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Interviews and other things

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Interviews and other things

Postby Sheenar » Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:14 am

Well, I want to start off with the super exciting news that I have two job interviews next week, both for Graduate Assistant positions at my university! One is at noon on Monday and the other at 2 on Tuesday. So I am praying that one of them will work out!

Secondly, I need prayer for a situation with my apartment complex. To keep it short, the complex created a handicapped parking space for me, but people keep parking there, many without placards or plates at all (ie: illegally parked). But management has refused to do anything about it, even after repeated requests. I need the space to load/unload my walker so I have access to my car and apartment. So I wrote a letter to their corporate office and mailed it yesterday. Please pray for a peaceful and quick resolution. The whole situation is very stressful.

Please be in prayer for my fundraising efforts for my service dog in training, Handsome. The fundraising goal is $5,000 to cover his training expenses. God provided with my previous dog, Pebbles, and I know He will provide again.

Lastly, my aunt and uncle just went through a bitter divorce. It was finalized last week. They have 3 children. One just graduated high school. Two are twins and are 7 years old. Uncle has custody of the kids. Older cousin is working and helping out with the younger 2 siblings. Aunt has some serious struggles in her life. Please be praying for them.

Thank you. :)
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:04 pm

Best of luck on the interviews ^^ I'll be praying ^__^
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:24 pm

Good luck with the interviews- and remember that if it's a handicapped spot, you're allowed to call the cops! My aunt finally did that, and management stepped up after that. I'm also hoping things for the kids look up. It's hard to know what's more difficult- the parents living together or getting a divorce.

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Postby Mithrandir » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:53 pm

Wow. Will do.
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Postby Okami » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:32 pm

You've got my prayers, hon, stay strong through all of this. God's gonna do awesome things through these times. :)
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:01 pm

Praying for all of the above!
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