The Golden Age

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The Golden Age

Postby Strafe » Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:19 am

Arrgh? Shiver me timbers? Avast me hearties... uh... sure. Alrighty then. So this is my second ever RP, inspired in part by Pirates of the Caribbean, and Phantom Sorano's RP from along time ago, Pirates of the galaxy, which was the first RP I ever got into... :P

Now the subject is... Pirates! and well, this is my first actual indefinite RP, so there really is no end, and not much of an overlying plot. There will be plot arcs, but none of them will be entirely conclusive.


Story: The year is 1718, and the tropical waters have become a dangerous place. British trade ships have been known to disappear without a trace, only to reappear months later, taken over by an unruly bunch of murderous men. They called them pirates. The great demons of the seven seas, striking fear in the hearts of men who foolishly come before them.

Since the great influx of piracy, the British Empire has taken it upon itself to combat the disorder, and bring an iron fist of judgement upon all who seek to cheat life by stealing. For the sake of the law does the British Navy sail, and to protect the people from harm.

But the pirates must make a living for themselves, and say that the cruel world's fate has brought them no choice but to take what they rightly deserve... and then some. Money must be made somehow.

Even still, law and livelihood are not the only factors at stake. Greed, pride, honor, and even revenge haunt both the pirates and navy, who have lost much in the great struggle for wealth, and seek to gain much in return.

It is in these turbulent waters that we find our story.


So, not nearly as philosophical as my first RP, and much more accessible and broad. Hoping for a more... abundant turnout than last time. Its a massive scale RP, so there needs to be alot of people. If needed, I will postpone the start date until there are enough people, so get your friends.

While its big, its not as committal, unless you entangle yourself in the plot too much. Only take on what you can handle.

Here's a character sheet:

Crew Affiliation and aspiration: (Who they fight for/ under and why. And what position they are in the crew)
Appearance: (Encompasses Height, Weight, Hair, Eyes, Skin, Clothing style, Piercings, etc.)
Vice: (A little special parameter. Something that they cannot resist, such as drinking, women, or even perhaps bloodshed.)

There will be three main affiliations. Pirates, the British Empire, and Neutral. You either plunder ships for whatever reason, arrest pirates for whatever reason, or be neutral, meaning merchants and civilians.

There are no aliens... sorry. Or magic. Just guns, cannons, and blades, and whatever else is possible in the 18th century.

You can control NPCs, as in unimportant crew members, shop clerks, and bar maids, or other non essential ships.

And it would be cool if actual historical pirates could be played. Like Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, Mary Read, Captain Kidd, but feel free to simply create your own pirates. These people could always be NPCs or alluded to.

So yeah... that's all I have for now.
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Postby acgifford » Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:25 am

Name:Claira Simons
Age: 21
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: She steals for herself and James. She believes that the world owes them something.
Appearance: She is 5'4", slender, weighs about 112LBs, she has green eyes, messy dirty blonde hair, her face has some what harsh features, wears raggy clothing, and has fair skin.
Personality:Sassy, loves to be in control, likes to push her one and only friend James around, unruly, inexperianced.
Background:She was orphaned at young age and lived on the streets by herself until she met James. They were instant friends and they are like brother and sister. The two of them stole a small ship 3 years before the present day and have pirating ever since.
Vice: She simply can not resist a good looking man.
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Postby goldenspines » Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:46 am

This RPG idea makes me want to RP again (Or, I've probably just been watching too much One Piece lately). I unfortunately have a few more weeks of school left, though. But I'll keep an eye on this and see if I can jump in if/when I get the time. Best of luck to you getting it up and running.
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Postby Strafe » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:14 am

Aha! So mods do RP! I'm going to borrow my old RP Characters, the Womanizer Captain Jonathan Hartford, and his trusty first mate Song. heheh.

Name: Jonathan Hartford

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Affiliation and Aspiration: Upstart Pirate Captain. Seeks to avenge his family name, find his brother, and pick up beautiful women on the way.

Appearance: Wears a Trademark Top Hat and suit everywhere he goes, carries a bootleg-self-modified-rifle. White, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, tall and slender.

Ship description: Sylvienne is a scrapped Garbage barge that he managed to fix. The only thing it can really do is sail. It has no guns.

