In the rain...

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In the rain...

Postby raider~joseph » Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:16 am

(Rocklobster told me about these this seems easy so I wanna make one of my own so I read a few and I can't say I feel ok with joining one that has already started)

It was years ago strange sightings of odd creatures started to pop up on the internet as usual the many insane people said: It’s all a lie man! The government has lied to you these things are gonna make the rain."The rain is a term used now to say the end of the world first it was the creature then it was the floods then finally it started to rain. It never stopped worse people are dying all over cities are flooding. A man says that dry land is still here that has right dry land exists in the artic.People call him insane but some will follow. The new government of the world UNITY says they are going to make a city in the sky and wants no one to panic. Then again it’s been raining for 8 years straight. You choose will you follow the mystery man or will you protect High ground from whatever may threaten it.

This RPG takes place in a place called High Ground somewhere in Asia and this is the character sheet.

particular skills:
combat skills:

Here is mine...

name:joseph sarows
particular skills:bomb making mainly molotovs.
combat skills: not too bad with knife.
Weapons: A Japanese steak knife his trademark weapon and a shotgun. He also carries a desert eagle.
Clothing: wears a thin black coat and a blue shirt and pants he has a necklace of a knife on his person at all times.
Bio: Before the rain he was a pyro good at heart he is obsessed with bombs and when he quit cold turkey he decided to find something else besides school to do so he decided to make YouTube videos of him telling how to make bombs. He got caught and was sent to prison for 3 weeks at the end of the first the rain started and the 3rd week the flood started and the mystery man saved him so he has joined his troop as the right hand man.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:40 am

I might join if more people do. Sounds interesting :D
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Postby SeraphicCharm » Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:01 pm

ooh, ooh, i wanna join! great plot theme! (heehee, this is my first time RPGing! we'll see how this goes!)

name: Angel Morendo
age: 16
gender: female
particular skills: she has the ability to sense the thoughts of others, although she doesn't like to says what they are
combat skills: she doesn't know a lot, but she has been educated in the way of the sword.
weapons: she always carries a small knife with her, and she owns two small swords (about 4 ft. long and weighing about 10 lbs. each) which she always practices with.
clothing: long black flare-type pants and a black short-sleeved shirt with white angel wings on the back. she also wears a double-sheath harness that crosses in the back for her swords.
bio: Living in a village in one of the nearby valleys, Angel's home was one of the first to be flooded out. In that first flood, both her parents were killed and she has no other family to go to. Now left on her own, she's very confused about what to do next. She knows for sure that she doesn't trust the new government and all that they promise, but she is torn between staying on the High Ground or going to the Arctic. For now, she just wanders through the surrounding lands until they get flooded out.
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Postby raider~joseph » Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:26 pm

Your character is psychic...nice.I like your character design and how it includes swords I didn't think anyone would use swords.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:52 pm

SeraphicCharm wrote:two small swords (about 4 ft. long and weighing about 10 lbs. each)

*ahem* Even the largest swords ever made, 6-ft. long 16th-century greatswords, weighed no more than 8 pounds on average. A sword as long and as heavy as yours is would be 3/8ths of an inch thick - not quite sword-thickness. Realistically: you try swinging around two 10 lb. bars for a couple hours. Swords were not as heavy as people think they were.

Anyway...Here's my character.

Name: Anton Silvina
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: American/Caucasian, with an Italian ancestry.
Particular skills: Born lucky. He has a good, logical head on his shoulders, and good things result through his use of it. Just a few days before the rain started, he had received a degree in civil engineering. How convenient for a world where life is dependent on eliminating extra water. The rainy years have given him lots of practical experience in his field. It's also given him a devil-may-care attitude: whatever happens, he's happy with that, and if there's a problem, he'll just throw himself at it until it's solved.
Combat skills: Rudimentary self defense training, though if he runs into someone who knows what he's doing, he's toast. So he cheats. He uses a gun...
Weapons: This gun. A big one. An experimental military shotgun, with four revolving barrels, lifted from a Chinese research base after the evacuation order. Like a redneck Gatling gun.
Clothing: A dark blue coverall, spattered in mud, rubber boots, and a backpack full of supplies. Has dark brown hair, cut short, and brown eyes. About 5'8", 175 lbs.
Bio: He's spent the last few years helping build up the High Ground - the former Tibetian Plateau - into a massive staging site for humanity's next plan: the UNITY sky city. He might not agree with everything UNITY's done in the aftermath of the rain, and the sky city sounds pretty crazy, but it's not like anyone else has a better plan. So when they're ready to start work on it, he'll be there.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:22 pm

