The Shadow of the Ninjas

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Hidden Ninja, Flying Kunai!

Postby Arya Raiin » Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:59 pm

(Okay, since Fire Song didn't get enough players, I'm trying again. *weeps for the dragon rpg*)

In the region of the Shadow Ninjas, there has been recent trouble, ending up in their whole clan except the few who escaped the attack, destroyed. The Ninjas of the Vines immediately claim that the Ninjas of the Blaze were the ones who eliminated the Shadow Ninjas. A mysterious assassin ninja who wore the clothes of the Blaze comes and tries to kill the leader of the Vines.

The next day, the Vines met with the Blaze and declare war. Preparations for the war are made, and soon a battle will take place. The Shadow ninja quickly seek refuge, not wishing to be caught up in the war.

After many years of war, the ninja who sent the assassin in found, and to everyone's shock it is a Shadow ninja, who also confesses he eliminated the other Shadow ninjas. He disappeared before he could be captured. He hide, waiting for a chance to use the mass army he had accumulated to elliminate out the other ninjas who opposed him... a mysterious grudge urging him on.

100 years later:
The treachery of the Shadow ninja have long been forgotten and the ninjas live in peace. However trouble arises when a massive black dragon with 19 heads attacks the Vine and they barely manage to survive, but only thanks to the Shadow ninja, though resulting in the ninja who was supposed to be the leader of the Shadow. The Shadow ninja spread out even more, and a scarce few are left that are truly Shadow ninjas. Was the dragon destroyed? No one really knows...

Present day:
A ninja with remarkable abilities is training at ninja school of the Vine who can control several elements, including the Shadow ninja's special technique. People wonder who... or what... he is and begin to treat him unfairly. He wonders alone, not having may friends. He manages to eventually graduate. Then he is apprenticed with a few other ninja to a well known Elite and begins to become friends with the team mates.

In the Region of Fire, the blaze also have an unusual ninja arising that many fear. He is said to be the true heir to the Shadow ninjas. He continues to grow becoming stronger and stronger, but with out a friend, even when he graduates and is apprenticed to and Elite ninja and other students.

So since that's so much (and kind of sadly composed :sniffle:) I'll do a summary:

If you are a Naruto fan or an Avatar fan you'll understand this very well.

Shadow Ninja: Mysterious and feared, they tend to have jet black hair. The control shadows and have amazing amounts of energy and also can use a move that makes the enemy freeze with fear. They have hidden themselves as the other ninjas, so they wear their uniform.

Vine Ninja: Yes, your all around ninja. Well rounded capabilities and are experts at energy attacks (also can use vines to ensnare their enemies) They formally wear black and green.

Blaze Ninja: They can only light fire and help bend it to their will (only they can use fire attacks). (However a fire can become to intense that they could lose control of the flame.). They tend to be a little temperamental. They normally wear black and red.

Mystery Ninja: These guys are mysterious, and are rarely seen. Are they the baddies or are they the good guys? Who knows... (pm me if you want to play one.) They dress like citizens or as other ninja groups.


Vine teacher

Blaze teacher

2+ apprentices to the Vine teacher

2+ apprentices to the Blaze teacher

2+ mystery ninjas

Elites (they protect the village and do missions and stuffs)

Sorry guys that this doesn't give you that much detail about the RPG it's self, though I do want it to be mysterious.



Rank/position: (also put, if you're a shadow ninja, if you live with the Blaze or Vine)

Kind of Ninja:




Okay, thanks for joining. Let me know if you've got questions! ^_^
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Postby Arya Raiin » Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:00 pm

*pant pant* that was a lot of typing. By the way... the title of the RPG might be changed.
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Postby S.M.O.G. » Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:13 pm

I'd play it, but I recommend at least changing some of the names (Chakra, Hokage, Leaf ninjas, ect.) to avoid being to similar to Naruto. The plot seems a bit similar to Naruto, but I'm not sure ther's much you could do to that without reworking the entire game.

In short, a few quick adjustments and once the game gets going, It won't seem like Naruto that much. :)

Btw, I'd like to play as a Mystery Ninja if the game gets going.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sat Sep 19, 2009 5:45 pm

Thanks S.M.O.G, I was half-way asleep when I wrote that too. :lol:

Yes, you can be a Mystery Ninja. :thumb:

Now... for my characters...

Name: Narizi Samaki

Gender: Male

Rank/position: Vine Teacher (vine)

Kind of Ninja: Shadow

Age: 22

Description: Tall, black haired Caucasian, has dark blue eyes.