Background: The son of a successful businessman, Jonathan grew up living the spoiled sheltered life of a London affluent, along with his brother Caine. As the affairs of Piracy and such meant nothing to him, His father turned a blind eye to the various threats he recieved from pirates. This would mark the downfall of the Hartford Name. In less than a week of a specifically unusual threat, Jonathan's Father was brutally murdered before his eyes after seeing his fortune fall away in mere days, and Caine was captured and forced to enlist in the pirate's crew. Left in one piece, strangely, Jonathan picked himself up and buried his father, swearing on his grave that he would avenge him and his name. However, he was left with a major problem- He had no idea what a Pirate was in the first place. In a humorous blunder, he set off into the vastness of the seven seas in search of the pirate with his trusty first mate Song, captaining the grand Sylvienne.

Personality: Jonathan is a happy go-lucky womanizer who forgets all the time that he is dead broke, whether he is buying flowers for some random girl, or attempting to buy a chocolate factory for his first date. This constantly backfires when he is arrested for public disturbance when they find his currency is not even real in the first place. On the outside, Jonathan could not be enjoying life any more. However, as Song could attest, he harbors very dark feelings unbefitting of his external appearance. So dark, perhaps, that it could consume him and everyone around him. It is with this mindset that Jonathan finds himself, trapped in the treacherous world.

Vice: Jonathan cannot resist a beautiful woman, foremostly. But aside from that, he does not respond well to correction, has a terribly inflated ego, and is an amateur inventor of guns that rarely work.


Name: Song Yin Yue

Gender: Female

Age: (It's not polite to ask a woman's age ) Appears to be 19

Appearance: Raven Hair tied up in Ponytail, Dressed in Traditional Chinese clothing, carries a ruan. Asian, long raven hair, short, slender, and Deep brown eyes. Hides numerous blades on her person, including a wu jian she is especially skilled in handling.

Position: First Mate on the Sylvienne. Seeks to solve the mystery of her identity.

History: Song Yin Yue does not remember why someone of her descent was ever in London. She does not remember her childhood. Nor does she remember her birthday. For that matter, she has no idea if she even had a mother or father. The first thing she remembers is how she woke up, lying on the cold floor deep beneath the city, in a strange place, with the name, Song Yin Yue scrawled in blood above her head. To her, this was where her life began. Blessed (or cursed) with a freakish intelligence, and for some reason, a natural virtuosity at playing the ruan, Song set out into the streets of London. And it was here that she met, or rather, Jonathan met (or rather still, hit on) her. She told him that she was looking for answers. Jonathan, in a fit of playfulness, suggested that he indeed, had the answers she was looking for. Thus, Song began to follow him, to his annoyance. It wasn't until she saved his life that Jonathan took notice. Recognizing her abilities, Jonathan Promptly recruited Song into his Crew, and thus the dynamic duo of Jonathan and Song was born. But Song had more in her mind than just piracy. Following Jonathan for the time being, she trusted that she would uncover the truth about herself, and her namesake.

Personality: Very cool headed but serious, almost chillingly non-emotional. If the partnership were to be described as a tsukkomi, Song would be the straight man of the two. She is a genius when it comes to anything technical, but simple household tasks like Cooking and cleaning are beyond a mystery to her.

Vice: She has been getting rather close to Jonathan as of late, but otherwise is perfectionist in nature, and cannot let a problem stand.


BTW, all characters are approved unless I say otherwise.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:56 am

Name: Roberto Francisco Montalban de Hernandez (Roberto for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 31

Crew Affiliation and aspiration: No crew at the moment; his last crew wasn't paying him enough (in his mind).

Appearance: About 5'7", 200 lbs (he's got a bit of a gut at the moment). Has messy black hair and hazel eyes. He usually wears a blue embroidered jacket, similar to that of a real naval officer, only much less cared-for - its edges are worn and frayed.

Personality: He lives for the good life, while he still can. His share of the loot is usually gone within the first day of shore leave, spent on fine rum and women. On the ship, he's incredibly lazy, not working unless he's forced to.

Background: At various times, he has claimed to be the heir to a fortune, a deserter from the Spanish navy, a sugarcane farmer on Hispaniola, married to a duchess (and the father of seven children by her), and an eggplant.

