll try a human, if thats okay. I always get on late at night, and if I type up a bio now I wont get any sleep. I'll try to tomorrow morning though.
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Postby Hetharu » Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:11 am

Here's my third character. Little is known about her~ And the bio is probably. . . constructed not the same as the other two. xD;; Was distracted while making Rio's profile, unlike with Luan and Xiu. Lol! But here it is~

Name: Riona ??? (Rio for short)
Gender: Female
Age: 7
Race: Half elf, half human
Tribe: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Appearance: Long hair that goes all the way down to her butt, a very light red color, though it's gotten darker over the years and continues to get darker every year. She has deep, blood red eyes that always hold a sparkle of happiness in them and an innocence that very few ever see. Hear ears are neither human nor elf; they are neither long and delicate nor small and rounded, rather, in the middle. A little longer and more pointed than a human's, but not like what you would see on any elf. Though either way, her ears are always hidden under her long hair when it's not tied back with a pretty red ribbon that she always keeps with her. (Here is a picture for reference: Riona. Just picture her without the cat ears/tail. It was the picture closest to what I had imagined her to look like.)
Bio: Rio doesn't like to talk about the life she had before Richard found her. Ask her about it and she usually falls in silence and you would be able to tell it's a touchy subject. She was found, lost and alone, tired, hungry, dirty. Taken in, she was nursed back to health, and from that point onward she has never separated from Richard, taken a great liking to him. Though it is obvious her parents are no longer with her, she follows him like the big brother she always wished she had, going with him to wherever, whenever. Always remaining a carefree and happy child despite whatever trials she went through before she met with her new friend, and always looking for new people to share that happiness and friendship with.
Skills: None whatsoever. Though she makes pretty good jewelry out of flowers.
[SIZE="2"][color="Red"]I can't[/color][color="Orange"] whistle, so[/color][color="Yellow"] I just say[/color][color="Lime"] the words[/color][color="DeepSkyBlue"] "wheet-whoo".[/color][color="DarkOrchid"]
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Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:40 pm

Ooh! Ok, I'm here with mah first character! ^_^ (will probably do at least one more...)

Name: Auroro Cumulus
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Tribe: Galdorians
Occupation: Inventor/Scholar (Sort of alchemy-like, but not really) For money, however (being smart doesn't exactly pay highly), he does odd jobs... anything from farming to killing.
Appearance: Shoulder-length, fine, straight, black hair. Fine skin. Very refined, handsome features (he be hawt XD ) Narrow eyes, one [color="DarkRed"]red[/color] and one [color="RoyalBlue"]blue[/color]. He wears all black, and almost always has a black hat as well.
Bio: Auroro was orphaned as a child, and grew up hating the world. He wished that nothing had ever existed, and sought solitude as often as possible. As a result, he has very few social skills, though he's certainly talkative enough. He's a little off mentally. As he grew up, he ended up having rather twisted views about how the world worked, and dreamed about twisting the threads that made it work that way. The way he has ended up is being homeless... friendless... but with no obvious upset over it.
Skills: His main skill is in science-ish/crude technology stuff (of the abstract, nonsense type), but due to his lifestyle, he has other skills. He can be very, very silent, and deadly with his knives. Though he has very low physical stamina, and isn't all that strong.

If there is an issue with his unnatural eye color or occupation, I can change it... I be flexible XD
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Postby Wikiwalker » Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:54 am

I tried making one human but ended up with two :brow:

Name: Wyn Draper
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Race: Human
Tribe: N/A
Occupation: Peddler
Appearance: 6'4" tall, thin wiry build, prematurely gray hair, light blue eyes, and heavily tanned skin. He can't speak because of an illness he suffered when he was younger (it was probably vocal cord nodules). He communicates through his younger brother Dominick, or by drawing and writing on a cheap paper tablet.
Bio: When Wyn was younger he was the best singer in his village, he was admired by everyone until he lost his voice at the age of fourteen. After he lost his voice he was seen as tragic and not many people tried to communicate with him. This made Dominick furious. Dominick talked his older brother into leaving the village and becoming a peddler with him.
Skills: communicating without talking, mending things, selling things, basically a Jack of all trades.

Name: Dominick Draper
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Human
Tribe: N/A
Occupation: Peddler
Appearance: 5'7" tall, broad stocky build, dark brown hair (the same color his brother's was before it went gray), light blue eyes, and heavily tanned skin. He is very easily angered by people who make fun of or belittle his brother, and by people who look like they might at some point in the future. He is very suspicious, and will fight anyone if he doesn't like them, or the way they look at him, or if they do pretty much anything that offends him, of course he doesn't fight in front of Wyn, Wyn doesn't like him to fight.
Bio: Before Wyn lost his voice Dominick was his shadow, he practically worshiped the ground his older brother walked on. After Wyn lost his voice and disappeared from public life and Dominick's admiration turned into over-protectiveness. Dominick hated it when the villagers talked about Wyn like he was dead and later convinced his brother to become a peddler with him and leave the village.
Skills: Fist fighting, selling things, a Jack of all trades like his older brother.

No more characters for me :P

[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]"I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will."-- Henry David Thoreau, Walden[/font][/color]

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Postby Ella Edric » Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:14 pm

Ok, well now I can scan. I drew my chara Luciannica. :)
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Postby Hetharu » Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:15 pm

Ella Edric (post: 1406437) wrote:Ok, well now I can scan. I drew my chara Luciannica. :)

Oh she's pretty~ :O And you draw well too! :D If I could draw any good I would draw my charas. xD Lol! Actually I might try, just for the heck of it~
[SIZE="2"][color="Red"]I can't[/color][color="Orange"] whistle, so[/color][color="Yellow"] I just say[/color][color="Lime"] the words[/color][color="DeepSkyBlue"] "wheet-whoo".[/color][color="DarkOrchid"]
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Postby Ella Edric » Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:19 pm

Thanks! And I'll bet you draw better than you say! >;O
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Postby Hetharu » Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:47 pm

Lol I suppose you could judge that for yourself~ xD Probably will make a thread n post my art (past ones anyway, haven't drawn recently accept the stupid lil sketch I did of Luan that I am not all that satisfied with).
[SIZE="2"][color="Red"]I can't[/color][color="Orange"] whistle, so[/color][color="Yellow"] I just say[/color][color="Lime"] the words[/color][color="DeepSkyBlue"] "wheet-whoo".[/color][color="DarkOrchid"]
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Postby QuirkyIceHeart » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:47 am

My second charrie ^_^

Annissa Nightingale
Gender: Girl
Age: 18
Race: Human
Tribe: Galdorians
Occupation: N/A
Appearance: Dark, slightly strawberry tinted hair that reaches down to her lower back. Her eyes are dark, slightly ember colored, and round. She has very light skin, but shadowy-like. She’s very pretty (some might even say beautiful), and on the small-ish side.
Bio: Annissa was orphaned, and grew up in an orphanage type place. She’s mad at her parents for leaving her behind unprotected (through death or abandonment, she never really knew) She’s mad at herself for not being able to protect herself, she’s mad at the world for who knows what… she’s a very insecure and angry girl. She is increasingly angry at the orphanage for treating her like she doesn’t matter, and she often gets ideas of running away… Now that she’s practically an adult, she needs to leave, but has nowhere to go.
Skills: She has mostly undiscovered skills and can't do much... The thing she can do right now is be quick, nimble, and she has a mild knowledge in medicinal herbs.
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