Looks interesting.

name:Johann van Reine
particular skills:Johann believes in brains over braun. His high intelligence with technology is his greatest skill.
combat skills:No major combat skills. He uses his wit to get him out of sticky situations.
weapons:His computer.
clothing:An eccentric fellow, Johann wearing rounded glasses, brown trousers, and a lab coat. He is roughly over 6 feet in height with lightly tan skin, green eyes, and long light brown hair he keeps tied in a low ponytail.
bio: At one time, Johann worked for the information division of the UNITY post in Germany before the country was destroyed. Angered by the loss of the Motherland, he vowed his commitment to stop the organization. His past is fairly sketchy.

name:Chenoa van Reine
ethnic:Chocktaw/ Native American
particular skills:Chenoa has skills with medicines and healing. Besides that, she is also a fairly accomplished archer.
combat skills:Great reflexes and skill with a bow.
weapons:Medicine bag and bow and arrow.
clothing:Like her husband, Chenoa is also peculiar in dress and appearance. Keeping largely to her culture, she has long black hair with traditional beading in the front and leather, decorated headband. She generally wears an Indian woman's dress, but will settle for blues jeans, tank, and deer skin vest. With her she carries small weapons and herbs in a medicine bag. Chenoa stands at a few inches past five feet with dark brown eyes and redden skin.
bio:The Native American reservations were some of the first places that flooded in America. Hearing of the High Lands, Chenoa and her tribe traveled to Japan that resulted in the almost utter eniliation of her people. Once in Japan, she meet Johann at a UNITY camp for non-Asian foreigners coming to live in the country. The two became instant friends and helped each other learn the language. They married roughly a year and a half prior and live in hiding of the government.
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:36 pm

Hope this is alright!! :D

Name: Kaori
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Ethnic: British
Particular skills: She is very creative and crafty. With most obstacles she faces, she finds the most unusual way to deal with it. She also claims she can talk to sea creatures.
Combat skills: The element of surprise mostly. But she is pretty dangerous with a stick.
Weapons: Two 2ft long sticks, double the thickness of a broomstick.
Clothing: A bright blue waterproof cloak, a shirt made out of various animal skins, purple rubber tights that go to her knees, and yellow rain boots. She also wears steampunk styled goggles on her head. She carries a messenger style bag that she keeps food, a knife, and other essentials in. She stands at exactly 5 feet, and she has blue short hair (choppy), and green eyes.
Bio: When the flooding started, Kaori's family was taken victim to it, leaving her by herself. From there, she has wandered the lands, trying to find a safe place to live. Soon she found the orphaned boy named Koga, and decided to let him tag along, his skills would prove useful to them.
When she heard the rumors about the arctic, she was one of the firsts to start heading that way.

Name: Koga
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ethnic: Indian (Cherokee)
Particular skills: He is agile and extremely quick, faster than most people he encounters.
Combat skills: He is very skilled in unarmed combat, but his preferred weapon is a stone knife he carved himself.
Weapons: Stone knife.
Clothing: He wears animal skin pants, brown Indian style boots, no shirt, and an animal skin cloak. He has black hair that goes to his shoulders with tribal beads and feathers in it, he stands at 5'8", and he has deep brown eyes.
Bio: Most of his tribe was killed during the first few years of the flooding, leaving him alone. he had been wandering aimlessly until he found Kaori. When she suggested he come with her, he jumped at the opportunity. He's been with her ever since.

