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Weirdest/scariest dreams?

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Postby Lilac#18 » Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:47 am

Tsukuyomi (post: 1348279) wrote:Oh wow, do you know what might of stopped them ^^?

I think it was everyday or almost everday, I can't remember exactly. I know I had those dreams alot though. On how it stopped, I don't know.
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Postby thisiskris89 » Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:43 pm

just recently i had a weird/sad dream,idreamt i was pregnant than i gave birth to a...bycicle...that turned into a hanger for clothes...then im like what am i gonna tell my husband?
then i wake upT_T
i hate weird stuff like dat!
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Postby Squeakmaster » Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:37 pm

I had an insane dream last night...I can't remember a lot of it, but I remember my...male friend (read: boyfriend...ugh, can't stand that word, though) was in there...=D I was happy in it...I think there was a dragon, too...we may have been on a quest or journey of some sort...*shrug*

I've had a lot of dreams with him in them lately...they were all rather nice, too. XD
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:37 pm

I had a dream.

Somehow, me and one two of my friends had gone back to the place AWAcon was held at. Only one of them had come along irl, tho. Even though AWA had been over for 2 weeks there were still a few cosplayers hanging around in their costumes. All the rooms were being used for other things that were scheduled in the weeks after, but these people were still hanging around. My friend was dressed like L, and we ran into like, 5 other Ls and they all got together... I even found that one female L cosplayer and her friend cosplaying as Misa who had been hanging around with us on the 2nd day. :3 Then somehow my 2 friends ran off and started goofing off hiding and crap, and i stumbled into some big mafia dealing while I was looking for them. I accidentally picked up a briefcase thinking it was my laptop, but it was something they needed, and i went to find my friends. I find them, and we're getting back into the car to leave, and then these guys in black suits with sunglasses come out of the building and start shooting at us... O.o Anyway, we floor it and get the crap outta dodge. we end up on this bridge that's under construction, being chased by the guys in black sedans... and my mind causes the scene where Kyle Hyde shoots Bradley to play... and everything got all messed up after they randomly drove over the side of the bridge and got buried in an ocean of sand... XD

So yeah, that's my story.
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Postby Dante » Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:02 pm

I actually have a dream, it's not particularly scary, but rather re-occurrent, in other words I've likely had it at least 5 times in my life over the period of years. The situation changes, one time I was in a massive field of bright green grass looking off towards the horizon, another time I was in the middle of Phoenix at ASU and there were other times too, with this latest one being at my parents house (my second home away from Flagstaff) in Phoenix.

The thing that is recurrent though, about these dreams is a massive storm, one capable of turning the day into literal night it is so black, it blows cold wind slightly but nothing massive, like it's ready to burst but only building up, but the thing that always sticks out is the lightening. It was massive and in a bright red color and if it strikes the ground, red lightening in these dreams is always capable of doing far more damage then a regular bolt. If for instance it hits a building it can completely obliterate it and the entire square block around it. It's such a common occurance apparently in my dreams that I know instinctively in my dreams if I see it to be afraid of it, if it were to hit down the block, it could literally kill my character in the dream.

It's rather strange because the storms always move VERY fast, they are very turbulent and that red lightening is starting to get on my nerves because it occurs too often. Last night I remember specifically it lit up an entire row of mamatus clouds and the weather man had forcasted something about the jet stream dropping all the way down into Mexico and rising up from the south bringing in HUGE storms. They'd form out of nowhere in a single dream about 3 would pass over with more to come. I was trying to photograph them but some of these things would hit really close (but luckily were white in color) and scared me back for a while.

Anyone else dream about red lightening? Is yours as explosively deadly as mine (as in if it's purple or white we're all cool, but if red run for cover).

