The Golden Age

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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:54 pm

Okay soooooo... I'm definitely interested!!! I don't have a clue as to what's going on in the story though.... (When I have time, I'll start reading through it though, but if my characters are accepted, a brief recap would be very nice :D)

Name: Julius Swift
Gender: Male
Age: Looks to be in his late twenties.
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: He works with pirates, but he seems to be indifferent. His drive is to find Davey Jones. He has a personal vendetta with the man.
Appearance: Julius is very handsome, muscular and stands at 6'1". He is tanned, has deep brown eyes, short black curly hair, a chiseled jaw, a long scar across his eye and cheekbone and he sports a mustache and goatee.
He wears a long black pirate coat, a white half-way unbuttoned shirt, brown pants, brown boots, and he carries an array of weapons including (but not limited to) a pistol, dagger and sword.
Personality: He's very mysterious and has a dry sense of humor. He carries himself like a captain at all times, and often acts like it too. He seems to know everything and nobody has managed to pull the wool over his eyes yet. He has incredible reflexes, fighting skills and he is a natural at anything he tries.
Background: He used to captain his own ship several years ago until one fateful night when Davey Jones intercepted his ship, killed his crew, looted his goods and worst of all.. Killed his beloved wife who had so happen come with him on that voyage.
He had tried to fight off Davey Jones, but he was ridiculously outnumbered and the attempt was futile. He was left to die in the middle of the ocean, but lucky for him, a fishing boat caught sight of the wreckage that was his ship, and rescued him.
Since then, his sister Trillium (a pirate) agreed to help him find the man that killed his wife. They've been on the search ever since.
Vice: Protecting the innocent. Even though he sails with pirates, doesn't mean he is a pirate.


Name: Trillium Swift
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: She's a full blooded Pirate. She travels on pirate ships with her brother Julius to help him find Davey Jones. That's not her only motivation though. She is mostly in it for the adventure and danger of it all. Nothing thrills her more than to cross blades with the British Royal Navy.
Appearance: Trillium is 5'5", very fit, and slightly on the muscular side for a girl. She has long brown hair with spiral curls throughout it, brown eyes, light skin and an innocent complexion.
She wears a white long sleeve blouse with a maroon buttoned collar vest on the top, black pants, brown boots and she has four small silver loops at the top of both of her ears. She's always sporting a brown pirate hat with a large maroon feather in it. Also, she carries with her a pistol and two swords.
Personality: She is very adventurous, daring and laughs in the face of danger. She is extremely skilled with a sword, and loves showing off.
Background: She's been sailing ever since she could remember. In fact, she was born on a ship and has never wanted to leave the seas ever since. She became a pirate, following her grandfather's footsteps (Her grandfather has been rumored to be Blackbeard himself, and Trillium has never said otherwise.) and has sailed many pirate ships of her own. She doesn't own a ship at the moment though, because of a harebrained scheme of hers that involved going up against the whole Royal Navy and resulted in her former ship resting in pieces at the bottom of the ocean.
She has taken up a more valiant quest recently. Helping her brother avenge his late wife.
Vice: Whenever she sees a member of the Royal Navy, she has the overwhelming urge to fight, poke fun at, and or humiliate him/her. It has gotten her into quite a lot of trouble, as you can imagine. She also has a fancy for swords and hats with big feathers.

(Goldie, watch out XD)

Because of my lack of skill with explaining certain outfits, I must settle with a picture.
*Note: The picture is just for the outfit.


And last but not least...

Name: (The one.. The only..) Capt'n Jack Sparrow
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be in his mid forties, but no one can say for sure.
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: (Since Wind has the Black Pearl, I'll mix it up a little) He is the captain of the fastest ship in the whole ocean; The Sea Dragon. He's on a quest to find the Fountain of Youth.
Appearance: Image
Personality: He is the most bizarre person you will ever meet. He always acts (and smells) like he's drunk, and he has the most peculiar logic. He's always up for a good adventure though!
Background: Captain Jack has always fought for his beloved ship The Black Pearl, but when rumor of a greater ship than even the Pearl reached his ears, he pursued it until it was in his grasp. It took a lot of effort and tomfoolery, but he got it. And now he's on a quest to find the legendary Fountain of Youth.
Vice: Rum of course! Beautiful women are also his weakness, along with treasure.