Name: Dante Carrow
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Ethnic: Italian
Particular skills: He is very witty, and is pretty handy with a hammer, though he seems a bit shady at times. He was a marine biologist before the rain started, so he has a good knowledge about sea creatures.
Combat skills: He keeps a pistol tucked away in the back of his pants, but he doesn't really need it. He uses a persons weaknesses against them in fighting, and usually hits their pressure points to gain a quick victory.
Weapons: His hands, and a pistol.
Clothing: He wears a black trench coat over the top of muddied up pants, black rubber boots, and a nice black shirt with it's sleeves rolled up. He has black slicked back hair, sharp eyebrows, a chiseled jaw, and hazel eyes. He usually smells like fish.
Bio: Before the rain started, he had just finished school for a degree in marine biology, so the flooding had actually made him a bit happy. He could research further with the deep sea creatures surfacing. Currently, he is traveling around, studying the new specimens.
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Postby raider~joseph » Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:45 am

Wow...I better step it up...everyone is making new characters. At least High Ground is gonna have many types of people but for the record this is beginning to look like street fighter in a way everyone knows martial arts!

Now the mystery man who shall lead the various people to the arctic is revealed!
Name: Well everyone just calls him Leader to those who serve Unity he is called the Rebel.
Age: 29
Gender: male
Ethnic: Italian
Particular skills: Highly impressive with all manner of tech.He has even built a mech he also has black belts in every manner of martial arts.
Weapons: a strange device to which no one knows what it does an assault rifle with optional scope, and a katana.
Clothing: black cloak
Bio: When the rain started he was one who lead many to the least dry land on earth High Ground. When the various surviving governments formed UNITY he saw dark things to come when UNITY decided to make money and taxes in a state of crisis he spoke out publicly and was arrested he got out and when he did the followers he formed joined his cause however the truth is he could be good or evil the evidence is clear though he is going to the arctic and those who follow him shall reap the rewards or pay the price.

we sure are gonna have many types of characters in this story.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:22 am

Oh, is it alright if I add that Dante Carrow is working with the New Government for unknown reasons? I forgot to write that in there.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:00 pm

name: Sasaria Abby

age: 21

gender: female

ethnic: french-american with some dutch

particular skills: Sasaria's bilingual; she's fluent in both American English and American Sign Language.

combat skills: she's excellently skilled in both Archery and Kickboxing.

weapons: a longbow and a guarrel of arrows (she can make her own arrows)

clothing: She wears a red strapless shirt, long black and red fingerless gloves, dark blue denim jeans and long black motorcycle boots, has shoulder-length light blonde hair pulled back into a spiky ponytail, has bright blue eyes and light skin with a fair complection, but doesn't wear makeup.

bio: Sasaria lived in a very loving family until the flood came and drowned them, her being the only surviver. She painfully misses her family thus, she is very, very lonely and doesn't care about the sky city or High Ground right now because she just wants to see if she still has ANY family left to go to and is traveling pretty much everywhere, using her skills if need be.
[color="Blue"]Now, O Israel, the Lord who created you says: "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)[/color]
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Postby raider~joseph » Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:39 pm

I am sorry but i should let you all know the only place that isn't ocean around high ground is called Ruin a jungle that connects to the flooded earth it is full of dangerous plants and animals and worse to get there you either have to be in the UNITY search army or have to have sneaked out even still its always raining at the end of the jungle is a body of water that starts the begining of the rest of the flooded world.Simply put this is the only way in and out there is no other area outside of High Ground to explore in High Ground there are 5 cities:Twilight the hub city for most of the rebels various bases they have the least crime enforcement.
Cage:the prisons the worst of the worst charlie manson types live here the only thing rebels agree with UNITY on is the people they chose to put in the jail deserve it.
Cycle:the shopping district....and thats it.
Watchtower:The training center for solders is the tower the towns around it are for the tower's use only is also the only entrence to ruin(that UNITY knows of the rebels have many others one for each city even...)
Summit:the goverments main base also the science research base.