By the way, I dream in full color for the most part so it isn't as though my color vision is limiting the color of the lightning. I had purple lightening, the jetstream was blue and the grass in the previous dream was REALLY green.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:14 pm

Kinda recently, a reoccurring theme is I'm always at my old house and outside ^^ I'm staring up into the night sky full (I mean full) of stars ^__^ The would seem so close and clear ^^ I'm also always (I mean ALWAYS) rushing and scrambling to get my camera to take pics of teh beautiful scenery, but I couldn't quiet find my camera 8( Or, when I do find it, the clouds set in and cover up the stars >8(

I kinda wonder what will happen if I did get a picture of the scene in my dream o.O? Maybe, I would stop having those dreams completely, but I don't want that to happen >__<

The reason why I think that may happen is because that's what happened when I saw a lit up carnival (especially a ferris wheel) 8( I used to always have dreams where I'm traveling and would see one here and there at night ^^ They looked so pretty at night ^^ All lit up and stuff 8D Then, I saw one coming back home from a relative's house and after that, I never had one again >8( For a long long long time that is, but I still don't have those dreams as often anymore 8(
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Postby Acolyte » Sat Oct 03, 2009 8:35 pm

the other night i dreamed my car was an ambulance and my best friend was sitting in the back writing novels in programming code. i asked her why and she said to go ahead and drive. so we drove to pick somebody who was hurt and when we got there there there was only an old lady who gave us a loaf of bread....
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Postby ashfire » Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:30 am

What about dreams where you feel you are looking into what someone else is doing. What they are doing is a story to you.
I had one this morning about two sisters one older and the other younger and both of them are into mischief.
I also had a dream where I am walking home and the way keeps changing. Walking down steps to ducking through bushes.
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Postby Lilac#18 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:25 pm

I had a dream this morning that the moon blown up. It happened twice. The second time was later on in the dream. The moon caught on fire and it looked like the sun up close then it blow up.
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Postby Squeakmaster » Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:14 pm

I had a dream once where the Moon and the Sun just stopped. Like, stopped. On one side of the world it was permanently day, and on the other side, it was always night. With no in the middle, either, cause half my town was dark and the other half was was awesome. There was a pool on the border and people were swimming between the dark and the light...I was running around like a maniac with a bunch of other Band Geeks. It. Was. GREAT.
[color="Lime"]To ten million fireflies,
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:14 pm

@Acolyte: Lol, a loaf of bread XDD? Well, that's better then someone actually being hurt XDDD

I had a weird dream yesterday morning and even said to myself (in my head) after the dream was over,"I have to post this in the Weirdest Scariest Dreams Therad." XDDD;

I was in town (this seems to be one of my dream themes) and running around with friends from school.

I guess something was going down.. My friend watched and waited to attack another.. Not just attack, but killed this other friend o.O

Actually, I'm not sure if it was a game to see if we could change what happened o.O It was weird XDDD

So, after we replayed what went down, we would find different ways to intersect friend one, so he wasn't able to get to friend two ^^ There were two other outcomes, but both had other bad effects :-?

I guess, a lesson I can learn from that dream is that you can't change one thing without changing other things ^^? Or, something like that ^^
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Postby Peanut » Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:11 pm

I had a dream today/yesterday that was sort of funny (to me in the dream actually...) but is also rather disturbing (mostly because I was laughing at it in my dream...and after I awoke...not sure why...).

Basically, it was a dream where I was watching this movie that involved a guy who liked a girl and had become a rather close friend however she wasn't really interested in him and was instead dating this other dude who she sort of randomly met. At the end of the movie, the guy concedes defeat to the boyfriend outside of some random hotel without realizing that the girl has actually developed feelings for him. The boyfriend leaves him and walks across the street to talk said girl and, as it turns out, he was really dating her to get her to date someone else (like a mob boss or something). However because she lost interest in him, he's decided to force her blowing up the hotel, killing the her close friend who has feelings for her and then mentioning that he has planted a small amount of explosives on her which will kill her if they are set off. She gets a call from his boss, which he answers, signaling that the boss is going to show up. He shows up, pulls out a remote presses it causing the explosives on the girl to go off, killing her. He then points the remote at the rather, freaked out lackey and the same thing happens to him. I, in the dream, start laughing. I wake up, and even now, am sort of chuckling about this whole dream. I think there were some other things that caused me to laugh at this since its actually kind of tragic, and yet...I'm really not sure.

