Warrior4Christ (post: 1387353) wrote:I know several atheists who have read chunks of the Bible. In fact, there are a few at work. They read it with a hard heart - that's how.
What's "all the negative stuff" she might have heard?
rocklobster wrote:She has probably heard about how the Ten Commandments "limit our freedom". Never mind the fact that most societies have laws similar to them.
Nate (post: 1387457) wrote:No society has laws similar to the Ten Commandments. The only two that societies have as laws are don't murder and don't steal. Two out of ten does not qualify as similar.
Mithrandir wrote:I've never heard of a society that thinks it's OK to lie under oath or "bear false testimony" before. Corruption may be rampant, but it's nearly always illegal.
There are also quite a few that make the breaking of a marriage oath punishable, "commit adultery."
Also, in quite a few countries in the world it is illegal to worship any good except the state, "have no other Gods before me."
I belive most cultures are strict on honoring parents, too...
Maybe it's me but things like "don't murder" and "don't lie" seem like nothing contraversial. We have the freedom given by God to do whatever we want. Only we choose not to lie, kill and covet others stuff. So to say that it limits us is untrue; we limit ourselves. So that would be a weak argument at best...Rocklobster wrote:She has probably heard about how the Ten Commandments "limit our freedom". Never mind the fact that most societies have laws similar to them.
Rusty Claymore wrote:Suffering is a concequence of sin(Defined as rebelling against God). If these same people who wonder at suffering see a couple who's kids run amuck, and are not punished or responsible for the consequences of their actions, they will say that these parents do not Love their children, or perhaps in common term, do not care.
Rusty Claymore (post: 1387747) wrote:we finite beings have no inkling of what eternity could possibly be, let alone is.
But this subject will be argued till the end of the age, so yeah. >.<
K. Ayato (post: 1387360) wrote:I agree with W4C on this. It's quite possible she's still reading the Bible, but now with the motivation to prove that it isn't true.
KougaHane (post: 1387789) wrote: The best example of that is Richard Dawkins, writer of The God Delusion, who stated in the movie Expelled that "Higher Intelligence could have seeded life on the earth... not God though.. Aliens, maybe..." I LOL'd when he said something that ignorant.
Rusty Claymore (post: 1387747) wrote:@ Nate: It's for rebellion against God and rejection of the sacrifice of his Son that God punishes men for eternity. And in that case they deserve eternal punishment.
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
Nate (post: 1387813) wrote:I know an agnostic (he says he is agnostic because while he personally doesn't believe there is a god, that it would be arrogant and ignorant to say that there definitely isn't one) who says that he has heard every theological argument for the Problem of Evil that there is practically, and he has found none of them to be satisfying in their answer.
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