Vice: Rum! He loves it, in all its forms. It's where his money goes, most of the time.
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Postby goldenspines » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:58 am

Strafe (post: 1390507) wrote:Aha! So mods do RP! I'm going to borrow

It's not against the mod code to RP or anything. XD; We just often don't have time to put the effort into it.
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Postby Strafe » Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:01 pm

Oh. Well I'm honored that you are interested in my RP. But i guess One Piece just makes pirates that much cooler. And you're welcome to jump in at any time.

Actually, a note to everyone: This RP is open for new players and characters at any point in time. And there are no character limits. Just be able to handle what you do.

Nothing wrong with that character Davidizer. Looks good.

We're going to need some navy people, and neutral people too, so again, get your friends, get random people, take multiple characters. This RP has the potential to be huge.

We'll start after we have a total of 10 or so characters or on Saturday in two weeks if we don't have that many. May 9th after all of my busy schedule clears up a bit.

So far we have 4.

Me: Jonathan and Song
AC: Claira
Davidizer: Roberto
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:31 am

Name: Gary Reginald
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: Captain of the Pequod (thought I'd throw in a literary reference)
Appearance: Weighs 183 pounds and is 6 ft tall. Has brown hair and hazel eyes.
Personality: Charismatic and honorable.
Background: Was once a framed criminal on a prison ship but escaped when it sunk. He now sails the seas because that is the only way he feels he is free. He's neutral for now.
Vice: none
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Postby Twila27 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:23 am

Name: James Clark
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: Claira and himself. James believes that the life they've lived has been unfair, and also believes the world owes him something in recompense.
Appearance: He is 5'7'', and weighs 130 lbs. Brown hair, blue eyes, and a tanned complexion from overexposure to sunlight accentuate his extremely shabby clothing.
Personality: Extremely shrewd and scornful towards people who have lived easy lives without hardship, applying most of his intellect to criticizing Claira's plans.
Background: Disowned by his father and left on the streets, James met Claira at a young age and grew up living the life of a street orphan. One day they stole a ship, fed up with their poverty and the unfair life they have been put through, and set sail determined to get what the world owes them.
Vice: Envy whenever Claira flirts with another guy, normally prompting him to act against the guy in question.
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Postby Strafe » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:41 am

thanks guys! looks great! There might be some tension between James and Jonathan though... heh heh...

4 more to go.
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Postby acgifford » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:58 am

Cant wait till we get started.^^ Hmm... I think I'll have to create another character.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:08 am

Sounds cool...^_^

Name: Sasaria Kaspersky

Gender: female

Age: 22

Crew Affiliation and aspiration: No one (she is nuetral)

Appearance: long and wavy super light ash blonde hair, light complection, light sky blue eyes, wears a deep bright blue petticoat dress, around 5'6''

Personality: Mature but can act very childish at times, kind-hearted, a tad bit selfish (usually for good reasons), usually quiet but will speak her mind when circumstances call for it, also VERY good at swordfighting and can defend herself if she needs to. (even though she hates fighting)

Background: She was born in a line of wealthy duchesses and has had a mostly happy childhood, but her father was abusive to her, especially during her early childhood. Despite the threat imposed by her father, Sasaria told her mother and their security guards. He was found out and hung as punishment. After that, she was a happy child, growing up.

Vice: flute music (LOVES flute music)
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Postby Strafe » Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:52 am

The Character's fine... except for maybe the raped part. That's a bit questionable. Not to be prudish, but I'm not sure if its really necessary. Obviously, Sexual violence holds more weight than purely physical violence, but that weight is a bit too heavy at times. It happens in the real world, yes, but there's no need to try and make things out of it. However, the RP guidelines really don't explicitly say anything against references to sexual violence, but rather sexual scenes themselves, so you're technically fine as long as you don't get graphic with flashbacks. But even then, you don't want to reveal too much in the character bio, but instead reveal it in the RP. Its up to you, though.