Edit:Actually, while we are on the topic of dreams, I had a dream yesterday where my right hand had become leprous and I could no longer move it. So I went to a leper colony with some friends...and then joined the leper colonies football team...Ok, I think my laughter for the last dream might just be because I didn't laugh at this dream until just now when I realized how truly ridiculous it is XD
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:45 pm

[quote="Tsukuyomi (post: 1349594)"]@Acolyte: Lol, a loaf of bread XDD? Well, that's better then someone actually being hurt XDDD

I had a weird dream yesterday morning and even said to myself (in my head) after the dream was over,"I have to post this in the Weirdest Scariest Dreams Therad." XDDD]

Sounds like you were watching too much Higurashi. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Corkyspaniel » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:57 pm

[color="Pink"] Okay... :) So, I watched this show the other day in real life about transgender people (I was flipping and couldn't figure out if the people I saw were male or female.). The following night, I dreamed that, not only had I turned into a guy, but I was naked...everywhere I went. I walked around my school as a naked boy. XD You can imagine the reaction. Here it is: o.0[/color]
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Postby Fish and Chips » Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:04 pm

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:10 pm

Corkyspaniel (post: 1350099) wrote:[color="Pink"] Okay... :) So, I watched this show the other day in real life about transgender people (I was flipping and couldn't figure out if the people I saw were male or female.). The following night, I dreamed that, not only had I turned into a guy, but I was naked...everywhere I went. I walked around my school as a naked boy. XD You can imagine the reaction. Here it is: o.0[/color]

Lol, I had a dream like that after watching "The Hot Chick"... xDDD; I was like,"Where did this come from o.O?" hahahahaha, yeah.. XDDD;
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Postby Lilac#18 » Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:43 pm

Last satuday (11/28), I had this very weird dream. I was married to a guy that goes to my church (who I havn't called in a long time in real life). I don't know where we were, but we were in some building dressed up then we came out. (I was wearing some gold wedding ring that covered almost my whole ring finger and it had a few small diamonds on it). All of a sudden, he falls asleep on my shoulder while we were walking. So, I had to drag him on my back and find our car, but I didn't know what car we drove in (which is funny, I know lol). There were people trying to guess which car belong to us. Then some girl in her late teens or young adult woman, trys to unravel my wrist band (I don't have one in real life). I said "Don't unravel it" and she said something like "I know what I'm doing." I said "Make sure my husband doesn't fall of my back" and she said "He won't, I'm watching him." I turned around to look at him and he open his eyes then closed them. Across the street from us, some dogs, cats, birds and giant mouse trys to get in some building. The dream cuts off back to my present life with me at home with my teenage niece and teenage sister sitting on the couch.
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Postby ashfire » Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:48 pm

I had a dream a few weeks back about a new building close to finish for it to be ready for use. Well someone in the dream was my former supervisor who had retired two years ago and had died this year from cancer.
I have had dreams before of people that I knew and had passed appearing in them.
I have heard of a cousin of mine having our grandfather appear in a dream to tell him to go to the farm that he lived on and look for something in one of the outbuildings. He had found something that our grandfather put in a corner and took it home.
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Postby animaniac » Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:07 pm

i have allot of dreams that i dont remember but wake up from that feeling that your falling. i HATE that feeling =(
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Postby Riggidig » Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:31 pm

Saturday night I dreamed my workplace was being robbed. The guy didn't see me coming from behind and when I punched him I actually punched in real life. I hit my bedroom wall and it woke me up.
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Postby steenajack » Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:58 pm

You know, some of you guys should make stories or something with these dreams you have. Some of these stories sound really.....interesting.