Bio: He is one of the few Shadow ninjas who still knows who... and what, he is.

Name: Hatiyaka Kakimi

Gender: Female

Rank/position: Blaze Teacher

Kind of ninja: Shadow/Blaze

Age: 21

Description: Normal height, red hair, icy blue eyes.

Bio: She doesn't really know that she's a shadow ninja. (For her, I'm not giving much info.)

Name: Saske Sakari

Gender: female

Rank/position: Apprentice to the vine

Kind of ninja: Vine

Age: 14

Description: Tall, thin, and dark brown hair. She has yellow eyes and tends to wear dark colored or black clothes.

Bio: (will be revealed)

New title for RPG: Hidden Ninja, Flying Kunai!
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:12 pm

Name: Sasaria Katsu

Gender: female

Rank/Position: Elite

Kind Of Ninja: Mystery/Vine

Age: 21

Description: straight shoulder-length bronze-blonde hair usually pulled back into a spiky ponytail with sky blue eyes and a fair complection, wears the Vine Ninja uniform.

Bio: will reveal throughout RP

Name: Kaji Yaiba

Gender: male

Rank/Position: Elite

Kind Of Ninja: Blaze

Age: 21

Description: spiky black hair with red highlights, jade green eyes and a somewhat tan complection, wears the traditional black and red Blaze uniform

Bio: will reveal throughout RP
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:16 pm

Accepted. :thumb:
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:26 pm

Name: Serak-norit-terak (Sera for short)

Gender: Female

Rank/position: Vine apprentice

Kind of Ninja: Vine (obviously)

Age: 14

Description: Serak, living with a ruthless family of warriors, never grew up with girlish things. She's as strong as an male and can probably run circles around them too. Her hair, being groomed for combat and not looks, is straw colored, cut short, and a little messy. She stands about 5'4 and has purple eyes.

Bio: Born into a family where strength and combat prowess is the only worth you have, she was trained from an early age and never given a chance to be a kid like she is. Though she's an amazing warrior in a fight, she may be prone to trying out fun things when she sees them, since she hasn't gotten to try them before.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:29 pm

Hmm... accepted (thought the name might be a little strange... but since you shortened it to "Sera".) :thumb:
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:33 pm

Name: Nadya Yakov
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Ninja type: Shadow
Rank/position: Elite
Lives: With Vine Ninjas.

Description: She has semi-short black hair, always pulled up in a ponytail. She has fierce blue, intimidating eyes. She is 5'7, fair skinned, and she is very tone. Also, she looks Russian.

Personality: She can come off as uncaring at times. She can be very harsh and rough. She dislikes showing weakness, and failing at a task. She is definitely an achiever.

Bio: In game =]


Name: Maxine Heartly
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Ninja type: Vine
Rank/position: Elite.

Description: She has short dirty blond hair, and charming green eyes. She's 5'5, light skinned, and she is lean. She looks British.

Personality: Very energetic and kind. Loves making friends and helping.

Bio: She was adopted into the Yakov family. The rest will be revealed later. =]


BTW, I have a question. How does the Ninja types work? Are they born with the abilities, or is it learned?
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Postby Strafe » Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:44 pm

I would join this if I could, but I don't have the time. I barely have time for Memento Mori. sorry.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:04 pm

Accepted. The ninjas learn the abilities from their mentor, though they start out with the capability from the get go... but they can't really use it.

I understand Strafe! I wish ya could join too, but oh well. :(

Alright, I'm submitting the rpg!
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:08 pm

Hooray! :3
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Postby Arya Raiin » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:28 pm

Also, I've decided (unless someone really wants to) that I'm going to make the number of Blaze apprentices only one, in which I will play.

Name: Makiyaki Saruki

Gender: male

Rank/position: Blaze apprentice

Kind of Ninja: Blaze/shadow

Age: 15

Description: Tall Caucasian with black hair and bright red tips with orange eyes. He wears black and red, but doesn't tend to wear the traditional Blaze uniform. He always has a kunai knife in his pocket.

Bio: He doesn't know he's a shadow ninja... except for the fact that he's extremely powerful.
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Postby goldenspines » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:32 pm

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Postby Arya Raiin » Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:45 pm

Thanks Goldie!

Name: Shariku

Gender: female

Rank/position: elite

Kind of Ninja: mystery/blaze

Age: 20

Description: tall, green eyes, and auburn hair. She wears black and red.