Oh right. And we definitely need some Navy people. They're not really the "good" or "bad" guys in this one. They're just employed to combat piracy. Just one side against another, without too much weight to what's "good" and "bad", though it will definitely be touched upon.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:12 pm

Oh, well, I edited my character's bio. ^_^
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Postby Davidizer13 » Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:35 pm

I've got an idea for a Navy character:

Name: Sir Albert Pennyworth
Gender: Male
Age: 52

Crew Affiliation and aspiration: Captain of the HMS Resolute, a British Navy vessel tasked with keeping order and defending His Majesty's (King George I was in power at the time) interests from those who would seek to pillage Britannia of her riches. He is ambitious to a fault, constantly seeking to get in the good graces of those more powerful than himself.

Appearance: 5'9, 185 lbs; wears one of those gray curly wigs, a tricorn hat and a crimson officer's jacket, embroidered with brown and yellow thread.

Personality: Incredibly prim and orderly, he runs a tight ship. And boy, do his sailors know it. If there's a problem anywhere, he will do all he can to fix it. This applies especially to pirates, and he has gained a reputation for having zero tolerance of their kind.

Background: He was born to a poor family in Manchester, and was once a cabin boy in the Royal Navy, but through luck and skill, was able to move up to captain his own ship.

Vice: Pointing out other peoples' problems. He can't stop doing it, simply because they aggravate him so much.
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Postby Strafe » Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:14 pm

Ah good. You got some of the history. you know, I chose 1718 because alot of the famous pirates were still alive then, if anyone wants to take them.

2 more to go.
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:50 am

Well, if you only need two more, allow me to assist!

Name: Eliza Saberre (pronounced SA-bur)
Gender: Female
Age: about 20 (she doesn't know when her birthday is)
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: She's not apart of any crew yet, but she would do just about anything to get a fresh start.
Appearance: Tall, thin but sturdy, would be pretty if she didn't have her hair up all the time and dirt smudges across her face. Her hair is long and dark brown, always up in a loose and messy bun, with pieces often falling into her silver blue eyes. She wears a typical tavern maid's dress and her cross necklace.
Personality: Kind and gentle on the outside, but inside she's a fighter to the core. She does, however, genuinely care for the needs of others.
Background: When she was very young, her parents died, leaving her two things: a small silver cross necklace and a mountain of debt. She's worked most of her life to pay all of it off as a scullery maid in the local tavern. Now that she's a grown woman, she wants a new beginning, somewhere far away from this dingy tavern town, where she can find some real adventure. Her superiors at the tavern, however, will not hear of it. Even though she has finally paid off all her family's debt, the owners of the tavern will not let her quit nor give her a dime of her profit. She longs so much to take her money and go, but she has nowhere to go and no way to get there.
Vice: She has a tendency to work herself to death to get what she wants.
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Postby Strafe » Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:29 pm

Lol. 2 more? Now I need one more, but I can cover that. My first morally clear-cut character. Ever.

Name: James Jackson (Olumide Awotunde)
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: Navy, First mate on HMS Surprise. Seeks to one day return home when he is truly free.
Appearance: Of African descent. Tall, Strong, Hardened Body from hard ship labor. Intensely dark skin, Dark hair cut close to scalp, strong dark eyes.
Personality: Solemn, but kind. Scarred Physically and Emotionally. Quiet, but sharp witted and instinctive. Likes delicate things, and hates oppression. Has a strong sense of right and wrong.
Background: Captured from his village to work at an American tobacco plantation, abducted by pirates soon after, then pressed into service by the navy, James has always been in some sort of servitude, and experienced hardship worse than most. But if he has anything to say of all of his hardships, no one would ever know it. James has risen through the ranks for the past few years, gaining trust and respect from his crew mates and captain Bridget, but simply sustains his calm composure, and speaks very little, letting his actions speak for him instead. His English is not perfect, and he is well aware, though not ashamed of that fact. It's not his language, after all.
Vice: He must protect the weak, or else they may suffer the same fate he did.

Captain Bridget up next, but we have 10 characters already. I'll contact a mod.
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Postby goldenspines » Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:52 pm

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Postby Strafe » Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:39 pm

If you need background on Stede Bonnet, I follow the wiki page pretty closely, save for the dates:
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Postby Wind » Sat May 01, 2010 2:02 pm

My characters

Name: Lady Ravenna Morrison
Nickname: Black Raven
Age: 19
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: Captian of the pirate Ship the black pearl
(hope this ship name is okay I am a huge POTC fan)
Appearance: Image
Personality: She is a strong almost medieval type warrior in her personality honor is a very important thing to her and she lives for a good fight.
Background: She is the daughter of a wealthy merchant lord who decided that she didn't want to marry her fiance and she hopped a ship to the americas to start a new life. The ship she was on sank and she was the only survivor. She was picked up by the black pearl and became it's captian through a mutiny when she saw the previous captian hurting one of the crewmen.
Vice: She likes to collect beautiful weaponsand guns. Sometimes she will even kill for a beautiful weapon if she takes a liking to it.