And these are the only areas you will be able to play in.....for now be creative make parts of town.
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Postby raider~joseph » Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:42 pm

I am gonna wait till tomorrow to get a mod to approve the rpg if you have anything to say say it now.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:49 pm

One question: Does my character HAVE to take a side or can she just be a rouge character? She travels just to see if she can find any of her family members that may still be alive, but I didn't make her to fight for either side.
[color="Blue"]Now, O Israel, the Lord who created you says: "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)[/color]
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Postby Arya Raiin » Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:59 pm

name: Yamaki Kyo (as with traditional Japanese names, the last part of the name is what he is called by.)

age: 23

gender: male

ethnic: Japanese/American

particular skills: Leadership, artist, going to collage to be a doctor (has completed first two years)

combat skills: Close combat

weapons: handgun and knife, yet also knows fencing

clothing: blue jeans, leather jacket, baseball cap, and nice T's are normally what this guys wears.

bio: (Not letting you know quite yet, XP)
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Postby raider~joseph » Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:23 pm

yes she can be a rouge in these types of stories all characters meet at some point so I really don't mind as long as you let me know before your character goes and discovers a new area outside of the ones I said pm me when you want to so we don't all get confused.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:55 pm

Oh I wasn't gonna have her discover a new area, she's just gonna be a traveler. (she's gonna be looking for any of her family members that are still alive)
[color="Blue"]Now, O Israel, the Lord who created you says: "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)[/color]
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:28 pm

name: Judith Gabriella
age: 19
gender: female
ethnic: african-american
particular skills: Excellent tracking skills, very good at fending for herself and communicating in various languages, including sign-language
combat skills: Excellent in akido
weapons: uses shuriken, a spear, and her own body of course
clothing: tends to wear a red cloth outfit and blue jeans.
bio: An orphanned girl who got around by doing mercenary work. She does not do anything underhanded and tend to drift, never really staying in one place. She learned sign language at an early age and claims to have an invisible being giving her guidance and support
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby goldenspines » Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:23 pm

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My Character

Postby Silent Seraph » Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:13 pm

May i join? If so heres my character (this might be my main character in a novel so please no copyrighting)

name: Moxell Cole

age: 15 (tall for age approx. 6'1)

gender: male

ethnic: Caucasian/American

particular skills: Computers, Marksmanship, Logic, Swordsmanship

weapons: 2H sword (fantasy falchion 0.5 down page, U22 Neos Pistols (two) , assorted throwing knives, Prototype Sniper Rifle (folds/disassembles into a pack about .0.75 metres long, 0.50 wide {uses depleted uranium bullets})

clothing: Grey Jeans, white/black 4 horseman T-shirt, black zip hoodie (has family crest designs on front and back)

bio: Just as the rain started causing worry (2-3yrs in) a small band of drunken UNITY soldiers stumbled onto who the Cole family home (which was in a part of outer London) and fired (they had previously had a grudge against the family due to the fact that they wouldn't compromise their beliefs or give them money for drink.) They were shortly dealt with but not before killing multiple persons of the family. Moxell is presently trying to contact the rebels and get his family to safety so he can freely join in the rebels midst.
Life verse. Corinthians 9:27 [color="Cyan"]No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.[/color]

[color="Cyan"]If you pretend to feel a certain way, the feeling can become genuine all by accident.
Hei (Darker Than Black)[/color]

God. Family. Athletics.