I do that with my dreams sometimes. Once I dreamt about this cave that my siblings and I were exploring. This cave was magical, like the wardrobe from Narnia. It had all these items, artifacts, and statues; when you touched them they each did something different. Most were portals to other worlds. I recall that one dog statue (it looked like a pug) that would come to life (in the form of a beagle/weener dog) if you sat on it, and give you a ride around the catacombs of the cave. It was pretty neat. I actually inspired a story after it when I woke up. It was going to have characters that had names like Professer Ronald McDonald, Jaycie Penny, and Fred Meyer. XD. I've changed that story up to a point to were it's a sci-fi series where this group travels to other worlds and dimensions using this technology and these wormhole things. I may just do both ideas.

I recall another dream about these 3 guys that made a giant lawn mower (which looked more like a giant vacuume cleaner), that developed a mind of it's own and ate everything in it's path (including people, and myself.) The three guys try to stop it/ run away, but get eaten anyway. Inside the lawn mover, the guys somehow mange to dodge the strange chopping gadgets inside (which looked to me more like the inside of a car wash....with a rather large chopping blade). I'm inside, safe as well. But then I find a hole in the back of the holding bag, squeeze through, and fly out and away. As I was soaring through the sky, the lawn mower saw me and started to come after me. It was slow, so I had time to fly over a forest to a dock near a swimming lake. I remember it being warm, like summer. I had a hard landing on the paved ground (my dream flying skills still need practice. lol), and tried to run to the lake. But my running was slowed up, due to my fear of the lawn mower getting me literally holding me back. (You know those dreams where you run as hard as you can, but you can't seem to get anywhere?) Anyway, I managed to get into the lake, and dive in. I hold my breath, and stayed underwater. I knew the lawn mower could not come into the water, otherwise it would short circut.) It came by, looked around, then went away. That's when the dream changed...or ended.

I recall having dreams where I'm flying, but whenever I had doubt or fear, I would fall to the ground.
I've had all kinds of weird dreams. I remember when my family and I were being chased by this lime-green, mascot-like, dinosaur. We were cornered on the balcony, and I remember being so scared of what would happen next. Then I realized it was a dream, and I knew how to wake myself up. So I climbed up to the edge of the balcony, and jumped about 2 stories. Before I even hit the ground, I wake up. And I'm happy that the scary lime-green Barney is gone.

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Postby MangArtist » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:00 am

Good to hear I'm not the only one with very random dreams. XD

When I was younger(like 4 or 6) I used to have these re-occurring dreams where I would climb into my family's old van(looked almost like this) and it would kick out of park or something and start driving down a long road while I would be walking around the inside crying and trying to find a way out. The dream would just keep going like that until I woke up. ._. As I got older, the crying was replaced with just being frustrated.
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Postby Silent Seraph » Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:15 am

When i was ten i stayed up till midnight reading Revelation and watching Left Behind i had dreams of the apocalypse that made me wake up screaming for 15 min+ in a cold sweat. Needless to say it freaked lil 10yr old me out.
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Postby steenajack » Sun Dec 13, 2009 2:18 pm

I had a dream once that I was trying to solve mystery with the Scooby-Doo gang. My house was haunted, and Daphne said it was the work of this vampire/werewolf guy. He preys on females once a month during a full moon or something. Daphne and I were both scared, but Daphne knew what to do. She said something about going to a sushi place to hide, since the monster never goes there. I thought that we should go to a jewlery place, since werewolves were repelled by silver. Daphne said the sushi place was better for some reason. I don't remember the rest of the dream, but it was pretty weird. I was curious to see what happened next....even though it was weird. lol :P
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Postby Lilac#18 » Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:56 pm

steenajack wrote:O-O!?!
You know, some of you guys should make stories or something with these dreams you have. Some of these stories sound really.....interesting.

Never thought of that.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:32 pm

steenajack (post: 1360573) wrote:I had a dream once that I was trying to solve mystery with the Scooby-Doo gang. My house was haunted, and Daphne said it was the work of this vampire/werewolf guy. He preys on females once a month during a full moon or something. Daphne and I were both scared, but Daphne knew what to do. She said something about going to a sushi place to hide, since the monster never goes there. I thought that we should go to a jewlery place, since werewolves were repelled by silver. Daphne said the sushi place was better for some reason. I don't remember the rest of the dream, but it was pretty weird. I was curious to see what happened next....even though it was weird. lol :P

Maybe the smell of fish repelled the vampire/werewolf guy XD? That is pretty interesting ^^ What happened at the end ^^? Did you guys end up solving the mystery ^^?

