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Postby steenajack » Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:37 pm

SeraphicCharm (post: 1366810) wrote:question...should I keep watching Hanasakeru Seishounen? The episodes themselves are pretty clean, but the opening has some questionable content. To avoid this, I just skip past the opening and fast forward to the actual episode. Should I just stop watching the show altogether, on account of this?

If it's just in the opening, I'm pretty sure you it's fine what you're doing. Although, I've never seen the anime myself. However, sometimes (not all the time) what's in the opening kinda reflects a little what the series might have/hint at later in the series itself. This may not happen with this series. It may be like with Haibane Renmei, where in the opening there is a little non-sexual nudity. But in the actual series itself there is none, and the nudity was probably put in the opening for artistic purposes. In this case the opening never bothered me, but if the opening in the anime you're watching bothers you then I'd suggest keep doing what you're doing. But if you feel a bit unpeacful or uneasy about the anime, or if you suspect something weird may happen, that most likely is the Holy Spirit saying this series is not for you. Listen to that voice, trust me. There have been many times where I have ignored this voice and ended up regretting it later. But if you feel okay about the series minus the opening, then you're probably fine. :thumbsup: ;)
Anyway, hope I was of help to you. :thumb:
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Postby Maokun » Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:14 pm

AngelicTotoro (post: 1366679) wrote:I'm still wondering about these:

1. Rozen Maiden (I've watched the opening and this one looks a bit dark, I'm not to sure about it.)

When I watched it, I was expecting and looking forward to the darkness of the OP. I was disppointed, as there was close to none, I guess that they just wanted to cash a bit in the inherent creepiness of a living victorian style doll. However, the series quickly won me over as it's actually quite good.

5. Tales from Earthsea

Not a match to other Ghibli films, but still enjoyable.

8. Clamp School Detectives

Rather eh. You have to be deep into CLAMP, shoujo and cutesiness to fully enjoy it.

12. Record of Loddoss War

Amazing series, a staple of the fantasy genre.
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:22 pm

steenajack (post: 1366831) wrote:It may be like with Haibane Renmei, where in the opening there is a little non-sexual nudity. But in the actual series itself there is none, and the nudity was probably put in the opening for artistic purposes.

yeah, that's the exact same thing in Hanasakeru Seishounen. The girl just wants to be friends with the marriage candidates first and everything, so there's a very non-sexual approach to it. Thank you for your help!
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Postby steenajack » Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:37 pm

No problem. XD! Glad to be of help.
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Postby AngelicTotoro » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:02 pm

Maokun (post: 1366845) wrote:1. Rozen Maiden (I've watched the opening and this one looks a bit dark, I'm not to sure about it.)

When I watched it, I was expecting and looking forward to the darkness of the OP. I was disppointed, as there was close to none, I guess that they just wanted to cash a bit in the inherent creepiness of a living victorian style doll. However, the series quickly won me over as it's actually quite good.

5. Tales from Earthsea

Not a match to other Ghibli films, but still enjoyable.

8. Clamp School Detectives

Rather eh. You have to be deep into CLAMP, shoujo and cutesiness to fully enjoy it.

12. Record of Loddoss War

Amazing series, a staple of the fantasy genre.

Thanks for your help. ^^ But I'm still wondering if Rozen Maiden has much content that would bother a Christian? I'm mostly worried about spiritual stuff.
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Postby Falx » Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:27 am

Hmmm... man it's been a while...

The only thing that touches on magic/spirituality is the concept of souls being given to inanimate objects and the method used. The main character is also an occult junkie and orders everything he can find, including a Ouija board, but up until he orders the doll it's expressed that none of the items are real.

So the protagonist is a dabbler in occultic stuff, but to be fair, it is more a character trait of his rather than the defining point of the show... and if I recall correctly he eventually grows out of it.

The dolls all have inherent, magic-like, abilities, so that's something else to consider. Otherwise it's fairly light in tone and only occasionally heads into drama territory.
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Postby yukoxholic » Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:18 pm

blkmage (post: 1366317) wrote:I'll assume you've watched all of Aria. Also, Hidamari Sketch's third season is currently airing, so you'll probably want to check that out. Other slice of life/comedy stuff:

GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class is a lot like Hidamari but with more art
Minami-ke, only the first season
Sketchbook is another girls in art class one]Taishou Yakyuu Musume[/I] is a lot like Bamboo Blade, but about baseball in Japan in the 1920s

You might also want to check out So Ra No Wo To, which is airing right now.