Come now! What is a Pirate story without the infamous Captain Jack? :D
(Jack Sparrow lovers, please don't murder me if I portray him wrong XP)
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Postby Strafe » Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:56 pm

Heheh. Yes! Somebody finally did Jack Sparrow. This is going to be awesome. More weird pirates=more awesomeness. All characters accepted, and expect for Trillium to get hit on by Jonathan at some point in time.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:06 am

Hehe! Yay!
So could you brief me on what's going on in the story so I can jump in?

Yeah, you gotta love Capt'n Jack XD

Oh, I expected as much from Jonathan XDD It'll be fun writing Trill's response XD

Oh, also, can I change that Julius and Trillium's father is Blackbeard instead of their grandfather?
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Postby Strafe » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:53 pm

PM sent, and you can change whatever you want, since its your character haha.
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Postby Nami » Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:16 am

OOOOOOOOOOH!! I LOVE PIRATES!! ME JOIN! As long as its not too late ^^

Name: Shade McKellen
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: British Navy, Captain of the Clearcut, his drive is to wipe the map clean of pirates, no matter how it gets done.
Appearance: He stands at 6'3" with a muscular yet slim build, his hair is the sandy shade of brown and sometimes looks blonde. His skin is almost bronze thanks to all his time in the sun, his eyes sparkle a brilliant emerald green. He wears the usual Navy outfit, but he also wears more pirate looking clothes; baggy shirts, leather boots, black pants, a dark almost sapphire blue coat, a dangling earring with two upper piercing on his right ear.
Personality:Cold, harsh and very murderous, he intends to wipe the map clean of all pirates, no matter who or what. He hates them with a fiery passion and will do anything necessary to kill them, sort've a loose cannon.
Background:When Shade was Fifteen, his whole town was burned to the ground by the pirates and Shade swore revenge, he went to the Navy and proved himself to be just as good if not better than some of the Officers, he had a determination that they couldn't resist so they recruited him. He worked his way up the ranks until he was a Captain at the age of 19, he got the ship and named it Clearcut. The Navy has no idea just how crazy he can get when he is trying to kill pirates, his whole crew loves him though because they have all had bad experiences with pirates. He disguises his ship to look like a pirate ship, it draws pirates in and he has killed many pirates that way, also by sneaking up on them disguised.
Vice: He cannot resist killing any Pirate, or at least torturing them.

Name: Cecilia
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: Pirate, wants to work join up with Jack Sparrow to find the Fountain of Youth. But she is having a hard time finding him.
Appearance: (Encompasses Height, Weight, Hair, Eyes, Skin, Clothing style, Piercings, etc.) She is slender but still a woman, she stands at 5'7" she has the darkest black hair in a ponytail, underneath a red and white bandana and her eyes glitter a piercing almost electric green-blue. Her skin is lightly tanned, she wears a long-sleeved white peasant shirt, a black jacket sometimes over that, had six belts around her waist (no one really knows why) black pants and black leather boots she stole from a navy officer.
Personality: Stubborn, cocky and crazy enough to join Jack Sparrow.
Background: Cecilia grew up thinking her father was someone he wasn't, he real father was a pirate and when she was ten she found this out. Her Pirate Father taught her everything she knows now, she resented him and after she got old enough she stole his ship and his crew, she was caught again by the Navy and she was put on trial at the age of fourteen, she escaped through strange means and killed three Navy Officers on her way out. When she turned twenty she started her search for Jack Sparrow wanting to find the treasure that may not exist, she had heard many stories about Jack and she was interested in meeting him and seeing just how much of a pirate he is.
Vice: Treasure, she can't resist it.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:51 am

Bahahah, YES!! Finally someone crazy enough to join dear Jack!
That is. if she can find him ;D
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Postby Strafe » Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:52 pm

accepted! Yay! more people are showing up! do you need a summary?
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Postby Nami » Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:50 am

Lil'Ninja: YEAH!! I can't wait to get involved!

Strafe: No way! I'm hardcore! I read the whole RP ^^ ahahhahah~
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:15 am

Well then! Nami, perhaps you can be my information person when I randomly get lost! XD
It's taking me too long to scan through the rpg. Lol
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Postby Nami » Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:33 am

It would be my honor! ^_^
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Postby Nami » Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:37 am

I won't be here this weekend!! Sorry guys! I'll see you monday!
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