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2,000 Posts!

Postby LadyRushia » Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:50 pm

I've reached a magic number! Hooray!

Let's see. . .I'm in my second year of college now as a Creative Writing major. I love writing and it's basically the only thing I want to do with my life (we'll see how well that goes, XD).

I've been an anime fan since 7th grade and my first anime was Sailor Moon.

My favorite anime series include Kaleido Star, Sailor Moon, Code Geass, Azumanga Daioh, Baccano, and Haruhi, but there are plenty of others that I like. I just can't list them all, XD.

My favorite manga series is probably 20th Century Boys, but there are others that I keep up with.

My favorite video game is Tales of Symphonia.

I've been playing guitar for 5 1/2 years and it never gets old. Over the summer, I took up singing and that hasn't gotten old either.

Other T.V. shows I like include The Office and old sitcoms, especially The Facts of Life. I grew up on that show and I still love it, XD.

I came to CAA after having a huge rearrangement in my thinking in China (God-ordained because I wouldn't have changed my life plans on my own), and in a series of emails, my mom linked me this site. I lurked for about a month until I returned to the U.S. and joined before starting my senior year.

So yeah, ask me questions or something!

EDIT: Also, here's my intro post for the lulz.
Hey there, CAA! I'm LadyRushia(you all can call me Rushia for short). I love anime/manga, Jesus, and writing and I just recently figured out how to use my interests and talents to glorify God, resulting in two new stories(yay, me! ^_^). I've been playing guitar for three years and I lived in China for two months this summer. This year will be my last year of high school and I'm very excited for all the fun senior things I'll get to do(like college apps. XD).

I like all kinds of food, but lately I've been craving beef(in cheeseburger form). I'm usually very shy when I first meet people, but I open up pretty quickly and then they get to see all my loveable strangeness ^_^

My friends tend to come to me, seeking my advice, and I've been told that I'm very loving and caring. My words tend to make my friends feel better about their situation. I've been pretty lucky in life so far(no serious family problems or anything like that) but the people around me tend to have more serious drama.

Well, that's basically me in a nutshell(or a text box if you wanna be technical). ^_~

I was so much peppier and more optimistic back then, XD.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:00 pm

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Postby LadyRushia » Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:05 pm

Excellent question, my good Corrie. I have thought long and hard about the proper way to answer, and my mind has come up with this:

My favorite internet is the kind ruled by Root Bear and Rolf StrappingYoungLad, in which I can download some nice specimans in no less than 15 nubytes.
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Postby goldenspines » Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:27 am

Congrats my dear Rushair~

Rushaaaair wrote: I'm usually very shy when I first meet people, but I open up pretty quickly and then they get to see all my loveable strangeness ^_^

This is trufax.

Boy do I feel old, I remember when you joined (and reading that intro). XD;

Oh, question! Ummm, since Corrie took the funny question, I will ask a serious one. :O Who were the first five people you met/were befriended by on CAA?
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Postby LadyRushia » Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:25 am

Hmm, I think they were Okami, ~darkelfgirl~, Corrie, Ryan (Mr. SmartyPants), and Jamie (Kkun).
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:41 pm

Who are your favorite writers and what are your favorite books by them?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:24 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1358477) wrote:I was so much peppier and more optimistic back then, XD.

Congratulations \o.o/

Wow, has it really been that long since you've joined ^__^? It kinda/sorta seems just like yesterday you timidly joined the chat ^__^ You were so shy.. it was so cute *squish* <333
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Postby LadyRushia » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:32 pm

rocklobster (post: 1358683) wrote:Who are your favorite writers and what are your favorite books by them?

This varies depending on what I'm reading and what books I actually finish, XD. Right now, one of my favorite books is To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. I also like what I've read so far of The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Narnia, LOTR, Tales of the Otori, The Suzumiya Haruhi light novel series, Amy Tan's works--there are just too many to name. I also ordered all of the Harry Potter books yesterday and hope to read them all over Christmas break.