Things that are like slice of life, but not really:
Kure-nai, has some action but feels like slice of life for a lot of it
Moyashimon, more comedic, but it's pretty good
Spice and Wolf, there is plot, but a lot of the appeal of this is its character development
Natsume Yuujinchou, not exactly slice of life, but the pace is slow and it's episodic

Shoujo stuff:
Kimi ni Todoke, currently airing, one of my own top shoujo manga picks
Nodame Cantabile, fantastic comedy about conservatory students and classical music

Romance and drama that isn't necessarily shoujo:
Clannad, the best show ever, it's about family (and dango)
ef - a tale of memories, is pretty good, I liked it, you might like it, I don't know
Toradora, you might like this too

GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class: I am currently reading this one. I didn’t know it also had an anime in conjunction with it. Will definitely check thus out.

Minami-ke: I loathed this anime for some reason. I have no clue why it just didn’t settle right with me

Sketchbook: Seen it, loved it.

Taishou Yakyuu Musume : Ooo! This looks really good!

So Ra No Wo To: Actually looks really interesting. I’ll have to check that one out as well.

Kure-nai: I’ve never heard of this one but it looks so cute! I’ll have to give a try!

Natsume Yuujinchou: I’ve actually been looking forward to this since seeing a manga preview over at *_* I had no idea there was an anime. I’ll have to check that out!

Moyashimon: Read the manga on a whim when there was nothing else to read. I thought it was interesting but I don’t know if it in anime-style would hold my interest. Does it go mostly by the manga?

Spice and Wolf: I haven’t watched this yet. I’ve heard a lot of amazing reviews about it. The only thing that gets me is how they throw in these bouts of nudity (though it is non-detailed and not sexual in anyway) and the relationship between her and the main male protagonist. Granted, she’s a fox-spirit that’s hundreds of years old and he’s 25 but ….yeah…something about that rubs me the wrong way for some reason. ^_^

Kimi ni Todoke, I’ve read the manga (what’s out so far). I thought it was okay. Some parts seemed to become repetitive to me (sort of like with Peach Girl) but I’ll give it a go.

Nodame Cantabile - Read it, watched it, loved it.

Clanned, Kanon, Air, all those types I’ve disliked. I couldn’t get into them at all.

Ef, a tale of memories: I have watched but I’d never watch it again.

Toradora! I’ve been watching thus far. :D

Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1366339) wrote:
But on topic, you may enjoy Azumanga Daioh for slice of life. I've only seen the first episode, but from what I've seen and heard it's on par with the manga, and the manga is quite amazing. The plot is that six high school girls go through high school. That's about it.

I’ve actually already watched Azumanga Diaoh twice already because I loved it so much! This recommendation makes me want to give it a go a 3rd time around now. XD

steenajack (post: 1366459) wrote:Here's some you may like:

This is kinda of an action/sports thing, but it is REALLY good and REALLY clean:

This one (a fantasy/action) has a VERY interesting storyline. There is blood, but I wouldn't say over the top. If you like Moribito, you'll like this:

Hikaru no Go looks pretty good. I'll have to look into it!

I've already seen The Twelve Kingdoms though and loved it. XD

Thank you everyone for the recommendation! Alot of you gave me some great options to try and you guessed pretty accurately on series I've loved and already watched. Thanks again! ^_^
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Postby blkmage » Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:01 pm

yukoxholic (post: 1367068) wrote:Spice and Wolf: I haven’t watched this yet. I’ve heard a lot of amazing reviews about it. The only thing that gets me is how they throw in these bouts of nudity (though it is non-detailed and not sexual in anyway) and the relationship between her and the main male protagonist. Granted, she’s a fox-spirit that’s hundreds of years old and he’s 25 but ….yeah…something about that rubs me the wrong way for some reason. ^_^

Nodame Cantabile - Read it, watched it, loved it.

Clanned, Kanon, Air, all those types I’ve disliked. I couldn’t get into them at all.

Re: Spice and Wolf:
1. The nudity is exactly as you described and is only in a few places: the OP and the first episode, when they first meet. Also, there's more nudity in Hidamari Sketch than in Spice and Wolf.

