MillyFan wrote:Here's a flameproof suit. you'll need it. ~.^
Seriously, the movies are yuri. I'd stay away from them, but that's just my personal conviction since I'm against graphic depictions of yaoi and yuri.
Ashley wrote:Originally posted by Archan
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Basic Story Summery:
The main Heroine of this anime (Utena Tenjou) has the disconfort of her parents dying when she was a little girl. However a prince them comes and somewhat saves her from her situation. This mysterious prince then gives her a rose crest ring and tells her that he will come back for her someday. Utena was so infatuated with this prince and so impressed that she herself wanted to bacome a prince and save damsels in destress. Now a couple of years later she is grown up and studies at the Ohtori Academy where she still holds her self-proclaimed image as a prince and wears her own version of the boys uniform. She then witnesses another girl (Anthy Himemiya) being abused by the Academys top deulist (Saionji Kyouichi). Trying to keep true to her burning abition to save damsels in distress Utena challenges Saionji to a duel where it is found out that Anthy is actually what is called the Rose Bride and whomever is the victor of the duel will recieve Anthy as the prize. Well, Utena wins and Anthy them become her bride. The rest of the series is built upon Utena and Anthys non-conventional relationship and Utena searching for her prince.
What's the Fuss:
There is homosexual subject matter. Plain and simple. Although Utena and Anthy are technically not in a homosexual relationship I have to admit that after seeing some screen shots and well as reading other reviews and episode syniopsis', it is pretty suggestive and subject to debate in my own eyes. However there is a character whom is homosexual in this series, I think it is Chida Mamiya whom is a male that is conspiring to replace the position or Rose Bride with himself (for obvious reasons I would think). Also there is some content concerning insest in which another character (Kiryuu Nanami) is in love with her brother (Touga Nanami).
Personal Opinions:
Okay....the whole little girl thing and wanting to save other damsles in distress I have no problem with. And I will admit is a good pitch to start an interesting plot and series......also I will also admit that the art altogether as well as the shot direction and everything is beautifully done. It's just the darn Homosexuality that ruins it. It's like it's everywhere and everyone seems to be troubled in the head in one way or another. And say what you want concerning the relationship with Utena and Anthy, there are wayyyyyyyy too many subtile (and not so subtile) signs pointing in the same direction. Also I've visited a couple of other sites and galleries and well, some of the images more then speak for themsleves. One thing to conider though when pondering Utena and Anthy's relationship is that in the Bible Daniel and King Saul's son Jonathan also had a rather strong relationship which is stated in I Samuel 20:17 (Now Jonathan again caused David to vow, because he loved him]Explicit Subject Matter:[/B]
Homosexuality (Yaio/Yuri) and incest.
Psycho Ann wrote:
And really, missing out a "good" movie or two is definitely worth avoiding the feel of your flesh crawling.
shooraijin wrote:
To paraphrase, better your DVDs end up in the wastebasket than your entire being end up lost.
I'm sorry, but who are you to judge whether I have the right to voice my opinions or not?
I don't believe that simply watching something on TV is going to send your soul into eternal damnation (unless of course you decide o follow thru on whatever you watch).
And isn't part of being a Christian being respectful towards others and their opinions? Didn't Jesus say to love one another as I have loved you?
I'm not very good at this whole avoid everything questionable. No, I'm not going to let young children go out and watch some violent movie. But I'm also not going to hide my head under a rock and pretend that the whole world doesn't exist outside of my personal beliefs. My grandma does that and it doesn't work very well.
Yes, if something bothers you, don't watch it, but don't be so negative about other's points of veiw simply because they don't mirror your own.
I know that I'm rather new here, but that doesn't mean that what I have to say is less important than what someone who has been here longer than me says.
Ashley wrote: Guess what? Some Christians aren't as mature as others, and we're quite aware of that, so we're not going to clam up and live in our own little world, and ignore the bad things in anime or shrug them off as entertainment. Because what may be just a tv show to you and I may be the crumbling point for someone else's faith. And I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't want to stand before God and try to explain why I left something out of a review I wrote and it turns out to have stumbled someone else. Oh, we're gonna shout out our views, and try to reach the world outside of our "personal beliefs". That's what it means to be a Christian.
Again, no one said it wasn't.
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