Name: Rianna Black
Age: 27
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: first mate of the black pearl
Appearance: Image
Personality: She is a bit shy but when in a battle she is a very reliable person
Background: similar to Lady Ravenna she was to be married to a person of high station she ran away to find a better life than that of her future husband's arms and she joined the black pearl when it was in port on one of the remote pirate strongholds.
Vice: She likes to drink rum and get's rowdy when she is drunk
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Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Strafe » Mon May 03, 2010 7:36 pm

Name: Bridget Hollingsworth
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: Captain of the HMS surprise. Seeks to rise above her male peers and shine a light of hope for women in a masculine-dominated society.
Appearance: A military sort of woman, blonde hair tied tightly into a bun, Striking blue eyes, almost a fox-like face. Silver rimmed glasses correct her vision. She wear's a captain's navy uniform tailored down to fit her petite frame. A rapier hangs at her side, ready to be drawn at any moment.
Personality: Though she is small, her personality makes her seem larger than she really is. She is a strong-willed, authoritative woman who will do what is necessary to achieve her goals. She is brash outwardly, harsh, but never uncouth. But she still is a woman at heart, and has to hide her feminine side from her crew, as she views it as weak. She also has a mind for propriety, being raised in an aristocratic upbringing. She has a depth of kindness and empathy that allows for her to be
Background: She grew up as the daughter of a well to do aristocrat, pampered and spoiled, being tailored for the world of women, the sort of women who would marry, give birth, then spend the rest of their lives wasting away with nothing to do, while the men would do things that really mattered. She hated having to rely on the chauvinist pigs who deemed themselves superior to women, and her rage grew against the adversity. One day, when her father arranged a marriage to an older man when she was a girl, she fled from her home disguised as a boy, then stowed away on a navy ship. It has been 15 years since then, and Bridget has since risen through the ranks on that same ship, until the position of Captain was bestowed upon her by the previous captain, who now serves as the ship's navigator. However, she is not officially recognized as captain, as she is an undocumented sailor. Documentation would cause her family to find her, but also does bot allow her name to be known. Because of her similar sentiments against oppression with James, she has taken him under his wing and promised to return him home one day.
Vice: She has developed quite the taste for alcohol, though she only drinks in private. James is the only one who has ever seen her drunk. While drunk, she finds it entertaining to pretend she is a cat, much do the dismay of her first mate. It is a 180 degree turn from her usual demeanor.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Tue May 04, 2010 4:30 pm

My word! Someone actually made a reference to the ol' phantom! I am both honored and humbled, though I am not sure why. At any rate, I must be on board with such an excellent character as Mr. Strafe leading the way! On that note, may I introduce an old friend:

Name: James Lark
Age: late thirties
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: Captain (and usually sole person) aboard the beloved vessel, Uke-Moshi**(the Japanese goddess of vomit)
Appearance: Fancying himself to be a child of the world, Captain lark parades about in the most unusual manner. He wears robes from the orient as his shirt, an Irishman's kilt with and Englishman's knickers and boots. Sewn on his shoulder is his beloved stuffed parrot, Mercutio, who had died some years since but is constantly doted and petted on by the deranged shipkeeper. He is never one to wear a pirate hat, but constantly is changing his hat to match his mood for the day; usually a beat up sombrero. He is a tall, senewy man of about 6'1" and 200 with dark complexion, and coarse long salt-and-pepper hair. He face is square and rough, but not unhandsome, with a full beard and twisted Dali mustache. Usually he has only one gray eye uncovered, for he wears an eyepatch that moves around frequently.
Personality:Most of the time he refers to himself as The Porter, from reading the works of Shakespeare. His main goal in life, amongst his ramblings, is to bring humor into the darkest of situations...even when unwanted. He is quirky, rash, rude, playful, and quick-tempered. He is, however, very kind and humorous. Despite his apparent madness, he is quite an intellect.
Background:James Lark's past is just about as unusual as his appearance...he isn't even sure of his real name. All he does remember is waking up outside of a tavern and wandering around until seeing the name "James Lark" on a tombstone. He has been that since.
Vice: the bottle and making mischief whenever possible; loves to steal from the British ports for the excitement and chase
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
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Postby Strafe » Tue May 04, 2010 6:56 pm