2. Their relationship is one of the best parts of the series because of the way it develops. It is one of the most well-developed, natural, and believable relationships that I've seen in anime. And by relationship, I don't mean romantically, which the anime hasn't even got to yet. There's just a fantastic chemistry between the two.

Re: Nodame Cantabile: Have you seen the second season (Paris Chapter)? If so, the third and final season is airing right now.

Re: Clannad: 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:41 pm

Thanks all for your helpful comments/suggestions on my last question.

New question: has anyone seen Law of Ueki? Can you recommend it? Can you elaborate a bit about it beyond "it's a cool tourney fighting show where the kids get powerz"? Well, that might be all there is to it, but. if so, is that well-executed? How does it rank compared to other shone action shows?

Thanks so much, guys!
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Postby That Dude » Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:11 pm

TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1367508) wrote:Thanks all for your helpful comments/suggestions on my last question.

New question: has anyone seen Law of Ueki? Can you recommend it? Can you elaborate a bit about it beyond "it's a cool tourney fighting show where the kids get powerz"? Well, that might be all there is to it, but. if so, is that well-executed? How does it rank compared to other shone action shows?

Thanks so much, guys!

I haven't seen "The Law Of Ueki" but I have read the manga, which, from what I hear the anime sticks pretty close to...Anyway I found it quite enjoyable. It is the in "kids with powers" catagory, but almost all of the powers are ridiculous. The main character's ability is to change trash into trees...And some of the other powers are just as odd. All in all the manga at least was quite funny and enjoyable.
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Postby RandomBurrito » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:53 pm

would anyone recomend hetalia? It seemed interesting being that the characters were named after countries and even their personalities represented that country but I'm worried about the content. I did hear that it had some innuendo and stuff but how bad is it? Like what would the recommended age rating be? And is there any things against Christianity?

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Postby MightiMidget » Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:15 am

Finished Nabari No Oh and Trigun...and was really happy with Trigun, semi-okay with Nabari. Now working on Cowboy Bebop and Night Head Genesis.

Okay, so I did read the review for Monster, but I'm still sort of paranoid about how graphic the sexual content is? I'm loving what I read of the plot and strength, but am wondering basically how to avoid the mentioned bits if they are indeed, graphic, or even if someone is a huge Monster fan and knows what episodes I should skip. . .
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Postby steenajack » Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:41 pm

Could someone tell me more about the content of the anime Princess Nine. I read the review, and I think I'd be okay with most of the content. But I'm kinda worried about fanservice. The review made it seem like that there was a little in it. Is there really, or is what the reviewer was talking about simply nothing to worry about at all?
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Postby MasterDias » Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:07 am

steenajack (post: 1367947) wrote:Could someone tell me more about the content of the anime Princess Nine. I read the review, and I think I'd be okay with most of the content. But I'm kinda worried about fanservice. The review made it seem like that there was a little in it. Is there really, or is what the reviewer was talking about simply nothing to worry about at all?

It's pretty much exactly what the review says. I wouldn't particularly add or take off anything from it. Your mileage may vary of course, but I generally found this type of content to be pretty minimal in the show.
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Postby steenajack » Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:01 am

Thank you for the info, I've watched 2 episodes so far. It looks really good.
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Postby Wyntre Rose » Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:45 am

MightiMidget (post: 1367852) wrote:
Okay, so I did read the review for Monster, but I'm still sort of paranoid about how graphic the sexual content is? I'm loving what I read of the plot and strength, but am wondering basically how to avoid the mentioned bits if they are indeed, graphic, or even if someone is a huge Monster fan and knows what episodes I should skip. . .

The sexual content is not really very graphic at all - this was my concern, too, when I was thinking of watching Monster - however, several times the main characters go into the red light district and each time, there's a bit of a photo montage with half naked women in the pictures. And this isn't silhouette nudity, either, if you know what I mean. There are also some signs with naked women on them in this district here and there, but I don't believe that there is any nudity of any person explicitly shown. It's all just pictures and billboards. And in Monster, you really aren't going to be able to skip ANY episode and be able to know what on earth is going on - every little plot trickle and thread eventually, if not immediately, is going to have a bearing on events later that will make no sense if you've missed anything.