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Postby SeraphicCharm » Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:12 am

okay, new character!

name: Jade
age: 17
gender: male
ethnic: Japanese/American
particular skills: good cook and great teacher
combat skills: sharp shooter, excellent martial arts skills
weapons: two small hand guns (380s)
clothing: black jeans, red tank top, and a really long black duster
bio: Living all his life in the Summit, Jade has known nothing of his family or his origins. When the rains came, he found his small corner store flooded with desperate customers. He is a great marksman, but he had to sacrifice his true talents in order to make a living. He considers himself a caged bird, never able to leave because of his overbearing master who has been training in him all his spare time in martial arts. He finally decides to leave, heading for a wilderness he has never known. If he can find Leader, Jade would be the most zealous follower to the Arctic, for the cause of freedom from the government forces.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:30 pm

I'm making a new character:

Name: Yasmin Baden

Age: 22

Gender: female

Ethnic: half Italian and half Dutch American

Particular Skills: She's a master in the kitchen. ;)

Combat Skills: She can fire a nasty roundhouse kick.

Weapons: anything solid she can get her hands on

Clothing: She wears a bluish-grey cap-sleeve shirt with faded blue denim jeans and short black stilleto boots. She has long orangey-yellow hair that goes down to JUST above her rear (she usually has it in a french braid) and has a somewhat tan complection.

Bio: Yasmin was really worried about her family when she heard about the flood and decided to move to a safer place. She currently doesn't know that the only ones in her family who survived are Sasaria and herself. (she's Sasaria's third cousin twice-removed) Yasmin believes that moving to UNITY's 'sky city' might be the only way to stay safe, but she doesn't know how badly she's needed on the ground right now...
[color="Blue"]Now, O Israel, the Lord who created you says: "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." (Isaiah 43:1)[/color]
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Postby Strafe » Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:53 pm

Ooh... I like end of the world RPs... And so I will resurrect the character I have beaten to death in my end of the world fic (The world ended, and everyone died a meaningless death tragically), but still can't get enough of, The schizophrenic, multiple personality homeless anarchist murderer, Santa Claus, and his wayward mute "daughter", Shizuka. They appear here:
Beware though, I get really busy very quickly so I may pop in and out.

name: Either Nicholas or Santa Claus. Doesn't really matter since he doesn't have a name anyways.

age: Maybe 30, maybe 40, something in between?

gender: Male

ethnic: Caucasian, with blue eyes and snow white hair. Understand that he is not fat, and looks nothing like Santa Claus in actuality. He is actually a rather attractive man.

particular skills: None. Capabilities of a regular man?

combat skills: Nothing special.

weapons: Whatever he can pick up. It varies, since he seems to carry guns alot, but is not limited to anything.

clothing: Business suits. Always business suits. Always a red santa hat too.

bio: Nicholas is nearly impossible to accurately describe in a paragraph. His character is so twisted, that I don't quite understand it myself. I guess the best way to put it is that Nicholas is the incarnation of pure evil in the guise of an extremely kind man. He has multiple personalities that pop up, but both are ruthlessly murderous. Nicholas doesn't quite seem aware that he even exists, and doesn't move according to thought. It is debatable whether or not he thinks. He has no memories, and sort of just exists. He may or may not be immortal, as he has "died" numerous times. It should be noted that one of Nicholas' personalities is that of a very kind man who kills people while having the innocent smile of an angel. His other personality is a purely ruthless lack of thought mass murderer. The only thing that may or may not make him human is his connection to his self-proclaimed "daughter" Shizuka.

name: Shizuka Otonashi (It's a rather dumb pun, I know.)

age: 12

gender: Female

ethnic: Japanese- Black Hair with chestnut highlights, tied in a bow. Brown eyes. Short, thin.

particular skills: Seems to be very intelligent.

combat skills: None.

weapons: None.

clothing: A school uniform, even though she does not go to school.

bio: Shizuka is a mute, but bright and cheerful girl, who regards the killer known as Nicholas as her real father, caring for him very much, turning a blind eye to his crimes for some reason. Her story is very tragic, and will be alluded to in the RP.

As it is, they'll jump in, and we'll see what happens. hehe...
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Postby raider~joseph » Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:34 pm

In theory this could be one of the BEST characters i have seen only kill npcs though with the exception of winters and otis....i leave you to it.(i need those 2 npcs storyline purposes.)
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Postby Strafe » Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:56 pm

Lol. Thanks. I'll work hard to try and make the theory work out then.
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