I know that God has been doing good things in my life and I have a good idea of where i should be going, relatively speaking. However, I am still fighting a combination of apathy and depression. I need more than motivation, I need some thing that will help me truly value my life and not just continue existing for the sake of others or because I know that ending it would be wrong. I finally got a job, which is a good thing but emotionally it is taking more out of me than building me up. I've been having to fight mis communications and technological problems the whole time along with my lack of confidence and inexperience with sales. Also I got a voice acting gig on one the projects here on CAA which is uplifting, but with the lack of socializing and the problems with work I really need more.
If you could pray for me I'd really apreciate it. Some things that would help would be an active bible study group, more friends, a car, a paid acting or other creative gig.