The nude pictures photo montage happens about three or four times - sorry, I don't know which episodes - and from what I remember there are two "sex scenes," one in episode 49 (this is the red light district episode with the teacher that was mentioned in the review) and the other in either 69 or 70. If anyone has seen this series more than I have, and remembers anything else, feel free to fill any holes I've left!

Edit: just double checked, and the second sex scene is in episode 70. The fansub episode that I have is 13 minutes and 42 seconds in, and is over by minute 14. Yup, it's that quick. Episode 49 is even quicker, and what we actually see is a close up of the kid's eye as he's watching what we are not shown. This one lasts 9 seconds - and honestly, the build up to what is about to happen is creepier than the act itself - and it starts about 17 minutes and 30 seconds in.
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Postby That Dude » Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:06 pm

Wyntre's pretty much got it right. There's about two instances of topless nudity, though it isn't glorified, you do see everything. There is one implied sex scene where you don't see anything...And there is one other sex scene. You don't see a whole lot...It's like what you'd see in your standard TV14 show. That is all I remember as far as fanservice. And while I don't like it there, it isn't ever done in any exploitative way.
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Postby MightiMidget » Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:14 pm

Alright, thank you very, very much, Wyntre and Dude. =) This helped an enormous heap!!
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Postby Wyntre Rose » Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:28 pm

Anytime! :) Btw, I love your avatar!
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Postby Beau Soir » Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:15 pm

RandomBurrito (post: 1367620) wrote:would anyone recomend hetalia? It seemed interesting being that the characters were named after countries and even their personalities represented that country but I'm worried about the content. I did hear that it had some innuendo and stuff but how bad is it? Like what would the recommended age rating be? And is there any things against Christianity?


I've been wondering the same thing too!

Could someone please give us a quick run-down of Hetalia Axis Powers? I've been wanting to watch it, but I read someone's opinion that it had "yaoi undertones", so I haven't seen it yet and I don't know what to do or believe.

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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:28 pm

The yaoi undertones you've heard about are pretty much just the usual with the fangirls. Given that most of the countries are male, some things like France and England's "marriage" come up, which I've heard is based on some treaty France needed. If you think about the characters as countries instead of people, you'll be fine with whatever comes along, since countries can't really have a sexual orientation.

I've only seen through episode 7 though, so I can't say much otherwise besides the fact that it hasn't had any content yet. The show itself is quite clever and charming, and I would most certainly recommend it.
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Postby jadeTheshade » Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:38 pm

so folks, out of curiosity: what can you tell me about soul eater?

thanks in advance!
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:56 pm

Soul Eater, quality wise, is pretty good. I've seen the first 33 episodes, and did put it on hold because it was dragging, but I would recommend it if you like fantasy and can deal with the content.

Content wise is where it falters. Stuffed to the brim with fanservice, the first four episodes have four nudity, and while it doesn't show anything, it's definitely intended to make the viewer aroused. It's a bit toned down after that, but definitely is there.

There's also the matter of the soul eating, but they only eat evil souls(unless they're evil), if that makes you feel better.

The show is brimming with fantasy, so if that offends you, don't watch it.
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Postby blkmage » Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:07 pm

Soul Eater is a well-produced and pretty good shounen show. It's got BONES' trademark fantastic animation, an interesting style, and pretty good music by the TTGL music guy. That said, it falls in the same way that the first FMA did, and that's with its original content when it deviates from the manga storyline.
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Searching For Animes

Postby Reon » Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:00 am

Hey guys,

I just want some really simple stuff, not a lot of violence, no sex, no scantily dressed woman, and a little more specific - no magic (spellcasters etc). Watching Durarara right now as are a few of you - the headless horsemen thing is fine in regards to what may appear as mystical/folk lore etc. The perfect example of what anime I'm looking for is "Time of Eve". It was six episodes long and was very modern.

It's frustrating trying to tell you what I'm looking for without explaining so I might as well. "MY" convictions after being addicting to video games among other things but still liking anime has narrowed my taste. I don't want something with magic, special powers, just anime with character development, not packed with violence, scantily dressed women etc.

To give a taste of what I'm talking about would include:
"Time of Eve", "Durarara" (so far), "5 Centimeters Per Second" (and the other two movies and short clips he's made), "Eureka 7", "Last Exile", etc.