My dreams have been kind "meh" lately, but I do remember dreams where I look in my closet and I have a whole bunch of new cloths. I'd then wake up and they're not there T___T

I'm such a girl.. I was so disappointed XDDD;;
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Postby steenajack » Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:44 pm

My scooby-doo dream wasn't finished before I woke up. :( Oh well, maybe I can write my own fanfic with it's own ending XD! I've had dreams where I would have these really cute clothes, then I'd wake up the next morning to find that I owned no such clothing. T___T .....I feel your pain.
I had 3 other weird dreams last night. I'll only try to explain 2 since they are all kinda hard to explain:

One was with the Fantastic Four. They had somehow traveled to another dimension. Everything there is so different that their powers don't work. (cept' Ben still looked like a giant, orange rock-man) Anyway, only Reed could use his powers. The reason being was due to the fact that he knew all the math and physics of using his powers. So he had to teach the rest of the group all the math equations to their powers so they could use them. And they were all like "AAAAAWWWWWW!!!!! MATH IS SOOOOO BORING!!!!!"
Then the dream kinda changed.

Yah, Intermediate Algebra kinda messed with my head a bit. :sweat:

In this other dream, it involved Batman. I was a photographer for a reporter-thing, taking pictures of his AWESOME backyard. (there were these tree sculpters and stuff). Anyway, there was something about this gang wanting to steal this heart transplant of someone's. (I'm not sure what for, but it was important). Anyway, Batman and Robin had to protect this heart, and I helped out as Impossigirl(character from my manga.)...I think....or I was just watching them. I remember there was some really good anime-like animation in this dream, and I think it actually turned out to be a movie I was watching in my dream. Anyway, somehow these gang members try to frame the whole scheme on Batman and actually catch him (and a bunch of other people). Then......I don't remember what happened next. I think the dream changed to Reed Richards talking about these physics in this other dimension, and how math was in everything and every movement....etc.

Anyway, those are my weird dreams to share with you guys.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:03 pm

I had two weird dreams this morning, but one stood out more then the other ^__^

I was star gazing with some family members and some friends ^__^ We were all just laying on the ground staring up at the night sky ^^ The night was so clear that you could see the stars so clearly ^^ It was also kind of cloudy, but you could still see the stars through them ^^

There was one particular cloud that had a reddish tint to it ^^

Sister: "Does that cloud look like it's full of flames?"

Me: "I wish I had my camera right now."

Sister: "Why?"

Me: "I live for these kind of dreams."

Lol, it's funny how I even mention that I know I'm in a dream within the dream XDDD

Me: "I would always have these type of dreams where there's so many stars in the sky, but I'm unable to get a picture of it."

Sister: "But then the cloud would explode and you'd have to destroy your camera."

Lol, I'm not sure what's up with that last part XDDD;;

You could see the stars so clearly ^___^ So clearly, that you could make out the constellations and I think I saw lines connecting them.. xDDD Oh yeah, there was a number 42 sign in the path of the stars xDDDD; You know those highway signs and stuff you see on the turnpike? Yeah, one of those green signs with the number 42 on it XDDD;

I think I heard Fish's and Peanut's voices in my dream too, so I think they were two of the friends there ^^ I can't remember what they said, though 8(

"I heard when clouds are reddish like that, it means there's going to be a tornado soon."

I think my mom said that and then everyone scattered so scattered onto the bed (yeah, there was a bed... ) xdDD I was all like,"Hey, wait for me O___O

Yeah, I'm weird XDDD;;
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Postby Lilac#18 » Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:56 pm

You're making me want to look at the stars before I go to bed so I can have those dreams.

It's funny that you mention dreams when you're dreaming.:lol:
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Postby steenajack » Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:47 pm

That is strange, normally people don't realize they are dreaming when they're dreaming.
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