Bio: (to be revealed)
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:38 pm

How many characters can we make?
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:50 pm

OK, here's my ninja:
Name: Maboroshi (means "illusion" in Japanese)

Gender: female

Rank/position: elite

Kind of Ninja: mystery

Age: 19

Description: Has blue eyes and blue hair. She stands about 5' tall and has brown skin.
Bio: She trained all her life and got through the academy pretty quickly. She has the ability to become invisible.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:09 pm

Name: Watanabe Matsu (call him Matsu)

Gender: Male

Rank/type: Vine Elite

Age: 26

Powers/Personality: A master of disguising himself as plants, he hides in forests and on lawns equally well, looking like nothing more than a pine tree or uneven spot in the grass. It helps that he's patient. Very patient. In the unlikely event that he fails the first try at something, he doesn't try again, because the moment he worked so hard to get has been ruined. He rarely speaks, and when he does, it's only to spout bizarre aphorisms that, at first, sound incredibly profound, then, under further inspections, turn out to be nonsense.

Appearance: Brown, green-tipped hair, brown eyes. Somewhat on the short side. Wears something like a Marine's ghille suit, with brown-green strands and mesh hanging from the usual Vine uniform; wields a leather sling, which he uses to sling shurikens and smoke devices around, and a dagger or two in his sleeves.

Bio: He's trained for years as a ninja, improving his camoflauge and subterfuge skills. Some may believe he has surpassed the Vine masters in that way, but he knows he's got a long way to go, as the masters have proven to him over and over again.

Anyway, there y'go. I'm not a Naruto fan or anything, but ninjas are cool (better than pirates, at least), so there we go.
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Postby Arya Raiin » Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:01 pm

Davidizer13 (post: 1346701) wrote:Name: Watanabe Matsu (call him Matsu)

Gender: Male

Rank/type: Vine Elite

Age: 26

Powers/Personality: A master of disguising himself as plants, he hides in forests and on lawns equally well, looking like nothing more than a pine tree or uneven spot in the grass. It helps that he's patient. Very patient. In the unlikely event that he fails the first try at something, he doesn't try again, because the moment he worked so hard to get has been ruined. He rarely speaks, and when he does, it's only to spout bizarre aphorisms that, at first, sound incredibly profound, then, under further inspections, turn out to be nonsense.

Appearance: Brown, green-tipped hair, brown eyes. Somewhat on the short side. Wears something like a Marine's ghille suit, with brown-green strands and mesh hanging from the usual Vine uniform]

Nice post! Accepted.

rocklobster (post: 1346697) wrote:OK, here's my ninja:
Name: Maboroshi (means "illusion" in Japanese)

Gender: female

Rank/position: elite

Kind of Ninja: mystery

Age: 19

Description: Has blue eyes and blue hair. She stands about 5' tall and has brown skin.
Bio: She trained all her life and got through the academy pretty quickly. She has the ability to become invisible.

Accepted, as long as you'll clarify one thing... who do you stay with??
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:03 am

Is it okay if she's a loner? I don't get your question.
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Postby Derek_Is_Me » Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:16 am

Name: Tenri Kazama
Gender: Male
Rank/position: Unknown
Kind of Ninja: Mystery/Blaze
Age: 26
Description: Short red hair with a silver streak going down the left side of his head. Has a scar going down his left forearm. And stands at 5"10.
Bio: Unknown
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Postby Arya Raiin » Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:06 pm

rocklobster (post: 1346793) wrote:Is it okay if she's a loner? I don't get your question.

I'm cool with her being a loner. I was wondering if you're hiding with the Vine or Blaze, but since she's a loner that answers the Q.

Alright D-chan, accepted.
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Postby S.M.O.G. » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:08 pm

Sorry it took so long Arya. I'm kinda tired so sorry for any typos or whatever...

Name: Kioshi

Gender: Male

Rank/position: Mystery

Kind of Ninja: Mystery

Age: 19

Description: Has pale skin and white hair, tall, skinny but muscular. Wears combat boots, black skinny pants and a black tight shirt with a hood and a collared vest to carry all his smaller tools.. Carries two black swords on his back, one katana and one ninjato.

Bio: Mysteryious, nobody knows anything about his past. He just seemed to show up in the village. He is known for never using more power than needed in battle unless he's really ticked off, so his true streangth is unknown.

Slightly anitisocial. Stratigically brilliant. Is willing to do almost anything to stop what he believes is evil and protect what he belives to be good.

I don't quite get how powers work in this. Do we just decide which ones we want?
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Postby Arya Raiin » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:17 pm

Accepted. To answer your question, you've got the powers you want (however, make it reasonable.)
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