Tsukuyomi wrote:Wow, has it really been that long since you've joined ^__^? It kinda/sorta seems just like yesterday you timidly joined the chat ^__^ You were so shy.. it was so cute *squish* <333

I've been squished by a Lucky! Also, I get the feeling that this is your favorite first memory of me, XD.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Tue Dec 01, 2009 3:08 pm

I have a question.

Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the President? y/n
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Postby LadyRushia » Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:55 pm


In fact, I have a set formula for rescuing any president no matter what and it consists of five simple words stated by one of the most famous presidents in American history. The simple command is "Calm down, just calm down."
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:14 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1358695) wrote:This varies depending on what I'm reading and what books I actually finish, XD. Right now, one of my favorite books is To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. I also like what I've read so far of The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, Narnia, LOTR, Tales of the Otori, The Suzumiya Haruhi light novel series, Amy Tan's works--there are just too many to name. I also ordered all of the Harry Potter books yesterday and hope to read them all over Christmas break.

I've been squished by a Lucky! Also, I get the feeling that this is your favorite first memory of me, XD.

Heehee, it was my first memory of you and your happycakes 8D
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Postby Riggidig » Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:05 am

It's over two thousaaaaaand!

Hopefully I can reach this milestone someday :3
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Postby GeneD » Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:37 am

Congratulations Rushia. :D

1. Have you ever been out of the country/oversees? Where would you like to go if you could go anywhere?

2. What is the most disturbing movie / anime you've seen in recent years?

3. What are the everyday things you can’t do without?

4. If you were going to win a Nobel Prize, what category would you want to win?

5. Which limb would you exchange for $300 000?

(a) Right Arm
(b) Left Leg
(c) Forget it, you sicko!

6. What colour is your tooth brush?

7. Why don't you wear that jacket with that shirt?

8. What's your favourite Disney song?

9. Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator? Who would you want to get stuck in an elevator with (real or fiction)?

10. Who has the best CAA sig?

11. Do you believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial life, sentient or not?

12. How many kids do you hope to have one day, if any?
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Postby LadyRushia » Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:12 am

1. Have you ever been out of the country/oversees? Where would you like to go if you could go anywhere?

A few times, plenty if you count Puerto Rico. I have family there, so we visit once a year or once every other year. Other than that, I've been to England twice, Scotland, Iceland, and China. My longest trip was China (two months). I'd like to go to Japan one day or Ireland or Italy.
2. What is the most disturbing movie / anime you've seen in recent years?

Daughters of the Dust. That movie makes no sense.
3. What are the everyday things you can’t do without?

Clothes, food, and shelter. It's harsh outside no matter the season.
4. If you were going to win a Nobel Prize, what category would you want to win?

Literature/fiction? I think you can win it for that. . .
5. Which limb would you exchange for $300 000?

(a) Right Arm
(b) Left Leg
(c) Forget it, you sicko!

d) velociraptor
6. What colour is your tooth brush?

Blue and white.
7. Why don't you wear that jacket with that shirt?

Because the heat is on.
8. What's your favourite Disney song?

"Poor Unfortunate Souls" or "Be Prepared." Both are cleverly written.
9. Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator? Who would you want to get stuck in an elevator with (real or fiction)?

No and Otcho from 20th Century Boys because he would dig us out with half a spoon.
10. Who has the best CAA sig?

People who have their art in them. That's pretty cool.
11. Do you believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial life, sentient or not?

I believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial velociraptors, both sentient and not.
12. How many kids do you hope to have one day, if any?

This assumes a lot of things happening in my life that I really stopped hoping for by now. The less I hope for that stuff going well for me (or going at all, rather), the less I care about whether or not it actually happens. I used to be a dreamy-eyed romantic who believed there was someone out there for everyone, but not anymore.
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:00 am

:( How sad for you.
1. What fantasy land would you want to visit the most?
2. Who do you want to meet in Heaven besides Jesus?
3. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
4. What would be your alchemist title?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby LadyRushia » Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:01 pm

1. What fantasy land would you want to visit the most?

That's a tough one, XD. I'd have to say the O-Z from Tin Man because that place just looks really cool.
2. Who do you want to meet in Heaven besides Jesus?