Haha. Yes! I got a mod (tentative) and Soran into the RP! I think I deserve a cookie. Of course, all characters approved automatically, unless I say otherwise, and of course there's nothing wrong with him. I remember that character, though we never interacted in Pirates. Chance to do so here, I brought out my old characters too, though they haven't popped up yet.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Wed May 05, 2010 9:14 pm

Again I am referrenced! My heart swells with joy! Such a lowly existance as mine is exalted; I am beyond happiness. I thank you for the approval.
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Rambo » Thu May 06, 2010 5:56 am

Name: Jaden Mycroft
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Crew: First mate to Capt Rainz of the Blue Storm. There not Pirates there bounty hunters hired by the British government but they do act aggressive some times attacking ships who they think may be pirates.
Appearance: 5'11" medium built and all muscle. He wears a Black bandanna; Black pants with Dark red boots; he wears a dark read coat with no scleaves with no under shirt. He has daggers in his boots 3 guns in his belt a reaper sword; a dagger in the back of his pants hidden by his coat, and a thunder buster strapped to his back. He has green eyes shaggy brown hair and his ears pierced. he has a sea dragon tattoo on his entire left arm.
vice:will not in any circumstance kill a child or woman he will fight but will do everything to not bring death on them.
The Lord my God Rarely works the same way twice but the out come is always the same.[/SIZE]
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Postby Strafe » Thu May 06, 2010 11:40 am

uh... you're welcome... <_< :P

Character accepted!
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Postby goldenspines » Mon May 17, 2010 7:58 pm

I feel like I'm a bit late to the party, but if you're still going, I'd like to throw my character into the mix. Though, if I can join, you'll have to bear with me as I post, I haven't RPed in the longest time. XD;

Character submission (I can change if needed. And sorry, I'm not good enough to use an actual pirate from history for my character, sorry. ^_^; )

Name: William J. Langton
Gender: Male
Age: mid-20s
Crew Affiliation and aspiration: (Who they fight for/ under and why. And what position they are in the crew): He fights and lives only for himself. He will pretty much do any odd job (from a body guard to finding lost cats) for money. He travels around in a mid size boat that he pilots by himself. He calls his ship Lucky and it's known for going very fast because of it's small size and large sail.
Appearance: (Encompasses Height, Weight, Hair, Eyes, Skin, Clothing style, Piercings, etc.) 6'2", 195lb, with bright red hair, blue eyes, very light skin, and clean shaven. He usually wears black pants, a loose fitting, white shirt, a blue sash around his waist, and black boots. And always wears an usually large brimmed hat with a feather in it (since his skin is so light, he is prone to sunburn).
Personality: Very easy going and relaxed. He is rarely seen as tense in any situation, even in battle. Speaking of battle, he carries around two pistols(one at his side and the other under his sash on his back) and a small knife in his boot.
Background: This is pretty much unknown for now (because I'm lazy, yes XD), but it it rumored that William has a younger brother on the mainland of America somewhere. >_>
Vice: (A little special parameter. Something that they cannot resist, such as drinking, women, or even perhaps bloodshed.) Picking a fight with a pirate. No really, he can't resist it. He sees pirates as "tough" people that need to be defeated in order to prove one's self.

If need be for plot's sake, I can switch to a Navy character instead, but otherwise, as mentioned before, if your RP has not died yet, I would be happy to join up and see what I can add.
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Postby Strafe » Thu May 20, 2010 4:50 pm

lol. sorry for the lateness. Awesome. Character accepted, and do whatever you want with him. We have enough navy people. And the Rp is... hoping to make a comeback if you're up for it.
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Postby Strafe » Sun May 23, 2010 11:40 am

The RP is still open to new recruits, so post up a character any time.
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