Really appreciate any and all help - thanks for understanding the specifics (and if not :o lol ^^ :hug:).

Sincerely, Ryan

P.S. If I get a pretty good size list, I'll start reviewing and rating theme. Thanks again <3 & God Bless (Oh I just noticed I repeated myself - retyping the post caused that, eh)
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Postby blkmage » Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:46 am

ARIA sounds like it might be up your alley if you're up for character and world development. It's about appreciating the simple things you come across each day. It's fairly episodic and doesn't really have a strict overarching story.

If you enjoyed 5 Centimeters per Second, I think you'll enjoy CLANNAD and CLANNAD After Story. You might have noticed that Makoto Shinkai's stories are very obviously about distance. In the same way, CLANNAD is very obviously about family (and is really the best story about it ever).

An interesting one you might like is Eden of the East, set in the near future (2011) and is about some of Japan's societal problems and some sort of conspiracy. Lots of mystery and intrigue, but you'll have to wait for the ending in the form of two movies.

Honey and Clover is good for some general melancholy and low-key romance.

Kaiba is a fantastic show set in a dystopian future where memories are easily transferable as data drawn in a deceptively cartoonish style.

I like suggesting Kure-nai to people because it's good and everyone seems to have forgotten about it or something.

If you liked Eureka Seven, you might like Macross Frontier, the latest of the Macross series. Macross is all about combining mecha with the power of song and love triangles (KIIIIIIIMI WA DARE TO KISU WO SURU).

Nodame Cantabile is about conservatory students working to get to the top of the musical world. The third and final season is currently airing.

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 looks at what would happen if Tokyo were hit by an 8.0 earthquake in the next few decades.

Kimi ni Todoke is a pretty good shoujo series about a girl who's trying to overcome her inept social skills and her classmates' perceptions of her. Still airing.

Katanagatari is a samurai story with an unconventional art style and witty Nisioisin dialogue. Still airing.
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Postby steenajack » Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:19 pm

Hikaru no Go may be up your ally. One of the main characters is a ghost, but it's played so light that after awhile you kinda forget he IS a ghost. It's actually a very interesting coming-of-age story about how a boy becomes really into a game called "GO". They have a review of it on this site in case you're interested. All I can say is that this anime is really good, and VERY clean. :D Hope I was of help to you.
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blkmage has taste

Postby Reon » Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:38 pm

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Thanks, you guys seriously rock.
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@ blkmage
You were completely right about CLANNAD. I'm only on episode three and already loving it (a good laugh every episode). Lots of mystery so far as our main character keeps meeting new people but loving his confidence. Sadly when I looked up Macross Frontier on Crunchyroll came across "Linebarrels of Iron" which although had high reviews, focused on female body parts and a kid with absolutely no confidence, still having everything fall into his laps.

Love your first suggestion - can't wait to get down with this and move further down the list. (CLANNAD has been so perfectly clean so far and the animators don't go over the top in drawing girls either :thumbsup:)
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Postby MightiMidget » Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:55 pm

A couple I was wondering about that had looked interesting plot wise, but was unsure of content due to rating were Ergo Proxy, Gilgamesh, Higurashi looked quite interesting but some people seemed iffy about it here? and...Serial Experiments Lain.

Mostly just wondering about sexual content and language...
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Postby That Dude » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:15 pm

MightiMidget (post: 1372486) wrote:A couple I was wondering about that had looked interesting plot wise, but was unsure of content due to rating were Ergo Proxy, Gilgamesh, Higurashi looked quite interesting but some people seemed iffy about it here? and...Serial Experiments Lain.

Mostly just wondering about sexual content and language...

Ok, I haven's seen Higurashi but I've seen all of the other anime on your list.

Ergo Proxy: As far as sexual content goes, it's quite clean. You see the main character Re-l in her underwear in a few episodes, but it's never portrayed in a sexual way. As far as language goes, it's like your normal tv show, H's B's D's and whatnot. It's there but it's not overdone.

Gilgamesh: This one would probably be wise to avoid. There are a few sexual instances, and there is nudity, and while there isn't anything shown with the nudity it in one or two instances is sexual in nature. There is also a decent amount of language and I think that the F word is dropped two or three times throughout the series.

Serial Experiments Lain: I wrote a review of this that pretty much sums it up.
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