If Virginia Woolf is there, I would love to talk to her.
3. Who is your favorite actor/actress?

I don't really pay enough attention to actors to have a favorite, but there are a handful that I think are good, such as the entire cast of The Office.
4. What would be your alchemist title?

If this is an FMA reference, I don't get it. Either way, my title would be velociraptor.
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:32 pm

1. What is it with you and velociraptors?
2. Which giant robot pilot would you want as a personal bodyguard?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby LadyRushia » Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:23 pm

1. What is it with you and velociraptors?

Velociraptors are the superior dinosaur and they are always the right answer when all else fails.
2. Which giant robot pilot would you want as a personal bodyguard?

Kallen from Code Geass.
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Postby yukoxholic » Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:58 pm

Congratulations Lady Rushia!

1.) Since you’re a writer what do you like to write about or what genre do you enjoy writing in?


2.) If you could foretell your own future where would you see yourself in 10 years? This can be answered facetiously or realistically, btw. XD
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Postby LadyRushia » Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:17 pm

1.) Since you’re a writer what do you like to write about or what genre do you enjoy writing in?

Fantasy or something like that. I imagine all of my characters as anime characters.
2.) If you could foretell your own future where would you see yourself in 10 years? This can be answered facetiously or realistically, btw. XD

I see myself in the year 2019.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:18 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1358779) wrote:d) velociraptor


No and Otcho from 20th Century Boys because he would dig us out with half a spoon.


I believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial velociraptors, both sentient and not.


If this is an FMA reference, I don't get it. Either way, my title would be velociraptor.

Velociraptors are the superior dinosaur and they are always the right answer when all else fails.

XDDDD Your answers are the best answers. Because of this, here is a picture of Dr. McNinja riding a velociraptor.

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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:48 pm

RD:Heh, that's epic.

Congrats Rushia! I wonder how long it will take me to reach that milestone.

Okay, questions! I'll start out easier, and get better as I get more into it.

Who's your favorite character in the most awesome ToS(Sheena for the win, by the way)?

If you had one wish, what would it be?

If you were to choose between a boy velociraptor and a girl veliciraptor, or five velociraptors of the same gender, which would you choose?

What would you say you're silliest fear is?

When you go to Italy or Ireland, will you take me with you?
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:20 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1358997) wrote:Velociraptors are the superior dinosaur and they are always the right answer when all else fails.

I'm afraid you have to take the Velociraptors test now.


This is more vital than anything else you have *ever* learned...
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Postby LadyRushia » Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:29 pm

Who's your favorite character in the most awesome ToS(Sheena for the win, by the way)?

Sheena is definitely one of my favorites. I always use her when Colette isn't around, but as far as favorites go it's a tie between Sheena and Colette. I love Colette for her willingness to give up her own life for the redemption of the messed up world she lives in, and her overall adorableness and acceptance of all people. Sheena never would've joined them if Colette turned her away like everyone else wanted to. On the other hand, I love Sheena because she's very dynamic and has one of the more powerful story lines. That isn't to say that the other characters' story lines aren't equally as powerful because ToS is just a fantastic story-rich game.
If you had one wish, what would it be?

That I can write, that people can enjoy my writing, and that people may even be changed by my writing, or see things in a different way.
If you were to choose between a boy velociraptor and a girl veliciraptor, or five velociraptors of the same gender, which would you choose?

I would choose five female velociraptors because they would be more emotional and more vicious toward enemies.
What would you say you're silliest fear is?

The fear of not having a velociraptor guardian.
When you go to Italy or Ireland, will you take me with you?

I don't think I can because I'd go by velociraptor and mine can only carry one person. I'd get more, but they're hard to come by these days.

EDIT: And Mith, I'm not a math or physics person, but the answer to all of those questions is 42 and velociraptors.
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